
Editor's Note:

The first post from Jaymie is a "sketch" of a summer long rotation about Paul. Each week the kids travel to a new "city where Paul went".

The second post from Ruth fills in more lesson plan detail.

A third similar version of this concept can be found here in Cathy Walz' post in this forum.

Here is our Summer Adventure with Paul - A Rotation in Progress. Please feel free to comment, add suggestions, and especially help where we are still unsure about what we're doing.

Divide the 13 weeks into several mini-rotations:

(We will end our regular "season" with Paul's conversion so we will have a basis on which to begin)

1-3 weeks on Overview of Missionary Journeys and call to be an apostle

2 weeks each on three "adventures" (Paul and Silas in Philippi, Riot in Ephesus, and Shipwrecked)

3 weeks on Letters focusing primarily on Galatians (fruit of spirit), Romans (believe in Jesus), and Ephesians (armor of God)

1 week - wrap up and completion of our summer mission project which will run the entire summer

Memory verses:
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." and Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good to those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." (both of these songs are set to music on the Scripture Rock CD by Brentwood Kids)

Our workshops include:

A Gathering Time:
Each week we will begin with a 15 minute Gathering Time with music, review of memory verse and add to a Personality Profile of Paul (there will be a big paper Paul on the wall and we will write down characteristics of Paul as we recall them or discover them) The person who leads the gathering time will dress up and have props which will give a clue about what is coming that day (for example, ball and chain for Philippian jail, beaten and battered for Ephesian riot, etc.)
Because of our travel theme, I'm really looking for a name that better fits the theme, than just calling it Gathering Time. Any ideas out there???

Also to go along with our travel theme, we are using Passports rather than journals. Each week there will be a page in the kids' passports with the day's date, the travel destination (some of the important places we are learning about including Tarsus, Antioch, Jerusalem, Philippi, Ephesus, Athens, Rome, Caesarea, etc.), and a "travel tip." The travel tip will be a "word of the day" which will tie in with the lesson. We'll also have a sticker or stamp that symbolizes the travel tip for them to stick in their passport with a few different things thrown in for variety. For example on the missionary travel tip, we will have them do a coin rubbing, rather than a sticker. Each week there will also be a question for them to answer (age appropriate).


Overview of Journeys

Week #1

Everyone in video room to view the Nest video "Paul's Ministry".

Passport:  Missionary destination: Tarsus

Week #2-3

Overview of Paul's Missionary Journeys

Paul was called by God to become an apostle, traveling all over the world to share the good news about Jesus.

Workshops: Games/Bible Skills and Computers

Games: We will have a HUGE map on our wall. Kids will hear an overview of Paul's call to ministry. 1-3 graders will create four large banners which will be placed in our hallways (one for each journey). They will trace around their own feet and also color waves on the banners to show that Paul traveled by foot and ship mostly. We'll talk about the Roman influence -- good, safe roads, common language which made Paul's travels easier. Grades 4-6 will use our wall map to locate some of the key locations in Paul's ministry. They will use different colored yarn to trace his journeys and attach with EZ clips to the wall map. Then they will complete the banners that the 1-3 graders began by adding "road signs" to the banners to show the destinations on the various journeys. If we have time, we may have a couple of the kids who really need challenging, figure out the distances and post those as well.

Computers: 1-3 graders will explore Life of Paul software and answer some questions about what they discover in small groups.

4-6 graders will use Life of Christ lesson (Jesus calls another apostle) to review Paul's conversion and call and his journeys. After printing out the four journeys they will divide into small groups and discuss some of the highlights of Paul's adventures on the various journeys. They'll add those to the print out of the map and we'll post in the hall to show off what we have learned!

2019 Note: Discovery Interactive’s "Life of Christ" CD had gone out of print, but see the below 2024 update . . .

"Life of Paul" software program is now free to the supporting members of, learn how!

Learn more about all 6 programs in this series.

Passports: tips: Apostle, Christian

Destinations: Antioch and Damascus

Week #4-5

Paul and Silas in Philippi

Theme: Paul was joyful and faithful even when bad things happened.

Workshops: Drama, Cooking (actually Science)

Drama - Kids will read the story from their Bibles then a soldier will come and drag them to "jail." We will turn our attic into a jail complete with several plastic rats, a skeleton, balls and chains, etc.

Cooking/Science: From Amazing Science devotions for Children's Ministry by Group publishing. Kids will make Jailhouse rocks - (actually called Garden of Goodness in the book) where you make crystals from adding ammonia and bluing to charcoal.

Destination: Philippi and Macedonia
Travel Tips: Praise and Joy

Week #6-7

Riot in Ephesus!

Workshops: Art and Drama

Theme: Paul teaches that we are called to worship one God only, supreme over all!

Art: Kids will explore the story of the Riot in Ephesus. They will look at pictures of ancient remains of Artemis. They will construct their own silver item...? cross to remind them to worship the one true God. (we're not done with this one yet? Any suggestions???)

Drama: Explore the story in their Bibles. Kids will re-enact a "newscast" of the riot, interviewing the various groups of people and getting their perspectives, including Demetrius, Paul and his followers, the Ephesian worshipers, the city officials.

travel tip: worship and peace
Destination: Ephesus and Turkey

Week # 8-9


Theme: Paul remained faithful and obedient to God even when it was hard and seemed impossible.

Workshops: Storytelling/Game and Art
The first week we will have a storyteller come during the Gathering Time (it will be extended this day) and tell the story from the perspective of a sailor who was on the ship with Paul. Then everyone will finish the day by playing some review games.

Art: 4-6 graders only. ??? not sure yet-- maybe have them carve boats out of balsa wood, make something from driftwood??? Any ideas out there?

Games: 1-3 graders only. Review the story. Play a life-sized board game that we have created with review questions about the story.

Destination: Rome, Malta
Travel Tips: Faith, Prayer

Weeks #10, 11, 12

Paul's Epistles

Theme: Paul wrote letters to encourage and build up the early church.

Workshops: Computer, Video, Cooking
Computer: Ephesians - Armor of God ? write letters to our missionaries, design armor on Kid Pix 4 (or the newer "3D" version) ? Write and illustrate letters to go to Costa Rica kids with our coins, other ideas?

Cooking: Galatians - do something with fruit, fruit pizza, or make some sort of edible scroll

Video: Romans - view a video taken by our own mission team who visited Costa Rica this past spring.

Destination: Galatia, Ephesus, Rome
Travel tips: fruit of the Spirit (Holy Spirit?), Armor of God, Believe

Week #13

We can be missionaries for Jesus too!

Complete our mission project: Coins for Costa Rica. Count, sort and roll coins. Invite parents to come and help us this day.

Destination: Costa Rica
Travel Tip: Giving

We welcome your input. Hope this helps.

A lesson set by Jaymie Derden from: State Street UMC
Bristol, VA

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


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Last edited by Luanne Payne
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jaymie -
I took your idea and ran with it this summer ... I'm attaching what I have for lesson plans in case they might be helpful to you or someone else coming through here. They expand on your outline.
Ruth Wilcox

Adventures and Ministry of Paul

Lesson Sketches

Summary of Rotation:

This set of lessons (concept based on ideas posted by Jaymie Derden at It covers 8 weeks and a lot of material. Prior to this, the children have been studying Saul's conversion on the Damascus Road. These lessons will give them a very brief overview of what Paul did beyond that.

To make things a bit more interesting and fun, the children will be told they are going on the adventures with Paul. They will be given travel journals each week. These will serve the dual purpose of simplifying attendance records for the remainder of the summer and introduce more of the intrapersonal intelligence learning.

At the beginning of each session, the children will be told their destination for that day. Each journal has a page to record this information, along with the "tip" for the day (disciple teaching, or fruit of the Spirit, emphasized in the lesson), and the Bible verse for the day. There will be brief discussion about this at the gathering time. Children will be instructed to listen for the word/phrase in the lesson, and asked to give examples from the lesson. At lesson's end, they will be given a chance to write or draw a picture about their experience on the "best part of the trip" page.

The lessons are presented in the order in which Paul's journeys unfolded. They are by no means inclusive of all that Paul did or the places he went. However, at least one major story or teaching from each of his three missionary journeys is represented. At least one of the travel tips each week is one of the fruits of the Spirit. All nine of these are covered by the end of the rotation.

The rotation culminates in a review game.

Week 1

Workshop: Video

Destination: Damascus
Travel Tips:

Scripture Reference

3:22a "We are made right with God by putting our faith
in Jesus Christ. That happens to all who believe." (NirV)


  • Video: Visual Bible for Kids: The Story You Can Believe In (out of print)
    [Moderator suggests using: Nest Entertainment, The Animated Stories from the New Testament - “Saul of Tarsus”]
  • Snack markers

Lesson Plan


Greet children. Make sure everyone knows each other.

Review previous lesson. Explain that today's destination is Damascus because that is where Paul was headed when he met Jesus.


Discuss the travel tips for the day.

  • Repent - to turn away from. This is what Paul did when he met Jesus. He decided he needed to turn away from his old life. This is what we do when we tell God we are sorry for not listening to Him and following what he wants us to do.
  • Change - what God helps us do after we repent. We can't change on our own. We need God to help us. And he will if we just ask him. That's what Paul was doing for those 3 days after he lost his sight when he was praying.
  • Gentleness - Being "easy" with someone; how God treats us and how he wants us to treat each other. Gentleness is a gift we get from God, from the Holy Spirit. When we see that we are beginning to treat others and ourselves with gentleness, we know God is working in us to help us change. Jesus could have blown Paul up on the road to Damascus, but instead he treated him gently. He had Ananias treat him gently too.

Share the Bible verse for today. Explain that the book of the Bible the verse comes from is a letter Paul wrote to one of the churches he helped to start in Rome. Discuss how this verse tells more about the repent/change process.
Tell the children that they are going to see videos today and next week to help them get an idea of some of the things Paul went on to do after he got his sight back. Paul went on many, many journeys to tell everyone he could find about God's gentleness and share the Good News about Jesus with them. They will be learning about some adventures he had on some of these journeys.

Tell the children to look and listen for our travel tips while they watch the movie. Show the video.


After the video is over pass out markers and have the children draw their favorite part of the story. While they are working, ASK:

  • Who repented in the movie?
  • Who changed in the movie?
  • Who acted with gentleness in the movie?

Close in prayer.

Week 2

Workshop: Video

Destination: Tarsus
Travel Tips: deliverance/kindness

Scripture Reference:

Romans 8:28a "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." (NIrV)


  • Video: Visual Bible for Kids: The Story You Can Believe In (out of print)
    [Moderator suggests using: Nest Entertainment, The Animated Stories from the New Testament - “The Ministry of Paul”]
  • Snack markers

Lesson Plan


Greet children. Make sure everyone knows each other.

Review previous lesson. Explain that today's destination is Tarsus because that is where Paul was sent after the believers helped save him from the angry Jewish leaders.


Discuss the travel tips for the day.

  • Deliverance - God used the believers to deliver Paul from death. He was also delivered from danger many more times by God. Deliverance means to be saved or set free.
  • Kindness - We usually think this word means "being nice". In Bible times, it meant more than that. It meant a special kind of love that showed mercy and was always there. When we think about it like this, this gift of the Spirit then means "always loving and forgiving". This is how God feels about us.

Share the Bible verse for today. Explain that the book of the Bible the verse comes from is a letter Paul wrote to one of the churches he helped to start in Rome. Discuss how this verse tells more how God feels about us and how he promises to deliver us always.

Tell the children they will be seeing another movie today to help them understand some more things about Paul's adventures, God's deliverance and kindness. Ask them to watch and listen for these things while they watch. Show the movie.


After the video is over pass out markers and have the children draw their favorite part of the story. While they are working, ASK:

  • What were some ways God delivered Paul?
  • Who showed kindness?
  • How did God work for good some of the bad things that happened to Paul?
  • Can anyone tell about a time when God worked good in their life?

Close in prayer.

Week 3

Workshop: Computer

Destination: Antioch
Travel Tips: Christian/patience

Bible Verse:

Romans 1:16a "I am not ashamed of the Good News. It is God's power. And it will save everyone who believes." (NIrV)


  • Life of Christ CD-Rom and/or Life of Paul (Kid's Interactive Series) CD-Rom
  • maps
  • markers
  • Bible

2019 Note: Discovery Interactive’s "Life of Christ" CD has gone out of print , see 2024 update below . . .

"Life of Paul" software program is now free to the supporting members of, learn how!

Learn more about all 6 programs in this series.

To Do:

  1. Life of Christ CD has Paul and Early Church Maps in its Geography section to explore. Print a blank map, mark locations on it, and have the kids fill them in by exploring the onscreen maps.

  2. Life of Paul software has "People Paul Knew" section in the Hall of Fame, including Barnabas and Silas, Priscilla and Aquila. You could ask questions on your worksheet and have the kids go into that CD to find the answer.

Week 4

Workshop: Drama

Destination: Cyprus/Lystra
Travel Tips: Faithfulness

Bible Verse:

2 Thessalonians 2:13a "…stand firm. Hold on to what we taught
you." (NIrV)


  • Bible
  • costumes

Lesson Plan


Greet children. Make sure everyone knows each other.

Review previous lesson. Remind the children that in the last 3 weeks they: saw movies that showed what happened to Paul on some of his mission trips, and; learned about where he went on his travels and some of the people he met. Explain that today's destinations are Cyprus and Lystra because these are the places where our stories for today take place.


Discuss the travel tip for the day.

  • Faithfulness -
    SAY: This word can mean many things, to be true, to remain loyal. Our verse today tells us another meaning, to be firm. This means to make a choice and stick with it. God is faithful to us. He is always with us, always there for us. Our verse today comes from a letter Paul wrote to the church in Thessolonica. He was telling them to remain faithful, to not change their minds and start believing in other gods or other teachings that were false. Faithfulness is also a gift of the Spirit that God gives us to help us stay true to him and each other.

Our stories today are about people struggling to remain faithful and how Paul dealt with those who tried to urge people to be unfaithful to God. You will get a chance to act them out.

READ: Acts 13:4-12 or tell the story in your own words. Show the children where the story is in the Bible.

Allow the children to act out the story. Ask them who remained faithful in the story and who did not. Ask them how it felt to be each kind of person.

READ: Acts 14:8-20 or tell the story in your own words. Show the children where the story is in the Bible.

Allow the children to act out the story. Ask them who remained faithful in the story and who did not. Ask them how it felt to be each kind of person.


Ask them what they have learned today about faithfulness.

Close in prayer, thanking God for his faithfulness to us and asking Him to help us be more faithful to him.

Week 5

Workshop: Music

Destination: Jerusalem
Travel Tips: Grace/Love/Goodness

Bible Verse:

Ephesians 1:4, 6b "God chose us to belong to Christ before the world was created … He loves us. … God freely gives us his grace because of the One he loves." (NIrV)


  • Bible Hymnal song sheets (attached)
  • CD player and CD's of contemporary Christian artists

Lesson Plan


Greet children. Make sure everyone knows each other.

Review previous lesson. Remind the children that in the last 3 weeks they: saw movies that showed what happened to Paul on some of his mission trips; traced where he went on his travels and; learned about some of the people he met. Explain that today's destination is Jerusalem because it was here that Paul helped the early church know that God's grace is for everyone.


Discuss the travel tips for the day.

  • Grace - SAY: This word comes from Greek and Hebrew words that mean "a favor". Paul spoke both of these languages. He used this word to mean something very different about God. Back then, people thought they had to work very hard for God to like them. Paul taught the people that God loves us all the time, no matter what. Paul teaches us that God does us a favor. This favor we call "grace" -- he loves us always, no matter what we do (or don’t do). God's love, his grace, has no limit. He gives it to us for free. We cannot earn it.
  • Love - SAY: Paul tells us that the first fruit of the Spirit is love. This can mean affection (liking), kind feelings or charity.
  • Goodness - SAY: This is another fruit of the Spirit. It means to do things God's way.

SAY: Our Bible verse today tells us about all of these things. (Read verse)When Paul spoke to the believers in Jerusalem, he helped them understand these words. Before, they thought they had to do a bunch of things to earn God's love. Paul wanted them to understand they had it all wrong! Jesus came and died and rose again to change all that. God loves us. That's it. We can't do anything to earn it or change that one little bit!

What's more, God gives us all these gifts and fruits of the Spirit so we can show others more about his love and what he's like!

Who remembers what happened to Paul and Silas when Paul made the evil spirit leave the servant girl? (she couldn't tell fortunes anymore and her owners had Paul and Silas beaten and thrown in prison) What did they do there? Did they cry and moan? (no- they sang) Right! They sang songs to God and were very joyful! They knew if they did something like that people would listen to them when they told them about Jesus. What else happened to them while they were in prison? (God caused an earthquake so they could get out of their chains)

Today we're going to learn how to be like Paul and Silas. Today we're going to learn some songs we can sing to help other people learn more about God and Jesus!

Maybe when Paul and Silas were in prison they sang a song like this:

*Sing to the tune of The Bear Went over the Mountain

The Lord is my light and salvation. (3 x's)

Whom shall I fear? Clap, clap (3 x's)

The Lord is my light and salvation (3 x's)

Whom shall I fear?

Each time they sings "the Lord is my light and salvation" have the children sweep their right arms up, then their left. When they sing "Whom shall I fear?" have them put their hands on their hips.

Here's another one they could have sung:

*Sing to the tune of Kum Ba Yah
Jesus is the way, truth and life (3 x's)
My way, truth and life

Each time they sing "Jesus" have the children use the International sign (middle finger of left hand touches middle of right palm, middle finger of right hand touches middle of left palm); for "way" point ahead; for "truth" place hand over heart; for "life" sweep arms outward.

Talk with the children about the composer of "Amazing Grace". Tell them that he was a man who was involved in slave trading until he had an experience with God that was a lot like Paul's experience on the road to Damascus. He became a Christian and gave up his slave trading business. He was so overcome by God's love and mercy he wrote "Amazing Grace", one of the best known hymns.

Teach them the words and sing the hymn together.

You may wish to play some musical freeze dance, using contemporary Christian music, if time permits.


Before leaving, teach them the following, sung to the tune of the commercial

I'm stuck on Bandaids:
I will stick with Jesus stick right to left hand
'Cause Jesus sticks with me pretend to try to pull hands apart
I will stick with Jesus
'Cause Jesus sticks with me
'Cause he'll never, never leave me shake head no
I want the world to see shade eyes with hands
I will stick with Jesus
'Cause Jesus sticks with me!

Close with prayer

100 Action Songs! For School Kids; David Cook Publishing, 1989

Week 6

Workshop: Cooking

Destination: Galatia, Fruits of the Spirit

Bible Verse:

Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself. There is no law against things of that kind." (NIrV)


  • ingredients: refrigerator sugar cookie dough, cream cheese, sugar,
    peaches, kiwi, strawberries, lemon-lime soda, flavored jelly filling
    round baking sheet (at least 13")
  • bowls
  • spatulas/knives
  • napkins
  • optional: laminated cards listing individual ingredients and Spiritual fruit


  • Before the lesson, make sugar cookie crust and cream cheese "goop" to spread on finished cookie. Clean the fruit.
  • For crust: Preheat oven to 350^. Take cookie dough from wrapper and roll into a ball. Roll out onto baking sheet with lightly floured rolling pin, into large round cookie. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350^. Cool for a few minutes before removing from baking sheet to cool thoroughly.
  • For "goop": mix together softened cream cheese and sugar on low speed.
  • Depending on your time frame, you may wish to pre-slice the fruit.

Lesson Plan


Greet children. Make sure everyone knows each other. Open with prayer.

Let the children know they will be helping to make something really good to eat today. Ask if any of them have ever made or eaten fruit pizza. Ask if they can think why fruit pizza might be a good thing to help them remember some things Paul taught us. Ask if they remember hearing about the Fruits of the Spirit.

You may need to remind them that they have been learning about some of the Fruits of the Spirit each week in their journals. Remind them that at least one of their "travel tips" each week has told them about a fruit of the Spirit.


Read the Bible verse for the day. Explain that Paul wrote this to the people in the church in Galatia because they were having a hard time getting along. He wanted them to remember to work together and help each other instead of fussing and fighting with each other all the time.

Tell them that today they are making the fruit pizza to help them learn more about the Fruits of the Spirit, and what it's like to work together to make something good.

As you assemble the pizza, refer back to the Spiritual fruits that correspond to the parts you are assembling. (They are matched by the initial sound of the words - e.g., "Goop" and "Goodness", "Jelly" and "joy", etc. If you are using the laminated cards, now is the time to incorporate them.)

If you have waited to slice the fruit until lesson time, have the children help you dip the pieces into bowls of Lemon-lime soda (love) to keep them from browning.

Sugar cookie
"G" -"goop" spread on cookie
"J"- fruit jelly spread on "goop"
"F" (fruit to come)
"L" (lemon-lime soda)
"S" - sliced strawberries along outside rim of cookie
"P" - sliced peaches from center to strawberries
"K" - sliced kiwi in center

When the pizza is finished, slice and serve.

Close with prayer.

Week 7

Workshop: Art

Destination: Ephesus
Travel Tips: Self-control/peace

Bible Verse:

Ephesians 1:18 "I also pray that your mind might see more clearly. Then you will know the hope God has chosen you to receive. You will know that the things God's people will receive are rich and glorious." (NIrV)


  • Christian Bead Book (enough beads for all children)
  • Christian Beadwear Value paks
  • Necklace kits (one necklace set per child)
  • scissors
  • Bible Lesson: Acts 19: 1-41


  • Read the Bible lesson.
  • Review the symbolism in the beads (see attached sheet)

Lesson Plan


Greet children. Make sure all know each other and you. Begin with prayer asking God to help all present stay focused on Him.

Tell the children that today's destination is Ephesus because they will be hearing more stories about Paul and what happened to him on his adventures there. SAY: When Paul first went to Ephesus, the people there were really mixed up about what they believed .They weren't sure they wanted Paul there or that they believed anything he had to say. The Jewish leaders talked bad about him and about Jesus.


Tell or read the stories from Acts 19:1-41. Emphasize the problems the people had for believing in things other than God (were afraid, got beat up by evil spirits, rioted) vs. those that did (miraculous healings, evil spirits left).

SAY: Our Travel Tips today help us to remember these things and the promises God gives us. When we tell God we want to follow Him, he helps us by giving us SELF-CONTROL. The more we use SELF-CONTROL, the stronger our SELF-CONTROL gets. The people in Ephesus had a SELF-CONTROL problem. They got all out of control! And when they did, they had a riot! That's not very peaceful is it? SELF-CONTROL and PEACE are kind of related. God gives us PEACE, too. When we feel all calm and quiet and safe inside, that's PEACE. Can't feel that when you’re all out of control! God gives us these and the other Fruits of the Spirit. They are riches beyond measure!

Read the Bible verse.

SAY: Today we're going to make necklaces to help us remember these stories and to help remind us to keep our focus on Jesus, God, and his Word. We have some special beads to put on our necklaces to help us remember. Some of them are silver to help us remember Demetrius, and to remind us to stay faithful to the One, true God. Each one of them also can help us remember the different Fruits of the Spirit. Let's look at them together.

Go over the symbolism with the children (see attached sheet).

Make necklaces.

Close in prayer.

Symbols of Fruits of the Spirit

Ornate Cross Love - Jesus died for us so we can have eternal life. He loved us that much!

Joy Angel - The angels came to bring us "tidings of great joy" when Jesus was born (and these look happy!!)

Peace Dove - The dove has long been a symbol of peace. It also symbolizes the Holy Spirit, which brings us peace.

Fish Patience - It takes a lot of patience to go fishing! The fish also is a symbol of discipleship … sometimes it also takes lots of patience to be a disciple.

Ark Kindness/Gentleness - Noah was very kind and gentle to all the animals when he saved them from the flood. God was kind to give Noah the plan about how to do that.

WWJD cross Goodness - If we ever wonder if something is good or not, a good question to ask ourselves is "What Would Jesus Do??"

Bible Faithfulness - The Bible tells us all kinds of stories about faith. Reading it helps us in our own faith. If we are reading the Bible, we're keeping our attention on God. That's part of being faithful to him.

Ten Commandments Self-Control - The Ten Commandments are things God tells us to do (and not do!) so we can live together in peace and love.

Color Symbolism
Red - the Holy Spirit; Pentecost

Purple - color of royalty; reminds us Jesus is "King of Kings"

Green - growth, hope

Week 7

Workshop: Games

Destination: Rome
Travel Tip: Joy

Bible Verse:

"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." Romans 8:28


  • life size game board large dice
  • game questions Bible


  • Read Acts 21-28.
  • Make game cards. (see attached) Print out on different colored card stock (one for each type of question: Fact; Activity; Life Application). Laminate.
  • Set up board game pieces ahead of time. (large laminated posterboard "stepping
    stones") Place names are arranged in the order in which Paul visited them, and correspond to destinations from the lessons.

Lesson Plan


Greet the children. Make sure everyone knows each other.

Tell the children that today is the last day of their study of Paul for the summer.
Tell them that today's destination is Rome because this is the last place we know
Paul went. Then tell them the story of Paul's journey to Rome and what happened
to him when he got there. Emphasize how God worked each seeming setback for


Go over the Bible verse, how it applies to the story and the fact it comes from the
book of Romans.

Tell the children that today's travel tip is joy because today they get to have fun
playing a game about all the things they've learned about Paul.

Play the game. Divide the class into teams. The children are the game pieces. They
move together as a unit. They may roll a die to determine how many spaces they
get to move should they answer a question correctly. There are no right or wrong
answers for the Life Application questions. No shouting out answers. They must
answer as a team after some discussion. The object of the game is for everyone to
make it to Rome. You may reuse questions as needed.

Close in prayer.

A lesson set by member Ruth Wilcox

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Making Passports 

The wallet/passport should be big enough that they can add key scriptures and lesson reminders to a "page" for each lesson. 


  • faux-leather (make sure faux-leather is pliable so that it folds). Two pieces approximately 4x6 per student.
  • parchment-style paper, cut to the exact size of the faux leather
  • two pieces of old wood
  • a hole punch (hammer and nail)
  • brass brads
  • pictures of students (or paper to create a self-portrait)
  • stickers or stamps
  • small Paul map, copy for each student
  • silver and gold sharpies
  • string


  1. Students use scissors to cut faux-leather into a large wallet size "passport" cover.  Be sure your faux leather material is pliable so that it folds. Two pieces approximately 4x6 works. 
  2. Use parchment-style paper, cutting it to the exact size of the faux leather. 
  3. Lay the two pieces on a piece of old wood, with the parchment paper sandwiched in between. Use a hole punch (hammer and nail) to punch 2 holes through the left margin of the paper and leather and fasten with brass brads.   
  4. Add a picture of the student (or have them create a self portrait).
  5. Add stickers and stamps at each stop. Use a date-stamp to "validate" their passport.
  6. Make copies of a small Paul map and paste it into the back of the passport. 
  7. Illustrate Paul's Passport cover with a silver or gold colored sharpie.
  8. Add other doodads and passport effects as you wish.
  9. Add a string to hang the passport around their neck during class.
Last edited by Luanne Payne

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