
Other Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching The Anointing of David in Sunday School.

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Anointing of David, 1 Samuel 16, etc.
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Original Post
Anointing of David
Music Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
The children will reflect on what God saw in David and then create music on handbells for the 23rd Psalm

We are just finishing a very popular music workshop with our children using bells and chimes which our church already owns. You could also use boomwackers - much less expensive. We are hoping to expand our children's bell choir and this was a great way to introduce them to it. Kids were very eager to get to this workshop!

Scripture Reference:
1 Samuel 16:1-13

Memory Verse:
The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7b (NIV)

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the rotation, the students will
  • be able to locate the book of 1 Samuel in the Old Testament.
  • be able to retell the story of Samuel anointing David in their own words.
  • learn that the shepherd boy David will become Israel's greatest king, and, more importantly, an ancestor of the Messiah.
  • learn that God judges people by what is inside them, not by their looks or talent or age or place in the family.
  • learn that God chooses leaders by their character, so that even ordinary people with great character can be great leaders in God’s Kingdom.

Leader Preparation:
  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • Bibles
  • Hand Bells

Greet the children and introduce yourself.
Open with a prayer.
Dig-Main Content and Reflection:
The Story:
Use the Adventure Bible to show children where 1 Samuel is located (Old Testament).
Read with lots of expression from the Good News Bible 1 Samuel chapter 16:v1-13. Ask the children to listen for details about hearts, appearances and music.

Saul was a tall handsome king. Samuel may have been trying to find someone who looked like Saul to be Israel’s next king, but God warned him against judging by appearance alone. Appearance doesn’t reveal what people are really like or what their true value is. God judges by faith and character, not appearances. And because only God can see on the inside, only he can accurately judge people. Most people spend hours each week maintaining their outward appearance: they should do even more to develop their inner character. While every one can see your face, only you and God know what your heart really looks like.
  • What do you think this means? – “What your heart really looks like” - describe what a goodhearted person would be like - how can you be a good hearted person?
  • Why did God choose David to be King? (because God could see that David had a “Heart” for God) do you think God could chose you to do a job? – What could you do for God
(use the bell that is hanging in the case) When you look at this bell – it looks very attractive on the outside.
  • from your knowledge of the sound of a bell – describe what you think it would sound like when it is rung
  • This particular bell has no “heart” or clapper Like King Saul in our story – this “heartless” bell would not make a good sound – Saul was not a good king.  What part of your faith might you be "missing" such that your faith doesn't feel real or complete?   How is the church a collection of bell parts?  
  • When a handbell is manufactured it is not attractive – it is gray and dull – but then it is polished in special way - which part of the bell is polished first? (The inside to ensure that the bell will have the best sound) – once again we see that what is on the inside is most important. How does God polish US?
  • Sometimes our bells don’t sound quite right – what do you think is the most important thing to do – polish them or have the insides tuned?  How do we "tune" our lives to God?  Where do we learn the right "note"?  (A tuning fork might be handy here to demonstrate).
When a musician writes a song today – how does he choose what he wants the words to say? (normally something he feels strongly about – has emotions about)
David was also a musician and wrote many poems and songs which are in the book of the bible called PSALMS (the very centre or “heart” of the bible) -
What things do you think he felt strongly about? (things he had done wrong, people that bugged him, doubts, fears, praise and thanks to God, how his life had changed because of his friendship with God)
Psalm 23 is one of the most famous psalms – in it David talks about God being his shepherd and leading him like he is one of Gods sheep.
Today we are going to make some beautiful music to psalm 23 with the “hearts” of our bells.
Make up chords to ring to Psalm 23 on page 12 of “Wee Sing” Bible songs music book

  • website / River Community church
  • Tyndale Life Application Study Bible

A lesson posted by member Nanci H.

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

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