
The Writing Team's New Testament Lesson Set Menu

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New Testament Writing Team (WT) Lesson Sets:

Advent: Isaiah Promised, Jesus Fulfilled

  • Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:20-24
    An Advent Lesson set that looks at Isaiah's Old Testament's hope for a Messiah, and the kind of King that was coming to save God's people -- Jesus!

Advent: Mary Accepts, Magnifies, and Ponders

  • Gabriel visits Mary (Luke 1:26-38)
    Mary's Song of Joy (Luke 1: 46-55)
    Mary Treasures and Ponders what the Shepherds say (Luke 2:8-20)

    Who is this young girl chosen by God to give birth to and raise our Lord? Learn how her servant spirit and overflowing heart set the tone for our servant spirit and Christmas celebration.

Shepherds and Angels

  • Luke 2:8-20, the angel appears to the shepherds to announce Jesus' birth.
    Seven lessons -- each featuring something new and different -- just like Baby Jesus himself

The Magi

  • Matthew 2:1-12
    What does it mean to "bow down and worship" him? How are you like a camel? Where is this "east" Matthew talks about? These six workshops feature many creative teaching methods and insights into this familiar story.


Advent: Jesus is Born!

  • Matthew 1:18-25, the angel's announcement to Joseph and Luke 2:1-7, Journey to Bethlehem and Birth in the Manger.

    This set is open to everyone!  

    It's a great example of the creativity and level of detail you'll find in other Team Lesson Sets. Free registration is required to view this set if you are not already a Registered or Supporting Member.

Jesus the Boy in the Temple

  • Luke 2:41-52
    Be like Jesus in Sunday School and in Worship!

The Temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness

  • Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13
    7 creative workshop-style lessons exploring the temptations Jesus faced, and how he may have prepared himself during his time in the wilderness to resist temptation and commit to God's plan.

Jesus Calls the Disciples

  • Luke 5:1-11
    Jesus tells the Disciples to let out their nets and become fishers of people. How are you called? and What are you called to do?

Man Let Down Through the Roof

  • Luke 5:17-39
    Coming early Spring 2025

The Beatitudes

  • Matthew 5:1-12
    Jesus teaches us the kind of attitudes and actions that make us part of his Kingdom.

Jesus and Nicodemus: How to "See" the Kingdom

  • John 3:1-10
    Being "born from above" (or "of the spirit") means seeing the world and others from God's point of view, and that's how you see, understand, and enter Jesus' Kingdom.

More lesson sets below!

WTFreeJoinNow All "WT" lesson plans are broadly-graded and include adaptations for younger and older children, small and large groups, at-home, and those with less time.

WT Bible Backgrounds and lesson plans are ecumenical. We encourage you to tweak them for your denominational perspective (which is easy when you simply copy/paste the text from our site).

WT lesson plans emphasize creative and interactive learning, remembering the passage, and life application.

WT sets offer traditional programs a variety of teaching mediums and techniques to choose from (art, video, drama, etc.) and the option to use them all in a "Workshop Rotation style" Sunday School.

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The Lord's Prayer

  • Matthew 6:5-13
    How and Why do we pray? What did Jesus teach us about prayer and to pray for?

Jesus and Zaccheus

  • Luke 19:1-10
    The powerful and surprising story of Jesus' acceptance and love for those whom others self-righteously exclude as "sinners"

Jesus Feeds the 5000

  • John 6:1-15, and 35
    Jesus the Bread of Life feeds the 5000 and it opens their eyes to who he is. How to you see who Jesus is and have you made him your Messiah?

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

  • WTGoodSamLogo1Luke 10:25-37
    Six creative lessons, including "News Room" Bible games, "Who You Gonna Call?" -- and a geography-inspired art project, plus a children's sermon. Jesus begins the parable discussing The Great Commandment, thus it's included in this set.

Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin

  • Luke 15
    Seven fresh, creative, and very adaptable lesson plans for Sunday School that teach the relentless and joyful love of God for all God's children. Broadly graded for both Rotation-style and traditional Sunday School.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

  • WT-Prodigal-Son-Logo-smLuke 15
    Seven wonderfully creative "Workshop-style" lesson plans that teach what is arguably Jesus' most important and well-known parable. Broadly-graded, they are suitable for both Rotation-style and traditional Sunday schools. Adaptations included with each lesson include those for shorter class times, and for younger and older students. As always, Writing Team lessons include unique activities that make every part of the lesson an engaging learning experience.

Peter Sinks. Jesus Saves!

the story of Peter trying to walk on water

  • Matthew 14:22-33
    We try to walk on water, but we sink. Thank God Jesus is there to catch us. It's a humbling experience, and maybe that's the point. Our faith needs Christ's help and forgiveness.

Kingdom Parables (Mustard Seed, Leaven, Treasure, Pearl)

  • Matthew 13:31-33, 44-46 and Luke 13:18
    What is the kingdom of God like? Where is the Kingdom? And how are we part of it?

Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers

  • Luke 17:11-19
    God's Grace deserves Our Gratitude

Jesus Raises Lazarus (Jesus Raises Us)

  • John 11:1-44
    In one of the most important stories of the New Testament, we learn that Jesus has the power over death and wants to give us life.


from the Writing Team

Palm Sunday ~ Jesus is the One!

  • Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:28-44, John 12:12-19
    Hosanna Hey! The story which begins the events of Holy Week.

Jesus' Last Supper

  • Primary Bible Story: Matthew 26:17-30
    Additional Scriptures Referenced by some lessons in this set:  Exodus 12:1-42 The Passover, Mark 14:12-26,  Luke 22:7-20, John 13:1-30  Jesus washes the disciple's feet, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26  Paul repeats Jesus' "words of institution."

Jesus in Gethsemane

  • Mark 14:32-42
    "Struggle" is an important part of this story - Jesus’ struggles to accept God’s plan, the disciples struggle to stay awake, and we struggle to follow Jesus. God's love is bigger and stronger than whatever you fear.

Jesus Goes to the Cross

  • Mark 15:1-47
    This super-creative set of lessons tackles a long but important story with some creative and kid-friendly techniques.  Among its many great ideas, it includes a Cross Seder Cooking Workshop, and a "Reflection Stations" Workshop that incorporates traditional and contemporary Christian songs.

Mary Magdalene: Meeting Jesus at the Empty Tomb

  • John 20:1-18
    Learn about the woman who was the first witness to Jesus' resurrection and what the Empty Tomb means for us today.

Meeting Jesus on the Road to Emmaus

  • Luke 24:13-35
    Jesus reveals his presence, which gives us the faith and confidence to share the good news with others.

See the "Last Week" Bible illustrations from Annie Vallotton here at

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Peter, do you love me? (feed my sheep!)

  • John 21:1-17
    A rich post-resurrection story featuring the "restoration" of Peter who leaps from his boat to be with Jesus, and then Jesus commands him, "Peter if you love me, feed my sheep!" How excited and ready are you after Easter?

Great Commission and Ascension of Jesus

  • Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 24:36-53; Acts 1:1-11
    Six terrific lesson plans, including a Music-Drama lesson, a "Road Signs" Art Workshop, and an honest review of a dozen Jesus films that depict these stories -with our recommendation for two of them.

Pentecost: Wind, Fire, Faith!

  • Acts 2:1-8, 12-18, 36-47
    A super-creative set of workshops focused on the story and meaning of the Holy Spirit's advent on Pentecost. Includes a blacklight Movement & Music Workshop, a Spirit-powered model rocket launch, and a leaf-blower-inspired Bible Skills & Games Workshop. How and where is the Spirit moving you?

Paul and the Bright Light

  • Acts 9:1-22
    Saul's life and faith were dramatically changed by his encounter with Jesus on the Road to Damascus, and ours can be too!  

Fruit of the Spirit

  • Galatians 5:22-23
    Six wonderfully creative and broadly graded lessons emphasize remembering Paul's nine practical fruits, understanding what each means, and how to live them out.



Images (9)
  • wormy-update-logo
  • Jesus on the Cross illustration by Annie Vallotton
  • Jesus-is-Born-Special
  • WormyPencil-BecomeSM
  • WTGoodSamLogo1
  • WTFreeJoinNow
  • WT-Prodigal-Son-Logo-sm
  • WT-Soar-Scroll
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post


Why hasn't the Writing Team written lesson sets for EVERY popular Bible story?

2 Answers

  1. We are writing more sets! Here's a list of those in production and scheduled to be written.

  2. The Team was originally tasked to write great lesson sets for MAJOR stories that didn't have a lot of good material in the public lesson forums. But, as we've completed "WT" sets for stories that didn't have a lot of great materials in our public forums, we've moved on to the stories that DID have some good ideas in the public forums -- and asked our Writing Team to do even better.

    Of course, what constitutes a "major" story is subjective, but there's a consensus about which 40 or 50 Bible stories are "majors."   

What about "other" Bible stories?

In the Rotation Model, we believe in teaching the "major" stories of the OT and NT for at least four weeks in a row through various workshops. Because we don't change the story every week, we move more slowly and deeper through the Bible than traditional Sunday Schools do. This means we have to PRIORITIZE which stories are important for children to learn, and which are better left for older students and other times and place. That means we "focus on the majors."

A typical Rotation Model Sunday School will teach between 8 and 12 Bible stories a year. That means over 5 years, our elementary students will learn around 50 stories (because some stories repeat, like Advent), and they will learn them in greater depth.

How do we decide which stories to teach in the Rotation Model?  

Among Christian educators, there is a general consensus about the top 40 or so Bible stories that are important to teach to children. The Rotation Model focuses on those, especially because we're going to spend 3 to 5 weeks on each.

The Writing Team follows this consensus list (often called a "Scope and Sequence"), and has prioritized the order of writing based in part on what's already in our public forums. Learn more about the consensus "Scope and Sequence" of major stories a Rotation Sunday School will teach, and how those stories are picked.

Traditional Sunday Schools picking from the Team's sets find super creative options for key Bible stories, and often get inspired to do more than one week on them --because they have the Team's great lessons to do so.

Related Links:

Old Testament Writing Team Lesson Sets

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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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