Promises of God
I have really enjoyed our teachings this year, so far, on the Promises of God. The kids have really grabbed a hold of them and have spent more time with the memory verses than before. Here is what we are doing and have done so far...
- I Will Always Love You! Romans 8:39 (FATHER)
- I Will Always Provide for You! Matt 6:33 (FATHER)
- I Will Always Teach (Discipline) You! Hebrews 12:5 (FATHER)
- I am Always With You! Matt 1:23 (SON)
- I am Preparing a Place for You John 14:2 (SON)
- I Will Always Forgive You! Col. 3:13 (SON)
- I Will Never Leave You! Hebrews 13:5-6 (HOLY SPIRIT)
- I Will Make You New! 2 Cor. 5:17 (HOLY SPIRIT)
- I Will Complete My Work in You! Phil. 1:6 (HOLY SPIRIT)
We always do three months on the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The kids may not realize that we do this, but it helps us coordinators keep organized in our thinking. Anyhow, if anyone was looking for a great way to go, we have really enjoyed this