
Resources for Paul’s Letters

Maps, storybooks, videos, etc... Resource recommendations from Luanne ¹


After studying Paul's letters have the kid's write letters to friends or family passing along one or two of Paul's messages that affected them the most and why.

Group Publishing VBS Items (Outlet Mall Items):

  • Bamboo Stylus - Pkg of 4 (VBS - Starry Night, 2018, 1210000307910).
  • Non-tear scroll Paper, 72” in length (VBS - Athens, 2013, 9780764490880 )
  • Set of 1 stamper and 2 sealing wax candles (VBS - Athens, 2019, 1210000309983 ).

Note from Luanne:  Currently available as of Dec. 2020, through different companies.

Computer (Software)

  • "Kid Pix 4 (or 3D)"
    or "Let's Talk, This software title is FREE to supporting members! Check it out.
    Idea:  Read the kids the letter's Paul wrote, found in the below book called “Paul’s Travels”, then have them write a letter to the citizens of their church or community - what might Paul have to say to them?  Use "Kid Pix 4" or "Let's Talk".

  • "Charlie Church Early Elementary" – Shows Paul being Arrested and loaded onto a ship - word activity (not related), then Shipwreck - word activity (not related), then see him writing letters at the end.
    Out of print, but many Rotation churches own it.


  • “Paul Overcomes Prison” (Heroes of the Bible Series) – 24” x 36" Poster.
    Shown on the table in this poster – letters and an ink pot. To see this detail look more closely at Paul’s poster and you’ll also see his hand with a quill and his prison cell as the background - can purchase through Hero of the Bible Posters at
    Mailbox Bulletin Board from Carson Dellosa
  • Mail Box Art Idea -  Using Bulletin Board Set by "Carson Delosa - Mailboxes Job Assignment Bulletin Board Set", Item #110120 (9781604181661). Comes with 40 Envelopes & 10 mailboxes.
    Write places on mailboxes that Paul wrote to, include your own church, then have kids write letters to the church on the back of the envelopes.

    Should this go out of print just try an internet search for something similar.

Resource Book

  • "What the Bible is All About :  Bible Handbook for Kids (Revised)", Tyndale House, 2016, 9781496416117.  Ages 10+. [Use to be called “What the Bible is All About for Young Explorers.”]
    Note:  contains overviews of each book of the Bible and the drawings are in black and white and are the ones from the Bible Story Clip Art CD.

Story Bible

  • My First Study Bible: Exploring God’s Word on My Own. by Paul Loth, Tommy Nelson, Reprinted in 2011, 9781400316908.  Ages 6-10. Told from first person perspective. Has a section on Paul & a page on each book he wrote.

Story Books

  • Paul's Travels By: Tim Dowley, (Candle Discovery Series), by Lion Hudson, 2009, #9780825473838. Hardcover, Ages 7-12. Inside front and back covers are the maps of all four journeys.
    Through each chapter Paul tells his story and includes a removable one page letter.  Letters are:
    1. TO:   Jewish Leader, in Damascus, Syria         
      FROM: Chief Priests, in Jerusalem.Pull Out Letter
    2. TO:   Followers of Jesus, Asia Minor
      FROM:  Paul.
    3. TO:   Captain Rufus, The Main Jail, Philippi, Macedonia
      FROM:   Paul.
    4. TO:   Roman Citizen Paul, Imperial Jail, Caesarea-on-Sea, Judea
      FROM:  Nero Claudius Caesar of Germanicus,.
    5. TO:   Philemon (owner of Onesimus the slave), City of Colossae, Asia Minor
      FROM:  Paul.
    6. TO:   Timothy, Leader of the Christians, Ephesus, Asia Minor
      FROM:  Paul.
  • “Preach, Paul!” by Carolyn Nystrom, Kregel, 2004, 9780825433337. 4 - 8 years.
  • "Postcards from Paul", by Hazel Scrimshire, CF4K, 9781845507893, reprinted 2012 bigger size 5.3" x 6.7".
    I thought these were very nicely done and they are inexpensive.  On each page left side are cartoon pictures, sometimes with a map.  On the right page is Paul's letter addressed to Dear Friends.  Cartoons opposite page tie in with Paul's letter.  Each letter is also postmarked:  Damascus, Tarusus, Cyprus, etc.  15 Postcards in total.
  • "Paul Writes (A Letter)", by Chris Raschka, Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2018, 9780802854940.  A picture book with simple paraphrases of the main themes of Paul's epistles in letter format. At the bottom of each letter scripture references are noted. Map of Paul's travels at end of book.  Ages 6-8.


  • What's in the Bible Vol 12 - "Letters From Paul! [Romans - Philemon]"
    Contains two 25-minute episodes:
    Episode 1: Buck Denver and friends take a whirlwind tour through the 13 letters the Apostle Paul wrote to churches all over the Roman World!
    Episode 2: Dive deeper into Paul's letters and learn what it means to live as a follower of Jesus through big ideas like sanctification, the fruit of the Spirit, and spiritual disciplines!

  • The Ministry of Paul, Nest Family Entertainment, DVD   ISBN 1564897060
    Animated, 30 minutes, includes 3 quizzes on DVD, and 64 page activity book.
    only the last minute touches on Paul in prison, in Rome, writing.
    timings approx.
    - after it says, "once in Rome Paul is put in prison, released, and put in prison again."
    Letter Writer at approx. 21:51 - 23:16 (1 min 65 seconds)
    Says Paul wrote words of love, "be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving, even as God has forgiving you" (shows him writing with quill), and this, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
    Narrator says, Paul finally sentenced to death by Nero, shows Paul in Prison.
    Narrator says Paul writes, "I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand.I have fought the good fight. I have finished my course. I have keep the faith may the Lord of Christ be with you. Amen."
    Thens shows Paul walking into the light, ends.  23:16

Luanne is sometimes known as "The Resource Queen."


Images (2)
  • Pull Out Letter
  • Mailbox Bulletin Board from Carson Dellosa
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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