I am a brand new curriculum writer, and have spent three hours so far going over past messages - so much great information! I could spend three more days and barely scratch the surface. Thanks in advance for all the experience shared by you all!
I need to write a four workshop unit on the Attributes of God. I searched on that phrase, and also Names of God, and came up empty. In the past I have heard people offer prayers to Jehovah Raffa (sp?) The Healer, Jehovah Gyra (again, sp?) The Provider, and other aspects of God, which I would like to include for the kids. I am also considering covering the Trinity, and have found a few ideas here to help.
Any suggestions, or directions to point me in?
Many thanks,
Exchange Volunteer modified title of post for clarity.
Trinity, God, Grace, "Church," "Worship," Salvation, Holy Spirit, etc etc. The following topics often began when someone asked for or came up with a lesson resource "about Grace" for example, or had a good idea for teaching "about the Church." Some of these discussion threads began as a question in our Teachers Lounge and were later moved and expanded here.
If you are looking for a subject that is typically associated with a BIBLE VERSE OR STORY, we suggest that you look up that Bible story in our Bible Story Lessons Forums. For example, there is some "baptism" material posted here in this "Church Words & Theological Subjects" forum, but the Bible story forum about Jesus' Baptism has many more resources on that subject.
If you need help finding or coming up with a lesson resource, post your question in the Teachers Lounge.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Finally, my eternal, rather repetitive, statement to anyone doing a theological topic rather than a specific Bible story [

Lisa is right - abstract ideas are tough to do. A book that may give you some ideas is "God Is Like a Mother Hen." (don't know the author).
There are enough stories in the Bible that are easier for children to understand (plus the workshops are easier to write!!)
julie burton
Maybe it would be helpful to think in the concrete rather than the abstract as others have suggested. Would it work to think of "pictures of God"? You could have: God the Good Shepherd-Psalm 23; God the Potter-Jeremiah ; God the Loving Father-the Prodigal Son, for example
I too think better in terms of stories so I would want a full rotation on each of these. Maybe work your scope and sequence so that one or two of these important pictures or attributes are included each year.
Images of God
A book that might help you is a picture book by Katherine Patterson, "Images of God".
I've got a lot to go through, and your suggestions are most helpful. I'm sure I'll be back when I can be a little more specific about my needs!
There is a 13 - lesson curriculum resource from Cook Ministries/Communications called "Getting to Know God" (Discipleship Junction Series), 2006, 9780781443227. Which has separate lessons you could adapt on Jehovah Jirah, Jehovah Shalom, etc. Look at the table of contents and the sample lesson. The table of contents gives matching Scripture so even if you don't order the book, you can glean from it.
Relocated older post
“The Names of Jesus – A Wheel of Fortune Game
(Malachai 3:1, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 11:1-5, Psalm 72:10-11, Jeremiah 31:15, Isaiah 35:4-6)
Read the story verses.
Play Wheel of Fortune using the many names of Jesus.
Supplies: flip chart stand, pocket chart, names of Jesus with each letter written on cardstock squares (approx. 5” x 5) one envelope for each name with the name written on the outside (should also have letters listed with a # in each name – example: a-3, c-1, r-4, etc.), Wheel of Fortune spinner, 3 small white boards and dry erase markers for keeping score.
It is not enough to teach the names of Jesus, we want the kids to know what the various names/titles mean. Thus, in your game, OFFER 100 BONUS POINTS for good explanations. 50 pts for "okay". 25 for "nice try".
The team/person first solving the puzzle gets first crack at 'meaning bonus points'. If they do not get all three pts, the team to their right can try to answer what the "meaning of" the name/title is. Continue on until the 100 possible "meaning bonus points" for the solved puzzle have been awarded, then move on to next puzzle.
Set Up:
- Divide group into 2-3 teams as appropriate.
- Place one set of the names of Jesus cards in the pocket chart, with letters facing in so that players are unable to see them.
- The first team spins for point amount.
- One of the team members calls a letter and receives point amount for each letter that can be found in the name. Example: The player spins 100 and calls letter “b”. There are 3 of that letter in the puzzle, so the player receives 300 points and all of that letter are turned over.
- That team continues spinning and calling letters as long as the letters being called are in the name puzzle.
- If the letter called is not in the name puzzle, the turn goes to the next team.
- The “puzzle” may be solved at any time by the team who is having a turn at that time.
- Vowels may be “bought” for 50 points, and no matter how many of that vowel are in the puzzle, only 50 points are subtracted from the team’s current score.
- The team that solves the puzzle keeps their points.
- Points are added to current score if that team has correctly solved any other puzzles.
- The name puzzle must be solved exactly the way it is presented on the chart.
- The team with the most points at the end of the class time wins.
Names of Jesus to be put on cards –
Wonderful Counselor,
King of Kings,
Mighty God,
Rock of Ages,
Everlasting Father,
Bread of Life,
Prince of Peace
Alpha and Omega
The Way
Lamb of God
Good Shepherd
• Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9: 6-7)
• Mighty God (Isaiah 9: 6-7 )
• Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9: 6-7)
• Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9: 6-7 )
• Jesus (Philippians 2: 10)
• Christ (Matthew 1: 16)
• Jesus Christ (Romans 5: 17)
• Lord Jesus (Acts 16: 31)
• King (Isaiah 32: 1)
• Savior (Luke 2: 11)
• King of Kings (1 Timothy 6:15)
• Lord of Lords (1 Timothy 6:15)
• Rock of Ages ? Psalms 18: 2
• Bread of Life (John 6: 35)
• Alpha and Omega (Revelations 21: 6)
• Messiah (John 4: 25)
• The Way (John 14: 6)
• The Truth (John 14: 6)
• The Life (John 14: 6)
• Lamb of God (John 1: 29)
• Son of God (Matthew 17: 5, Matthew 27:54)
• Good Shepherd (John 10: 11)
• Redeemer (Job 19: 25, 1 John 2: 1)
(Lesson improved by editor, 2012.)
"I AM - 40 Reasons to Trust God" by Diane Stortz, Tommy Nelson. 2016, 9780529120663.
Love this book!
Contains 19 OT stories and 21 NT stories.
Each bible story is labeled with the name (God / Jesus) , the scripture reference, lovely illustrations, followed by "What does this mean?" explanation done in kid friendly terms, then a short prayer, and some additional scripture references. Goes from Genesis to Revelation. Includes a Table of Contents - to easily find the specific name you are looking for.
I was thinking this is an excellent resources book.
Christianbook.com has a pdf sample pages you can check out, for example:
El Shaddai - God All Powerful (Abraham & Sarah have the impossible-baby Isaac)
Jehovah - I AM (The Burning Bush)
I found this article "The Secret to Teaching Abstract Concepts to Kids" Christine Yount Jones, Children’s Ministry Magazine. really helpful in teaching abstract concepts! https://childrensministry.com/...ct-concepts-to-kids/
Here is an article on our site on teaching abstract concepts and using object lessons: "What's an Object Lesson". And also be sure to check out the Paste in my Hair handout (#8) on Unpacking Bible Metaphors with Children. (Note that you must sign in as a FREE registered member to access these resources.)