Is there an area on the web page specifically for pre-school?
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the preschoolers in rotation topic where you posted this question suggests a variety of resources.
If you are looking for preschool rotation lessons, there are sometimes specific ideas for preschoolers under the applicable Bible story, such as these Joseph ideas I shared:
and in some of the lessons shared on this site you will find suggestions for using that lesson with younger children.
is there a specific story you are looking for?
Annointing of David
I did not check all of the writing team lessons, but most (if not all) have suggestions for adapting the lesson for younger children.
And one of the benefits of your being a Supporting Member (thank you!) is that you have access to these professionally edited Writing Team lessons.
I imagine there here are other ideas in the anointing of David forum that will work for younger children.
And there are suggestions to help you adapt lessons to use them with younger children here:
and here