
The "topical lessons and ideas" forum you are in includes resources for teaching about Peace, Justice, Prayer, Redemption, Women in the Bible, and some teaching resources related to holidays, such as Mother's Day.  This forum is something of a "catch-all" for Sunday School ideas and lessons that don't neatly fit into our Bible story-specific forums but are often taught in Sunday School.

If you already have a specific Bible story in mind, look it up in our Bible story forums. Members are welcome to share their ideas and reactions by "reply" in these topics. Questions should be posted in the Teachers Lounge where they are more likely to be seen.

This topic is collecting ideas for teaching about peace or justice or hunger or racism.

There may be similar posts in this "catch-all" forum. If you have a specific Bible story in mind, then we suggest you look it up in our Bible Story Lesson Forums.

Add your ideas by using the "Post Reply" button below.  

See also our special forum:Helping Children Understand and Cope with News of War and Conflict.”

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Phyllis vos Wezeman and Colleen Aalsburg Wiessner have a book called "When did we see you?" Sixty Creative Activities to Help 4th to 8th Graders recognize Jesus today. I realize that's not the primary age group you requested, but it might be helpful.

Exchange Volunteer adds: book is out of print  but easily available through many used booksellers.

The following is its entry at,


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  • When Did We See You? book cover
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Building a Culture of Peace Begins with Children

For Spring 2001 we adapted the Building a Culture of Peace Begins with Children from Presby. Peackemaking Program for our workshops. I have also utilized Peacemaking Creatively through the Arts (ALAssocicates, Phyllis Wezeman)extensively. 2 other resources I have, but haven't used (yet) are Young Peacemaker Project and PeaceWorks, from Kathy Fry-Miller (Educational Ministries Publ). We made indiv. Peace Poles and website is great for those. Good Luck and May Peace Prevail on Earth!

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Posts moved from other locations:

Topic: Peace

POSTED BY Ruth Kroboth:

I'd recommend the book Peace Begins with You by Katherine Scholes (ISBN# 0-316-77436-7). It's nice for young children. We're using it for K-4th grades. Among other things, it talks about how working for peace may mean starting a conflict, standing up and saying "NO!" We will also be learning a bit about Nelson Mandela & Desmond Tutu encouraging South Africans to put injustices of the past aside and work for peace. Brand new Nobel laureate, Jimmy Carter is another great role model (and a Sunday School teacher!)

For older kids (middle school & high schoolers - even adults) we will use Mark Twain's "The War Prayer." It describes a congregation praying for the success of their young soldiers and the destruction of their enemy. Then flips the coin to consider that victory for one side means tradgedy for the other. Powerful & thought-provoking.

With so many tensions in the world I too have given this a lot of thought and prayerful consideration. All I can say is that I have no idea how to counsel about war. I can only work to teach peace to the next generation if only in my small corner of the world.

I just posted my lesson on peace & peacemaking. Check them out under "Beatitudes - Blessed are the Peacemakers." Blessings to you and to all of us as we try to answer the unanswerable, Ruth

Topic: Peacemaking

POSTED BY Catherine

After 9/11 we changed our plans for Advent and wrote worskhops for a rotation on The Prince of Peace - Peacemaking. Though we did this at Christmas, it could be used anytime.

One activity was to make origami cranes for world peace - part of the true story about a Japanese girl named Sadako. The entire congregation got into it! They are a bit complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it is easy. We made 1000 paper cranes. The little kids made a simple origami peace dove.

Our other workshops deal with how children can resolve conflict in their own lives.
We need to start somewhere!!

You can find this lesson set at the exchange under Jesus' Birth/Advent - other ideas Or you can find the set at our web site:

Yours in Peace, Catherine

Topic: Peace


In the current political climate: the story of Hagar and Ishmael in the Abraham narrative is good for helping us understand that Judiasm, Christianity, and Islam all have the same roots.

The peaceable kingdom (Isaiah 11:6-9) is good for children. Through nature programs they know that wolves and lambs aren't natural friends, but that God's vision is for a world at peace.

Topic: God is in control


We are using a book in our Children's Worship program that goes through names for God.

Last Sunday's name was Jehovah Sabbaoth- God is in control. We talked about God being in control of the whole world, even when it doesn't look like it. We touched on war a little, and that God is still in control of these places where wars are happening. We then prayed for different countries- that God would show his love to them and that they would learn about his love in Jesus.

The kids really got into it- we had a few globes and the blow up beach ball type globe that we passed around. Each child chose a country and then prayed for that country as they held the ball.

Along with teaching kids about individual peacemaking, remember prayer is our greatest weapon!!

Topic: Peacemaking

POSTED BY julie burton

A couple of resources that may help are Peacemaking resources from the Presbyterian Church (USA). Go to and search the catalog.

A great book I found is "World Peas: and other ways to make a difference program ideas for leaders of children", Rebekah Chevalier, United Church Publishing House. (author info escapes me -- moderator updated). No, that's not a typo! It has some great activities.
Julie Burton


One of the posted rotations for the Beatitudes is a unit on "Blessed are the Peacemakers" which is very good.
Peace, Lisa


There's a free lesson from Cook Ministries called "God's Peace, My Peace". We've adapted parts and used the prayer labyrinth from it. See Cathy's lesson here at who also used it.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Making Peace: The Foundation for Living in Fellowship,

by Karyn Henley, Standard Publishing, 2002, ISBN: 0784713693.
Description: Do your students want to know God? Do they want to discover how to live at peace with others? Use Making Peace to help kids explore why and how to make peace with God and others. This 13-week course about making peace will help kids understand what it means to be at peace with God and others, provide biblical examples of people who were peace makers, and guide kids in ways to confront, apologize and forgive biblically. This book includes small group and large group discussions and activities, and activities to help kids deal with anger, make peaceful choices, and live in harmony. Ages 8-11

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Moved from another area:

Posted by Ruth Moore:
We are going to be doing a rotation model summer study using UMC Peacemaking curriculum. What an important topic for our time. The news lately of the high school girls attacking each other has left me with convictions that we need to help our children learn non violent conflict management. I also think we need to help parents model this. I have noticed elementary aged girls hitting other girls ( even 3rd graders) when they are jealous or want something. I have noticed children who are bullied unable to respond. I've noticed a few boys who slap younger sisters frequently.
I obvious respond to each situation. Any ideas of ways to teach children that this behavior is inappropriate and that peaceful resolutions are not only the moral choice but also a more productive choice in resolving conflict, If we pray for God's Kingdom to come on earth we must work toward those ends. I work among well educated, wealthy, highly competitive people.
This may be a contributing factor. They are trying their best but we need to do more. Shalom !!

Posted by: Ann Cover
I would love to see your curriculum for Peacemakers. I also have the umc curriculum, but find it difficult to teach. What else did you use?

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Moved here to consolidate the topic...

Question posted by Barbara Lynn

I'm looking for some ideas for computer lessons under the topic of "Peace, Peacemaking." We do not have software as was recommended --Actual Reality, but might get that. I'm in a fix for ideas to use with "Kid Pix" for toddlers-grade 3.

The software Actual Reality, mentioned above, lesson is found in the following lesson set found in the Beatitudes lesson forum.

Check out this COMPLETE LESSON SET: Blessed are the Peacemakers by Elmgrove U.M.C.

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called Children of God.” - Matthew 5:9

Summary of lessons:

  • Art Workshop - Peacemakers in Action (K-1 & 2-4)
  • Computer Workshop - Is God Colorblind? (5-7 & 8-12)
  • Drama Workshop - Conflict Resolution (K-1 & 2-4)
  • Drama Workshop - Conflict Resolution (5-7 & 8-12)
  • Games Workshop - Different and Alike (K-1 & 2-4)
  • Games Workshop - Material Possessions (5-7 & 8-12)
  • Biblical Background & Additional Background

Reply posted by Luanne Payne

I just did a search on the internet for ideas on computer lessons for peace and came up with some ideas to get you thinking.

  • Write & Illustrate a Short Story
    Write a short story & illustrate it using "Kid Pix 4 (or 3-D)" Software.
    First read the children some short stories where children made peace with another child to help get them thinking. Maybe have a container of ideas with slips of paper of situations they might find themselves in and they have to come up with a peaceful solution.

  • Write and illustrate a Peace Poem in "Kid Pix 4 (or 3-D)" Software.
    Read Write Think Teacher's Website:
    Peace Poem Template:
  • Do an internet search for peace symbols - print off as many different ones as you can find. These would help the kids with their drawings and/or poems.

  • Quiz - "Fall of Jericho" This software is FREE to supporting members! Check it out.
    Write a quiz using WWJD scenarios. Write a situation and they have to select the peaceful answer to everyday situations they come across. This you could write for different age levels.
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Moved here from the Help forum... some answers to a question about teaching about racism...

Posted by Luanne Payne
If you do a Google search using words such as, "bible stories related to racism" you will get lots of hits.  Suggestions of Bible stories to use were: Good Samaritan, Moses, Ruth & Naomi, Rahab...  I'd pick a few, then look in those lesson forums for material that would work with your racism theme.

Posted by Julie Burton

The Sneetches, by Dr. Seuss would be appropriate for this unit.  The ones with "stars upon thars" acted superior to the no-star belly sneetches.

This could be acted out in a drama workshop very easily.

Posted by Creative Carol
How about some Creative Writing and tying to NPR's Michele Norris and her Race Card Project? Her project was to spark thoughts about race and ethnicity written in just six words. Could also be a Computer Workshop idea if you've got internet access you could explore her site, and maybe use Let's Talk to speak their thoughts?

Last edited by Luanne Payne

There a variety of great lists of resources and links currently available to help families and churches have anti-racism conversations with children. Here is a link to one from @Jenna Campbell at FPC in Stillwater, OK: https://www.fpcfaithfulfamilie...nti-racism-resources

"As people of faith, we claim that all are beloved children of God. We also confess that we and the systems we participate in and benefit from have not always treated everyone with that truth. As parents and grandparents, it is critical that we have open and honest conversations about race and justice with our children and grandchildren.

Use these resources to not only engage your children, but also to increase your own understanding and awareness."

Seeing Jesus: Social Justice Activities for Today Based on Matthew 25

--- a resource by Phyllis Wezeman (famed children's minister and former board of directors member here at

“Seeing Jesus: Social Justice Activities for Today Based on Matthew 25” includes 60 social justice activities for children, teens, and adults, to live out the Matthew 25 vision.

6/2020: Available at the Pastoral Center resources: and on Amazon.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Petra's Pier Picnic

A children's book about Hunger and Sharing by Phyllis Wezeman


“Petra’s Pier Picnic,” published by ACTA Publications, Chicago.
Available on Amazon.

The artwork in this book brings to life the text that tells of a girl’s growing awareness of the needs of people around her. She sees a hungry family when she is on her birthday fishing expedition with her dad, and decides to give the couple her largest fish. The book includes an endnote with helpful suggestions for action regarding hunger in your community. Perfect for all ages, particularly elementary (K-5th grade).

Phyllis is a famed children's ministry educator and writer and was one of the founding members of


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  • petra
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Do not judge by appearances (Jn 7:24)

David, a man after God's own heart
"the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart"  I Sam 13:14

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

All are one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

"Who we truly are is found inside"
"We are not labels"

(Prince Ea, American Rapper and African word artist, inspirational speaker)

This inspirational video by social media phenom and "African word artist" Prince Ea (Richard Williams) is a great 'take' on rejecting artificial labels and racism, the things that divide us. The things that unite us are our heart and LOVE. This was the quality that God saw in David. God looked past the "king" label and into David's heart. This LOVE is the defining factor of discipleship according to Jesus (John 13:34) and Paul (1 Cor 13).

Lots of discussion potential for pre-teens and teens.

At the end of this inspirational video the word "LOVE" appears.

Perfect love casts out fear (labels). (1 Jn 4:18)

Last edited by Luanne Payne

The SneetchesThe Sneetches and Other Stories is a collection of stories by American children's author Dr. Seuss, published in 1961.

It is composed of four separate stories with themes of tolerance, diversity, and compromise: "The Sneetches", "The Zax", "Too Many Daves", and "What Was I Scared Of?"

The National Education Association listed the book as one of its "Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children".

A low res video of the animated version for preview purposes on YouTube is at

Here's a pastor's talk about the Sneetches and Galatians 3:25-29 (In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek...") titled "We Are Family" :::


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  • The Sneetches
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Emphasizing "Social Justice" or "Values" themes
in Sunday School and in the Workshop Rotation Model

It’s not uncommon for people to ask for creative ideas for a particular and appropriate "social-justice" issue they want to emphasize in an upcoming lesson. And when asked for such help, one of the first things that Workshop Rotation Modelers, such as myself, typically ask is "WHAT IS YOUR BIBLE STORY?"

And it's not just for social justice issues that we ask that question. We also ask “what’s the Bible story” when asked for creative ideas for themes and subjects like "Lent," "forgiveness,” “"thanksgiving," caring for Creation," etc etc.

Here are two reasons we ask What's Your Bible Story:

  1. I was a stranger and you welcomed me ~ JesusFirst, we believe stories are powerful teaching tools that can inform a lifetime of action. Jesus understood this. It's why he taught in parables and inspired his story to be remembered and written down. The power of stories is particularly true for children.

  2. We believe Sunday School primarily exists to introduce Bible stories to children in memorable ways so that both our kids and the biblical values and calls to action in those stories are grounded in the power and authority of scripture.

Not every verse is a story or needs to be a story in order to be chosen. Micah 6:8, for example, is a foundational verse that should be taught to all children. But rather than simply teaching it as an isolated verse or proof-text for a point of view, I would teach Micah's story which gets into his and God's exasperation with the religious authorities who were practicing religion without caring for those in need. (Jesus frequently expressed this same exasperation and I would include that in the lesson too.)

Micah 6:8 Sunday School lesson
"Social Justice" is a big tent and we'll leave specific definitions and POV's up to you.
But in general, it can mean teaching kids that our faith requires us to care for "the least of these" -- those in poverty, the sick, the prisoners, immigrants, widows and children, the issues of equality, racism, mental health, peacemaking, etc, etc.  Lesson emphasis can range from learning about "mission," to encouraging empathy/values, to promoting social change and political action, to engaging in acts of local mission. But if the Rotation Model has taught us anything, it is that a story or verse or value only taught once is soon forgotten. Repetition is the cornerstone of memory formation and effective change, and that's why we've made it the cornerstone of The Workshop Rotation Model.

Ways to Make it Regular, and not merely Seasonal or Occasional

I encourage Sunday School teachers and leaders to incorporate "action" (social or otherwise) on a REGULAR basis, and not simply as a "theme for a season or lesson."


One way is to designate a specific workshop in each four or five week rotations to especially emphasize your mission or social justice emphasis coming from the Bible story.

For example, you could create a special "Mission Workshop" as part of your four or five week rotation on Ruth, and emphasize "the gleaning episode" in that workshop and engage in a hands-on activity about greed, sharing, and welcoming immigrants (like Boaz did for Ruth).  That "Mission Workshop" in the following rotation about the Prodigal Son could look at how do you reconcile with someone, and emphasize peacemaking mission.

ANY Workshop in a rotation can be designated to carry that added emphasis. (It doesn't have to be a special "Mission" Workshop.)

  • It could be a special mission video shown and discussed in the Video Workshop.
  • It could be a drama/skit about taking action in the Drama Workshop.
  • It could be a Cooking Workshop that gets used to prepare brown bag lunches for the homeless, or a Computer Workshop that looks at a mission site, signs a petition, and watched an inspiring music video.

There are times when you might ramp-up your emphasis on action, but virtually every Bible story we teach has a call to action, a life application that has both personal, interpersonal, and community-wide implications.

Desiring to emphasize social-justice and calls to action is a great reason to "Go Rotation." The Rotation Model's slower rate of story change allows you to really explore all that a story has to give and do so with more than one approach and emphasis. And because you are staying on the same story or passage for several weeks in a row, you are greatly increasing the odds that even your less-than-regular attenders will hear the Word.

Learn more about the Rotation Model, and feel free to keep asking for creative help!  That's what we're here for.

<>< Neil


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  • I was a stranger and you welcomed me
  • Micah 6:8 Sunday School lesson
  • Social Justice is God's Justice
Last edited by Luanne Payne

As you think about teaching children about peace, justice, hunger, racism, or other social issues, consider including a "mission workshop" in your Sunday morning workshop rotation.

Or host a special mission event for the entire congregation. Take a look at our collection of suggestions for mission ideas for children and families to do together, and add your ideas and resources.

"Justice" -- the six minute video from the Bible Project, wonderfully describes the concept of God's justice and does a great job of connecting it to the ministry of Jesus and the Church.

The visuals are terrific in their own right at explaining what justice is and looks like.



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  • dojustice
  • jesus-justice
  • boxes
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Several good hunger resources...

Video: "L.E.A.P." Into Action to Beat the Hunger Monster

Very kid-friendly video about "HUNGER" justice that explain the problem to kids and focus on things kids can do to help "beat the hunger monster."  A companion video to the book, "Lulu and the Hunger Monster."

Lulu and the Hunger Monster

A book for children with a foreword by Jeff Bridges. Awarded the International Literacy Association's 2021 Social Justice Literature Award and a 2020 Foreword INDIES Honorable Mention.

When Lulu's mother's van breaks down, money for food becomes tight and the Hunger Monster comes into their lives. Only visible to Lulu, Hunger Monster is a troublemaker who makes it hard for her to concentrate in school. How will Lulu help her mom and defeat the Monster when Lulu has promised never to speak the monster's name to anyone?

This realistic—and hopeful—story of food insecurity builds awareness of the issue of childhood hunger, increases empathy for people who are food insecure, and demonstrates how anyone can help end hunger.


Six Activities That Teach About Food Justice and Hunger

Includes the quick "inequitable snack distribution" exercise and discussion PDF from "Roots of Hunger."

Host an "Oxfam Hunger Banquet"

The volunteer-led interactive event that bring statistics about poverty to life. Guests randomly select tickets matching real people who are high-, middle-, or low-income earners, demonstrating that where you end up is all in the luck of the draw.


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  • Lulu-and-hunger-monster

Two Recommended Videos About Racism and Bias for Older Students

Systematic Racism Explained for children and youth

This short video looks at the way a person's NAME affects how others perceive them and offer them. Writing Team Lesson Set

Micah 6:7-8 "Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly"


Six creative broadly-graded, workshop-style Sunday School lesson plans about doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with your God. Activities in the set include: Bible Games, Art, Baking, Rhythm & Music, Scripture Memory, Video & Drama. Come see the Lesson Summaries!


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