Jesus: Author and Finisher of our Faith
Main Story: The Prodigal Son
Point: God wants us to trust Him
Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
Memory Verse: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart” Proverbs 3:5a
- box
- pig, enlarged: from game -
- pea pods - prepared for game as described in directions at that site
- paper bags (pink if possible)
- pig puppet pieces, cut out:
- memory verse on smaller pea pods (one set for each child)
- glue sticks
- coins
- lightweight paper
- crayons without paper wrappers
- Prodigal Son picture book
- Party things for the housekeeping center (party hats, decorations, play cupcakes)
Encourage children to visit centers and engage them in conversation as indicated below.
- Art/Science: coin rubbings - as the children work, talk about how our story today is about a young man who trusted money instead of God
- Book: Prodigal Son picturebook
- Blocks: build a pig pen
- Kitchen: have a party; talk with children about why we celebrate, especially family celebrations
Coloring sheets:
Another maze at
This parable clearly shows the difference between God and humans, and how much God loves us, and how He doesn't hold a grudge. God's grace is so great and so hard to believe compared to the life we live on earth. Who wouldn't react like the older brother in this parable? Yet the brother wasn't the one who was wronged, it was the father who was wronged but he still chose to forgive his son easily and wholeheartedly.
See child-friendly retellings at
Danielle's Place (scroll down):
Review memory verse.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart”
TRUST The hands close tightly around something to show that a person has a good hold on it.
LORD The sign KING (handshape moves from the chest to the waist while crossing the body; the movement indicates the location of the royal sash worn by kings) is made with a L handshape (form an L with the thumb and index finger).
ALL The hand moves in a circle and then ends up in the palm of the other hand to show that everything (all) is included.
HEART The middle finger taps the chest over the area of the heart.
Make pig puppets.
Give children smaller copies of pea pod memory verse (from game below) to take home to feed to pig
"God Is So Good”
God is so good,... He’s so good to me!
God loves me so....
God answers prayer...
"Feed the Pig" Bible Verse Review Activity - You can find the complete directions and patterns for this craft on Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities on the Prodigal Son Sunday School Lesson page.
"I can trust God because....”
Help the children think about how God has been faithful to them. Help them think about feeling safe and comfortable and secure. Encourage them to draw pictures, or have them dictate what to write in their journals.
Review memory verse.
Clean up room.
Send home projects with children.
ASL Browser - videos of the signs used are from this site
Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities - Prodigal Son Sunday School Lesson page.
DLTK's Activities for Kids The Prodigal Son-