
Jesus in Gethsemane, Annie VallottonThis Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane Sunday School lesson and resource forum is part of's Palm Sunday to Good Friday, to Easter Morning forum of resources.

Editor's Note:
We're excited to have this quite different kind of workshop lesson posted here by Cathy Walz. A Prayer Labyrinth is a pathway one walks while contemplating. This form of practiced or led contemplation dates back centuries in the Christian tradition. They can be simple or big, and have stations/objects/prompts spaced at intervals.

If you're unfamiliar with the concept of Prayer Labyrinth, Google it, or read this one church's description of their labyrinth.

Feel free to post your variations and additional ideas for teaching the story of "Jesus Praying in Gethsemane" through PRAYER and PRAYER ACTIVITIES.

Jesus Praying in the Garden of Gethsemane

Prayer Labyrinth Station

Summary of Lesson Activities:

You will be doing 2 activities with the students—walking a prayer labyrinth and creating a prayer bead craft.

Scripture Reference:

Mark 14: 32-42

Memory Verse:
Luke 22:42
-->> "Not my will, but thy will." (the version for the younger kids).

-->> "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." (the longer complete version)

Lesson Objectives:

  • Know that they can rely on God for strength in difficult situations.
  • List the 4 parts of prayer based on the acronym ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication/send help).
  • Learn the different responses that God gives to our prayers.

Leader Preparation:

  • Review Background notes.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Refer to schedule and decide how you will make adjustments for the different ages.
  • Prepare Station Scripts and Prayer Card on proper colored paper (see Labyrinth Stations).
  • There MUST be 2 teachers/helpers with this lesson—one in the labyrinth and one with the craft
  • Use blue or green painter's tape to lay out a prayer walk around the edges of a classroom" down a quiet hallway" or in a pattern in the center of a large room! Add arrows to direct the kids.
  • Set up the following stations along the prayer walk (see Labyrinth Stations & Cook's lesson link) Use colorful carpet squares or pillows for easy to see prayer station markers. Set out all props at each station with bookmarked bible.
  • Make the lighting dim. Start the CD when the first group goes in.

Materials List:

  • Bibles
  • Cook Communications Ministries free downloadable lesson on "God's Peace, My Peace"You will need to only print page 2 and 5 - as these pages contain the information you will need to create the Prayer Labyrinth Stations below (full details on this is shown in the post following this lesson).
  • Labyrinth
      Five Bibles, bookmarked to the proper verses -- see lesson
      Blue or Green Painter's Tape
      5 Large pillows or carpet squares
      CD player with instrumental music
  • Station 1
      Loaf of bread (uncut)
      Bowl of grapes
      Red Paper with Station 1 Instructions
  • Station 2
      Slips of paper, pencils
      small wastebasket
      Purple Paper with Station 2 Instructions
  • Station 3
      Quart size zipper plastic bag full of colored hair gel, with all the air squeezed out
        and then sealed tightly!
      Small Cross (or Tabletop Cross)
      Prayer Card
  • Station 4
      Stones, & a tray
      Yellow Paper with Station 4 Instructions
  • Station 5
      Handprints (see sheet on labyrinth stations)—copy onto blue paper
  • Prayer Beads Craft
      Small crosses or hearts with hanging ring or hole punched in top
      Beads: red, blue, purple, yellow, white

Lesson Plan


Make sure you have your name tag on. Introduce yourself to the students.

Open with a prayer.


Bible Story:
Workshop leader notes: Please make sure that the students hear and “get” the Bible story as well as the application of that story to their lives. The Bible story is the MOST important part of the lesson—it is much more important than the activity associated with this station!
(For the first part of the month, go ahead and read the story from the Bible. For the latter part of the month—when the children should be familiar with the story—have them tell you the story)

Open by asking the children about their prayer habits: When/where/how they pray. What do they pray for? Do they pray regularly? Just when they need help? There will be no “wrong” answers, of course.

Today’s story is about a time that Jesus prayed to God. Open Bibles to Mark 14: 32-42. Read the story or have the students read. Mention that one of the other Gospels says that God sent an angel to Jesus to give Him strength for what lay ahead.

Today we’re going to talk about 4 different kinds of prayers. It is always OK to talk to God and ask for help and say little one-sentence, or even one-word, prayers throughout your day. When you pray at church, before going to bed or in the morning or whenever you want to say a prayer to God, you can practice using the 4 parts.

It’s called an “ACTS” prayer:

A- Adoration (telling God how wonderful He is!)
C – confession (telling God we’re sorry for the things we do wrong)
T – thanksgiving (telling God thank you for things)
S – supplication or "send help" (asking God for help for someone else or yourself)
At the end of a prayer we say what? Amen! It means “So be it!”

Tell them that God ALWAYS answers our prayers! Sometimes the answer is not what we expect or want! God answers our prayers in different ways. God answers either:
Yes! No! Wait, not yet! Or I have a better way!

In our story, what type of prayer was Jesus praying? (Supplication—asking God if this cup/suffering could be removed. Jesus said He was willing to do whatever God’s will was.) What type of answer did God give? (He said No to Jesus’ request, but sent help)

Workshop leader notes:  You will be doing 2 activities with the students—the prayer labyrinth and a craft project. Only 2-3 students can be doing the labyrinth at a time. When they are not in the labyrinth, they can be doing the craft project.

Say: You’ll take turns going on the prayer walk--just a couple of you at a time! When you’re not on the walk you can work on your craft project. Before you go tell them that there are some ground rules they have to follow or they will be asked to sit out: (1) This is a quiet time of prayer and they need to be respectful of each other and quiet time with God. (2) Tell the kids that they will begin walking and they should leave space between them so they don’t bunch up. It’s NOT a race! It’s a time to be quiet and talk to God.

Labyrinth (see sheet on labyrinth stations & diagram of cross labyrinth)
Workshop leader notes:  When you arrive, begin the CD. Keep the lights dim. Kids should take their shoes off (optional). You should only take a manageable size group at a time (3 or 4). You will need to stagger the kids as they enter the labyrinth. As the first kids finish, have them go back to the workshop so they’re not a distraction to the others.

Say: There is nothing "magical" about the prayer walk! It’s simply a way to pray using your feet and legs, heart and soul! And it is through prayer we talk to God and open ourselves to hear his voice! Not sure how all this happens? Don’t worry! Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be our helper! I’ll invite you to enter the prayer walk one by one! When the first person gets to the third station" I’ll call on another person to begin! (If there are a large number of kids, you may need to start them when the previous student reaches the 2nd station).

Explain how to do the labyrinth. They should walk slowly and quietly along the marked path to the stations—marked by the pillows. Then they should sit down, read the card, and do the activity explained in the card. When they are done at one station, then they move on to the next until they are done.

Prayer Beads Craft
Workshop leader notes:  Students will work on these when not in the labyrinth.

For each set you need:
1 small cross or heart with a metal hanging ring or hole punched in top
lacing cord
1 red bead - red is for praise - we praise our Lord (Adoration)
1 purple bead - purple is for repentance - we are sorry and want to do better (Confession)
1 yellow bead – yellow like a happy face--is for thanksgiving (Thanksgiving)
1 blue bead- blue is for asking - the (blue) sky is the limit – we can ask God about anything
(Supplication/Send help)
1 white bead- white is for dedication - we dedicate our day to God so that we may show His love in the world
Prayer Beads with Cross
Start by threading the cross onto the centre of the cord and bring the two ends together. Thread a white bead over both ends of the lace, followed by a blue, yellow, purple and then red bead. Tie the ends together.

Tell the children to start their prayers with the red bead. God asked us to put Him first. Then at the purple ask for forgiveness for the things they did wrong, at the yellow bead, say a thank you prayer, at the blue say prayers for the people they care about. Go over the prayer hand from Station 5 of the labyrinth. At the white, remember to offer their day to God and at the cross say the Lord's Prayer as Jesus taught.

Review the following: ACTS, the 4 answers God gives to prayer, prayer hand.


Read the memory verse. Ask the students what they think it means.

Close with a prayer.

Age Adaptations
Younger students: Assess their reading ability. For those who can’t read well, you may need to use the PreK adaptation.

PreSchool students: Take the students in groups of 2-3 through the labyrinth and read the cards for them and then have them do the activity.


  • “God’s Peace, My Peace” lesson from Cook Ministries.
  • Jan Napa, Prayer Ideas. Web.
  • Jan Napa, Prayer labyrinth, Daniel in the Lion’s Den. Web.
  • Neil MacQueen, Computer Ideas (memory verse suggestion). Web.

Guide Information
(Editor notes: Many churches call these "Shepherds" instead.)

1. Detailed Summary of Activities : The children will go through a prayer labyrinth to learn the different parts of prayer. When not doing the labyrinth, they will be in another room making prayer beads.

2. How the guide might help (this might be changed by the teacher): Two adults are needed for this lesson! One teacher will be working with the children as they go through a labyrinth. The other adult will work with the students making the prayer beads.

A lesson written by Cathy Walz

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.
Non-functioning link to "God's Peace, My Peace" replaced in 2018.
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  • Prayer Beads with Cross
Last edited by CathyWalz
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Prayer Labyrinth Stations


Because I used material that is copyrighted in this lesson it cannot be printed here.

That material is available for free from Cook Communications in their lesson on "God's Peace, My Peace" (a lesson in helping children deal with daily news of war that this generation is growing up with).  It is a free downloadable PDF lesson.

You need only print page 2 and 5 - as these pages contain the information you will need to create Stations 1, 2, 3, & 5 of the following Labyrinth Stations see * below for details.

Each station will have a pillow or cushion for the children to sit on and a Bible with a bookmark (the bookmark should have the Bible reference on it so they know what to read).

Station 1
• Uncut loaf of bread and a bowl of grapes
• Bible with bookmark at Matthew 26: 26-29

Directions (Mount them on a red piece of paper):

*See the lesson reference above. Use the directions for station 4, except use the following Bible reference.

Open the Bible and read Matthew 26: 26-29. Then sit quietly for a moment and pray! Then rise and walk to Station 2. Stay on the path.

Station 2
• Slips of paper, pencils, small wastebasket
• Bible with bookmark at 1 John 1: 8-9

Directions (Mount them on a purple piece of paper):

*See the lesson reference above. Use the directions for station 2, except use the following Bible reference.

Open the Bible and read 1 John 1: 8-9! Then sit quietly for a moment and pray! Ask God to forgive your sins—this is Confession. Then rise and walk to Station 3.

Station 3
• Quart size zip-loc bag full of colored hair gel, with all the air squeezed out and then sealed tightly.
• Small Cross

• Prayer Card (from page 2 of the Cook Prayer Lesson)

Directions (Mount them on a white piece of paper):

*See the lesson reference above. Use the directions for station 3.


Station 4

Workshop Leader note: When you set this station up put a rock or two on the tray to get it started.  Each person will be adding a rock to the rock pile you’ve started.

• Stones, tray
• Bible with a bookmark at Psalm 100: 1-5

Directions (Mount them on a yellow piece of paper):
Sit. Pick up a stone from the pile! Hold it in your hand! The ancient Israelites used to build monuments of stones to use as a reminder—a reminder of some of the marvelous things that God had done for them. Now it is your turn to think of something to be thankful about. Offer this thanksgiving to God and then pile the rock onto the tray! If you think of another thanksgiving, then pick up another stone and do the same!

Open the Bible and read Psalm 100: 1-5. Then sit quietly for a moment and pray—give Thanks to God! Now it is time to rise and walk to Station 5.

Station 5
• Hand prints —copy on blue paper
• Bible with bookmark at Isaiah 58:9

Directions (Mount them on a blue piece of paper):

*See the lesson reference above. Use the directions for station 6, except use the wording "You gave God your praise" for the wording "You gave God your worries." Add "You gave thanks to God" after "you asked for forgiveness."
Follow the directions up to "Pick up the mirror." Substitute instead the following: This is called Supplication. Pick up one of the handprints—it is yours to keep. This gives you ideas of who or what to pray for. Choose one of these areas and pray.

Open the Bible and read Isaiah 58:9. "Now rise and continue your journey out into the world! Go in peace to love and serve Jesus!"

“Handprint” handout: You can use your hand to remind you of different things to pray about. The thumb is closest to you so pray for those close to you (family and friends). The index finger is used for pointing, so pray for those who guide and help you (teachers, pastors, doctors & nurses, etc). The middle finger is the tallest so pray for the people who have power in the world (government leaders, members of the armed forces, etc). The ring finger is the weakest finger, so remember the poor, the helpless, the sick, the sad, etc. The little finger is the smallest and last finger on your hand, so now is the time to pray for yourself. I traced a hand and put a reminder word on each of the fingers.


Last edited by Luanne Payne

Comments after we did the above Labyrinth workshop:

Before we did this, I was rather doubtful about how this activity would work ( esp. with some of our more active students and those who have difficulty staying focused). I was amazed. Everyone moved quietly from station to station and took their time doing the various activities. Most said they really liked the activity. One boy even came back the next week to pick up his younger brother and asked if he could go through the prayer labyrinth again.

Making our labyrinth:

We made ours in the shape of a cross: Station 1 at the end of one arm, Station 2 at the top, Station 3 in the center, Station 4 at the end of the other arm, and Station 5 near the foot.  Here is a diagram, created by Luanne, to give you an idea what the labyrinth cross layout would look like.

Cross Labyrinth


Images (1)
  • Cross Labyrinth
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Love the Labyrinth Workshop Cathy!

Our Labyrinth

We have coffee hour after church so I didn't want to use the large room (although I love the cross labyrinth) as once the adults come down they are very, very noisy!  LOL  So we did the Prayer Bead Craft project in the larger room so they didn't disturb the labyrinth walkers.

So instead I created a Labyrinth type maze through the Sunday School hallway area and into two of the adjoining rooms.

Below is a diagram and photos of our labyrinth.

It turned out to be much easier than I thought (I played around with a plan on paper first).  Using the existing walls and room furniture reduced the amount of painter's tape needed.  We did it with one roll of blue painters tape.  For some reason in one of the pictures it looks like I used blue & green, but it is in fact all one colour.  Hopefully the pictures will be helpful to others who do not have a large area for labyrinth.

 Labyrinth Through Hallway and Two Rooms

Prayer Beads Craft

Also attached are a couple of photo's of the Prayer Beads Craft.  We used spacer beads between the beads (same colour as each bead), and a heart bead at the top.  This made it longer so the kids could slide their hand down and easily touch each coloured bead, as well as increasing the time it took them to make it.

 Prayer Beads

Waiting time (craft done) - Suggest an "Easter Book Center"

I also had an area laid out with Easter Story books, for anyone who was finished the Prayer Bead, so they could read while they waited for their turn in the labyrinth.


Images (8)
  • Labyrinth Through Hallway and Two Rooms
  • Labyrinth (1)
  • Labyrinth (2)
  • Labyrinth (3)
  • Labyrinth (4)
  • Prayer Bead Craft
  • Prayer Beads
  • Station 4 Labyrinth
Last edited by Luanne Payne

This sounds like a wonderful lesson. I could only find the instruction download for Station 4 on the labyrinth. Where can I find instructions for the other stations or do I write my own?

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

Prayer/Yoga Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activity

prayer yogaChildren will hear the story of Jesus praying in the garden. Then they will follow along with 25 minutes and 30 seconds of a video which demonstrates praying with yoga. The focus of this workshop is on body/kinesthetic prayer in the form of yoga, as a different way of bringing prayers to God.

It is strongly recommended that you ask someone to lead this workshop who regularly practices yoga and knows the positions used in the video (they are listed below).


Matthew 26:36-56 (also in: Mark 14:32-50, Luke 22:39-51, John 18:1-12)

Key/Memory Verse:
“My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering away from me. But let what you want be done, not what I want.” Matthew 26:39 c,d (NIrV)

Lesson Objectives

After completing this Rotation, participants will be able to:

  • Name that the story is found in the New Testament. Identify the four Gospels. Identify the meaning of the word “Gospel.”
  • For 3rd grade and up: Locate the story.
  • Appraise Jesus as approachable because he was human just like us: everybody struggles. Jesus’ struggles to accept God’s plan, the disciples struggle to stay awake… it is okay to struggle with our questions; it is okay to struggle to follow Jesus!
  • Discover that Jesus used prayer to share his concerns with God and to strengthen himself. We can do likewise especially during troubling times.

Leader Preparation

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
  • Gather the following materials.
    • The Prayer Yoga video located at
      Also available as a free download at
    • Bible story book: My First Message by Eugene Peterson (p. 293-295) My First Message Bible
    • Whiteboard easel and dry erase marker
    • Laptop computer, loaded with the Yoga Prayer Video
    • Video projector
    • External speaker
    • A surface (table, bench) to put the above 3 items on
    • Extension cord/power strip
    • White “video screen” (we used a white sheet with magnets to hang from the drop  ceiling)
    • Beach type towels (one per student)

Before Coming to Class:

  • Watch the Prayer Yoga video. Be familiar with where you may wish to pause the video.
  • Yoga poses from the video that you may wish to practice: Prayer, Mountain, Tall Mountain, Swan Dive, Forward Fold, Flat Back, Lunge, Modified Crescent, Plank, Downward Facing Dog, Cobra, Child's Pose, Table, Cat, Puppy, Neutral Position, Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Reverse Warrior, Extended Side Angle, Low Lunge, Reverse Swan Dive, Tree, Praise, and Chair. (If more of the video is watched there are other positions beyond those listed here.)

Before Start of Class:

  • Hang the white “video screen” from the ceiling.
  • Become familiar with how to operate the laptop/projector/speaker system. Cue the video to begin playing at 1:28.
  • Write the following on the white board:
        ➢ Stay in your own personal space
        ➢ Listen closely. Stay quiet and calm.
  • Read pages 293 – 295 in the story Bible — My First Message.
  • Lay out the towels on the floor in the room so that the short end of each towel is facing the mounted video screen. (Refer to the photo above.)

Lesson Plan


Do: Greet your students warmly. Introduce yourself and have the Shepherds introduce themselves. Ask the Shepherd to take attendance and write name tags while you start the lesson.

Say: For this workshop today, everyone will need to remove their shoes and put them neatly under the low table at the end of the room so you can find them easily at the end of class. Then choose one of the towels that have been laid out and sit down on it.Namaste postion

Do: After everyone has found a spot [have the shepherd assist any kids who have not settled in], the leader should sit in “Namaste” position (legs crossed, palms together in front of chest with fingers pointing upward)

Ask: So… did anyone tell you about our workshop today? Does it seem like it is “Beach Day”?

Say: Though it certainly would be nice to be spending time on a beach right now, we will be doing something else that I think you will enjoy.

Ask: Does anyone know what I am doing? (accept answers)

Say: Raise your hand if you have ever seen anyone do yoga.
Raise your hand if YOU have ever done yoga yourself.
For those of you who have done yoga before, tell me about where or with whom you were doing yoga. (allow responses)

Ask: WHY do you suppose people do yoga? (it’s good exercise, it helps you stay healthy, it feels good, it helps make you stronger, it helps to improve your balance)

Do: Invite the kids to try this Namaste position. Help students as needed.

Say: Well, today we are going to spend quite a bit of time exploring what it is like to use yoga as a way to pray; as a way to help us relax our bodies and our minds. You can do this anytime you like, but it might be especially helpful if you are feeling afraid or lonely or confused. These are some of the feelings that Jesus had on the night before he died.

Dig into the Bible

Ask: Before we read the story, let me ask you - If we want look at the part of the Bible when Jesus was living and teaching, where would we look? (in the New Testament)
Tell me the names of the first four books of the New Testament. (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
And when those four books are grouped together, what do we call them? (the Gospels)
And what about the word “gospel”? We have heard that before. Tell me what it means? (good news)

Say: We will be hearing the story from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 26. In this story, Jesus goes to a garden named “Gethsemane” [pronounced: geth-SEM-uh-nee ] because it was a place where he felt close to God, and he needed to talk to God. Let’s hear about what happened in that garden. We are going to read from a version of the Bible called, "The Message." The Message is a modern day version of the Bible written by a pastor named Eugene Peterson. This version uses words that are easier for many of us to understand, and can help us as we learn about Biblical events that were written so long ago. The version of The Message that I have here [hold up the book] was specifically written for kids.

Do: Read p. 293 – 295 in My First Message.

Say: Near the beginning of this story we heard that Jesus fell on his face praying. He said, “My Father, if there is any way, get me out of this.”

Ask: Have you ever prayed with your face to the ground? (allow a few replies)
Do: Demonstrate and invite the kids to try it.

Ask: Have you ever prayed with your hands in this position?
Do: Demonstrate by holding your arms above your head with palms facing up toward the sky. Invite the kids to try it

Ask: What about praying in this position?
Do: Demonstrate by placing your palms together with your fingers pointing upward, holding your hands in front of your chest. Invite the kids to try it.

Say: In the video we are about to watch, this is referred to as “prayer position.”

Introduce Prayer Yoga

Ask: There are a lot of different ways to pray!  Tell me about some of the ways to pray that you know about.  (accept answers from the kids – add to their answers if needed – walking in nature, speaking out loud or silently, singing, dancing, popcorn prayer with balloons – used in a workshop in the past!)

Say: We are going to have a chance here today to practice what it feels like to pray in a physical sort of way.  We are going to do some Prayer Yoga.  Some people really find that they get a lot out of praying this way.  It is certainly good to know that there is not just one way to pray! First, in order for everyone to be able to enjoy what we are doing today, we will go over the expectations of how everyone in here will participate.  What a great opportunity we have to learn some things about our story and about prayer by doing something physical!

Do: While pointing to the items on the whiteboard easel ask a couple of different kids to read the expectations.  Add discussion about these expectations as needed. Select a student & have them read:  "Stay in your own personal space."
Ask: What does this mean?  (accept answers - no contact with anyone else in the room.)

Do: Select a different student & have them read:  "Listen closely.  Stay quiet and calm."
Ask:  What does this mean?  (accept answers – Add if necessary - everyone should be able to easily hear the music on the video, and the yoga instructor giving guidance.)
Does anyone have anything else we should add to this list?

Say: Prayer yoga can help your body and mind feel better in many ways. Listen carefully to the music playing and to each of the prayers as they are said.  Think about when Jesus was praying during the story that we just read. Think about how you can talk with God, just like Jesus did, in times of difficulty. Jesus is just like us - we too have times when we worry about things. Prayer yoga is one way to bring your concerns and your joys to God.

Watch (and follow along with) the Prayer Yoga Video

Note:  If you begin the video 28 minutes before class ends, you will have enough time to get through the segment of the video that have been selected (25 minutes and 30 seconds). There is the potential to continue watching the video for a longer class session.

Begin playing the video at 1:28. Have the students follow along with the yoga positions as directed in the video. You may wish to pause the video at a more difficult pose to help instruct the students.
Below are some time points in the video along with some of the words from prayers in the video, that may help you follow along:

  • 3:48  "Thank you Lord for the ability to come to you in prayer."
  • 5:34  "Lord today I pray to have my prayers heard by you and I pray to hear you."
  • 6:56  "Lord thank you for caring for me. You my savior and friend, are an awesome God."
  • 8:00   "For I can do everything though Christ who gives me strength...  Jesus will carry me and uphold me through difficulties today and every day."
  • 9:35  "God, I know that you created me in your image...I look to you today and ask you to help me grow in your image."
  • 10:44  "Thank you Lord for the trials that teach me to persevere."
  • 11:36  "Your promise assures my heart so that I can calmly meet each trial as it comes."
  • 12:10   "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you... I praise you because you love me and watch over every step of my journey in this life."
  • 13:34  "If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things."
  • 14:13  "The Lord's loving kindnesses never cease... Every morning when I see the sunrise may it remind me of your great faithfulness."

Note: From 15:17 - 15:40 -- the yoga positions in this portion of the video could be pretty tricky to follow for kids!

  • 16:45  "The Lord is my strength…"
  • 18:13  "Lord may I rest in the shadow of the almighty... I am safe with you."

Note: From 19:13-19:32 -- another tricky portion - same positions as above with reverse legs.

  • 20:32  "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary They will walk and not be faint. Please renew my strength today."
  • 22:10  "May I humbly serve you by listening, helping, uplifting others....shining your light wherever I go…"
  • 23:19  "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good... Today may I feel the joy of your love and may I rest securely in your goodness."

Note:  Potential stopping point at 23:40. OR keep playing until 26:55.

  • 24:36  "The Fruits of the Spirit are... Lord, may I embrace the Fruits of the Spirit in my heart and may they grow in me…"
  • 25:42  "Love is patient. Love is kind...Lord help me to exemplify this type of love today."
  • 26:35  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself…"

Stop the video at 26:55.


Do: Gently announce the need for class to end.

Say: Let's close our time together in prayer: Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to spend time with you in prayer. Learning about different ways to pray and how to bring our joys and our sadness to you, is helpful and gives us a chance to feel closer to you.  Amen.


McLendon, André. “The Yoga Prayer - Christian Yoga.” YouTube, 17 Nov. 2015. Web.
Peterson, Eugene. My First Message. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2007. Print.

Other resources: Visit Carol's blog – where we encourage parents to continue the learning at home.

(Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None. Carol does not make any money from her blog! Any ads you may see are placed by Wordpress.)

Images in this post copyright 2016 by Carol Hulbert.
Book cover from
Line-drawing of Namaste postion by ClkerFreeVectorImages, offered in the Public Domain at

A lesson written by Beth Pascoe from
First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI


Images (2)
  • Namaste postion
  • prayer yoga
Last edited by CreativeCarol

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