Sharable Parables: Creative Storytelling Ideas For Ages 3-12, by: Steven James, Standard Publishing, 2005, ISBN: 0784716323. OUT OF PRINT - suggest do an internet search.
Review: this book is amazing, covers 17 parables (3 lost stories in one chapter) and each one is covered several different ways. Background information on each parable, grace connections, memory sparks, interactive ideas, adapting the story for different age levels, creative costume and prop ideas, applicaiton and discussion questions, etc.
Parables covered:
- Wise and Foolish Builders - chp. 1
- Sower and the Four Soils - chp. 2
- Unmerciful Servant - chp. 3
- Good Samaritan - chp. 4
- Friend In The Night (Seek & Knock) - chp 5
- Foolish Rich Man - chp. 6
- Great Banquet - chp. 7
- Lost and Found (Lost Sheep/Lost Coin/Prodigal Son) - chp. 8
- Lazarus and the Rich Man - chp. 9
- Two Men Who Prayed - chp. 10
- Workers in the Field - chp. 11
- Vineyard and the Farmers - chp. 12
- Ten Bridesmaids - chp. 13
- Servants and the Bags of Gold (Talents) - chp. 14
- Sheep and Goats - chp. 15