Printable or Projectable Ruth Storybook created by the Writing Team for use with several lessons in the Team's Ruth Lesson Set found at Please see the copyright and distribution restrictions at the end of this post. Included in the Ruth Storybook PDF: 12 colorful illustrations created by artist John August Swanson* An abbreviated retelling of the Book of Ruth based on the NIV, with age-appropriate...
Welcome to The Story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz—a Writing Team Lesson Set
Seven creative lesson plans and a special kid-friendly Ruth Storybook. The Ruth Bible Background and Lesson Summaries are open to everyone. The lesson plans and Storybook are open to our amazing Supporting Members. Join now
Each lesson has adaptations for age, class size, and time availability. Designed for the Rotation Model and thoroughly adaptable to traditional programs, this set could also help you create an intergenerational event or a VBS.