
Creative names for Sunday School programs and classes


Creative Names for Sunday School "Workshop" Classrooms and Programs

Our members have been sharing their creative names for their "workshops" (classrooms) and Sunday School program for many years here at You're welcome to share yours by replying.

It's common for Rotation Model-style Sunday Schools to come up with inviting and whimsical names for their "workshops" and even rename their entire Sunday School based on a theme to reflect changes they have implemented and become more appealing to kids and families. A "workshop" is a classroom that is outfitted and decorated around one particular method of teaching, such as art or cooking or drama.  In the Rotation Model, classes "rotate" to a new workshop each week and the teachers stay put. Each workshop teaches the same Bible story for 4 to 5 weeks at a time so that the kids develop a great memory and understanding of the story through many different learning approaches. As you will read below in our lists of names, some workshop or Sunday School names are based on something peculiar about their church, such as its location on a hill or by the sea. Other names use words like "Trek" or "Discovery" to rebrand the Sunday School and give it a thematic motif. See the follow-up article by Neil about "naming cautions."

Learn more about "workshops" and how the Rotation Model works.

See our collection of photos of creative classrooms and signage!

Please notice that there is MORE THAN ONE PAGE of posts in this topic.


Images (7)
  • PasteinHair2
  • mceclip0
  • Rotation-Choices-ani2
  • Rotation-Choices-SwissArmy
  • Rotation-Video-Bumper
  • GardenofEatinWorkshop
  • welcome-names
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thanks Neil for all your great suggestions and for taking the initiative to start this ministry.

Our Workshop Rotation Model Sunday School is called "Sonshine Station" and all our workshop rooms are "places" such as

Parable Place (storytelling)
Activity Alley (games and activities)
Divinity Diner (food)
Luke's Lab (science/demonstrations)
Creation Station (art)
Visual Vineyard (video)
Music Mall

Watch a presentation about the Rotation Model

Last edited by Lesson Wrangler

We use the acronym A.R.K.

Obviously, we use a Noah's Ark theme and have a logo for all our Sunday School that has Noah's Ark and the caption
"Come Aboard"

Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Art: Creation Station
Drama: Moved by the Spirit
Stories: Temple Courtyard
Cooking: Loaves and Fishes Cafe
Movies: Mountaintop Movies
Computers: Fisherman's.Net
Program Name: Faith Odyssey

These are the names that won. We had a contest with open nominations for all six workshops and the program name. Our committee narrowed the list to two nominations and we voted on one a week for seven weeks.

A funny aside, one of our computer room nominations was "Bible Bytes." The adults all thought this was very clever, Cool

but a teenager pointed out that this sounds the same as "Bible Bites" -- a negative slang term. Eek

Not exactly the message we're trying to get across. The moral of the story is make sure the names sound good to kid's ears, not just adults. Big Grin

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our Rotation is under construction. Actually this Saturday is our first work day on rooms. We are slated to start in January. Our over all feel is a travel agency where kids get their passports (Name Badge) when they arrive and have one destination stamped each Sunday. Our Shepherds are our "Tour Guides".

Theme: Testament Tours
Art/Cooking/Games: Mt. Carmel Creations
Theater/Music/Movement: Palestine Productions
Drama/Puppetry/Storytelling: Bethlehem Bijou
Computer/AV Newsdesk/Maps: Galilee Gigabytes

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our Rotation Model Sunday School is called "Kingdom Trek"
and has a traveling/wilderness theme.

Our rooms include:
Garden of Creation (art)
Caravan Camp (storytelling/video)
Oasis Theater (performing arts)
Trekking Computers (computers)
we also do games and cooking, but no clever names for those workshops Smile

Our logo is a cartoon kid wearing shorts, t-shirt and a backpack. The logo is on the background of our song transparencies and will be used on our name tags.

What are "Workshops" in the Workshop Rotation Model?

and what are the benefits to students and teachers?

You may have noticed in the above presentation that "workshops" are often called by different creative names in Rotation Sunday Schools. An Art Workshop might be known as "Creation Station," "Holy Word Studios" for a Video Workshop, and so on.

View articles about various workshops, their setup and methods, and see more photos.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

I love our Sunday School programs name. It was created by Luanne Feldman who started the W.o.r.m. program at our church. Our whole program is called "Footsteps" Of course our logo is a footprint and our key vs. is Psalm 119:133 Establish my footsteps in your word. We even decorated the kids hallway to have footprints on the wall leading to the classrooms.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our program is called 'Kids on the Move!' Our mission statement includes the following 3 objectives:

• Move kids to realize that God is talking to them through Bible stories.

• Move kids to Bible literacy by ensuring they remember the story and Biblical truth taught during each rotation.

• Move kids to faithful attendance and a desire to bring a friend by emphasizing the learning environment

Our workshops are Bible Beach, Thou Art, Mary and Martha's Kitchen and Holywood. The kids check in with the Travel Agent for attendance purposes and to find out which workshop they are assigned to for that day.

Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Our program is called the LIGHT House. "I am the light" is just one of many Bible verses we use to explain the name. We are also a seaside community with two lighthouses nearby, so this especially made sense for us.

Our workshops all have a nautical/beach theme:

Seaside Cinema: Movie Theater/Video Production
Surfside Studio: Art
Cyber Cove: Computers
LIGHT House Cafe: Cooking
Mission Marina: Mission
Parable Pier: Drama
La Playa Playhouse: Games
LIGHT House Chapel: Opening Space

Monica Buzbee

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These names were selected from those found at, tweaked just a little:

B.L.A.ST. (Bible Learning Adventure Stations)

Bible Disc-overy Zone (Computers)
Desert Drama Theater
Thou Art! Studio
Marketplace (covers various subjects: storytelling, cooking, science,etc.)

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At Ellijay First United Methodist our rotation Sunday School is called "Ark Angels"

Art: Noah's Art
Science: Cubit's Corner
Computer: Binary Boat
Games: Arkade
Movies: Rainy Day Theater

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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Our Rotation for 1-6th is Footprints to Faith. Our various workshops are:

Let There Be Light...Camera, Action (a/v)
Wheel of Verses (Bible Skills/Games)
Thou Art
Bread of Life (cooking)
Parable Room (puppets, drama, music, storytelling, depending upon the rotation).

Last edited by Luanne Payne

We're called Faith Finders for Grades 1- 4

Rooms :
Discovery Den (multi purpose changes each month
Saint's Stage (drama)
Potter's Workshop (art)
Olympic Way (games, activities)

Our four groups of children are named Explorers, Adventurers, Detectives, Spies


Last edited by Luanne Payne

Posted by Kathy Davis 


Our church is Bethlehem U.C.C., so we are working off of the Bethlehem theme.


We painted our main room like a courtyard (each wall looks like a different building in old time Bethlehem - a stucco look with cracks and just a few bricks painted here and there) we will have a "well" that we will gather at each week. The individual rooms are:

The storytelling room is like you are walking into a huge tent and we call it Tent Tales.

The Drama room will have different backdrops on each wall: a seascape, a meadow, a mountain and a dessert - this is called The Stars of Bethlehem (the kids are the Stars).

The Art room is Noah's Art and will be painted like you are standing on the deck of the ark. The art stools will be painted in various animal prints.

The Theater will be BibleMax Theater.

The computer room is

The Kitchen is The Bethlehem Bread Co., and will be painted in the same colors as the St. Louis Bread Co./Panera's restaurants.

The Bible Skills/Games will be Dave & Goliath's (instead of Dave & Buster's) and we will paint a D&G on the wall similar to the Dave & Busters logo.

Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

We wanted our name to convey a concept so we studied the definitions of names that were suggested. We chose Faith Odyssey. The room names were designed to fit the acronym FAITH.

Father's Word = Bible stories – tent decor
Academy = Bible research & study – map decor
Imagination Station = Science/Art/Cooking –1-wall-art, 1-wall-science, 1-wall-cooking decor
Truth Theater=Drama/Puppetry/Music – theater decor
Heavenly Happenings = Video – Cinema decor

We have a small SS (25-30) right now, but have over 200 children when we have Upward Basketball, so we know that the children are there. We are praying that they will come.

Thank you for this website!

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our Rotation Sunday School is called "Walk of Faith"

The workshops are:

  1. Bread of Life; cooking/science
  2. TINN (Tell It to the Nations Network); TV production
  3. Brown Street Chapel; worship/Bible study (Our original church was first built on Brown Street. This chapel looks like something from the 1950's)
  4. How Great Thou Art; art
  5. Acts of Faith; puppets and drama
  6. Temple of Faith; storytelling
  7.; computers
  8. How Majestic!; movie theater
  9. A Maze of Grace; geography/social studies/mission
  10. Shout to the Lord!; music/games

Our program is for 1st-5th grade children.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our theme for this year's Sunday School rotation of stories is "Fishing for Faith" on the S.S. Discipleship.

Our workshop names all have a fishing theme:

Computer: Computer Cove
Video: Fish Tales Temple
Drama/Puppets: Christ's Cast
Games: Fun Dock
Cooking/Science: God's Galley

Our hallway has disciples fishing from a boat with a net. Hung by it is a small fishing net with fish in it. Swimming around the net and boat are fish each child decorated with their name on it. A string of fish lights goes around the bulletin board.

The Computer room is decorated to look like a cove with cutouts of palm trees, sun, clouds, parrot, waves with fish, shells, lobster, etc.

Each child has their own "fishing" vest made out of felt. Each grade has its own color vest. A fly fishing lure (hook removed) is attached to the vest. Each child put their name on their vest with a marker.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our Sunday School is called m&m's for Memory Makers.

Our decorative theme is m&m's.

Our workshops are:
Michelangelo's Workshop (art)
Masterpiece Theater (puppets/storytelling)
Memories in Motion (creative movement/games)
Mess Hall (cooking)
Matters of Faith (science)

In the music room, we made large musical notes, with the bottom circle being m&m's. In the art room, we spray painted round styrofoam plates to look like m&m's and hung them around the room. For the mess hall, we decorated a pot with a wooden spoon full of m&m's. For Matters of Faith, we filled a beaker-looking vase with m&m's and made a cloud of them bubbling out of the top. We made a path of m&m's out of craft foam from the downstairs to our rooms upstairs.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our Sunday School is called Crosswalk for Kids.

The slogan is "It's not your regular Sunday School."

We alternate between 10 different Experience Stations, depending on what best fits the lesson topic:
B C Lab: Computer
Creation Station: Art
Biblebuster Video: Movie
Holyword Studios: Drama
Revelations: Storytelling
Temple Time: Bible skills, games
Soul Cafe: Kitchen
KNOW: news station
The Master's Hands: Puppets
Celebration Station: music

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Marsha Woods from Cedar Square Friends in Archdale, NC share her church's workshop names for their Rotation Model Sunday School

  • All the World's A Stage (drama)
  • Grace Land (games) - decorated with a full wall-size Candy Land board game painted on the wall with Bible highlights mixed across the board.
  • Holywood (movies) - looks just like you're in a movie theatre - with theatre seats/popcorn machine, and running lights all around the room.
  • Christians Under Construction (crafts) -looks like a construction site
Last edited by Luanne Payne

RE: decor ...I work for 2 congregations:

1) St. Andrew's Pres. -

A.R.K. (Andrew's Raising Kids) - uses the Noah's Ark theme. We share space with a Mother's Day Out program, so are somewhat limited on what we can do with the space, but have been able to designate 2 rooms (out of 4 workshops) -

Art is held in the Rainbow Studio. We have a wrap-around mural inside the room that (tries to) simulate what it might look like if you stepped out onto the deck of the ark after it landed ... the "deck" is about chair rail height all around the room, and there are various animals all about it. A large, colorful rainbow comes out from behind the door onto the adjoining wall. (It took us 2 years to get this finished!) Our theater room is the Starlight Theater ... walls and ceiling painted a deep dark blue, with stars painted and guled on (glow in the dark ones) ... we have seating built into one corner. We use this room for both drama and video.

2) St. James Pres. -

Our theme is NOVA (New Opportunities to Voyage Ahead)
... everything revolves around a celestial theme.

The art workshop is God's Gallery (there has been no decorating done in this room up to this point; however, we are working on changing that. I hope to get the following in place: put up a photo mural of the earth "rising", and granite paint in a deep teal with black flecks and gold sparkles to simulate a night sky. This paint from ceiling to chair rail height ($$$$ a consideration), with complementing color the rest of the way ... suggesting God's separation of the heavens from the earth. Storage shelves and cabinets painted some metalic color. Hang representations of the planets from the ceiling by fishing wire); drama/video in Starburst Theater (again, decor not really thematic ... some cartoon figures painted on the walls to look like people in a theater, a curtain around the entertainment center); computers in Power House (also no great decor ... we're working on this room, too ... no great ideas yet); storytelling/games are done in the Temple (I know, not celestial, but well done room ... looks like the temple!).

Last edited by Lesson Wrangler

Our Workshop names:

God's playroom -- Game decor attached to the walls with sticky tack stuff, scrabble, yahtzee, chutes and ladders, cards, pictionary, etc. are all up- and we have a giant spinner in there, and i'm working on huge dice also.

M.A.D. C.A.P. room ---'Music And Drama Comes Alive Productions'. (music, drama, puppets, storytelling, dance, etc)

Art Studio

Cooking Lab


Last edited by Lesson Wrangler

Our worm is called The Bible Zone (a take on the twilight zone Smile

and a space theme)

The workshops are:
The Good News Galaxy - storytelling
The Pleiades Puppet Theater
Venus Video Theater (movies)
Constellation Creations (crafts)
Andromeda Drama
Comet's Creative Kitchen (cooking and science)
Singing Stars (music)

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Workshop names at Hillside Community Church in Colorado.
All names are actual places in Colorado.

  • Journey on the Hillside
  • Panoramic Point - creative arts, science
  • Loveland Pass - Bible games, drama
  • Reverend's Ridge - story, Bible history, culture
Last edited by Luanne Payne

our Sunday school, which is preschool thru 5th grade is called The Daily Bread Cafe. our workshops are:

Cooking - Ruth's Kitchen
Movies/Drama - Abraham's Tent
Storytelling - The Dining Room (we use the sanctuary of the church for this one)
Art - We never got around to naming this one!

Our youth group (middle school/high school) called themselves the Bread of Life Lounge and they are known as the Lounge Lizards for the Lord.

Next year we are going to explore the Laws and guidelines God set down for us to live by, such as the 10 Commandments; the Beattitudes; the fruit of the spirit. Our theme, since we are in Montana, is going to be a ranch. We came up with the Promised Land Ranch. The kids are going to be Wranglers for the Word; Teachers are Trailbosses. Our cooking workshop is Jake's Chuckwagon; our Storytelling/Drama is going to be the Rainbow Corral; our Art workshop is Friendship Trail. We still have some names to come up with for the Ranch house and the Bunk house, so if anyone has any ideas, please pass them along! We are having fun with this new style of Sunday school and the kids like it so much better than what was being done before. Thanks for the wealth of information on this site!

Bea - Hope Lutheran Church
Anaconda, MT

Last edited by Luanne Payne

We call our rotation Sunday School, "Hooked On Jesus"

Meeting Place: Tackle Box
Lesson: Sea-Side Sermon
Games: GO FISH
Art: ART Shack
Movie: Rod-n-Reel Films
Science: Stormy Seas Science Center
Kitchen: Bread n' Fish Cafe

The kids love our "fish" and fishing theme. Easy to decorate with too.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Those are cool names. I'll have to write them down! This year we are using the Promised Land Ranch as our theme. We are in Montana and ranching is a major industry here. Our ranch is a sheep ranch - complete with the Good Shepherd! Our Puppet Shows; Movies and Drama is called Glory Canyon Theater; and our storytelling is called the Everlasting Light Campfire. Our room that we use for our group events is called the Rainbow Corral and our kitchen is called Jake's (for Jacob) Chuckwagon. The kids loved it when I told them about it. Now for the work of decorating!!

Thanks for the ideas!

Last edited by Luanne Payne

We started our rotation Sunday School in 2005 with the name G.R.A.C.E. Place (where God Reaches All Children Everywhere).

Our workshops include:
Mary and Martha's Bed & Breakfast (Storytelling & Video),
David's Discovery Den (Science & computer lab in the future),
Creation Cove (Art),
Paul's Garden's (Games & Drama), and
Jesus' Treasure Shop (Cooking).

We're in the process of doing a makeover and switching around some's been great to see all the different names and be inspired!

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our Rotation Sunday School's name is The Explorer's Club, where kids explore the Word of God.

Our workshops are:
Village Green Games
Hillside Theater - Drama, Puppets, Video;
Artisan's Workshop - Art and Scrapbooking,
Home and Hearth - Cooking and home arts;
Bible Discovery - in depth Bible Exploration, Creative Writing, Computers, and Science;
The Sounds of JOY - music: vocal, instrumental and movement.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Creative Sunday School and Workshop Names: List 1

Here is the first part of our long list of Workshop Names that we collected for several years on our original website. List 2 is in the next post after this one.

I'll start by posting two photos from one of my own churches where we creatively called our Rotation Sunday School, "Sunday School."    Here's our Video Workshop. It was a large room that also doubled as our Drama Workshop.

Narelle Mercer, Indooroopilly Uniting Church, Brisbane, Qld, Australia

Our outer space-themed Children's program is called "Sunday Space,"
Our logo is a planet with rings rotating round it. We chose it because 1, it's rotation Sunday School, 2, we all rotate around the Son (Sun), like the planets in space.

Our workshops are: Creation Space Station, Galaxy Theatre, Mission Control (computers), and Solid Rock Cafe.


Shalyn from Bethlehem Luth. and Cross and Crown Luth, Indianapolis, IN

At Bethlehem, we have God's Gallery (art), Lazarus's Lab (science), Tent of Tales (storytelling, Bethlehem Bakery (cooking), David's Harp (music), Apostles' Playhouse (games) and we are pondering a name for special activities such as Christmas Cards for shut-ins.

At Cross and Crown Church we have the Apostles' Playhouse (drama), Bread of Life Cafe (cooking), Mission Possible (mission/ministry activities), Antioch Arcade (games).


Erla Wilson, Englewood United Methodist Church, Englewood, OH

We call our Rotational Model Sunday School program - "God's House" and have decorated our Sunday School rooms like rooms in your home...

Kitchen (Crafts/Food),
Bedroom (Storytelling),
Garden (Games),
Music Room (Music),
Family Room (Drama/Video).

We will be including a Home Office (Computer Games) as soon as we receive some equipment....


Kelly Waugh,The Plains United Methodist Church, The Plains, OH

- B.L.A.S.T (Bible Learning Adventure Stations)

Workshop Names:
Parable Pavilion: Drama & Story Telling
Master's Theater: Movie & Popcorn
Creation Station: Art
J.A.M.(Jesus & Me) Time : Music & Games


Nancy Parker, United Presbyterian Church, Cleburne, tx

We painted and redesigned our Education Wing hall and rooms in a Bible Village theme so we call it (not surprisingly!) The Bible Village.

We have an "artist workshop" with a potter's shop theme, a Marketplace for gathering music and drama, a synagogue school for Bible games, and bible knowledge rotation and a tent room for storytelling. We use the kitchen sometimes for Mary and Martha's bed and breakfast but it isn't decorated at all.

Christina Harris from: Heritage Presbyterian Church, Saint Clair Shores, MI

-We call our Sunday School SCUBA-Seeking Christ through Understanding, Believing and Action. We are close to the water so we have continued with the theme. We have The Lighthouse(bible stories/games), The Great Art Grotto(art), Red Sea Scenes(drama), Seaside Cinema(video) and The Coral Reef Cafe(kitchen/food). Our logo is a scuba diver finding a treasure chest at the bottom of the sea with the Bible inside!


posted by: Linda Marrow Nevling from: Marple Presbyterian Church , Broomall, PA

Storytelling Workshop-The T. E. N. T. (Teaching Eternal News Today). Art Workshop-Creation Station, Computer Workshop-The Church Mouse Pad, Kitchen Workshop-Loaves and Fishes Cafe, Drama/Puppetry Workshop-Character Building, Music/Movement Workshop-Joyful Noise, and the Movie Workshop-Arisen Messiah Cinema (we got seats from an AMC theater).


posted by: Michelle Miller from: St Paul's UMC, Smithburg, MD

We call our program "Bible Adventures" and use a desert and oasis theme. We have the following workshops: The Art Ark, In the Garden Theatre, Bible Bytes, Tent of Meeting, Temple Time and Our Daily Bread.


posted by: Cynthia Thorpe from: , ,

Our Sunday School program is now called "Discovery Kingdom" where children "discover" God, Jesus, the Bible, more about themselves, etc.

Our workshops are: Jerusalem's Jiving Lab (Cooking/Science), Disciples Drama Depot (Drama/Puppets), Sheba Shapers Design Company (Art), Egypt's Energizing Emporium (Bible Skills/Games), The Visual Vineyard (Audio/Visual), Messiah Message Center (Newsroom), Canaanite Computer Camp (Computers), Temple Tales and Tunes (Storytelling/Music).


posted by: Rachel Spence from: Easton Christian Family Centre, Bristol, England, United Kingdom

- Discovery Zones: the children are called 'Adventurers', the leaders are called 'A rangers', the helpers are called 'Keepers'. We have introductory teaching zones then activity zones.


posted by: Liz Weingart from: Petersburg Presbyterian Church, Petersburg, Ohio

In our transition period into WORM, we decided to call our Chrisitan Education Program "New Beginnings". We felt it was appropriate since we we were starting over in a sense. We have created beautifully decorated rooms such as The Coliseum, Promised Land, Keyboard Kingdom, Carpenter's Workshop and Bible Blockbuster. The kids love our new beginning!


posted by: Rebecca Ferrell from: Abingdon United Methodist Church, Abingdon, VA

- The name of our Rotation Sunday School is AUMC AWESOME ADVENTURES.


posted by: Kim from: Christ United Methodist Church, Greeneville, TN

We call the new program JAM! JESUS AND ME!
Children check in at the traffic lights (Jam as we travel down life's highway). Stations are: Real to Reel Theatre, Creation Cafe, Adventurous Art, Live from C.U.M.C. (Drama), and our old testament theme Bible Bank.


posted by: Linda from: Burlingame Presbyterian, Burlingame, CA

- Our program is called KFC (Kids For Christ). We change the names of our workshops to fit each rotation, but our most frequent ones are How Great Thou Art, First Century Theatre (Video) ACTs Out (Drama), BC To PC (Computers) and The Game Called Life (Games).


posted by: Beverly Eddy from: Community Church of the Nazarene, Midland, Michigan

- We call our Sunday morning children's program BLAST (Bible Learning Adventure Stations) It has a space theme to it right now. Our video is Galaxy Theater, cooking is The Flying Saucer Cafe, games is Have-A-Blast Games, Role-play is the Shining Stars Acting Company, Storytelling is Stellar Stories, and craft is Space Crafts. Our opening time is the Launchpad. The children are divided into two groups: The Rockets and Comets.


posted by: Eliana Maxim from: Mercer Island Presbyterian Church, Mercer Island, Wa

Our program is called A.R.K. (All Remarkable Kids). Our workshops are: The Temple, The Marketplace, Mary and Martha's Bed & Breakfast, Bible Improv, Faith Issues Today, Holyword Theatre, Moved By Spirit and Created By Spirit. We launch this summer with VBS and get Sunday school underway with all 8 workshops in September. Crossing our fingers and praising God!


posted by: Cary Ann Lutka from: Gurnee Community Church, Gurnee, Illinois

- Our children choose the name C.O.O.L. Journey for our Sunday school program. C.O.O.L. stands for Children Of Our Lord on a journey. Our classroom are Weavers of Wisdom (storty-telling), Awesome Oasis (kitchen), Craftsman's Caravan (crafts), Palace of Possibilities (Computer/games), and Seven Seas Cinema (movies/drama).


posted by: Cary Ann Lutka from: Gurnee Community Church, Gurnee, Illinois

- Our children choose the name C.O.O.L. Journey for our Sunday school program. C.O.O.L. stands for Children Of Our Lord on a journey. Our classrooms are Weavers of Wisdom (story-telling), Awesome Oasis (kitchen), Craftsman's Caravan (crafts), Palace of Possibilities (Computer/games), and Seven Seas Cinema (movies/drama).


posted by: Molly Baker from: First Presbyterian Church, Lexington, Kentucky

- We're calling our program S.T.E.P.S. - Stories Told, Experienced, Practiced, Shared. We're a 1st. Presbyerian Church so we can call it 1st. STEPS and can go down to pre-schoolers with babysteps. We're working on workshop names, but at the moment have Steppingstone Cinema and Step Right Up Productions for puppets and drama. One of our committee members enjoys woodworking and is going to make some giant feet to lead the way to the classrooms.


posted by: Marilyn Paulson from: First United Methodist Church, Wausau, Wisconsin

- "Faith Quest" is the name of our rotation Sunday School(grades 2-5). We name workshops to fit the unit and have had 'Miriam's Fine Art Studio', 'Bible Bytes' computer lab, 'WTPL TV' (Welcome to Promised Land)video lab, 'Nineveh's Chili Nights'(cooking workshop for Jonah)'Temple Tales' storytelling, 'Joy Rap' language and music workshop - to name a few.


posted by: Cathi from: Willoughby United Methodist Church, Willoughby, Ohio

- Our Sunday School program is called Journeylands Adventure, but most refer to it as Journeylands.
Our decor reflects a Biblical village with workshop stops called: Reel to Real, Thou Art, The Oasis,, and Master's Theatre. (on occasion, we add Mary and Martha's Bed and Breakfast when we are cooking) We are entering our third year as a rotation Sunday School for those in grades 1 through 5.


posted by: Linda Williams from: Monadnock Covenant Church, Keene, NH

- We call our Sunday morning ministry Faith Village.
We all meet as a large group at Bible Times Square. There is Prince of Peace Productions (video), King's Cafe (cooking), Thou Art! Studio (an idea borrowed from another church) for art, Upper Room (storytelling), Promise Patch (for our pre-schoolers), Solomon's Arcade (games), Rock of Ages Stages (puppetry and drama). We have our children's groups separated into occupations: Farmers, Fishermen, Weavers, and Carpenters.


posted by: Lynn Wood from: Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church, Charleston, West Virginia

FAITH FOREST for 1st-8th grades
Starting gathering place--Ranger Station
Art--Creation Cabin Drama/Video--Starry Night Theater Computers/Bible games--Streams of Knowledge Storytelling/Bible times experiences--Bible Trails Music--Vocal Valley (room in church basement) Workshop teachers--Rangers shepherds--guides


posted by: Lois Petersen from: First Lutheran Church, York, NE

Our A-V Workshop is called "Son Theater". We thought it was very approprite as our local movie theater is called The Sun Theater. Our Art/Cooking/Science Workshop is called Creation Station. Our drama/puppetry workshop is called First Acts and our music workshop is called A Joyful Noise. We still are contemplating what we can call our Bible Study/Games workshop.


posted by: Kim from: First Presbyterain Chuch, Eden, NC

- The Sunday school is The Master's School We have the MasterPeace Theater(Multi-media)The Master's Art Gallery(Art)Master BibleWorks(Games)Master Acts(Drama)Master Keys(Computer) Master Chefs(Cooking)


posted by: Sheila Fiorella from: St. Barnabas United Methodist Church, Arlington, TX

Our Sunday School for children in grades 1 through 5 is called "BELIEVERS' BOARDWALK."
The names of our workshops are as follows: CANAAN COAST CREATIONS (Art), CYPRESS CYBERS (Computers), LORD'S LIGHTHOUSE (Games/Geography), FISHERMEN FLICKS (Video), BARNABAS BANDSTAND (Music), and PARABLE PAVILION (Storytelling/Drama).


posted by: Wendy Zuech from: Greggton United Methodist Church, Longview, Tx

Our kids voted on various names but we went with the name used by the Nazarene church in Michigan....B.L.A.S.T. Bible Learning Adventure Stations.
We have 5 sites: Kingdom Klips (movie) Carpenters Bench (art, science, cooking)-- sawhorse/wood theme God's Backyard (drama/puppets)--backyard theme with astroturf Temple (Bible/missions)--tent theme Living Water (Computer)--fish theme

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posted by: Carla Davison from: Westwood Presbyterian Church, Wichita, KS

Our Sunday School area is called "God's Garden."
Workshop rooms include Songbird's Nest (music), Lilypond Playhouse (drama & puppets), the Orchard (books & games), the Sonshine Theater (audio-visual), the Rainbow Room (art), and our latest addition, the Bug Box (computers).


posted by: Gerald Bailey from: Westminster Presbyterian Church, Dayton, OH

Church School for us is "CrossRoads--Education for the Journey."
Our workshops: Creation Station (art), Caravan Chronicles (storytelling),
Courtyard Quest (games/activities),
Parable Place (drama/puppets),
Memory Lane (computers),
Stargazer Square (video theater)
Cobblestone Cafe (cooking/food)


posted by: Cindy B from: Cherry Hill Presbyterian, Dearborn , MI

Our prgram is called Testament Travels
Our children are divided into 3 groups: Explorers, Adventurers, and Voyagers.

We have Camp Galilee, our story telling room with desert mural walls and a tent AND a Sea of Galilee mural with a story telling 'boat'. Our computer and games room is The A-mazing ARKcade painted in a lt blue-white checkerboard pattern. On the last Sunday of the month the kids go to The MarketPlace to 'trade' memory work for 'fabulous prizes'. The MarketPlace is a 'landing' on the second floor that was painted to look like a Bible-time city with canopies and perspective painting so that you can look 'down' the road in the city. This month we begin work on the 'multi media center'.


posted by: Amy Pearce from: First United Methodist Church of Owasso, Owasso, OK

Our program is called "The S.S. Adventure"(the sunday school adventure) and is a boat theme in the hallway. We have 7 workshops: movie theater- Holy Word Theater- decorated like an old time movie theater; computer lab- space theme; Bible storytelling- The Upper Room- like a home from bible times; tv news- ANN (Adventure News Network)-office like; games/movement- The Jungle Gym- jungle theme; Arts/Crafts- Spirit Mountains- like a national park; and drama/puppetry- Kingdom Tales- medieval castle theme.


posted by April Guy from Carll's Corner Community Fellowship, Bridgeton, NJ

Since we meet in the upstairs of our building, we will be calling our workshop area "The Upper Room".
Our workshops will be called: "Disciples'Den"(Bible story/journaling), "Joyful Jamming" (music,praise,& instruments), and "Creation Station"(art,crafts, & foods)


posted by Heather Jones from First United Methodist, Bristol, TN

Audiovisual - BibleMax Theater
Story/Bible Skills - Holy Ghost Stories
Art and Cooking - Creation Station
Computer -
Drama - WWJD Heavenly Productions


posted by Amy from Panther Valley Ecumenical Ministry, Hackettstown, NJ

We gave our Sunday School a train theme and named it The PVEM Express (Panther Valley Ecumenical Ministry)

Creation Station (Art),
On Track & On Line (Computer)
Silver Streak (Movie)
Sunday Morning Live (Drama)
Shakin' & Bakin" Caboose


posted by: Polly Deppen from: The Presbyterian Church of Stanley, Overland Park, KS

Faith Forest and our workshops are The Treehouse, Bug Bytes, Caravan Tales, Tentmaker Tales, Night Owl Theatre, Loaves & Fishes, Creation Station, Rainforest Players, KPCS, Jungle Jam.


posted by: Teri Belicek from: Limestone Cove United Methodist Church, unicoi, TN

Our program will be JAM (Jesus and Me) Caravan our workshops are going to be McJesus - over one gadzillion served for Cooking, Cross Training for Games, Tales by the riverside (with a big paper mache tree in the corner, green carpet on the floor and a mural of the riverside on the walls for a culture and story telling class, Holyword theater, Solomon's Songs and praise, The Creation, and God said "it is good", for art.


posted b: Barbara Stefan from St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Falls Church, VA

"S.p.y.K.i.d.s." = St. Paul's Youth - Kids Investigating Divine Stories.

Our workshop names are
Story Sleuths,
Divine Drama Detectives,
Clueless Cafe,
Bible Skills and Investigames,
Mystery Movies,
Wherefore Art Thou?


posted by Marci Hill from Dove of Peace Lutheran, Tucson, AZ

Games=Bible Quest,
Music=Joyful Noise,
Science=Creation Exploration,
Service=His Hands,
Story and Current Events=HiStory,
Cooking=Daily Bread,
Drama=Rock of Ages Stages,
Art=Thou Art


posted by Susan McIntyre from First United Presbyterian Church, Las Vegas, New Mexico

Our church in an historic town of Spanish heritage has named our program Amigos de Cristo (friends of the Lord).

posted by: Michelle Shiparski from St. Mark's UMC, Findlay, OH

Our program is called "Live by the C", and we have a beach/seashore theme.
The rooms are The Lily Pad (computer room),
Lighthouse Theater,
Noah's Art Room,
The C-shore (our gathering & storytelling area),
Monsoon Lagoon (where we sing & play up a storm).

The hallway connecting each room is The Boardwalk.

Wormy says Sign up!


posted by: Marsha Brown from St. Andrew's Presbyterian, austin, TX

- We call ours "Spirit Safari" and wear safari hats and go on adventures with our 'adventure guides' who do the workshops and our 'tour guides' who shepherd the children every week.

posted by: Vicki Schildmeyer from: Fayette Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville , GA

We call our Sunday School: "Camp Wannabe" as in "I wanna be a Christian."

We have 5 tent awnings on the entrances to our "tents," the different activity/learning rooms. Week 1 Messenger Tent: Introduction-usually drama, Week 2:Rainbow Tent Arts/Crafts, Week 3 Dream Tent:Video Week 4 Explorer Tent: computer Week 5 Praise Tent: Games/Music. 10 units/year w/2 specials, eg Rally Sun, Xmas


posted by: Sue Strauss from Western Community Baptist, Victoria, BC

We are located in a coastal setting so we chose to call our Children's Ministry The BEACON: lighting the way to Christ. Our helpers are called Lightkeepers rather than Shepherds.


posted by: Jen from: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Livonia, MI

- Ours is called FROG (Fully Rely On God) and we have frog themes all over - right down to our schedule board which features the grade levels on frog cutouts, and the workshops on lily pad cutouts.


posted by: Angela Crotsenberg from: Frontier United Methodist Church, Cheyenne, WY

- Art - Thou Art;
Cooking - The Solid Rock Cafe;
Music & Drama - Godway;
Bible Skills - The Apostle's Attic;
Movies - The Savior Cinema


posted by: Paula Eggert from: Bay View Lutheran Church, Sturgeon Bay, Wi

- Since our church near Lake Michigan, we use L.I.G.H.T. (Learning in God's House Together)with many references to nautical things. We gather in the LIGHT house, and workshop areas are: Creation Cove, Fish Tale Temple, Bay View Theater, Computer Cove, Solid Rock Cafe and Seaside Cinema.

MORE from the original list in this next post...


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Last edited by Luanne Payne

Creative Names for Sunday School and Rotation Workshops: List 2

...With photos from our Workshop Photos forum

Part of the fun of the Workshop Rotation Model is redesigning your Sunday School classrooms and hallways to make them a lot more kid-friendly and inviting.  The five "core" workshops most Rotation Sunday Schools have are:  ART, DRAMA, VIDEO, COOKING, and GAMES. The rooms that house those workshops get decorated and outfitted to facilitate those teaching mediums. What you "name" each workshops, however, is entirely up to you, and as you will read, there are lots of creative ideas out there.

The following photos are of "Art" Workshops where the Bible story activity is... Art!  But notice the two different creative names:  "Creation Station" and "How Great Thou Art" Studio.

See a video about the Workshop Rotation Model



posted by: Bebe Walton from: 1st United Methodist, N. Little Rock, Arkansas

Cruisin' Christian Adventures; our theme is a cruise ship and each room is a "port-o-call", computer lab - Safari-net, T.V. studio - Paradise Productions, arts & crafts - Carpenter's Cape, music & movement - Choral Reef, drama/puppets/storytelling - Imagination Island, movie theater - Cinema on the Mount; our teachers are Helmsman and our shepherds are Pursers.

posted by: Sue Campbell from: Redeemer United Methodist, DeWitt, MI

Our program is: Kingdom Quest. Workshops include: Taste of Heaven (cooking), Thou Art (art), Kingdom Theatre (drama), Temple Tales (storytelling), (computer), Reel to Real (movie), Gospel Games (games), Bible Connection (Bible skills). Did a special sewing workshop (made Bible covers): Sowers of the Word.

posted by: Dixie Hendirx from: Westminster Prebyterian Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

We call our program "Kingdom Quest" (A childs journey in faith) Our rooms are: MoJo's cafe (Moses&Joseph-art and cooking),, games science); the Promise Land(Storytelling, geopgraphy, history), Crusaders Theater and Celebration Island (Music/Movement/games)

posted by: Matt Carver from: Faith United Methodist, Webster City, IA

Faith Villiage

  • A/V room - Coliseum Cinema
  • Computer - Creation Computing
  • Art - Garden of Eden Art
  • Drama - Apostle Productions
  • Games - Galilee Games

posted by: Debra Topp from: Parkway Heights United Methodist Church, Hattiesburg, MS

Our children's area occupies a second floor having 6 workshops and a storage/resource center, hence the name "The Upper Rooms".

Workshops include: Parables and Productions (storytelling), Reel Revelations (video), How Great Thou ART, Mega Bible Bytes (computers), and Muffin's 'n Marvels (cooking and science). The Courtyard serves as our gathering/ praise and worship space.

posted by: Kim Moran from: Christ Episcopal Church, Kennesaw, Ga.

Our theme is a biblical village; the kids choose the name - "Disciple Village". Our workshops are Thou Art (carpenter's shop for art); Scrolls & Such (Scribe's library for computers/games/science); Holywood (movie tent); Temple Time (temple theme for storytelling/bible study); The Peter & Paul Playhouse (drama) and Mary & Martha's Cafe (kitchen).

posted by: Alicia Jones from: First United Methodist Church, Muncy, PA

Our program is called "Promised Land." Our stations are "thou Art", the "Ark-ade", "Holy Word Studios", "The Oasis", and "Wesley Forest" The kids love the rotation method!

posted by: Sue Brammer from: First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dillon, MT

For our first year we wanted something unforgettable: "W.A.C.K.O" - for "We Are Christ's Kids On-a-mission". The rooms are: Art-Creation Station, Movies-Holywood Theatre, Games-Abundant Life Arcade, Cooking/Food-Solid Rock Cafe, Storytelling-The Tent.

posted by: Marti Redden from: Red Bank United Methodist , Chattanooga, Tennessee

We call our rotation model Fountain of Faith. Our Story room is Garden of Faith our Science is Faith Explorations our Music is Shake Rattle and Soul our Cooking is Heavenly Scents, our Art is Colors of Faith our Video is Cinema on the Mount.

posted by: Cristie Kearny from: Church at the Center, Seattle, WA

We call our Sunday School "CELEBRATION STATIONS"

Creative Writing=STONE TABLETS


posted by: Karen Aytes from: Old St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Charleston, SC

We call our program God's Story, Live!

Our workshops are: How Great Thou Art; Parables, Puppets and Prophets; Bibelwood Video, Agape Arcade, Make a Joyfyul Noise, Daily Bread. Our preschool section is God's Kids, Live!

posted by: Amber Austin from: FBC Miami, Miami, OK

Our Sunday School is now called Kid's Central Station.

Our theme verse is Proverbs 22:6 Train your children in the way they should go...
so we have a train theme.

Our workshops are movies- Reel Railroad, Games- Game Junction, News- FBC TV, Art & science- Creaction Station, Drama- Drama Depot.

posted by: Rebecca Mauldin from: Pinson United Methodist church, Pinson, AL

We call our rotational Sunday School "Camp J.C." (Jesus Christ)
Our computer room is Hi Tech Mountain, Our movie room is Lakeside Theatre, our storytellling/drama, Campfire Tales, our art room is the Craft Shack and our science/ cooking is The Canteen.

posted by: Shelley Rempel from: Living Hope Christian Fellowship, Delta, British Columbia

Our children's ministry for ages 6 to 10 is called Faith Finders. We have four workshops - Saints Stage (drama and sometimes movies), Potters Workshop (arts & craft), Olympic Way (games) and Discovery Den (cooking, science, movies).

posted by: Debbie Fisher from: St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Program name is Our PLACE (Peace, Love and Christian Education); 4 workshops are Parable Place, Thou Art Gallery, St. Alban's Playhouse, and our movie theatre is Show Me Cinema (a play on the fact that we got the seats from an old theatre in Missouri!)

posted by: Sherry McCurley from: First United Methodist Church, Miami, OK

The GAP - God's Awsome Place. Our kids came up the name.
Our different workshops are: God's Jungle Gym (music/rec),Bible Times (storytelling), Solid Rock Studios(puppet/newcast), Star of Wonder Labs (art/science), Garden of Eatin' (cooking/art), Circuit City (computer), Holy Word Theatre (video), Our Neighborhood (3&4 year old room)

Wormy says Sign up!

posted by: Mary Deykes from: Garden City Presbyterian Church (GCPC), Garden City, MI

What do you call your workshops and/or Sunday School?

We named our Sunday School "Welcome to the G.A.P.(God's Always Present)".

Some of our class rooms are Jonah's Workshop (art), Noah's Arcade (music & games), The Gathering Place (Drama, Puppetry, & Bible stories),The Two Fishes Cafe'(cooking)and The BC to PC Bridge(computer room).


posted by: Carol Bowe from: Porterfield United Methodist Church, Albany, GA

Our elementary rotation Sunday school is called K.O.O.L (Kids Of Our Lord)
We have a movie theatre/broadcast setting. Our workshops are called: A.O.L. (Almighty On Line)--computer; Creation Station--art/science;K.F.C. (Kids For Christ) Cafe--cooking; J.A.M. (Jesu

posted by: Deseri Peterie from: Salt City Rock, Sandy, Utah

Our program is called "Rock the World Tours". We have 2 rotations going at the same time-younger & older. Their "destinations" are: Fishermen.Net, Holyword Theater, Garden of Eat'n, Adventureland and Creator's Studio.

posted by: Warren Clifton from: St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Shreveport, LA

What do you call your workshops and/or Sunday School? Praise Planet - Where Kids Come to Rotate Around the Son! Wanted to be sure that Christ is at the center of everything that we do with Sunday School. Also wanted to incorporate language that said something about the method of instruction -- rotation workshops. Has been a big hit with children. Now exploring workshop ideas for Adult Sunday School.

posted by: Troy Smythe from: Broadway United Methodist Church, Indianapolis, IN

Our name is Rock the Boat and we have a beach theme.

Jonah's Whale of a Tale (Drama/storytelling, Mary and Martha's Cooking Cabana (Kitchen), Noah's Art (Art-thanks to 1st UMC South Bend), BUMC-New Hope News (News/media), Beach Babies (Nursery)

posted by: Rachel Krakowsky from: Lighthouse Church, Alsip, IL

We call our WoRM program Kidz Quest in conjunction with our Contemporary Children's Worship Service called Kidz Jam. The classes we have are Creation Station (Art), (comp), The Coliseum (Drama), Treasure Cove (Games), The Tent (Bible Skills & Activities) and the one that is still being worked on is going to be HolyWord Studios (Multimedia).

posted by: Carol Barrett from: Fairfax Presbyterian Church, Fairfax , VA

We call our workshop Sunday School, "Great Explorations", using a floating balloon as our logo.

posted by: Linda Woltz from: Sunrise Christian Fellowship, Edmonds , WA

Our Sunday School program is Bible TREK: Teaching, Reaching and Engaging Kids with God's Word

We began our rotation program last October, and it has been amazing!

posted by: Linda Woltz from: Sunrise Christian Fellowship, Edmonds , WA

Our Bible TREK Workshops: Art Quest, Adventure Oasis - Games and Bible Skills,Base Camp - Bible Story,Mountain Top Movies, Exploration Station - Science,Trailhead Café, Pathway Playhouse

posted by: Missy Shannon from: Paradise Lutheran Church, Paradise, CA

We call our Sunday School "The WORM" and use the WORMY logos from
The workshops, Art: Art Oasis, Computers: Night Sky Lab, Games & Bible: Inspiration Room, Video: Dreams & Visions Theater, Drama: HolyWord Studio, Outdoor Classroom: WORM Garden, Kitchen: Rachel's Camel Stop

posted by: julie from: immanuel ucc, indpls, in

We Call our's Holy City on the Hill.
We have names for individual rooms ie Joseph's Carpentry and Crafts. Our small hall gathering area is called Jericho Junction. etc.

posted by: Amy O'Neil from: First Presbyterian Church, Gloucester, Virginia

Our WoRM program is called Faith Village.

Our workshops are as follows: Art (Noah's Art), Cinema (Holywood), Computer (Hardrive Cafe), Drama (Godsway), and Music (the Final Note).


posted by: Sandra Borgschatz from: Trinity Lutheran Church, Wanamingo, MN

TRINITY TRAIN!--Jump on Board with Jesus! We went a train theme so everyone was on the "right track" with Jesus! We have Creation station (Art/Cooking);The Boxcar(AV);Drama Depot (Drama/storytelling); Switchboard (computers); All-a-BOARD (games); Grand Temple

posted by: Mary Stough from: KirkWood Presbyterian Church, Yorktown, VA

We call our program "W.O.W" (the Way Of the Word).
Our workshops are "Acts of the Apostles" (drama), "Creation Station" (art), (computer), WKPC-TV (video), and "The Game of Life in Christ (games). We also use the church kitchen as "The Bread of Life Cafe" and other areas in and outside the church as special rotation sites.


We call our program "Faith Explorers".
We converted our upstairs to Potters Workshop, StoryTeller Tent, Puppet and Broadcast Studio, and Movie Room.

posted by: Debbie Brimacombe from: St. Paul UMC, Largo, FL

Ours is called SonShine Junction Bible Adventures.
Workshops are: Mary & Martha' Dining Car (Cooking), Jericho Junction (Drama), Gethsemane Games (Games), Holyword Theater (Video), Imagination Station (A&C), and Lazarus Lab (Science/Math)


posted by: Mary Lindsay from: Unity Church of Christianity, Houston, TX

Our program name is "World Of Wonder" WOW, as in "bring your kids, we'll W.O.W. 'em!"
We call our workshops CENTERS and they are; Holywood (AV), Creation Station (Art), Jammin' Jubilee (Music & Movement), Acts 1 Scene 2 (Drama/Storytelling), Noah's Ark-ade (Games) and Garden of Eatin' (cooking). We call our 'teachers' WONDER GUIDE and we call our workshop leaders CENTER LEADERS. Each child is and EXPLORER issued a 'passport' instead of a nametag as they Wonder from center to center.

posted by: Lori Lewis from: Morton First Presbyterian, Morton, IL

We are KFC ~ Kids for Christ!
Our workshops: How Great Thou Art, Solid Rock Cafe, GospelMax Theatre, Psalm & Song, Church Mouse Pad, and Imagination Station

posted by: Jinger Looper from: Beaver United Methodist Church, Beaver, Oklahoma

Our Sunday School is known as the Hall of Heroes.
Our hallway (and doors) are painted with several of the Heroes of the Bible including: John the Baptist, Jonah, Samuel, Paul, Esther, and of course Jesus. The inside of each of our 4 rooms include murals of Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus.

posted by: Jennifer Brey from: Crossroads Community Church, South Windsor, CT

We held a name contest with the children. They came up with "Race for Faith" as the new kids church name.
We have Mountain Top Movies (video), Creation Station (art), Garden Theatre (drama), God Rock Cafe (cooking)and Discovery Den (Science). Most of the names we got from other churches. Thanks!


posted by: Marian Shelton from: First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach, SC

Our church is just blocks from the Atlantic. We went nautical, and named our rotation classes The SS Adventure Ship(SS for Sunday School.) We have The Art Galley, The 7-Seas Cinema, The Tech Deck (computer lab) and The MESS Hall for Multiple Experiences in Sunday School. Bon voyage, mate!

posted by: Laura Whitmore from: Southport Congregational church, Southport, CT

We call ours "Sunday Scramblers" and have an amusement park theme throughout the year.

Apostle's Art Arcade, Goliath Games, Moses' Music Tent, Simon's Service Center, Under the Big Top (Storytelling), Diciple's Drama Den, etc

posted by: Regina Jeffers from: First United Methodist Church, New Carlisle, OH

Our Children's Sunday school is called "The Oasis".
We have within the Oasis...The Marketplace, Mary & Martha's Bed and Breakfast, Genesis Theatre, Making Disciples Carpentry Shop, and www-JESUSatyourfingertips-GOD.

posted by: Becky Boss from: Bloomfield Hills Baptist Church, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Promiseland Workshops (picked by the kids: Creation Station, Starlight Cinema, Parable Productions, Bible Quest, and Rays of Light which is our reflection week where the children write in their journals @ the rotation.

Sign up for our free newsletter of resources and great ideas
by becoming a Registered (free) Member at

Wormy says Sign up!

We call our program "The Lighthouse"
Our centers are: Bright Stars Drama; Sunbeams to Heaven Computer Lab; Moonlight Melodies (music); Stained Glass Art; Starlight Cinema; Light Unto My Path Games and Light My Fire Cooking. -Shirley Ray.

We chose "God's Promised Land." Each room has the name of a person from the Bible - no real theme - e.g., Computer room - "Paul's Cyber Journey", Storytelling - "Mary and Martha's Bed and Breakfast" (a favorite name amongst many programs, we've noticed), A/V - "Ruth's Show of Faith", Art - "The Carpenter's Corner", drama - "Daniel's Den". -Jayne Pauley

Posted by Neil MacQueen in 2001:

And the #1 name for Rotation Sunday School is...."Sunday School"

Bible Caravan, wilderness, oasis themes are also popular, as is Bible Discovery Zones.

I just visited one called "God's Galaxy." It had an outerspace theme for its workshops.

We have named our WORM program at Harvest Christian Fellowship "Welcome Aboard" because our theme is based on Noah's Ark. Each group is called by the name of an "animal":sharks, tigers, geckos, eagles. Our rooms are named for areas of the earth these animals came from: Theater Under the Sea, Abraham's Abode (a desert oasis), etc. --Jan Harrington

The name of our effort will be BIBLEVILLE.
The classroom exteriors will reflect a small town. The AV room will be the Disciple's Drive-In, with a theater marquee above. Drama/puppetry will be the Parable Playhouse--we're thinking of a velvet remnant hung as a curtain to suggest a theatre. Art/music will be Creation Central (our church is Central UMC), and it will reflect a train depot. Bible Skills and games will be the Apostle's Attic, and the exterior will look like a house. Of course all of this is subject to change! --Dana R.

Our church is named St. Paul's United Methodist Church so we are calling ours St. Paul's Journeyland. Each workshop room is named after one of the town's Paul visited on his missionary journeys--Athenian Amphitheater(drama), Antioch Arcade(Bible skills, games, and computer lab), Damascus Road-house(video), Ephesian Craftsmen(art), Corinth Condo (Palenstinian House), Corinthian Tentmakers (Priscilla and Aquila's tent), Lyrics of Lystra  (music), and Macedonian Mess (kitchen). The workshop leaders are called "tour guides" and the "companion" travels with each class to the workshops. -- Mary Barrows

We came up with lots of creative sounding titles, but tried each one out by imagining one of our 4th or 5th graders saying to each other "Hey, are you going to "_______" today?" With that in mind, we realized that it had to be a one or two syllable word or phrase. We finally agreed on "Pathways to the Promised Land", realizing that conversationally, it would always be referred to as "Pathways." Maybe not too exciting, but it caught on really quickly and has already replaced "Sunday School".

We named our program "FAITH TREK- A Journey of Faith."
The logo has the words FAITH TREK written within a stream of stars leading to a cross. For the names of our rooms, we borrowed some and were creative about others. Our church is Christus Victor Lutheran, so our A.V. Room is the "C.V. Cinema", the art room is "Thou Art! Studio", our Bible skills and games room is "Daniel's Den", the computer room is "The Church Mouse" and the puppet/drama room is "Praise Him! Playhouse". For us, each room has been designed with a 'Unique Feel.' --Valerie Z.

"Bible Adventure Zone". --Dena Kitchens

Our program is called The D.O.C.K. (Disciples Of Christ's Kingdom). We had dock posts made for our entrance and hung fish net. Our rooms are Noah's Art, Seaside Cinema, Paul's Players and Tryphena and Tryphosa's Temple Room (get out those Bibles and find those two!)

We tried to tie our theme in with our church's Mission Statement. --Wendy

We are in our second year of rotation model, and use the name of "Abraham's Kids." The workshops are called: Revelations(story telling); Creations (art); Chronicles (theater); www-Bible-com (Computer lab); Acts (drama). --Dub Koon

Our WoRM Sunday School is called the G.R.E.A.T. Adventure (God's love, Reaching, Exciting, Assuring, Transforming) .

Our workshops have the following names: Cooking - Solid Rock Cafe, Drama - Sunday Morning Live, Art - Raiders of the Lost Art, Theatre - HolyWord Theatre, Bible games/skills - Bible Quest, Computers - CyberSpace. -Paul Derden

"Time Travelers"
Art Ark: painted to simulated being on the ark. King James Theater: a drama/puppet room designed like and Elizabethan theater. Temple Time: a storytelling room complete with the Holy of Holies, prayer rugs and prayer shawls. Good News Drive In: an audio/visual room with murals on three walls. Bytes from the Bible: computer room with 4 computers and 2 printers. --Jana Kinnersley, Milledge Avenue Church, Athens GA

Our program is called "The Orchard" and it's based on the Fruit of the Spirit.

Each classroom is named after a fruit: Strawberry Cinema (video), Apricot Art (art), Coconut Kitchen (cooking), Pineapple Playhouse (drama/music), and Mango Museum (Bible skills). Each age group of children is named after one of the fruits of the spirit and something you would find in an orchard: Love Bugs, Kind Caterpillers, Joy Birds and Gentle Giants (the giants are people found in the orchard!) - Noreta B. Lakeland, Florida

Pathways Sunday School
- Boonton United Methodist Church in Morris County, NJ --Janet Saulter-Hemmer, CRE


Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Our Sunday School program is called "Son Seekers".

Our workshops are:
Son Seekers Oasis (Games & Storytelling)
Creation Station (Art)
REEL Son Theater (Movies)
3-in-1 Productions (Drama & Puppets)
"Let There Be Light" Cuisine (Cooking) (Computers)

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Blvd or Boulevard Ideas

"Sonset Boulevard" (Blvd) is our midweek kids' program at Living Way Church, Stockbridge.

Planet HolyWord- movies
Entertainment Tonight- Drama & Puppets
Raiders of the Lost Arcade- Games
BEauty & the Feast- Cooking and Art


posted by: Helen L Dickson from Beechwood Presbyterian, Parkersburg, West Virginia

- Our Sunday School 4 year old thru 8th grades. Our Sunday School is located in the lower hallway and --the name for the hallway is "Holy Word Blvd" (Boulevard) It has a street sign on either end with that name. Also have a large tree of life on one wall. The wall near the nursery is painted with little lambs and a crook, titled "His little lambs" The craft room is also our supply room and it has blue clouds painted around it and is titled "Creation".


posted by: LYoung over in the Help Forum k09/12/2018 (moved here to consolidate posts)

We need suggestions for a catchy name with boulevard. Our favorite seems to be SONshine Blvd.   But would like some more options.


Neil MacQueen

“Bible Walk Blvd” hallway might name and theme the individual workshops as “shops” along the Boulevard. (“Florence Art Supply,” “Mary and Martha’s Cafe” and “Merriam  and Moses Shoals Music Studio.”)

The "hallway signage" topic in our Photos forum shows a number of variations of how Rotation churches have used their name to create a theme. It's hard sometimes to come up with a theme, but you have so many local features that are also metaphors. Makes it fun to think about visually if not in name. Walk, trail, river, coves, springs. shores, hills and heights.   

Amy Crane

if you didn't want shop names. Things like Arts Alley and Dramatic Drive and AV Alley. Google "custom street signs" and you will find lots of choices for ordering signage.

Chris Epstein

Blessings Boulevard.

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We call our Rotation program: Destination Christ, which alludes to our vision statement:: "Supporting kids' spirit-filled journey with Christ."

Our "workshops" (rooms) are:

Art Ark - painted like the inside of the Ark - art, crafts, construction
Creation Cove - painted like "under the sea of Galilee - drama, puppets, music
Our Oasis - painted like Egypt with the Nile running through - spirituality, biblical knowledge, creative writing, movies
Discovery Den - computers and games
Harmony Hall - music, movement, dance

When we use the church kitchen for a cooking project we call it, "Galilee Gourmets".

Last edited by Lesson Wrangler
We have chosen to call our Rotational Sunday School DISCOVERY KINGDOM. Our kids will be discovering that God is present everywhere. Our Room themes will be based on exploration as described below.
Art - RAINBOW REEF - Ocean Exploration Biblical connection Jonah and Fishing
Music/Drama - JUNGLE BEAT PRODUCTIONS - Jungle Exploration
Biblical Connection Creation
Games/Activities - DIGGING DUNES - History & Archeology
Biblical Connection - timelines/ Significant finds ect.
Story Room - THE QUEST - Faith Exploration
Biblical Connection - Jesus' ministries carried through to current times
Computers - TREE TOP PC - Forest explorations
Biblical connection is Jesus the Story Teller
Movies - NIGHT SKIES CINEMA - Space Exploration
Biblical connection the Nativity

We are excited to get started, and I hope to post pictures of our rooms soon. There is a lot of work to do to get them ready Big Grin

Our Elementary program (1st through 6th grades) is the "Transformation Station" which has a train travel theme.

The workshops are "depots":

Design Depot (art)

Faith Depot (Temple theme; storytelling and Bible drills)

Tech Depot (computers)

Staging Depot (drama)

Holywood Depot (movies)

Game Depot

About a year later we implemented "Preschool Express" for 3-5 year olds. The materials are in steamer trunks labeled Creation Station, Exploration Station, Imagination Station, and Recreation Station. The Preschoolers come to the same classroom every week and the teacher rotates.

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We chose the name GAP (God's Awesome Place!).


We gather around the campfire for drama and song in Campfire Tales, we learn bible skills and play games in Fields of Fun, we view videos in Riverside Theater and we express our artistic and creative sides in Creation Creek.


We are starting our 3rd year with the rotation and have 12 children attending GAP (we're a small church), in one room that we've creatively divided with curtains...and it works. Kids see and wear GAP shirts and know that those three letters stand for much more that a clothing company.

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We are using the theme "God's Big Backyard" Everything is nature-based.

The groups of kids rotating go by the names:
1st & 2nd Grade- Blue Jays
3rd & 4th Grade- Falcons

We have also done the workshop rooms with these themes:

Star Theatre- Video
Buggy about Art- Arts & Crafts
Treehouse- Scripture Skills and Games
Tent- Music and Memory



Last edited by Neil MacQueen
We have just started rotation at our small church near Bristol, England. It is called Re:mix. The X in the logo is a cross at an angle.
I don't know of any other churches in our city which have started rotation so we're on our own! I love this website!

The classes are called
The Quest - DVD/computer
Creation Station - art/craft
Action station - drama
Ready, Steady, Cook - cooking
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We call our rotation program "Faith Tracks" and use a train theme. Our workshops are:
"God Central Station Depot" -- our opening gathering place
"Boxcar Bible Stories"
"Whistle Stop Cafe"
"Craft Caboose"
"Science Siding"
"Clickety Clack Cinema"
"Computer Crossing"

Our pastor is a train buff and was the inspiration for our theme. We have train tracks running down the hallway and train murals in each room. Our kids and teachers LOVE WoRM!

Our church is Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church, so we are calling Sunday School "Sundays at the LAKE" and have designed our spaces with lake themes in mind.

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We are a small church so we only have 2 rooms to work with. Our church is called CityChurch so Sunday School is called CityKids and we don't want to change that. I'm just starting to plan our very first rotation. Here's what I've come up with do far:

We'll all meet together first for JAM Sessions (Jesus And Me) where we'll have praise & worship, announcements, etc. Then we'll split up to our Experience Stations:

Arts & Crafts: The GLUE Factory (God Loves Us Eternally)
A-V: Holywood Video
Storytelling: BLAST from the past (Bible Learning And Sharing Together)
Games: FAST Track (Fun, Active, Spiritual Training)
Puppet Theatre: The Masters Hands
Cooking: Soul Cafe

We'll rotate between 4 different workshops (2 per week, 4 total) and on the 5th week we're going to have "Fun In The Son-Day" A big celebration outside with games,jumpers and food, etc.

We have a separate nursery/toddler room so I'm still looking for something for them and a name for them. And I'm looking for names for the 2 groups of kids. (K-3 & 4-6 grade)

I'm very excited to get started! All of you have given me so many great ideas! Thanks Smile


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Our children's Sunday School program is called Carpenter's Corner. Our workshops are:

Creation Station (art)
HolyWord Theater (video)
Apostles' Playhouse (drama)
Bible Story Laboratory (science)
Storyteller's Tent (storytelling)
The Coliseum (bible skills/games)
Solid Rock Cafe (cooking)
Spirit Moves (occasional workshop - liturgical dance and music)

Moving this post to its proper home...

Judi H. of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Starkville, Mississippi

Our rotation Sunday School has a railroad theme. Our groups are called the Engineers (grades 5-7), the Boxcars (grades 1-4 and the Cabooses (ages 3 1/2 to 5). Our stations are Taste of Heaven Cafe' (creative cookery), Bible Bytes/Whirling Planets (computer and science share a room), Thou Art and Godly Games (share) and Story and Video Station (with puppet theatre as well). All aboard for God's children!

Last edited by Luanne Payne
We use the rotation model, but call our workshops "studios". We have 4 Experience Studios that use a variety of learning styles that covers kids from Kindergarten to 6th grade. Hence they are called K6 Experience Studios.

We teach one Biblical lesson 4 weeks in a row (when there is a fifth Sunday we do something special)
Music & Motion

This fall we are adding a new preschool focused studio called the Connection Studio for kids 3-5 years old. In this studio we will use the Young Children in Worship curriculum. Here we will repeat the Biblical lesson 2 weeks in a row.
Our children's ministry is known as "Kid Zone" and our rotation workshops are...
Adoration Zone-worship-singing,dancing
Imagination Zone-drama, skits, videos, movies
Creation Zone-arts and crafts, cooking
For the 2008-2009 church year we used the H.I.K.I.N.G theme since we are located in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. It was an acronyn forHelping Inspire Kids' Interest in God Our groups were Hikers, Campers, Adventurers The stations were The Campground- meeting and story place; Mountain Top Productions-Video; Artist's View-Art, and Around the Campfire-the Kitchen

For the 2009-2010 year we have chosen "The Vineyard" as the theme. Children were invited to be one of the "Bunch" .(of grapes)
The The Vine and Branches Room is a multi-center room which includes the
Music Center ...Heard it through the Grapvine"," The Drama Center..Scene Pickin' Artist's Seeds Theatre Center...Raisin'Awarenessand finally our kitchen is the Vineyard. There was an increase in membership among our Toddlers, so one of our rooms was taken for the expansion for that group. Thus we have more centers in one area this year.
But the rotation concept still works for us!!
Our Sunday school is called:

Discovery Kingdom! Where Jesus is King!

Holy Land Theater- cinema/ drama
Parable Place- story/ games
Creation Cove- art
God computer lab
Kingdom Courtyard- worship & surprise

We started our rotations in September 2009. This program is great! Big Grin
We have been using rotation for about 10 years and this year we decided it was time to refresh so we have changed the name of our Sunday school program and are in the process of redecorating and renaming our workshops.

Our Sunday school is called Taking F.L.I.G.H.T. with the acronym standing for Faithfully Learning In God's House Together. Our church is located across the road from our local community airport.

Our workshops are:

God's Mission Control-computer lab
Master Peace Theatre-Drama and puppets
Creation Station-games and science
Sonlight Cinema-video
The Garden of Eatin'-cooking
Walking on Water Art Gallery-art and crafts
Our church is located in a beach town. Our entire leadership has tried to adopt beach/water themes. The entire children's department (birth-5th grade) is called The Harbor: A Safe Place for children and families to meet, know and serve Jesus. The Youth area is called The Landing. Our Sunday school areas are the Dock, where we gather and the beach huts where the crews go to class. Classes are:
Storytelling: Fish Tales
Art: Creation Cove
Cooking/Science: Mess Hall
Computers: Tech Deck
Movies: Seaside Cinema
Music: Wind Chimes
Our theme verse is "I will put my Spirit into your children. My blessing will be like a stream of water flowing over your family. Isaiah 44:3" We put this verse and others in vinyl lettering on the walls and painted the halls like the beach. We built a real dock for the gathering area, so it doubles as a stage.

Our Sunday/Wednesday School at Kanawha City Church of Christ is called "Treasure Seekers".

We are a small church (about 180 members) with about 20 children. Here are some of the workshops we use:

1. The Big Dig (reconstructing the facts of the story from an archaeological dig set-up)
2. Raiders of the Lost Art (art lesson related to the story)
3. Treasure Trove Theater (drama and creative movement associated with story)
4. Shipwreck Bay S.O.S. (Missions - "Share Our Story", "Serve Our Seniors", "Strengthen the Sick", "Stomp Out Sin", etc.
5. Discovery Island - (science experiments and cooking experiences related to story)
6. The Lost Temple (music, poetry, prayer related to the story)
7. X Marks the Spot - (games, scavenger hunts, physical activities related to the story)
8. Spyglass Cinema (video related to the story)

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Our Sunday School at Mercer Island Presbyterian Church is called THE ARK (all remarkable kids). We have new homeroom classes from which we venture to our rotations. They are called: DOVE'S NEST and CANAAN COVE. Our rotations are: CREATED BY THE SPIRIT (art), HOLYWORD THEATER (movies), MARKETPLACE (cooking), BIBLE IMPROV (drama), MARY AND MARTHA'S B&B (storytelling). Now we're looking for a new name for our nursery to tie in with the water theme. Oh - and our 4th and 5th graders are called THE WAVE.
Our Sunday School is called Transformation Station. Our key verse is, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation" 2 Corinthians 5:17. We just completed our first year of rotation and we are taking a break this summer. We picked names for our various stations, but they haven't really stuck. Transformation Station has become a household word at our church, with even adults using it. We will resume in August and need ideas how to make the names of the workshops more meaningful.

Our children's ministry is now called Clubhouse Kids.

We are in the process of making our kids worship room look like the inside of a clubhouse. Each of our 4 workshops are a "corner" of the clubhouse.

Our workshops are Creation Corner (Art and craft),

Imagination Station (drama and worship),

Adventure Alley (large motor games and skills),

Discovery Hollow (science and nature).

We hope to add Digital Den as soon as we get some computers donated and ready to go. Cool

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We call our SS department " Disciple City" Since our church name is City of Hope.  Each workshop name alludes to the function of the Workshop, but with a modern twist on a Biblical name. ie; Noah's Art Studio, Cinema on the Mount, HolyWord Studio, and our currently only "traditional" class is called The Loft. I was told to keep a traditional class so this is my version of that. The Loft is actually a rotation workshop as well, but focuses on teaching the Bible story through Biblical History & Traditions. My idea is to show them old Israel through their clothing, customs, laws, etc... and hopefully soon the foods they ate. Really hoping to turn this into a deinite Cooking/Science Workshop And drop the "traditional" idea all together. Not surprisingly, it is the least favorite workshop. How many 10 year olds love history? But cooking, science, customs & costumes...knowing our kids, that would be a winner! 

Also...every 5th Sunday, we will have what I'm calling Bible & Bacon. All kids and teachers will meet in the gym for Music, Bible trivia, life sized games and breakfast! 

I want to share what we did with a theme and names for our Sunday school once we started using a rotation model last July.

We don't have a particular name for our Sunday school other than "Sunday School" but our theme is "Growing People of Faith."  It's a gardening theme.

We use rooms in our church that are not dedicated to the education program; many community groups and other church groups use them.  Also, we have different workshops in each space depending on logistics, etc.  So we have given  the rooms/spaces names which we post on doors, etc.  We have the Garden Patch and the Greenhouse.  We have an Orchard and an Arbor.  We have a tool shed (utility closet) and the Potting Shed (a space near the kitchen.)  The Orchard is a room with a door and the TV/DVD capabilities.  We tend to have movies in there or music, which tends to be louder.  Sometimes Drama is in there depending on how the other spaces are being used.  Our regular classroom is the Garden Patch and is where any number of workshops take place.  Because the Garden Patch and Greenhouse (2 halves of the classroom which has a divider) have carpet anything messy is done out in the Arbor or Potting Shed.  The latter are the areas we've designated in our Fellowship Hall.

Our classes are known by names rather than grades. This is both fun but also helps when students may need to be in a class other than the one that's their grade: a less mature student can go into the younger group or vice versa.

Our "Seedlings" are in the "Nursery".

Our "Sprouts" are K-2nd grade this year.

"Saplings" are 3rd-6th grade.

"Buds and Blooms" are Jr and Sr. High students.

The students all have aprons with their name tags on them which are different depending on their group.  The Sprouts have green ones, the Saplings have gold.  The Buds/Blooms have either a waist apron or a gardening hat.  The aprons are used to keep clothes clean, show the name tags and collect pins for each completed rotation.  The teachers are called "Gardeners" and they wear a yellow gardening apron upon which I put a picture of geraniums growing in little pots.  We also have "Wheelbarrows" (who wear an apron with a wheelbarrow on it) who take the Sprouts, Saplings or Buds/Blooms from workshop to workshop.  It's taken a while for folks to catch on to the names "Gardener" and "Wheelbarrow" but after nearly a year they seem to have gotten used to it.

The Sprouts and Saplings love their names and aprons, etc.  The older kids aren't so keen on their hats but they do attach their pins to them with some pride.

In each space we have different workshops each month and these workshops are simply called "Music", "Science", "Carpentry", etc.

This took a while to figure out, given our space limitations, but we are loving it.


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This will be our 7th year of rotation Sunday school at our church.   We call it Cross Training.  Double meaning here with the cross Jesus died on and the cross training of going to different stations.  We had a church wide contest (win a big candy bar) and voting  for the naming of our rooms .  The choir room is called Hallelujah Hall,  Kitchen is Bread of Life Cafe', the art room is called Coat of Many Colors, the theater is called Holy Flicks Theater,  Science room is called Creation Station,  Our Drama theater is called Acts of Kindness,  our story room is called Glory Story Tent  and our Game room is called Arcade of Faith.  Outside each room is a banner that reflects the naming of the room.  It was a fun idea to include the whole church in the naming of our rooms as it  served  to spur the enthusiasm  of our new rotation program .  Sherry

We had our kick-off Aug. 19!  Our theme is Wellspring Woods and our workshop names are:

Prayer Pathway - Entrance & Hallway
River Rocks - Music & Movement
Zacheus' Treehouse - Storytelling, Bible Skills & Games
Starry Night Cinema - Video
Matinee Meadow - Drama, Puppets, Newsroom
Creation Hollow - Art, Cooking, Science


[exchange volunteer edited post to add links to wonderful pictures of the classroom spaces at United Presbyterian Church, plus more detailed descriptions.]


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Last edited by Amy Crane

Mission/Service Workshop:  "FaithWorks"

Decor theme: Construction, tools, plans, supplies, what/who we are serving

James 2:14, What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says they has faith but does not have works?

FaithWorks is also a pretty good name for a Rotation Sunday School too!



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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

See a list of some popular and particularly clever Cooking Workshop names, as well as photos.

What are "Workshops" and what are the benefits to students and teachers? Check out this short video:

View articles about various workshops, their setup and methods, and see more photos.

View an Introduction to the Workshop Rotation Model for Sunday School

Last edited by Lesson Wrangler

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