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This post is a compilation of advice about Workshop Rooms and Furnishing from previous posts here at

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Picking Rooms and Outfitting Your Workshops


One of the most exciting steps in implementing the Rotation Model is when you start imagining how to transform your classrooms into workshops. It's fun and the transformation is what usually gets other people excited about the Model.

"Workshop" is the Rotation Model's fun and descriptive term for a classroom designed around a particular teaching method such as Art or Drama. Workshops are also bright, inviting, and often Biblically themed with biblical images and murals.

Key Ideas:

  1. The needs of each workshop's teaching medium should inform the room selection, furnishings, and decor choices. In other words, an Art Workshop will need tables and chairs (or stools), and lots of shelves for supplies, whereas a Bible Games Workshop is going to need space to move around in.

  2. Your ideas and choices may change, so it's a good idea to NOT bolt anything down until you're sure it's working for you.

  3. No two workshops should look alike. The idea is to create unique and fun classrooms that get the students excited about coming there and the teaching method that's going to take place there. In other words, a box of bathrobes and baskets in the corner of a room is NOT a Drama Workshop.

  4. Rotation Churches are famous for REPURPOSING what they already have in terms of furniture and supplementing their rooms with exciting new things. 

    For example, existing drab tables in the Art Workshop might get covered with colorful heavy vinyl tablecloths, and surrounded by metal stools (because chairs can get in the way of kids moving about to do art projects).

    Drama Workshop walls might get painted with various "Bible scenery."

    A popcorn machine might appear in the Video Workshop along with comfy seating like director's chairs or plastic adirondack-style chairs that are stackable (instead of uncomfortable folding chairs).

  5. The Rotation Model likes "stuff" in the classroom, rather than pristine environments. "Stuff" is exciting to children. You'll want your art supplies out where kids can see them. You'll want props and costumes easily accessible. Cabinets and closets tend to collect junk.

  6. Some Workshop activities can take place elsewhere in the church. The Cooking Workshop, for example, can use the church kitchen. The Games Workshops can go outside. The Music and Movement Workshop might be able to use the choir room.

  7. Perhaps "murals" are the decor item Rotation Sunday Schools are most famous for! Transforming our beige and block walls is not only a necessity in many old Sunday school facilities, it's an exciting attraction. Some are elaborate, and some are simple. All are fun!

Here are some select comments from years worth of discussions about "creating workshops" for the Rotation Model:

Art Workshop:

Art Workshops usually don't need a lot of space, but this is the ONE workshop where cabinets and counter-tops will come in extremely handy.

A sink will come in handy, or at least, being near a bathroom.

Don't worry about the floor. Even if it is carpeted, one of the great things about the Art Workshop is that it will be OK TO BE MESSY.  Just keep a vacuum cleaner and some "goof off" handy to deal with spills.

The sights and smells of real art workshops was one of the memories that helped launch the whole idea of "workshops" in the Rotation Model. Your Art Workshop should smell like paint and paste. There should be a bit of glitter on the floor and art projects hanging on the walls.

You see a lot of art stools in Art Workshops, and that's because big chairs can get in the way of people working together on projects, and in the way of little kids. Standing at an art table is not uncommon.  You will need big tables and plenty of natural and overhead lighting.  Wall space to display completed projects is nice too.

Check your lighting. The Art Workshop likes to have windows too, whereas windows in the Video Workshop can be a problem.

The "Science (Demonstration) Workshop" are very similar to Art Workshops in terms of their needs and furnishings. In smaller churches, the Art Workshop can actually double as the Science Workshop.

Drama Workshop:

The Drama Workshop usually needs a lot of space and a staging area. While you'll need some seating, this is not the workshop to fill with big tables. They will get in the way. This workshop may need to accommodate a "news set" or puppet stage for certain stories.

Some stage lighting on poles or hung from the ceiling, and a portable PA/microphone are very nice to have.  This workshop will benefit from having a BIG CLOSET for props and costumes, or at least one end of the room where all these items are out and exciting to look at.

The Drama Workshop has evolved to include video-recording and the use of music at times. So you'll want some sort of lighting and sound system (a clamp lamp and mike plugged into an old guitar amp will do).

The Drama Workshop is also good at doubling for the Music and/or Movement Workshop. Both often need floor space.

Bible Skills and Games Workshop

This room often looks more like a traditional classroom in its furnishing and arrangement, but make sure you decorate it to excite.  Most Rotation churches collect all their teaching posters, mount them to foamboard, and hang them on the wall for quick access. Plenty of wall space for maps, etc, and a BIG drawing board area a great idea.  A bookcase for Bible resources is a must, and puts them in easy reach.

As much as you want a 'learning space' with tables, the 'Games' Workshop will also benefit from PLENTY of FLOOR SPACE.  This is why you see many Bible Skills and Games Workshop in LARGE rooms. In some cases, where you don't have a single large space, you can set up the "gaming" space in the next room, or use fellowship hall for larger games if it is available. The Games Workshop will often go outside as well for 'big' games.

Computer and Technology Workshop

Depending on the number of kids you plan on using this workshop, you will need to be careful about the SIZE of the room you choose for tech use. Contrary to conventional wisdom, computers need plenty of space between them so that students and teachers do not experience sound-cross-over between the computer at a volume that is distracting. Computers also need big tables and chairs. See the Computer Workshop Manual for specific advice.

The Computer Workshop can also be centered around a single computer with an overhead LCD projector. This makes the computer/tech/online workshop interchangeable with the needs of the Video Workshop which can also use a projector and computer to connect to videos online.

Cooking Workshop

The Cooking workshop is often in the church kitchen. Sometimes churches will create kitchenettes within a classroom. Your choice.  In some cases, things are prepared in the Cooking Workshop classroom and then TAKEN TO the church kitchen (so as to reduce the commotion/mess in the church kitchen).

Cooking workshops need lots of table space and benefit from having a sink and refrigerator.

Video/A-V Workshop

If you have a classroom with no windows, it might be a good candidate for the Video/A-V Workshop.  If you plan on putting a popcorn machine in this workshop (and most do!) then this is NOT the workshop to place right next to the Adult Ed room or worship space as the smell will drive them (happily) crazy.

Since "Video" often means watching a video, comfortable seating is a great idea and really makes the room. So do blue walls and glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. You can see a lot of photos of Video/"Theater" workshops on that feature theater seats. They are surprisingly easy to find as theaters give them away when refurbishing. But many churchess have found more PORTABLE seating a better option, things like stackable adirondack-style chairs they sell at home stores work great.

The "Brigadoon" Disappearing Video Workshop -- Some Rotation churches show their video to ALL grades in the first week (or two) of the Rotation, combining classes for viewing. This leaves the video space available for other workshops in subsequent weeks of the rotation.

A Tent

One of my favorite Rotation Workshops ever was the summer we set up big camping tents in our Fellowship Hall. The kids loved learning in the tents and the adult who came in for coffee couldn't stay away either. Created a lot of buzz.

Some Rotation churches have taken the "tent" idea one step further and turned one of their old classrooms into a "Bedouin Oasis" with palm trees, desert murals, and a tent for various activities.

What about appropriately sized furniture for younger children?

Don't worry about it. Design your rooms for the older kids and the younger smaller kids will be happy.  This is where art stools come in very handy in the Art Workshop, because they allow the younger kids to sit up at the table, rather than you having to lower the tables or bring in low tables!

Don't forget your hallways, doors and signs!

First impressions matter and get kids and visitors excited.


Images (3)
  • chair-1951921_640
  • thrive
  • artworkshop
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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