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Storytime, Music, Game, Craft, Snack

MAIN STORY: God and Man (Genesis 2:5-25)

THEME: The Living Word (Jesus) gives abundant life
VERSE: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105)

SNACK: Grapes and grape juice (John 15:1)


  • large sheets of paper
  • crayons
  • masking tape
  • paper - precut into paperdolls holding hands
  • crayons
  • playdoh or clay
  • large ball
  • mirrors
  • Pray and Play Bible 2 from Group Publishing


Gather the children around the tables for storytime. Begin by asking: What does a creator do? (Allow the children to respond.)

How many of you think of yourselves as creators? Say: I have a small piece of modeling clay (or play doh) for each of you. (Give each child a golf ball size piece of clay). I’d like you to create something using this modeling clay. But you only have a minute to do it! Are you ready?

Allow the children one minute to make something with their pieces of clay. After one minute, ask the children to hold up their creations for everyone to see. Say: Look at all the different things you were able to come up with in just one minute! That was really good! How does it feel to create something good? (Let kids respond.)

Say: The first story in the Bible tells us God created the world in six days. He made something out of nothing, and it was all very good. How do you think he did that? (Let kids offer suggestions.)

ASK if anyone knows what the name of the book in the Bible is that tells how God created the world.  ASK if they know where in the Bible the book of Genesis is. SHOW them where it is.

Read: “Creation” from Pray and Play Bible 2.

After reading say:
The most important thing to remember is that God is our Creator. God made things beautiful and perfect, and that includes US! Each of us was made by God to be unique and different and special. And he placed people in this wonderful world to worship Him and take care of His world!

Was there anything that Adam and Eve needed in the garden that God had not already provided?How do you think they felt when God first put them in the garden?
How do you think you would have felt if you were the one that God had placed in the garden?I wonder what it was like for them to live in the garden and walk with God?

Teach the memory verse with sign language.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

YOUR (refers to God, so the sign for God is used) The hand is raised to the heavens and then downward in a sign of respect.

WORD The fingertips of the forefinger and thumb (the G handshape) tap the extended forefinger of the other hand.

IS Letter “I” (extended pinky) comes away from lips.  []

LAMP The opening hand above the flat palm of the other hand represents light coming from a table lamp.

FEET Point to feet.

LIGHT The middle finger is flicked by the front of the mouth.

PATH The hands are parallel to each other and show a path or the outline of a road.


Sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” several times, each a bit faster than the one before.  (Thank God for making all of me.)

In the Beginning (tune: "Here we go around the Mulberry Bush")

God mad Adam of the dust, of the dust, of the dust,God made Adam of the dust, many, many years ago.

He then made Adam go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep,He then made Adam go to sleep, many, many years ago.

Eve was made of Adam's rib, Adam's rib, Adam's rib,Eve was made of Adam's rib, many, many years ago.

In the Garden of Eden they did live, they did live, they did live.In the Garden of Eden they did live, many, many years ago.

Then old Satan came along, came along, came along,Then old Satan came along, many many years ago.

If you eat the fruit, you will not die, will not die, will not die,"If you eat the fruit, you will not die!", old Satan said to Eve.

Eve ate the fruit and gave to Adam, gave to Adam, gave to Adam,Eve ate the fruit and gave to Adam, many, many years ago

Out of the Garden they had to go, had to go, had to go.Out of the Garden they had to go, many, many years ago



God Made You:

Have the children sit in a circle with you in the center. Read aloud Genesis 1:27. Then teach this rhyme:

"God made Adam, God made Eve, God made all the people we see!"

Roll a rubber playground ball back and forth between you and the children after each phrase of the rhyme.

Then lead children in this variation:

"God made Adam, God made Eve, God made [an adult helper's or your name], and God made [child's name]."

Roll the ball to the child you name, and then have the child roll the ball back to you. Repeat this process until each child has had at least one turn. Slightly increasing the speed will increase the fun!


Life-sized self-portraits:

Before class tape big pieces of butcher or craft paper on the wall. Write the memory verse on each sheet of paper. Have each child stand in front of a paper and outline his or her body onto the paper and then let them color it. When they are finished, roll them up so they can take them home.


Grapes and grape juice (John 15:1). Talk about how God created plants. Also talk about how grapes grow on a vine and what that is like. Tell the children that Jesus said that he is the vine and we are the branches. Wonder with them what that might mean.


Images (2)
  • p7260016: paper dolls
  • mceclip0
Last edited by Neil MacQueen


Storytime, Music, Game, Craft, Snack

MAIN STORY: Fall of Man (Genesis 3:1-4:15)
THEME: The Living Word is a shield and a sword
VERSE: For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12)

SNACK: fruit cup and apple juice (Genesis 3:6)


  • Yarn (various colors)
  • Craft sticks
  • Glue dots
  • Scissors
  • lots of dominoes or wooden blocks (Jenga sets?)
  • People floor puzzle
  • washable ink stamp pad
  • fine point markers
  • paper
  • Copy of Bible storybook Adam and Eve Story. Recommended: Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden by Jane Ray.

Show the children the Bible. Ask if they remember where our stores are from this week. Remind them that they are from Genesis, which means “beginning.” Tell them that today we will hear about what Eve and Adam did in the beautiful garden that God gave them.

Read Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden by Jane Ray.

“Let’s take some time to think about the story. Don't respond right away, but consider the question. Then, if you want to share your response, raise your hand.”

  • What tempted Eve? [Note: not ‘who.’]
  • What tempts you the most?
  • Why do God’s children hide from God rather than admit they are wrong?
  • How do you hide your sins from God?What bad choices, attitudes, and actions in your life do you need to admit?
  • What can you start doing to live a more obedient life and stay away from wrongdoing?

Review memory verse.
“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12)

WORD The fingertips of the forefinger and thumb (the G handshape) tap the extended forefinger of the other hand.

GOD The hand is raised to the heavens and then downward in a sign of respect.

IS Letter “I” (extended pinky) comes away from lips.

LIVING The L handshapes (thumb and pointer extended at right angles to look like “L”) move up the body as if to draw attention to a living body.

ACTIVE The sign EXCITE (the middle fingers alternately move up the chest) is made with A handshapes (fist with thumb out).

SHARPER The middle finger touches the back of the hand and is flicked as it moves away. This action is similar to touching the edge of knife and indicating that it is sharp.

THAN The fingertips of one hand slap down past the fingertips of the other hand.

SWORD The sign KNIFE (the moving index finger represents the slicing motion of a knife) is followed by the removal of a sword from its holder and using it in a duel.

In the Beginning (tune: "Here we go around the Mulberry Bush")

God mad Adam of the dust, of the dust, of the dust,God made Adam of the dust, many, many years ago.

He then made Adam go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep,He then made Adam go to sleep, many, many years ago.

Eve was made of Adam's rib, Adam's rib, Adam's rib,Eve was made of Adam's rib, many, many years ago.

In the Garden of Eden they did live, they did live, they did live.In the Garden of Eden they did live, many, many years ago.

Then the serpent came along, came along, came along, Then old serpent came along, many many years ago.

If you eat the fruit, you will not die, will not die, will not die,"If you eat the fruit, you will not die!", old serpent said.

Eve ate the fruit and gave to Adam, gave to Adam, gave to Adam, Eve ate the fruit and gave to Adam, many, many years ago

Out of the Garden they had to go, had to go, had to go. Out of the Garden they had to go, many, many years ago

Dominoes: Have the children line up the dominoes standing upright in a line on a table. Try to give each child a turn to line the dominoes up or start the dominoes falling. Talk with the children about the fact that one sin leads to others (eating apple, hiding from God, blaming others). Also, you could have a discussion about the idea that our sins affect others.

From “The Fall into Sin - Genesis 3 Lesson Set” by M. Amick.


Make God’s Eyes - a God’s eye can be made as a reminder that God is ever-present and is watching us, even when we do something wrong. (“The Huichol Indians of Mexico and the Aymara Indians of Bolivia weave brightly colored yarn on a simple frame of crossed sticks to make a design called ‘Ojo de Dios’ or ‘Eye of God’. Originally, ‘God's Eyes’ were made to be placed on an altar so that the gods could watch over the praying people and protect them. They are now more often sold in markets, reminding us that God looks with love on people everywhere.”)

See for instructions on how to make God's Eyes.


SNACK: fruit cup and apple juice (Genesis 3:6) – another chance to talk about how God created plants. Then review the story about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and how Eve and Adam were tempted and disobeyed God.


Images (3)
  • p7270036: God's eyes
  • mceclip0
  • p7270034: fingerprint art
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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