This will be our 7th year of rotation Sunday school at our church. We call it Cross Training. Double meaning here with the cross Jesus died on and the cross training of going to different stations. We had a church wide contest (win a big candy bar) and voting for the naming of our rooms . The choir room is called Hallelujah Hall, Kitchen is Bread of Life Cafe', the art room is called Coat of Many Colors, the theater is called Holy Flicks Theater, Science room is called Creation Station, Our Drama theater is called Acts of Kindness, our story room is called Glory Story Tent and our Game room is called Arcade of Faith. Outside each room is a banner that reflects the naming of the room. It was a fun idea to include the whole church in the naming of our rooms as it served to spur the enthusiasm of our new rotation program . Sherry
Sounds like a great idea to include everyone in the "ownership."
-- Carol
We had our kick-off Aug. 19! Our theme is Wellspring Woods and our workshop names are:
Prayer Pathway - Entrance & Hallway
River Rocks - Music & Movement
Zacheus' Treehouse - Storytelling, Bible Skills & Games
Starry Night Cinema - Video
Matinee Meadow - Drama, Puppets, Newsroom
Creation Hollow - Art, Cooking, Science
[exchange volunteer edited post to add links to wonderful pictures of the classroom spaces at United Presbyterian Church, plus more detailed descriptions.]
Mission/Service Workshop: "FaithWorks"
Decor theme: Construction, tools, plans, supplies, what/who we are serving
James 2:14, What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says they has faith but does not have works?
FaithWorks is also a pretty good name for a Rotation Sunday School too!
See a list of some popular and particularly clever Cooking Workshop names, as well as photos.
What are "Workshops" and what are the benefits to students and teachers? Check out this short video:
View articles about various workshops, their setup and methods, and see more photos.
View an Introduction to the Workshop Rotation Model for Sunday School
These are so GOOD! In the true spirit of "rotation", they are engaging and compelling! Love the images and the terms used. Thank you Neil.
Our Sunday school program is called as JUNIOR CHURCH and some places we use Kids Kount or for teens we use Knights Kount