Resources and Supplies for the 23rd Psalm.
- Keller, Philip. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Zondervan. 1996. (Note: Best resource for learning about Psalm 23!)
- Deffinbaugh, Robert L. “Psalm 23: A Psalm that Calms the Soul” found here.
- “VBS 2001: A Sheep Odyssey”.Link to lesson here at by Neil.
- Set of lessons from Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church, Cary, North Carolina. Link to lessons.
- The Learn-It-By-Heart Strips: (another idea from Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian; Used in Art Workshop)
- Have an enlarged copy of the 23rd Psalm handout. Cut it into strips (example: one piece includes “He makes me lie down in green pastures.) Students attempt to put the strips together in correct order. If they are doing very well, cut the strips into smaller pieces (for example previous strip becomes: “He makes me” and “lie down in green pastures.) Have the Shepherd help with this activity and decide when to cut the strips into smaller pieces.
- Jigsaw puzzle (used as extra activity in Art lesson): We made our own jigsaw puzzle by painting over an old puzzle with white acrylic paint, then using permanent markers to write out the 23rd Psalm.
- We purchased a real shepherd staff from (Note: It would have helped if we’d created a “rod” from a gnarly stick. The kids really wanted to know what a rod looked like.)