Hi everyone. I just joined as a supporting member. I need some help.
I'm traveling to Greece December 26th where I will teach a group of children ranging from 2 to 5 for 4 full days. These are all MKs and I'm a missionary as well. I'm teaching them the stories of Jesus and the boy who gave his lunch, Jesus healing Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus. The scripture I'm using is Romans 12:10 a and emphasis is on how Jesus loved and helped those who are hungry, sick, and without friends. The last day I am together with them is New Years Eve and I'd really like a lesson that ties in with that theme. I'm having trouble coming up with something. I've got lots of crafts and activities. I'm thinking something along the lines of Jesus wanting all of us at his party in heaven but I'm stuck. I'd truly appreciate your suggestions.
Thanks in advance-Becky A
Sounds super exciting Becky. Let us know how it went!
The boy who gave his lunch...
Because these are preschoolers, and they are missionary's kids, I wouldn't mind interpreting that miracle quite literally and simply by creating a "sandwich making and sharing" or food packaging activity that could be distributed to those in need. Very concrete.
I might also create a game of "find the two fish, find the five loaves" as a way of thinking about what each of US has to give.
I might bring in cognates of the fish & loaves from a preschooler's world to do an object lesson (objects that help them visualize their time, talents, treasures they have to share) that you could have them search for and use to ask/explain how they can share them with others to "see-show Jesus's love" --which is a simple understanding of the miracles of the 5000 and Blind Bartimaeus --seeing who Jesus is, revealing Jesus to the world. How can you share "your toys," "your coins," "your coat."
In my mind, Luke's Zaccheus story dovetails into that same theme of "discovering/seeing/showing/sharing who Jesus is" which the 5000 miracle illustrates AND Mark 10's Blind Bartimaeus story makes personal (Bartimaeus is also from Jericho where Zaccheus lived. Zach climbed a tree to discover/see Jesus. What "trees" do we climb to discover/see Jesus? How about church? and Sunday School as our "tree"? Is there something in your classroom that you can "build" or "get up onto" in order to see something others can't see? Spitting out ideas here... Can we make a tree tower using Bibles? (having an action figure would help). Can you make a "craft tree" that
Zach continued to discover by going home with Jesus (how can we keep learning from Jesus). I have always wondered what Zaccheus did AFTER that dinner. Did he climb a tree to tell others about what Jesus said? What did he say? Who did Zaccheus help see Jesus? How about his family? His siblings? What about his best friends?
Zaccheus craft tree idea:
Leaves could have simple words on them that the student or adult could say aloud.
Love, share, kindness, pray, worship, etc. --these are the things we do to grow/bear fruit/share Jesus. (btw...Zaccheus' "sycamore" tree was a fig tree). Student could draw or put THEMSELVES in the branches.

Hoping some of these sparks catch fire for you.