
This forum is part of's Palm Sunday to Easter Morning forum of resources. In addition to the public lessons and ideas posted below, be sure to see our Writing Team's extra special lessons: Last Supper ~ Lord's Supper Lesson Set.

The image pictured right is from's Annie Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection.


The Writing Team has written a Last Supper Seder for its "Cooking" workshop lesson. It comes with a script for students to use. Supporting Members can read/print it at

The Team also wrote a Seder-like lesson that creatively walks through the Story of the Cross using foods and a script. Supporting Members can read/print it at

A Passover - Seder Lesson

Compiled from various sources with some original material added by Neil MacQueen. This is a simplified version for Sunday School use. Modify as you see fit. I've done a Seder with my Sunday School and family groups several times, each time a bit different.

A Seder is a ritual reading and use of food to retell the Passover story, before, during, and after the festive Passover meal itself.  The following is a Christianized version of the Seder for use with children.

Setting the Table:
You will need to provide the following to be used for both the meal and the ritual liturgy.

  • An Egg lightly roasted (hardboiled)
    Meat, preferably lamb, but roast beef can be substituted.
  • Charoset ('ha-ro-set' --easily made of grated apple, graham crackers and cinnamon.)
  • Chazeret (A vegetable such as lettuce.)
  • Karpas... lettuce leaves to be dipped in the salt water during one of the four questions.
  • Maror... the bitter herb - parsley dipped in vinegar or horseradish.
  • A bowl of salt water should be placed on the table, and a bowl of horseradish.
  • Cups of water and towels will be needed for the hand washing ceremony.
  • Pita bread (goes good with the meal and is more palatable than matzah for children)
  • Matzah bread ....the unleavened bread that’s like a cracker. Look for it in the ethnic foods section of your grocery.
  • Grapes round out the meal
  • Grape Juice ...instead of wine. You’ll need enough for each participant to have two glasses. Use goblets.

Set an empty spot at the head of the table for Elijah the greatest prophet. He is the hoped-for visitor at every Passover, the herald of the coming Kingdom of God.

The Seder Plate:
The Passover Meal in the middle of our Seder consisted of a kid-friendly menu of chicken or roast beef, hardboiled eggs, fruit salad, grape juice, grapes, and lots of pita bread.
In addition to the above items, prepare one special centerpiece plate, “the Seder plate” with the following items. Each has a significance in the Passover meal which can be explained during the meal.

  1. Z'roah. Roasted shankbone of lamb or chicken neck. Symbolizes the paschal sacrifice at the Holy Temple in Jerusalem on the afternoon before Passover.
  2. Baytzah. Hard-boiled egg. Represents the festival sacrifice brought at the Holy Temple.
  3. Morror. Bitter herbs cut into small pieces. Or grated, fresh horseradish. Demonstrates the suffering of the Jews in Egypt.
  4. Charoset. A mixture of finely chopped apples, cinnamon and graham crackers to suit children’s tastes. Resembles mortar used by Israelites to make bricks while enslaved in Egypt.
  5. Karpas. Either parsley, celery, lettuce or potatoes may be used.
  6. Chazeres. Romaine lettuce (or fresh horseradish), used as morror in the "sandwich" later on in the Seder.

A Seder - Passover - Last Supper - Communion Meal

The evening begins with everyone putting on costumes and then helping set all the tables. Setting the tables begins the process of focusing on the special-ness of the night.

After the table is set, everyone gathered for the opening.

1. The ‘Kiddush’––the FIRST cup of Blessing

LEADER: We begin with a blessing....the ‘Kiddush’––the FIRST cup of Blessing
Please repeat after me:

Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvo-tav, v'tzivanu
al n'tee-las yadayim.

LEADER: Which means We praise you, Adonai, majestic sovereign of all life, Who hallows our lives with commandments and bids us wash our hands.

All hold their cups in the right hand. Everyone then drinks the majority of their FIRST CUP while leaning to their left. Everyone then washes their hands. Water is poured from a cup, twice on the right hand and twice on the left. A bowl is underneath to catch the water, and the oldest at the table dries each person’s hands.

2. MOTZI, A Blessing for Bread

LEADER: We are now coming to the Seder meal. We begin with the breaking and blessing of matzah bread. First is the regular blessing for bread, then a special one for matzah for bread is a symbol of our need for both earthly and spiritual nourishment.

Repeat after me:
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, ha-motzi lechem min ha-aretz.

LEADER: which means  We praise You, Lord, Sovereign of Life, Who brings forth bread from the earth.

The leader breaks the Matzah and passes it around. Each takes a portion and passes it to the next. As it is being passed, there is an exchange of words and then a bit of bread is eaten.

The Passer says “May God nourish our lives.”
The Receiver says “Baruch Atah Adonai.”

3. MATZAH, A Special Blessing for Matzah

Leader: And now the special blessing. Repeat after me:
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvo-tav v'tzivanu al a-chilat matzah.

Leader: Which means: We praise You, Lord, Sovereign of Life, Who hallows our lives through commandments, and commands us to eat matzah.

Pass more matzah and eat your portion of the matzah.

4. The Four Questions

The four youngest children present now ask "the four questions." As the leader reads the answer, everyone takes the seder elements being referred to and acts out the answers. For example: As the readers mention bread, bitter herbs, etc., everyone eats or dips as the words are said. *You may have other participants read the answers.

Child: Why do we eat only matzoh on Pesach ?
Answer: On all other nights we eat all kinds of breads and crackers. Matzoh reminds us that when the Jews left the slavery of Egypt they had no time to bake their bread. They took the raw dough on their journey and baked it in the hot desert sun into hard crackers called matzoh. And so we eat the Matzoh to remember their journey.

Child: Why do we eat bitter herbs, maror, at our Seder?
Answer: On all other nights we eat many kinds of vegetables and herbs. But tonight we dip the Maror in the bitter _____ to remind us of the bitter and cruel way the Pharaoh treated the Jewish people when they were slaves in Egypt. (Eat the Maror (lettuce) dipped in bitterness)

Child: Why do we dip our foods twice tonight?
Answer: On all other nights we don't usually dip one food into another At our Seder we dip the parsley in saltwater and the bitter herbs in Charoset . We dip bitter herbs into Charoset to remind us how hard the Jewish slaves worked in Egypt. The Charoset look like the mud used to make the bricks used in building the Pharaoh's buildings. And we dip parsley into saltwater. The parsley reminds us that spring is here and new life will grow. The saltwater reminds us of the tears of the Jewish slaves.

Child: Why do we lean on a pillow tonight?
Answer: On all other nights we eat sitting up straight. We lean on a pillow to be comfortable and to remind us that once we were slaves with no comforts, but now by the Grace of God we are free.

5. The SECOND CUP of Blessing

Leader: The Lord saw the suffering of his people, and came down to Egypt to save them. He brought them out of bondage and into freedom. Let’s us drink to freedom. (and the people respond by saying “to freedom")

================== The meal is now eaten.=================

Near the end of the meal... The afikomen, a piece of matzah broken from the seder plate, has been hidden somewhere in the house/church. The one who finds it often receives a Passover prize. For their last bite of the Passover meal, everyone eats a piece of the afikomen.

6. The THIRD CUP of Blessing

Leader: The Lord called his people together and gave them Ten Rules to live by. The Lord was their savior and teacher. Let us raise our glasses as a prayer that the Lord may continue to save and teach us with his word.


Leader: Tonight we have eaten as our ancestors once did. And we have the same hope. God send us your prophets so we won’t swerve from your word. God send us the greatest prophet, Elijah, to bolster our faith and usher in your Kingdom.

Then....someone from the seder table, usually the youngest child, opens the door of the house.

Then... Hallel is sung or recited. The Doxology will do.

Leader: “May The Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift his countenance upon you, and give you peace.”


Leader:  It is a fond hope of every Jew to someday celebrate Passover in Jerusalem. And so we end our Seder by repeating the words "Next Year in Jerusalem"

All: sing "Shalom Haverim" in both Hebrew and English.

8. The Last Supper:

The leader now assigns roles and begins to describe Jesus’ final Seder meal. You can embellish this as little or as much as you need.

LEADER: Jesus’ last meal was a Seder meal similar to our own tonight. Sometime during that meal he told his Disciples this:

Jesus: Someone will betray me...

All Disciples gathered at the meal say in turn: “Is it I Lord? Not Me, Jesus.” “Who is it?”

Jesus: ...the person who dips their hands into the bowl with me. He is my betrayer.
Go and do what you must do.

Judas gets up and leaves.

The Disciples begin to argue about who is the best disciple. Jesus rises and washes Peter's feet, announcing that the greatest disciple is the one who serves others.

Jesus: (taking the bread he announces) This bread is my body broken for you......As God fed us during our escape from Egypt, so tonight, my life and words are bread to your soul. “ Whenever you break bread together, do it in remembrance of me.

All take a piece of bread and eat it.

Jesus: “This Elijah's cup reminds us that the Kingdom of God is coming -a new Covenant between God and his people which will now be sealed (confirmed) by my blood at my death.' Whenever you drink from this cup, remember me and get ready for the coming of my Kingdom.”

All drink from their cup.

Leader: Our Communion celebrated in worship on Sunday is a shortened form of the Passover Seder Jesus celebrated as his last supper with his disciples. Over the centuries, the Christian church took all these foods and condensed the meal down to two elements, the bread and cup.
Jesus gave new meaning to the bread and cup. They are no longer just reminders of what God did to save the Hebrews in Egypt, but also what God did for the entire world in Jesus Christ on the cross.  Jesus wants us to think of him when we break the bread, and eat with one another. His body was broken on the cross for us, his spirit nourishes us.  And this cup is no longer Elijah’s cup, but Christ’s cup. Its red juice symbolizes not only his blood shed for our sins, but the sweet joy that is ours when we love and serve the Lord.

Written by Neil MacQueen

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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Seder Meal Script

This extensive Passover Story Seder Script (a "Haggadah" in Hebrew) was originally created by members Paul and Barbara Shackelford and posted by Linda Aranda.  It's rather traditional.

A Haggadah

LEADER (eldest male of the family)
As we light these candles tonight, we pray that God will light our hearts with his Holy Spirit. We want to understand how God has redeemed his people.

The woman of the house (lighting the candles)
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe. You have made us your own. We light these festival lights in your Name.

The Four Cups of Wine
When we were slaves in Egypt, God heard our cries. He chose Moses to lead us out of Egypt. These are the four promises that God made to Moses.

Reader 1
“I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.”

Reader 2
“I will free you from being slaves.”

Reader 3
“I will redeem you with an outstretched arm.”

Reader 4
“I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God.”

We remember these four promises at Passover by drinking from our cups four times. The first is called the Cup of Sanctification, the second, the Cup of the Plagues, the third, the Cup of Redemption, and the fourth, the Cup of Praise.

The Cup of Sanctification
Leader (pouring the wine into each cup)
(Pour only a small amount into the cups each time you are to fill them.)
This is the Cup of Sanctification or setting apart as holy.

Reader 1
“I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.”

Family (lifting their cups)
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. (All drink.)

The Hand Washing

We wash our hands to remind us that God is holy. As we come before him, we too must be holy. As it is written:

Reader 4
“Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart.” (Ps. 24:3,4)

Leader (lifting the basin of water)
Let us share together in this hand washing ceremony.
(Pass the bowl. Each person dips his hands and passes bowl to next person.)

Let us also remember how Yeshua (yeh-SHOO-ah, or Jesus) took off his clothes and, wearing a towel, washed the feet of his disciples. In doing this, he showed that he came as a humble servant. We know that this water cannot really make our hearts clean. The only way that our hearts can be made pure and holy is by Yeshua’s greatest act of servanthood, his death on the cross.

The Karpas (KAR-pas)
We now remember the tears of our people when we were slaves in Egypt. As it is written:

Reader 2
“The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God.” (Ex. 2:23)

Leader (lifting the parsley, or celery may be substituted for parsley)
Passover comes in the spring, when we see new life around us. The karpas, or parsley, reminds that life is a gift to us from our great and mighty God. The karpas is also like the hyssop plant which our forefathers used to smear the blood of the lamb on the door frame.

(lifting the salt water)
When we were slaves in Egypt, life was not easy. It was full of pain, suffering, and tears. This salt water stands for our tears.

Family (dipping their parsley in salt water)
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the earth. (All eat karpas.)

The Breaking of the Middle Matzah

Leader (lifting the Unity, or the plate which holds the three matzot wrapped in napkins)
At Passover, three matzot are wrapped together. They are called the “Unity.” Jewish teachers have many explanations for this. We who know Yeshua look at the Unity and see God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
(Leader takes the middle matzah out of the Unity, breaks it in two, replaces one half and wraps the other half in a linen cloth for the afikomen.)
I have taken the middle matzah and broken it in half. One half is wrapped and hidden. This is called the afikomen (ah-fee-KOH-men), and it is an important part of the seder, which comes after the meal. (hides the afikomen)

The Four Questions
We now ask and answer the four questions. As it is written:

Reader 3
“When your children ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’ then tell them.” (Ex. 12:26)

A Young Child
Why is this night different from all other nights?
1) On all other nights, we eat leavened bread.
On this night, why do we eat only matzah, or unleavened bread?
2) On all other nights, we eat all kinds of vegetables.
On this night, why do we eat only bitter herbs?
3) On all other nights, we do not dip our vegetables even once.
On this night, why do we dip them twice?
4) On all other nights, we eat our meals sitting.
On this night, why do we eat only reclining?

God has commanded us to answer these questions for our children. But we do so with thankful hearts, for the answers point to the great and mighty works of God.

Leader (lifting one matzah)
On all other nights we eat leavened bread, but on Passover we eat only matzah. This reminds us that when we fled from Egypt, we did not have time to let the bread rise. Yeshua often compared yeast, which makes bread rise, with sin. He came to die and take away our sin.

Leader (lifting the maror (mah-ROAR))
On all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables, but on Passover we eat only maror, or bitter herbs. This reminds us of how bitter life was for us in Egypt. It also reminds us of life in slavery to sin.

Leader (lifting the charoseth (hah-ROH-seth))
On all other nights we do not dip our vegetables even once, but tonight we dip them twice. We have already dipped our parsley in salt water. Now we will dip our bitter herbs into sweet kharoset. This mixture reminds us of the mortar and bricks which we were forced to make as slaves in Egypt.

On all other nights we eat sitting up, but tonight we eat reclining. This is to remind us that now we are free from slavery. On the first Passover, we had to eat in a hurry, with our coats and sandals on, holding our staffs in our hands as we waited to be delivered from slavery. Now we may relax and enjoy this feast at our leisure.

The Story of Passover
Now we tell the story of Passover.

Reader 1
Long ago, the Lord brought Abraham to the land of Canaan. God promised Abraham that this land would belong to his descendants. Abraham’s grandson Jacob left that land and moved with his family to Egypt to escape a famine. Jacob’s family grew, becoming our people, the Israelites. Several hundred years passed, and by this time, we had become a huge nation. The Pharaoh, or ruler of Egypt, feared that we would join Egypt’s enemies and fight against Egypt. So Pharaoh decided to make us his slaves. Even so, God blessed us with more and more children.

Reader 2
This made the Pharaoh even more nervous. He ordered his soldiers to throw every boy baby into the Nile River. One Israelite family hid their baby for three months. When they could hide him no longer, they put him in a basket and floated it out on the Nile River with his sister Miriam watching over him. The daughter of pharaoh found the basket and decided to keep the baby and raise him as her own son. She named him Moses, which means “drawn from the water.”

Reader 3
Even though Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s court, he knew that he was an Israelite. He saw how we were mistreated by the Egyptians. One day, when he saw an Egyptian being cruel to an Israelite, Moses lost his temper and killed the Egyptian. He ran away from Egypt into a desert land where he worked as a shepherd.

Reader 4
The Lord heard our cries as we suffered at the hands of the Egyptians. He came to Moses in a burning bush and told Moses to go to Pharaoh. Moses was afraid, but he finally agreed that with the help of his brother, Aaron, he would go to Pharaoh and deliver God’s message to “Let my people go!”

The Cup of Plagues
Pharaoh did not want to let our people go. Every time Pharaoh said no to Moses, God sent a plague or disaster to Pharaoh and the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh hardened his heart and kept saying no. The tenth time, God sent the most awful plague. This plague caused Pharaoh to change his mind.

“On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every first born---both men and animals---and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt; I am the Lord.” (Ex. 12:12)

It was the Lord himself who passed over us and struck down the firstborn of the Egyptians. In this way he delivered us from slavery.
As it is written:
On that same night I will pass through Egypt.

I, and not an angel.

And strike down every firstborn---both men and animals---

I, and not a seraph.

And I will bring judgement on all the gods of Egypt;

I, and not a messenger.

I am the Lord.

I myself and none other. (Ex. 12:12)

Leader (filling the cups)
We fill our cups a second time to remember that many people died during the plagues, especially the last one, in order that God’s people would be set free. We also remember what it cost for us to be set free from sin and death-the lifeblood of Yeshua. As it is written:

Reader 2:
“I will free you from being slaves.”

Each of the plagues focused on a being that the Egyptians worshipped. As we say each plague, we dip our finger into the cup and drip the liquid onto our plate. Think about how God showed himself much greater than all the false gods of Egypt.

Family (each plague is said loudly in unison while dipping a finger and letting a drop of wine fall onto the plate)

The Dayenu
(die-AY0-noo, meaning “it would have been sufficient”
God has been so good to us! We do not deserve his great and numerous blessings. Any one of his acts of mercy would have been enough to show his love for us.

Reader 1
With loving kindness he redeemed us from Egypt, bringing judgment on the Egyptians and their gods.


Reader 2
With awesome power he divided the Red Sea, allowing us to pass over in safety.


Reader 3
With tender care he protected us in the wilderness, feeding us with manna and providing for our needs.


Reader 4
With great goodness he gave us the law on Mt. Sinai.
With triumph he led us into the promised land of Israel.

Family (lifting their cups)
Dayenu! How many are your great blessings to us. For each act of goodness we are abundantly grateful. Most of all, we are thankful for Yeshua the Messiah. In him we have forgiveness of sins and abundant and everlasting life. Hallelujah! (Drink the second cup of wine.)

The Passover Lamb
Leader (lifting the shankbone of the lamb)
This shankbone of lamb reminds us of the lamb that each Israelite family killed on the night of the first Passover. God commanded that we take the blood of the lamb and put it on the top and the sides of the doorframe of their house. As it is written:

Reader 1
“Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the door frames of the houses where they eat the lambs.” (Ex. 12:7)

Reader 2
“That same night they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs and bread made without yeast.” (Ex. 12:8)

Reader 3
“This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the Lord’s Passover.” (Ex 12:11)

Reader 4
“The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.” (Ex. 12:13)

We who trust in Yeshua the Messiah believe that he is our Passover lamb. Just as it was God himself who redeemed the Israelites, so it is God himself, in the person of Yeshua the Messiah, who redeemed us once and for all from sin and death. He is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Leader (lifting the roasted egg)
This roasted egg is a special Passover offering. It is a symbol of mourning, reminding us of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. It is also a sign of new and eternal life. It is because of Yeshua, our Passover lamb, that we can have eternal life.

The Matzah
Leader (lifts the Unity)

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.

Leader (takes the middle matzah from the unity, breaks it into olive size pieces, and distributes it to the family)
Let us now share the unleavened bread of Passover.

Family (holding the piece of matzah)
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe. You set us apart as your people and commanded us to eat unleavened bread.
(All eat.)

Leader (Pass horseradish. Each person scoops some onto a piece of matzah.)

Family (lifting matzah with bitter herbs)
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has set us apart by your Word and commanded us to eat bitter herbs. (All eat.)

The bitter herb reminds us of our persecution and suffering under the cruel hand of Pharaoh. Just as the horseradish brings tears to our eyes now, so then did our great suffering bring tears to our eyes.

The Charoseth
Leader (Takes two pieces from the bottom matzah and puts between them the charoseth, in a sandwich-like fashion. Pass charoseth. Each person scoops charoseth onto a piece of matzah.)

The charoseth reminds us of the mortar and clay bricks that we made as slaves in Egypt. (All eat.)

It was at this point in the Passover seder that Yeshua told his disciples that one of them would betray him. When each asked, “Surely, not I?” Yeshua said that it was the one who dipped his bread into the bowl with Yeshua.

The Passover Supper
(Leader offers prayer of thanks for the meal. Supper is served and eaten.)

The Eating of the Afikomen
(After the meal, the children hunt for the afikomen, the wrapped and hidden matzah from the Unity. The leader ransoms it back by paying money to the child who finds it.)

Leader (unwrapping the matzah and showing the family)
We call this the afikomen, a Greek word. Jewish tradition has it that afikomen means dessert, but some scholars believe it comes from a root word which means “I have come.” Yeshua called himself the bread of life. As it is written:

Reader 1
“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.’”

Reader 2
“’I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.’”

Reader 3
“’Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.’”

Reader 4
“’Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.’” (John 6:35a, 51, 54, 58b)

The matzah is a picture for us of Yeshua and what he did for us. Look at how the matzah is striped. As it is written:

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” (Is. 53:5)

Look at how the matzah is pierced. As it is written:

“They shall look upon me whom they have pierced.” (Zech. 12:10b)

See how the matzah is unleavened. Leaven stands for sin. Just as this bread is without leaven, Jesus was without sin. As it is written:

“He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.” (Is. 53:9, 1 Peter 2:22)

The middle matzah from the Unity was broken, just as Yeshua, the Messiah was broken with suffering and death. We wrapped it in a white cloth, just as Yeshua’s body was wrapped in linen cloth for burial. Just as the afikomen was hidden, so Yeshua’s body was hidden for a short time in the grave. Just as the afikomen was brought out of hiding, so Yeshua arose from the grave.

Leader (lifting the afikomen)

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.

Leader (breaking the afikomen and distributing it to all)
It was then that Yeshua added, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). Let us now eat matzah, remembering the broken body of the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. (All eat.)

The Cup of Redemption
Leader (filling the cups)
Now we fill our cups a third time. (lifting the cup) This is the cup of redemption. It stands for the blood of the Passover lamb. As it is written:

Reader 3
“I will redeem you with an outstretched arm.”

It was this cup, the cup of redemption, that Yeshua took after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you” (Luke 22:20). Just as the blood of the Passover lamb provided salvation for us in Egypt, so Yeshua’s blood provides eternal salvation to all who believe.

Family (lifting their cups)
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. Let us drink with thankful hearts, remembering the Messiah’s sacrifice for us.

The Prophet Elijah
Leader (lifting the extra cup from Elijah’s place)
This cup is for Elijah the Prophet. In Jewish tradition, one of the children opens the door to see if Elijah will come to the seder. As it is written:

“See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and terrible day of the Lord comes.” (Malachi 4:5)

We who believe in Yeshua believe that Elijah has already come. Yeshua spoke of John the Baptist as the Elijah who was to come, and it was John who said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). We set this place for Elijah to recognize that he has come in the person of John the Baptist.

The Cup of Praise
Leader (filling the cups)
Now we fill our cups for the fourth and final time. This is the cup of praise. We praise him especially because of his promise to us:

Reader 4
“I will take you as my people and I will be your God.” (Ex. 6:7)

Leader (lifting the cup)
With the cup of praise, we give thanks to God in the words of a psalm, just as Yeshua did with his disciples. After each phrase of thanksgiving, the family will join in saying, “His love endures forever.”

Leader: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: Give thanks to the God of gods.
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: to him who alone does great wonders,
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: to him who struck down the first born of Egypt
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: and brought Israel out from among them
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: with a mighty hand and outstretched arm;
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: to the One who remembered us in our low estate
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: and freed us from our enemies,
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: and who gives food to every creature.
Family: His love endures forever.

Leader: Give thanks to the God of heaven
Family: His love endures forever.

Family (lifting their cups)
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. (All drink.)

The prescribed order of the Passover service is now complete. May we remember throughout the year that our redemption is complete by the sacrifice of our Passover lamb, Yeshua the Messiah.

Next year in the New Jerusalem!

***Posted by Greg Aranda; it was written by Paul and Barbara Shackelford.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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