The following attachments are the "small format" 400-pixel wide publicly-available versions of about 40 of the 140 full-size Vallotton Bible images found in the Annie Vallotton Gospel Illustrations Collection here at These smaller versions have a lower resolution than the originals in the Collection and are only available in black and white. You are welcome to use them per the copyright restrictions.
Some copies of these smaller versions are posted in our public Bible story lesson forums in the A-V/Video topics by Bible story. Not every large Vallotton image has a smaller version, and the available smaller versions do not include any of Annie's originally colored backgrounds.
The full collection has many different illustrations of certain key stories.
All 140 larger, higher resolution images in the Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection are available to our Supporting Members. The larger versions also have scripture captions posted below each image to help you with the story reference. And they include copies of Annie's original colored background versions of the images. Learn more.
Note to Admin: A number of posts link to these images. Do not delete.
Here are the available 400-pixel-wide small format "public" version Annie Vallotton illustrations
Palm Sunday
Washing the Disciples' Feet
Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
Jesus is arrested in Gethsemane
Note: Some of the images have a hint of black in their backgrounds because they were originally colored as "night" illustrations.
Peter's Denial
Trial and Crucifixion and Resurrection
Soldiers at the cross
Jesus is crucified on the cross
Mary and John at the Cross
Empty Tomb
Peter enters the empty tomb
The Women tell Peter about the Empty Tomb
Mary Magdalene looks for Jesus at the Empty Tomb
Risen Jesus on the shore of Galilee
Reminder: You'll find these images, and more from the collection, properly posted in the Audio-Visual "Workshop" resource topics BY BIBLE STORY in our public Bible story lesson forums. (And remember that the larger versions of these and others, including Vallotton's original color background versions, are in the Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection Forum.)
Jesus calms the storm on the boat with his disciples
Jesus heals the little girl
Good Samaritan
Parable of the Wheat
Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law
Log in your own eye
Prodigal Son
The father welcomes the son home
Pick up your mat
Jesus calls the Disciples
Come Follow Me!
Cast your net
Thankful Leper
Sending out the disciples in pairs
Jesus accused of eating with sinners and tax collectors
Jesus Clears the Temple
Anointing Jesus, Woman with Oil
Jesus and the woman caught in adultery
Peter and the vision of animals
Peter in jail
Behold, I stand at the door and knock
Reminder: We've posted above much less than half of the full collection for public viewing. We've also posted copies of these smaller versions in our public Audio-Visual "Workshop" resource topics BY BIBLE STORY. Look up your Bible story in our public Bible story lesson forums. The Larger versions of these and others, including Vallotton's original color background versions, can all be seen and downloaded by Supporting Members in the Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection Forum.