
Welcome to our Puppet Workshop Forum where you'll find lesson techniques, puppet and stage set up suggestions, resources, a puppet manual, and more. Specific Bible story-related lessons using puppets are found by Bible story in the Lesson Forums.  Be sure to check the Lego & Storytable workshop and Drama workshop forums for other storytelling ideas.

Kurt Hunter's book: Puppets, Kids and Christian EducationAugsburg Fortress, 2001, ISBN 0806664096. 

Description: From exploring different types of puppets to suggesting what puppeteer styles and techniques are best for learning, this book offers suggestions for effectively using puppets.

FREE Rotation Sunday School Puppet Workshop SCRIPTS from Kurt Hunter.

Abraham and Sarah
Script for "Handle Bag" Rod Puppets

Blind, Kind Bartimaeus
Script for Marionettes

Script and Patterns for Shadow Puppets

David's Giant Faith
Script for "Handle Bag" Rod Puppets

The Good Spatula
Script for Object Theatre

Jacob and Esau - Twin Troubles
Script for "Handle Bag" Rod Puppets

Jonah and the Big Fish
Script and Patterns for Shadow Puppets

Joseph the Dreamer
Script for "Handle Bag" Rod Puppets

Joshua and the Walls of Jericho
Script for Object Theatre

Script and Patterns for Shadow Puppets

Paul Sees the Light
Script for Object Theatre

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Original Post

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Other resources for puppet ideas:

  • Rump, Nan. Puppets and Masks: Stagecraft and Storytelling. Worcester, MA: Davis Publications, Inc., 1996. ISBN 9780871922984.
  • Irving, Lynn. Pocketful of Puppets: Poems for Church School. Austin, TX: Nancy Renfro Studios, 1982. ISBN 9780931044052 (OUT OF PRINT)
  • Wezeman, Phyllis Vos. 100 Creative Teaching Techniques for Religion Teachers. Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 2001. ISBN 9781585951413 (OUT OF PRINT)
  • Wezeman, Phyllis Vos.Puppet Project for Scripture Stories Prescott, AZ: Educational Ministries.  (OUT OF PRINT) 25 different construction ideas, each linked to a Bible story, and a different way to use the puppet. All styles are adaptable to any story.

These web sites show you that making puppets doesn't have to be a complicated task:

Last edited by CreativeCarol
psalm_77 - Posted January 20, 2003

I was looking for drama ideas and found some neat ideas on There are skits and repeating puppet characters there. There are no copyright issues, but they ask that you create your own puppet names. These are good sites for skits/puppets also:
Official Puppet Minstry Survival Book, by: Susan Parsons, Cook Communications, 2002, ISBN: 0781438411.
Description: This book can help you build your ministry from the ground up, or serve as a compass to refine your focus and technique. Here's your guide to finding a world of fulfilling ministry with little "creatures of the cloth". Discover the power of puppets in ministry. You'll be amazed to find how God uses your hands and your voice to touch and transform souls with his power.

Puppets: Ministry Made Easy, by: Dale VonSeggen, Liz VonSeggen, Group Publishing, 2005, ISBN: 9780764425257. (OUT OF PRINT)
Description: Dale & Liz VonSeggen--Reach out with puppets! Here's everything you need to know to build a dynamic puppet team. Plus, you get 9 ready-to-use puppet scripts!

Ministering with Puppets, by: Ev & Joy Robertson, Broadman / Holman Church Supply, ISBN: 0805479813. (OUT OF PRINT)
Description: Nobody can resist a good puppet show! That's what makes these lovable characters such great messengers for outreach and evangelism. In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn to organize a puppet ministry; become a top-notch puppeteer; create your own puppets; produce, script, and choreograph shows; handle technical details---even take your ministry on the road!

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Easy-to-Make Puppets and How to Use Them, by: Fran Rottman, Gospel Light, 1994, ISBN: 0830716793.  (out of print - check on-line)
Description: Patterns and guidelines for making and using puppets with children ages 2-12. Features over 100 puppet patterns, ways to use puppets as teaching tools, and simple illustrated instructions.

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Instant Puppet Skits: 20 Stories From People Who Met Jesus, by John R. Cutshall, Mikal Keefer, Group, 2002, ISBN 9780764424588.
Group's description: 20 easy puppet skits with complete dialogue and sound effects on 2 long-play CDs! See stories covered listed below. Also includes, stage directions, backgrounds, and photocopiable props! Some scripts provide ways to involve the audience by being either: a part in the skit, a sound effect, or a prop. Questions with each skit to help children apply what they've experienced and draw closer in their own relationships with Jesus. Scripts have no more than four puppets on stage at any one time, and often fewer.
1. The Christmas Miracle (Luke 2:8-18)
The Christmas play rehearsal is interrupted when an unexpected shepherd shows up.
2. Teacher at the Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
He's old when he visits the studio, but he still remembers his star pupil, a boy named Jesus.
3. John the Baptist (John 3:27-35)
John's diet and humility create problems for an emcee introducing him.
4. Apostle Andrew (Matthew 4:18-22)
An elderly apostle teaches a young man a thing or two about fishing.
5. Planning the Wedding (John 2:1-11)
What's the worst that could go wrong at a wedding in scenic Cana? We'll find out.
6. Friend of the Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)
A fifth friend arrives too late to help lower his friend through a roof.
7. Clear the Temple (John 2:13-17)
A tourist to Jerusalem gets a play-by-play of an unusual event.
8. Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)
A midnight stroll becomes a problem when this famous leader is recognized.
9. Centurion and Servant (Matthew 8:5-13)
A Roman's servant is miraculously healed--long distance.
10. Fish and Loaves (John 6:1-15)
An unhappy hotdog salesmand discovers that Jesus has already fed everyone.
11. Peter on the Water (Matthew 14:22-23)
Peter decides to walk on the water, but his feet don't cooperate.
12. Grateful Leper (Luke 17:11-19)
A doctor gets the surprise of his life when an incurable patient is cured.
13. Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
A talk show host gets more than he bargained for when the sisters are guests.
14. Lazarus (John 11:1-12:2)
Lazarus isn't welcome when he visits the local undertaker and wants his money back.
15. Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
A retelling of this favorite parable that features, of course, a dog.
16. Little Girl on His Lap (Matthew 19:13-15)
An overly protective disciple gets a lesson in humility from a pint-sized source.
17. Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-9)
The call about a man stuck in a tree arrived too late. Would someone please tell the EMTs?
18. The Last Supper (John 13:1-17)
A cleaning lady confronts a disciple who is still learning about servanthood.
19. The Centurion and the Soldier (Luke 23:44-49; John 19:16-30)
A Roman centurion describes Jesus' crucifixion to a friend.
20. Mary Magdalene (Luke 24:1-12)
Mary finds it hard to convince the disciples that she has seen the risen Jesus.

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Moved here to consolidate the topic...

Posted September 27, 2006 02:10 AM

My website has over 30 free puppet scripts and also some tips on how to use puppets and how to use puppets to teach memory verses. Creative Outreach Ministry

Also has some puppet site links and ministry ideas.

Handle Bag Puppets (Rod Puppet)

A puppet that is simple for children to use.

Handle bag puppets in use

From Kurt Hunter's Rotation Puppet website:

"Handle Bag" puppets are simply a "head" on a handle (in this case, a wooden dowel) inserted into a hole in the middle of an envelope of fabric. 

The child's hand inserted into the corner of the fabric envelope becomes the puppets "hand".
The handle bag puppets are ideal for "acting out" the stories.  They can handle props and express emotions very well.  (Editor notes: They can even hold something in their "hand.")

The stories are told with narration, but no dialogue, so the children operating the puppets only have to concentrate on what the puppet will do, not what it will say. For this reason, "moving mouth" puppets are not well suited to the way we use puppets in Sunday School.

For detailed instructions on how to construct a Handle Bag Puppet, refer to Kurt Hunter's book: Puppets, Kids, and Christian Education. Cover of Kurt Hunter's book

The handle bag puppet instructions are copyrighted and can not be included here.

There are even instructions on how to create a "group" puppet. Shown here is the group puppet we constructed being used to represent the "brothers" as they show their father Jacob, Joseph's coat. (This is just two puppeteers handling these "two" puppets!)

group puppet

I will note that we constructed some of our handle bag puppets not using solid pieces of wood for the heads (as instructed in Kurt's book) but using pieces of foam core. They have held up well so far (at least 10 years?).

For more photos of handle bag puppets in action, see here.


Images (2)
  • group puppet
  • Cover of Kurt Hunter's book
Last edited by Luanne Payne

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