This topic is collecting ideas and resources for teaching about Women in the Bible. Please add your ideas and suggestions.
If you already know a specific story about a woman in the Bible, look it up in our Bible Lesson Forums. This topic is for more general discussion, ideas, and resources related to teaching about Women in the Bible.
From member Noreene...
I try to include Bible stories in our Rotation scope and sequence that feature women in prominent roles, if not the feature role. It's not easy to find the material though in or outside the Bible!
I wrote some lessons about Hannah and found Gien Karssen's "Her Name is Women" books I & II, Navpress 1975 helpful. She has all the other women in the Bible in their too.
I'm thinking Liz Curtis Higgs "Bad Girls of the Bible And what we can learn from them" Waterbrook Press, 1999 might lend some rotation lessons if handled properly.
Just some food for thought.