The Lord's Prayer for Preschoolers
Summary of Workshops in this Lesson Set:
- Art: What can we pray for? Talk about different types of prayer. (Based on the ACTS method of prayer, although this concept is not being taught with this age group.) Create a group prayer poster using pictures cut from magazines.
- In addition, during each workshop, students will have the chance to work on creating a prayer shawl (introduced in the Art Workshop) using fabric markers on light-colored muslin. They will use this prayer shawl in the other workshops.
- Music/Movement: Praise God through music and movement.
- Games: Thanking God, puppet tells a story, “thank God” games.
- Cooking: Praying for others while rolling out and preparing biscuit dough (from canned biscuits) and learn the five finger prayer.
Scripture Reference:
Matthew 6:9-13
The Lord's Prayer for Preschoolers - Art Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
What can we pray for? Talk about different types of prayer (based on the ACTS method of prayer, although this concept is not being taught this age group). Create a group prayer poster using pictures from magazines. Also, start working on creating prayer shawls which we will leave at church to work on and use in our other workshops on the Lord's Prayer.
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture for this lesson.
- Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
- Gather the following materials.
- assortment of old magazines
- one white poster board (Using a marker, divide into 4 sections)
- glue sticks
- white fabric cut into 12" by 36" pieces (one per child)
- fabric markers (assorted colors)
Preparation before children arrive:
- Cut pictures out of magazines that represent the concepts taught in the lesson. Prepare at least 2 pictures per student.
Lesson Plan:
Greet students.
Say: God loves it when we pray to him.
Ask: What is prayer?
Say: Prayer is talking and listening to God. When we talk to God, we can pray about anything and everything! Sometimes it can be hard to think of what to pray for! Today, let's talk about types of prayers. We'll make a poster about four types of prayers. We'll display it in the courtyard for everyone in the church to see! Because I'm sure that adults also have trouble knowing what to pray for. We will be helping everyone in the church to pray!
Dig - Main Content and Reflection
Talk about types of prayers:
1. God, you’re wonderful! This helps us remember how awesome God is!
2. God, I’m sorry for …
3. God, thank you for …
4. God, please help _____ with _____.
Have them find and cut out a picture in a magazine to express each type of prayer. Divide a poster board into 4 sections and make a group poster, having them glue pictures. As they work reinforce types of prayers and things that you can say in each type.
Create prayer shawls:
Each child will be given a piece of fabric 12” by 36” that they will decorate with fabric markers. Explain that they’ll keep it here all month to use in activities throughout the following weeks. The last week of the month they can take it home. (Kids who come on subsequent weeks will use a plain white one, then at the end of class time they can do their art work.)
As they work you can read/tell this story:
Jesus’ special friends, his disciples, tried hard to learn more and more about God. They noticed that Jesus often prayed to God. The disciples wanted to pray to God, but sometimes they didn’t know what to say. One day they asked Jesus, “Please teach us to pray.” Jesus said, “When you pray, you can tell God anything. But here are some words you can say:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.”
Because Jesus said this prayer, we call it The Lord’s Prayer.
Let’s try it now. I’ll say the words and when I pause, you pray silently for the things you want to talk to God about.
Heavenly Father, like Jesus, we know we can pray to you and talk to you any time we want to. We are reminded how wonderful you are! (Pause) We pray now as a way to say I'm sorry for things that we want forgiveness for. (Pause) We pray now for those things for which we are thankful. (Pause) We pray for those who need help. (Pause) Now let's pray the Lord's Prayer (do so). And all God’s kids said, ‘Amen!’.
Collect the prayer shawls.
Display the poster in the courtyard and tell the kids to be sure to show the poster to their parents.
A lesson written by Jan Hanson from First Presbyterian Church, Napa, CA, USA
The Lord's Prayer for Preschoolers - Music/Movement Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
The children will discuss what praise means and they will praise God with their voices and our bodies using music and movement!
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture for this lesson.
- Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
- Gather the following materials.
- Shawls made from previous weeks; fresh supplies for those who haven't started a shawl yet — white fabric cut into 12" by 36" pieces (one per child) and fabric markers (assorted colors)
- Ribbons or Scarves
- Music player
- Wee Sing Bible Songs CD (or another CD with the song "My God is So Great")
- Song: Let Everything That Has Breath (Shout to the Lord Kids #6)
- Song: Symphony of Praise (Instruments of Praise #4)
- Song: (Don’t You Know) It’s Time to Praise the Lord (Top 25 Kids Praise Songs #8)
Lesson Plan:
Greet students.
Ask: What does it mean to "praise?"
How are some ways we praise? (demonstrate ideas)
Say: God loves it when we praise him! Today, we are going to praise God with our voices and our bodies!
Dig - Main Content and Reflection
Play the following songs:
1. "My God is So Great" (Wee Sing Bible Songs #45)
Add hand motions to the song. (Not all lyrics are included here for copyright reasons.)
My God (raise hands) is so great, so strong and so mighty (flex muscles)
There’s nothing (shake head) my God cannot do! (clap, clap)
Mountains (hands form mountain peak above head)
Rivers (wave hands left to right like water)
Stars (wiggle fingers to twinkle like stars)
For you! (point to someone)
2. "Let Everything That Has Breath" (Shout to the Lord Kids #6)
Distribute scarves and ribbons to move/dance to the song.
3. "Symphony of Praise" (Instruments of Praise #4).
Have them move to the music with scarves and ribbons.
4. "(Don’t You Know) It’s Time to Praise the Lord" (Top 25 Kids Praise Songs #8)
This sounds like a square dance song --- try a square dance!
5. Distribute ribbons and scarves. Stand in a circle, say the lines of the Lord’s Prayer and after each line pause and have them make a movement that they want to go with the words.
Distribute prayer shawls. Include “quiet and cool down time” so kids can sit with their prayer shawl on and talk to God. You’ll need to guide this time, explaining how to pray quietly with open ended prayers, like, “God, you are so __________.”
A lesson written by Jan Hanson from First Presbyterian Church, Napa, CA, USA
The Lord's Prayer for Preschoolers - Games Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
The children will learn about thanking God. A puppet tells a story, and they will play “thank God” games.
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture for this lesson.
- Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
- Gather the following materials.
- Shawls made from previous weeks; fresh supplies for those who haven't started a shawl yet — white fabric cut into 12" by 36" pieces (one per child) and fabric markers (assorted colors)
- A Puppet
- Ball
- Hula hoops
- Music from the Music/Movement Workshop
- Music Player
- Coloring Pages (optional)
Lesson Plan:
Greet students.
Tell them today we will be playing games and learning about prayer.
Dig - Main Content and Reflection
Use a puppet to begin the lesson:
Hi! My name is ________. I like to pray. That means I like to talk to God. In the morning when I first wake up, I pray, “Thank you, God, for this sunny day.” Sometimes I pray, “Thank you God for this rainy day.”
Sometimes I like to talk to God about how I feel. I pray, “God, I feel happy today. Thank you God for happy feelings.” Sometimes I pray, “God, I don’t’ feel good today. Thank you for being with me and helping me to get better soon.”
When I eat my breakfast, I pray, “Thank you God for cereal and milk. What did you have for breakfast? Thank you God for (what they named).”
After breakfast I like to play with my friends. I pray, “Thank you God for my friends. You’re all my friends, so I say, Thank you God for (name each child).”
At lunchtime I sing a prayer like this: (tune of London Bridge)
Thank you God for food to eat, food to eat, food to eat.
Thank you God for food to eat. A-men.
After lunch I like to listen to a story from the Bible that my family reads to me. The Bible is a very special book that tells us about God and Jesus.
One story goes like this:
Once Jesus and his friends were on a little hill with lots of other people. Jesus’ friends saw him praying to God so they said, “Jesus, will you teach us how to pray to God?”
So Jesus taught his friends a special prayer that we call The Lord’s Prayer. Listen while I say the prayer for you ….
Our Father …
Now help me at the end of the prayer to say “amen”.
(whisper) God will hear us when we pray (amen, amen, amen)
(shout) In the night or in the day (amen, amen, amen)
(whisper) When we sing and when we play (amen, amen, amen)
(shout) God always hears us when we pray (amen, amen, amen)
Goodbye for now boys and girls. I hope you have fun playing games today to learn more about prayer!
Play some games:
Prayer Hug
I’m sure you’ve heard of a bear hug, but how about a prayer hug?
Form a circle and have kids "huddle" by putting their arms over the shoulders of the people next to them. Lead this cheer: Two, four, six, eight. Thank you, God, we appreciate__________.
Then have each person in the circle shout out one thing he or she is thankful for.
End with the group cheering: Yea, God!
Roll the Ball To Say Thanks:
Have kids sit in a circle. Say: There are lots of things to thank God for. Let's thank God for all the things he's made. When I mention a category, I'll roll the ball to someone in the circle.That person can think of something God has made that fits in that category and yell it out. Then that person rolls the ball to someone else.
As you play each category, continue until the ball is rolled to everyone in the circle.
It's okay if a child can't think of an answer or wants to repeat an answer.
Possible Categories:
- Thank you, God, for food...
- Thank you, God, for people …
- Thank you, God, for nature...
- Thank you, God, for animals...
Musical Prayers:
Play a game like musical chairs.
Lay hula hoops on the ground, spread out. Play a music CD and while the music is playing, kids are to walk around outside of the hula hoops. When you stop the music, they’re to stand inside any one of the hula hoops. There will multiple kids in the hoops – let them know this is ok. Each of them should find something that they all have the same and say “thank you God for ____”.
Example: All have brown hair. Thank you God for brown hair. Or all have shoestrings in their shoes – thank you God for shoes! Then continue the music and have them walk around again, then stop the music and repeat. Encourage them to get in a different hoop each time with different kids.
If extra time, use coloring pages.
A lesson written by Jan Hanson from First Presbyterian Church, Napa, CA, USA
Suggested Additions:
JaneJane says...
When we did a Lord's Prayer Rotation, there was one game the preschoolers particularly enjoyed: Have everyone sit in a circle. Holding a bean bag say "Thank you God for...." Everyone then responds "Amen". Toss the bean bag to another person. The person who catches the bean bag then prays "Thank you God for...." with all responding "Amen." Repeat until all have had a turn.
Variations: You could also toss a koosh ball instead of a bean bag. Additionally, you could alter the format of the prayer (older children can improvise their own prayers but preschoolers tend to repeat whatever was said by the previous person)
The Lord's Prayer for Preschoolers - Cooking Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
The children will learn about praying for others while rolling out and preparing (pre-made) biscuit dough into pull-apart biscuits. They will also learn the "Five Finger prayer."
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture for this lesson.
- Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
- Try this recipe at home yourself before beginning the first lesson, to check for correct temperature and time.
- Gather the following materials.
- Shawls made from previous weeks (assuming that this workshop is done on week 4); fresh supplies for those who haven't started a shawl yet — white fabric cut into 12" by 36" pieces (one per child) and fabric markers (assorted colors)
- Plastic Tablecloth
- Roll of canned biscuits (one biscuit per child)
- Plastic knives (one per child)
- White sugar
- Cinnamon
- Melted butter
- A long & shallow container (or two or three) to hold melted butter
- Small bowls or containers (one for every 2 students)
- A round cooking pan
- Cooking spray
- Blue ribbon
- Dark markers to write on the blue ribbons
- A handout with the Five Finger prayer on it
- A prayer tree
Preparation before children arrive:
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Cover the tables.
- Combine the sugar and cinnamon and place the mixture into small bowls to be shared between 2 kids.
- Melt some butter and pour it into a long, shallow pan(s).
Lesson Plan:
Greet students.
Say: Today we are going to make pull-apart biscuits and learn about praying for other people. We'll learn a handy way — by using our hands — to pray for others.
Have kids wash their hands and gather around the table.
Dig - Main Content and Reflection
Open a roll of 10-count canned biscuits. Give each child one biscuit and a plastic knife. Show them how to cut their biscuit into 4 pieces — one cut across and one down.
Say: These 4 pieces represent 4 people you want to pray for. Let's surround these people with prayers!
Show them how to gently roll one piece of biscuit into a ball. Then briefly roll it in the melted butter and then in the bowl of sugar and cinnamon to completely coat it. As you roll it around, think of 1 person you want to pray for — someone who is close to you. (Your parents or siblings or close friends). Think of the cinnamon and sugar coating as completely covering your person, surrounding them in prayer.
Ask: What do you want God to know about that person?
Help them place their rolled biscuit in the pan. Continue with the next 3 pieces in the same way, thinking of someone...
Piece 2: who points you in the right direction — your teachers at school, adults at church.
Piece 3: who is a leader — people in government, police officers, etc.
Piece 4: who is weak or sick or needs strength to get through something.
Make one layer, then if/when the bottom of the pan is covered, start a second layer.
When their last biscuit ball is in the pan, have the kids wash up while you melt one-half stick of butter. Pour it over the biscuits. Sprinkle some leftover cinnamon/sugar mixture over the top.
Bake for 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees.
While bread is baking teach the 5 FINGER PRAYER:
Put on prayer shawls! (This is a way to help us remember others that need our prayers.)
Say: We've just thought of 4 people to pray for while we made pull-apart biscuits. When we pray it is also okay to pray for ourselves! For things that we need. Let me show you a way to remember who you wanted to pray for.
Show the students how to put their hands with palms together in front of themselves, as if praying.
Say: Keep your eyes open so that you can see your hands! You will notice that the closest finger to you is the thumb. Since it is the closest to you, the thumb reminds you to pray for those that are closest to you. Let's do that now. Have everyone say a prayer silently or aloud.
The next finger is called your index finger. It is used for pointing. Let this finger remind you to pray for those that point you in the right direction. Have everyone say a prayer silently or aloud.
The next finger is the tallest finger. This finger reminds us to pray for our leaders. Have everyone say a prayer silently or aloud.
The fourth finger is the called the ring finger. Did you know that this is the weakest of all the fingers? Just ask any one who plays the piano and they will tell you that is true. Let this finger remind you to pray for those who are weak because they’re sick. Have everyone say a prayer silently or aloud.
The next finger is the smallest and the last finger. In the Bible Jesus told us to put others first and put ourselves last. Let the little, last finger remind you to pray for yourself. Have everyone say a prayer silently or aloud.
Give each child a blue ribbon (this is the color we’re using for “Supplication” prayers). Help them write the name of someone they have prayed for on a ribbon. Tie the ribbons to our Prayer Tree in the courtyard. Help them say “God, please help ____ with _____.”
If extra time while waiting for bread to bake or cool, color on the 5-Finger Prayer handout. When bread is ready, eat and enjoy!
Send prayer shawls home today!!
A lesson written by Jan Hanson from First Presbyterian Church, Napa, CA, USA
Suggested Adaptions:
Molleary adds...
I like this idea of making prayer bread and the connection with the ACTS. However, our workshop time would not allow time to prepare, cook, and eat this snack.
So, I started modifying and came up with the idea of putting the four pieces in
paper-lined muffin tins. The cooking time is reduced down to about 10 minutes.
The other bonuses are that the four pieces are still obvious after cooking, each child can be served on their paper liner, and cleanup is much easier.