Note: Although this handout was prepared for having a one room divided into centers, all these center ideas could be used in any rotation workshop (example - all game ideas can be used/set-up in your bible games room).
Updated 2016.
Preschooler’s Workshops
Prepared by:
This handout was put together for a Rotation Seminar Preschool Workshop in 2006 by the following people and based on St. Paul's Preschool Room:
Lois Yellowlees - St. Paul United Church, Bowmanville, Ontario
Luanne Payne - Hampton United Church, Hampton, Ontario
Nancy Clements - Free Methodist
Our History - Lois is a retired teacher who taught Jr & Sr Kindergarten and ran the preschool room at church. Nancy has worked with preschoolers for 40 years in sunday school, never done rotation, but has unbelievable great ideas to bring the story to life for little ones. Luanne helped Lois go from regular sunday school to making her preschool room rotation friendly. At that time Luanne had been doing rotation for 6 years at her church and used her experience from that and from her success with doing centers with 5 & 6 year olds each day at VBS based on one story. We are friends who hope our knowledge is helpful to others working with preschoolers.
Classroom Layout & Center Ideas
How to Do Rotation Stories in One Room
The following is a classroom lesson layout for ages 3 and 4, doing rotation, but in a one room environment (ideas can also be used for those rotating their 3 and 4 year olds in the regular rotation). In this particular set-up children go to the preschool room, attendance is taken, opening worship, offering, prayer, music, storytelling, snack, then centers (workshops), tidy-up time and closing prayer.
Room Layout
For those churches with the luxury of having a large preschool room. Areas of the room are designated as follows: opening worship area, other areas designated as the centers chosen for that month, which could be any four of the following: snack (cooking), art, puzzles, play dough, life, drama, puppets, storytelling, blocks, books, sandbox, water, computer, and painting.
Arrival Time
10:00-10:30 - Parents should bring both 3 and 4 year-olds directly to class until later in the year when we are preparing the older children to go to the Sanctuary first.
10:30-11:40 - Church service (total possible time you have children 80 mins.)
Stickers on an attendance board or use felt church on felt board. Let each child put on a felt child to represent themselves. Sing “This is the day that God has made” , or “I am glad to-day is Sunday” etc. Children who start arriving in class – during this time quiet activities are done, like books, puzzles, play dough, all free play. We also have to mark off on an attendance board that can be transported with us in case of a fire or fire drill.
Teacher/student ratio:
12- 15 children / 2 teachers, 1 parent, 1 teenager. (4 teachers in total for year, set-up schedule among the four). If they have less than 12 children one teacher goes downstairs to help elsewhere, or goes to worship.
Separation Anxiety:
3 year olds can become quite distraught and cry (even off and on for the entire time) – Sept. right through to Christmas for some. This is usually not the case and children only cry until the parent has disappeared. These are usually only the very youngest in your class.
The 3 year-old
Do their attendance and place offering envelopes in a safe place to be collected later. They may have free-play and do “the activity of the day” (if it is a craft or cooking activity) so the 4 year-olds have time to get completed after the worship time.
Preparing 4 year olds for moving into regular rotation
Around the end of April they start staying with parents in the Sanctuary for the first of the service until “story-time” with the minister to become familiar with the adjustment for the following year.
Opening Worship
10:30: – Tidy up Song “This is the Day the Lord has Made” (or song of your choice), at the beginning of the year, just the music is played on the piano while the children tidy-up then take a mat and sit on floor by piano. As time goes on and children become familiar with the song they will learn the words and sing as they clean up.
Once everyone is gathered sing “This is the Day the Lord has Made” altogether (or song of your choice).
Greeting Song:
Wyatt, Wyatt, How are you?
You are my friend and I love (like) you
Wyatt, Wyatt How are you?
Jesus loves me and He loves you
(May choose to just do two last lines)
Call to Worship: Jesus Loves me
Collection: We have children place offering envelopes on table, then pass them to each child so they can be collected at the same time. This just saves somebody from losing their offering and we get to observe the symbolism of giving together. Collect offering envelopes or have children place in offering box.
Sing: - “Penny Song” or “Thank You Song”.
Prayer:- Prayer of Thanksgiving (Blessing on the offering and on the children) Have children repeat after you line by line.
Music Worship Time
Simple songs to familiar tunes with finger plays are good.
Storytelling Time
Storytelling of story (each week done differently over rotation period).
- Read from a large storybook
- Listen to story on computer
- Have a storyteller
- Tell story-children add flannelgraphs
- Watch short video
- Role-play by teacher
- Puppets
- Magnetic board
Snack Time
If they are going to eat the item made in the cooking rotation, the cooking rotation maybe done first as a group. Snack should be eaten after Worship Time even if one of the rotations is cooking. You will need another adult to set up for the snack or watch the oven if something is baking.
Examples: making and baking bread stick crosses for the Last Supper, Fish crackers-disciples or Jonah, or animal crackers-Noah.
Children now go to the 4 centers you have picked from the listed suggestions (see under “CENTERS” below). A mini weekly rotation for them.
I sometimes do real rotation for four weeks just as they do in the older classes, so the students have one “MUST” activity for the day and then they are able to do free choice of other activities in the room, supervised by adults or teens. I would make sure that the one activity that you want them to do for the four weeks is the first “must” that you introduce. i.e. drama/role playing. I would make sure that the rest of the classroom was set up to reflect the topic.
I sometimes do a cumulative story because I do not like my children to think that Jesus went from a baby to the cross. So we try to follow the Life of Jesus, as a baby being taken to the temple (like we are baptized), playing, going to school, disobeying (Temple at twelve) becoming a man who is a great Teacher who wanders doing miracles and healing the sick to the total Easter Story. Each step is reviewed many times as we proceed. Palm Sunday (which we celebrated before Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Crucifixion (which we did the Sunday before Good Friday) Easter Sunday, The Road to Emmaus, Breakfast with Jesus, etc.
Tidy-Up Time
Starts when first parent appears or if we are lucky about timing, we clean up ahead of time, using the Clean-up Song. Children gather again at piano and any handout or take-homes are given out. We try to reinforce the story by reading a different book or by questions and review before the children go home.
Closing Prayer
We thank you God
For this good day
For time to learn
And work and play
Have a worship area for your opening, designate 4 other areas as your weekly centers, these can change weekly or monthly depending on the activities you find available for the particular story you are doing. Follow along with whatever the rest of the Sunday school is doing; just modify for your age group. Your snack area may be also used for cooking, puzzles, etc.
Set-Up Options
- 4 designated workshop centers are set-up in same room and children rotate with a leader (approx. 10 mins per center).
- Have one main centre where students are called to work with an adult and other centers set up to reflect the theme and students have free choice, an adult can be designated to reflect on the story and guide the play at each center.
Below is a list of quick links to different Centers includes activity suggestions, supplies and resources:
- Art / Craft
- Paint
- Playdough
- Dress-Up (Life Center)
- Puppets
- Blocks
- Sandbox
- Water
- Puzzle
- Memory / Matching
- Books
- Story Table
Other Ideas for your preschool room and materials.