
Puppet and Drama Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching the Story of Samson in Sunday School.

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Judges, Samson, etc.
Bible lessons about Samson -with Drama, puppets, scripts, skits, acting, newsroom, etc.
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Samson and Delilah Puppet Skit: That Samson-Man!
Abby Rosser
North Boulevard Church of Christ
Murfreesboro, TN

Philistine man

Wig for Samson

(Samson appears. He flexes his muscles, etc during the introduction.)

Narrator: There was a judge who ruled Israel land.
His name was Samson—and what a man!
He was the strongest and the best,
But God would put him to the test.
“Not a razor should touch his head,
If he wants to stay strong,” an angel had said.
So his hair grew long as did his list
Of foes among the land of Philist

(Samson exits.)

Narrator: And that is where we pick up this real tale
With a Philistine Man and a tricky female

(Philistine man paces back and forth)

Philistine Man: That Samson-Man! That Samson-Man!
I do not like that Samson-Man!
I do not like his legs and arms,
His bulging muscles do us harm!
I will fool him with a tricky girl,
With long eyelashes and bouncing curls!

(Delilah appears.)

Narrator: Delilah was the woman’s name
And she would be the one to tame
This Hebrew man with the long black mane.

(Philstine man exits.)

(Samson appears.)

Delilah: Samson, Samson, tell me, dear!
Whisper right into my ear.
Where do you get all your might?
Why can no one beat you in a fight?

Samson: Delilah, darling, I’ll tell you, hon.
I’ll tell you what’ll make me as weak as anyone.
Take seven strings that have not been dried
And tie me like I’ve never been tied.
Surely, you don’t think I’d lie!

(Samson lies down to sleep.)

(Delilah takes strings and “ties” him up.)

(The Philistine rushes in.)

Delilah: Samson! Samson! Wake up, dear!
The Philistines are, right now, quite near!
The Philistines are quite near, I fear!

(Samson stands and easily shakes off the strings.)

(The Philistine turns and sadly walks away.)

Delilah: Samson, Samson, tell me, dear!
Whisper right into my ear.
Where do you get all your might?
Why can no one beat you in a fight?

Samson: Delilah, darling, I’ll tell you, hon.
I’ll tell you what’ll make me as weak as anyone.
If I were tied up with brand-new ropes
Then to capture me there’d be a hope.
You see? There’s no reason to mope!

(Samson lies down to sleep.)

(Delilah takes ropes and “ties” him up.)

(The Philistine rushes in.)

Delilah: Samson! Samson! Wake up, dear!
The Philistines are, right now, quite near!
The Philistines are quite near, I fear!

(Samson stands and easily shakes off the ropes.)

(The Philistine turns and sadly walks away.)

Delilah: Samson, Samson, tell me, dear!
Whisper right into my ear.
Where do you get all your might?
Why can no one beat you in a fight?

Samson: Delilah, darling, I’ll tell you, hon.
I’ll tell you what’ll make me as weak as anyone.
If you were to weave my hair on your loom
Then someone could storm right in this room
Honestly! You don’t have to fume!

(Samson lies down to sleep.)

(Delilah takes “weaves” his hair on the loom.)

(The Philistine rushes in.)

Delilah: Samson! Samson! Wake up, dear!
The Philistines are, right now, quite near!
The Philistines are quite near, I fear!

(Samson stands and easily pulls his hair out.)

(The Philistine turns and sadly walks away.)

Delilah: You Samson-Man! You Samson-Man!
I do not like you, Samson-Man!
You have teased me all you can!
You’re a mean, mean man, you Samson-Man!

You cannot be tied up with strings!
Even the wet ones that I bring!
You cannot be tied up with ropes!
Now I feel like such a dope!
You cannot be stopped with a loom!
What is the answer to your doom?

I am mad, yes, quite irate!
You’d better fess up, or you’ll have no date!
Loneliness will be your fate!

Samson: Alright, Delilah! I’ve heard enough!
Your nagging can be unbearable stuff!
There’s only so much that I can stand.
I’ll tell you why I’m the strongest man.
I knew from birth that it was not right,
To cut my hair and lose my might.
That is the reason for my power
My secret is—I’m a Nazarite Vow-er.
With no hair, my strength would leave me,
Now, you surely must believe me!

(Samson lies down to sleep.)

(Delilah “cuts” his hair. Remove the wig.)

(The Philistine rushes in.)

Delilah: Samson! Samson! Wake up, dear!
The Philistines are, right now, quite near!
The Philistines are quite near, I fear!

(Samson stands and the easily Philistine pulls him away.)

Narrator: When he woke up, Samson thought,
“I will do as before and not get caught.”
But he didn’t see that the Lord was gone.
The Philistine men had finally won.

(Samson, Delilah, and the Philistine exit.)

Narrator: So the Philistines captured him and made him blind.
They took him to Gaza—with chains did they bind.
They said, “Your prison job? Here’s the grain, now grind!”
As his hair grew back, a new strength did he find.
And he pulled down the temple pillars while they dined.

Exchange Volunteer modified title for clarity.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
Original Post

Samson and Delilah: Drama Skit: The Barber of Sorek
Abby Rosser
North Boulevard Church of Christ
Murfreesboro, TN

Several Philistines
Sound person to operate the CD player

CD and CD player
Bible costumes
Samson muscle shirt
Beard and wig for Samson
Chair and desk or small table
Basket holding:
• Scissors
• Seven strings
• Seven ropes
• Loom with threads woven into it
Bag of money

Setting: Some Philistines approach Delilah, Samson’s latest girlfriend, and ask her to help them trap him. She agrees to help them. Every time Samson tells her how to take away his strength, and she unsuccessfully tries that method, music from “The Barber of Seville” plays in the background. There is a chair, desk or small table, and a basket on stage.

(Delilah is standing on one side of the stage. As the narrator reads the following, Philistines approach her with a bag of money and mime a conversation with her.)

Narrator: Samson, the mighty warrior-judge, fell in love with a woman in the Valley of Sorek whose name was Delilah. The Philistines were tired of his angry tirades and they went to her. They asked her to find out the secret of his great strength. They wanted to overpower him and tie him up. They each promised her eleven hundred shekels of silver in return for her help.

(The Philistines exit one side and Samson enters from the other side and sits in the chair.)

Delilah: Samson, tell me the secret of your strength and how you can be tied up.

Samson: If I were tied up with seven new bowstrings that have not yet been dried, I would become as weak as anyone else.

(Samson lays his head on the desk and falls asleep.)

(Start CD. Delilah takes strings out of the basket and “ties” him up.)

(Stop the CD as the Philistines enter.)

(The Philistines rush in.)

Delilah: Samson! Samson! Wake up! The Philistines have come to capture you!

(Samson stands and easily shakes off the strings.)

(The Philistines turn and sadly walk away.)

Delilah: Samson, tell me the secret of your strength and how you can be tied up.

Samson: If I were tied up with brand-new ropes that had never been used, I would become as weak as anyone else.

(Samson lays his head on the desk and falls asleep.)

(Start CD. Delilah takes ropes out of the basket and “ties” him up.)

(Stop the CD as the Philistines enter.)

(The Philistines rush in.)

Delilah: Samson! Samson! Wake up! The Philistines have come to capture you!

(Samson stands and easily shakes off the ropes.)

(The Philistines turn and sadly walk away.)

Delilah: Samson, tell me the secret of your strength and how you can be tied up.

Samson: If you were to weave the seven braids of my hair into the fabric on your loom and tighten it with the loom shuttle, I would become as weak as anyone else.

(Samson lays his head on the desk and falls asleep.)

(Start CD. Delilah takes the loom out of the basket and weaves his braid into the threads.)

(Stop the CD as the Philistines enter.)

(The Philistines rush in.)

Delilah: Samson! Samson! Wake up! The Philistines have come to capture you!

(Samson stands and easily pulls his hair out.)

(The Philistines turn and sadly walk away.)

Delilah: You’ve made fun of me three times now, and you still haven’t told me what makes you so strong! Now tell me the secret of your strength and how you can be tied up.

Samson: My hair has never been cut, for I was dedicated to God as a Nazirite from birth. If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as anyone else.

(Samson lays his head on the desk and falls asleep.)

(Start CD. Delilah takes the scissors out of the basket and pretends to cut his hair. DO NOT cut the wig. Pull the wig and beard off of Samson.)

(Stop the CD as the Philistines enter.)

(The Philistines rush in.)

Delilah: Samson! Samson! Wake up! The Philistines have come to capture you!

(Samson stands and the Philistines pull him away. One of the Philistines hand Delilah a bag of money.)

Narrator: When he woke up, he thought, “I will do as before and shake myself free.” But he didn’t realize the Lord had left him.
(Everyone exits except the narrator.)
Narrator: So the Philistines captured him and gouged out his eyes. They took him to Gaza, where he was bound with bronze chains and forced to grind grain in the prison. But before long, his hair began to grow back and he vowed to take revenge on the Philistines…
(Start CD as the Narrator exits and audience applauds.)

CreativeCarol is not the author of this material. This material was written by Abby Rosser.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

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