Kurt Hunter's book: Puppets, Kids and Christian Education, Augsburg Fortress, 2001, ISBN 0806664096.
Description: From exploring different types of puppets to suggesting what puppeteer styles and techniques are best for learning, this book offers suggestions for effectively using puppets. http://www.huntermarionettes.com/rotation-model/
FREE Rotation Sunday School Puppet Workshop SCRIPTS from Kurt Hunter.
Abraham and Sarah
Script for "Handle Bag" Rod Puppets
Blind, Kind Bartimaeus
Script for Marionettes
Script and Patterns for Shadow Puppets
David's Giant Faith
Script for "Handle Bag" Rod Puppets
The Good Spatula
Script for Object Theatre
Jacob and Esau - Twin Troubles
Script for "Handle Bag" Rod Puppets
Jonah and the Big Fish
Script and Patterns for Shadow Puppets
Joseph the Dreamer
Script for "Handle Bag" Rod Puppets
Joshua and the Walls of Jericho
Script for Object Theatre
Script and Patterns for Shadow Puppets
Paul Sees the Light
Script for Object Theatre