Peter's Denial Movie Workshop
(We call it "Holy-word & Vine Workshop")
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Students will watch clips from "The Gospel of John" DVD (Visual Bible), then watch "The Very First Easter" (an animated short bonus found on the "Children's Heroes of the Bible" DVD.
[Editor notes that an alternative to the animated short above would be to show Saddleback's animated short.]
Memory Verse:
“Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 RSV
Peter denies knowing Jesus - John 13:36-38 and 18:12-27 (See also similar stories in the other Gospels: Mt 26:21-35; Mk 14:27-31; Lk 22:31-34. Denial is predicted - Mt 26:69-75; Mk 14:66-72; Lk 22:54-62 )
Jesus reconciles with Peter - John 21:1-14
Lesson Objectives:
- Students will learn that Jesus had friends
- Students will learn that Jesus friend Peter hurt Jesus very much but was forgiven.
- Students will see scripture come to life in “The Gospel of John” focusing on Peter’s denial and reconciliation.
- Students will see an animated short version of the Easter story in “The Very First Easter”
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture ahead of time.
- Preview the videos.
- Have the beverage & popcorn ready for the students before they come.
Supplies List:·
- The Gospel of John (Visual Bible) DVD
- Children’s Heroes of the Bible New Testament, 2 Disc DVD Set, VCI Entertainment, 089859836824. Which includes the bonus short “The Very First Easter”.
- Popcorn & beverage for each student.
The “Gospel of John” DVD is actually word for word taken from the Good News Bible. This will be used in place of reading from the Bible. After the students view the scripture reference from the “Gospel of John” then they can watch the Easter video “The Very First Easter”.
Lesson Plan
Introduce yourself to the students and take time greeting each one. Remember that you interact with a different group of students each week.
Say: Have any of you ever done anything that you felt really bad about afterwards?
Today we are going to hear about one of Jesus’ very best friends, Peter. Peter was a good man, but he sometimes said things and did things that didn’t show other people the way that Jesus teaches us to behave. In our lesson today, he actually told three other people that he didn’t even know his best friend, Jesus. The important thing about Jesus is that even though he was very hurt by what Peter did and said, he still forgave Peter. We must also remember that we are going to do things that will hurt Jesus but He still forgive us.
Use this or one of your own: · Most Gracious God, Thank you for bringing us together today to worship you and to learn about you. Help us to understand that you forgive us when we do things that hurt you. In Jesus Holy Name we pray. Amen
Bible Verse: Let’s say our memory verse for this month together: “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 RSV
Pass out the beverage, popcorn, and cue “Gospel of John" (Chapter 23 - cued, ready to go).
Say: This takes place on the night that Jesus is arrested. Jesus was celebrating with his disciples and other friends.
Show gospel of John Chapter 23 “Jesus Predicts His Betrayal and Denial. The Way to the Father.” 13:21-38.
Stop at verse 38 after Jesus' prediction of Peter’s denial.
- Who did Jesus say was going to betrayed him ? [Judas]
- Why do you think he did it? Money, power, he was jealous of Jesus? [We don’t really know why Judas betrayed Jesus]
- Do you think that Jesus knew what he was talking about when he told Peter that before the rooster crows Peter will say three times that he doesn’t know Jesus? [let students answer]
- Do you think that Peter believed Jesus? [let students answer]
- Say something like: “After Jesus and his disciples finished their meal together, they went to a garden where Jesus prayed. It was in that garden that Jesus was arrested.”
Show Chapter 28 “The Arrest of Jesus, Peter’s Denial” 18:1-27
Stop after verse 27.
- Did Judas betray Jesus? [Yes]
- What did Peter do to a slave? [he cut off his ear] “Luke says in his book that Jesus touched the man’s ear and healed him.”
- How do you think Peter felt when he heard the rooster crow and he remembered what Jesus had said?
Say: “After Peter said three times that he didn’t even know Jesus and the rooster crowed twice, Jesus was led away to be tried and crucified. Jesus’ body was placed in a tomb by some of his friends. The next day, when more of his friends went to the tomb, they discovered his body was not there. No one had stolen it, but He had been raised from the dead.The following story takes place a little while later. The disciples decided to go fishing.”
Show Chapter 33 “Jesus & Peter, Conclusion” 21:1-25
Say: “When Jesus first called Peter and his brother Andrew to become his disciples, they were fishing just as they were in this part of the lesson today. They weren’t catching any fish then either and Jesus was standing on the shore and told them to try putting their nets on the other side of the boat and they caught tons of fish.”
Stop after verse 25.
- When Jesus told Peter to “feed my sheep” what do you think he meant? [each will have their own opinion – let them discuss it a bit and give your own opinion. I think that Jesus meant that Peter was to tell others about Him.]
- Why do you think Jesus asked Peter three times if Peter loved him? Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times.
Say : Now we’re going to watch the Easter Story in a short, animated video. See if you can pick out some of the same things you learned about from the first Bible video.
Switch DVDs
Show: Children’s Heroes of the Bible – New Testament bonus short “The Very First Easter”
- Questions: what things that you learned from the first Bible video were also shown in this animated short?
Journal Time:
Pass out the journal and pencils. · Have the students copy the memory verse into their journals.
- Peter denied Jesus three times, then the rooster crowed. Jesus asked Peter three times “do you love me?”, each time Peter said yes and Jesus told Peter to “feed my sheep”.
Come up with a drawing in your journal that will show those things.
- Hints – hearts, crosses, sheep, a rooster, etc.
Encourage the students to come back next week when they’ll have a new room and to bring a friend with them who does not go to church or to Sunday School. · Ask if anyone has any special prayer requests and incorporate that into the closing prayer. Remind the children to also remember those requests during the week during their prayer time. · Use the following prayer or one of your own: · Heavenly Father, Help us to know that you are always with us, even when we are disobedient to you. · Hear our prayers as we bring before you the needs of: . . . . . . . . . . . . · In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
A lesson plan prepared by Diane from: Augustana Lutheran Church
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