Nicodemus: Brand New Life
Science Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Nic at Night Detective Agency.
Bible Memory Verse: John 3:16 (also verse 17 for older ages)
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.”
Scripture Reference:
John 3:1-17
Goals for this workshop:
Children will …
- Learn the who, what, where, when, and how of the story of Nicodemus coming to Jesus at night with questions.
- Do two science experiments with club soda to learn how something can change completely, not just on the surface.
- Learn that Jesus called the change within us by the Holy Spirit, being “born into God’s kingdom by water and the Spirit” or “reborn”.
Supplies List:
- detective star/badge that says “Nic at Night Detective Agency – Trainee” (one for each student)
- small notebooks and pencils (one for each student)
- one large briefcase
- detective props such as dark sunglasses, detective hats, and/or trenchcoats (one prop for each student)
- 11 clues - see list of clue props below
- star stickers
- story sheet with blanked-out clues
- clear cups (not opaque) and stir sticks (one for each student)
- club soda, with the label removed so students won’t know what it is
- food coloring (look for food coloring for kids without dyes)
- white grape juice
Leader Preparation:
- Make a detective star/badge for each student that says “Nic at Night Detective Agency – Trainee.”
- Hide the 11 clues (see below) around the room before the kids come in each week. The kids will know it’s a clue and not just a decoration or prop in the room because each of the clues will have a star sticker on it. For the younger groups, hide them in easier places.
- This lesson includes a “science experiment.” You may want to practice this experiment before presenting it to the class.
Lesson Plan
As kids enter your workshop welcome them to the “Nic at Night Detective Agency”. Tell them you were expecting new recruits to the Detective Agency and that you’re glad they are here to help with this case. Tell them that your name is Detective _____.
Open with a prayer.
Main Activity
1. Find the clues
Pass out a pair of dark sunglasses, a detective hat, or a trenchcoat, so they each have at least one item. Give them each a detective star/badge that says “Nic at Night Detective Agency – Trainee” to wear and a detective notebook and pencil. (They can take these home at the end of class.)
Tell them the new case you’re working on has clues hidden throughout the room. Have them choose a partner since detectives usually work with a partner. If there is an odd number of kids, have the “shepherd” be a partner with one of the kids.
Tell them they will know it’s a clue because it will include a star sticker.
Explain that all together there are 11 hidden clues. Tell them that sometimes the clues will be an object, sometimes a paper with a picture or word on it. If you have at least 11 students, each pair of detectives is to find only 1 clue, take it with them, and go sit on the rug, putting the object in the briefcase (or near it, if too big). If you have fewer than 11 students, decide how many clues each pair should find. When a team finds its clues have them sit around the briefcase on the floor.
As they’re waiting for others to find clues, have them write down or draw in their notebook the items found so far. Once they’re all sitting in the circle have them write down or draw in their notebooks all 11 clues.
(Keep track to ensure all 11 clues are found before starting the next portion of the lesson.)
2. Tell the story
For Lower Elementary Group:
Have all detectives sit with you on the rug and tell the story like a rebus. You will read the story from the attached page. Everywhere there is a word in CAPS on the attached story, it’s a clue that they should have found. So when you get to that word in the story pause and see if the detectives can choose one of the objects to fill in the blank. See below for the next activity titled “Questions for all ages.”
For Upper Elementary Group:
Sit on the rug and place the briefcase in the center. Have the pairs write down all the clues gathered in their notebook.
Then give each pair of detectives a clipboard, pencil, and story sheet and have them work together on the Bible story sheet to fill in the blanks adding the clues they’ve all found.
After they all have finished, read the story together to check if they got each one correct.
Then at the bottom of the story sheet, there will be the words Who, What, Where, When, Why, How. Each pair is to come up with a question for one or more of these categories that they can ask in the next Q&A time. You may need to watch the clock and call “time” before they finish.
3. Questions for all ages
- Who were the two characters in the story? [Jesus and Nicodemus]
Ask if anyone else has a “who” question for the group - When did Nicodemus visit Jesus? [at night]
Ask if anyone else has a “when” question for the group - How does Nicodemus know that Jesus has been sent by God? [He’s heard about Jesus doing miracles]
- How many kinds of birth does Jesus say there are and what are they? [two – birth by your parents as a baby and birth through the Holy Spirit into God’s kingdom]
Ask if anyone else has a “how” question for the group - What is the only way that Jesus says someone can enter the kingdom of God? [everyone must be born again of water and the Spirit]
- What do we call being born of water and the Spirit? [baptism]
Ask if anyone else has a “what” question for the group - Why did God send Jesus to us? [God sent Jesus to us because he loves us so much that he wants us to live forever with him in heaven.]
Ask if anyone else has a “what” question for the group - Where in the Bible can we find this story of Nicodemus visiting Jesus? [the gospel of John, chapter 3]
Ask if anyone else has a “what” question for the group
SAY: Detectives ask questions to find out the truth. Nicodemus was looking for the truth and he found Jesus, who is Truth!
ASK: Do you ever have questions you’d like to ask Jesus? (look for a yes or no answer rather than the questions themselves --- maybe just by a “raise your hand” poll)
4. Experiments! (and Reflection)
SAY: Right now it’s time to go to the Top Secret Lab and work on some experiments to help us with this case!
MOVE to the table to do the following discussion and experiments.
SAY: One of the things Jesus said to Nicodemus was about being “born again.” Jesus explained it to Nicodemus but Nicodemus was still confused. This concept confuses lots of adults! Let’s talk about this.
ASK: What are the differences between a newborn baby and someone your age?
SAY: It's easy to see the differences between newborn babies and older people, but there are things you can't tell about people just by looking at them.
ASK: If you just quickly look at someone, how can you tell whether their favorite food is pizza or ice cream?
If you just quickly look at someone, how can you tell whether they are a good person?
SAY: In the same way, you can't tell if a person is a Christian and a follower of Jesus just by looking at his or her "outside" appearance. Was Nicodemus thinking about the outside or inside of a person when Jesus was telling him about being born again? [the outside]
Did Jesus mean outside change or inside change? [inside]
Give each detective a clear cup and a stir stick.
For the older kids also give them one “prediction” sheet per pair of students and one pencil. For the younger kids, you’ll ask the questions, for the older groups you’ll ask, but they’ll record their answers on the paper.
Pour club soda into each child's cup, filling it only halfway.
ASK for their prediction on the following:
- What do you think this drink will taste like?
Tell them to take a small sip, but explain that they need it for their science experiment, so only a small sip.
- Were your predictions correct about the taste of the drink?
Tell them that you will add food coloring to each of their cups. Ask:
- Do you think the "outside" look will change?
- Do you think the "inside" taste will change?
Put 2 drops of food coloring in each child’s cup. You can ask what color they’d like. (Have an extra adult helper speed the process. Or, to move things along, just use one color for everyone.)
Hand each a stir stick to mix up their drink and completely color it.
- Was your prediction correct about the color?
- When you retake a sip, do you think the taste will change?
Have them take a small sip.
- Were your predictions correct about the taste?
SAY: The soda looks different, but it tastes the same.
ASK: What kind of change was Jesus looking for Nicodemus to do—outside change or inside change? What's the difference?
ASK: What did Nicodemus think Jesus meant when he talked about someone being "born again"?
SAY: Jesus was talking about the inside of a person. Jesus meant that the part of us that makes us who we are—changes—is "born again" when we receive the Holy Spirit.
SAY: Let's say your drink represents someone who doesn't know about God. Now let's say this white grape juice represents the Holy Spirit.
- Do you think the look of your drink will change if I add white grape juice?
- Do you think the taste will change?
Pour as much juice into each student's cup as they already have (to have an equal amount of each).
Have the kids mix, then take a small sip.
ASK: Were your predictions correct?
SAY: The sweet juice helps the drink taste much better and sweeter. Even though it looks the same as before, the drink is now different "on the inside."
That's why Nicodemus didn't understand what it meant for a man to be "born again." He was thinking about the outside of a person (the way they look) and not the inside.
As the kids finish their drinks, ask:
- How is being "born again" like what we did to the plain soda we started with?
- Why can't we tell by looking at another person if he or she has received the Holy Spirit and been "born again"?
- What things does a person who has been "born again" do?
- How would you define "born again" in your own words?
- How can a person receive the Holy Spirit and be "born again"?
SAY: Thank you for joining the Nic at Night Detective Agency. Be daring enough to investigate who Jesus is and what he says. You can open the Bible and "visit" Jesus. You don't have to wait until nighttime to do so! Spend time quietly asking Jesus to show you who he is and how you can get to know him better. He will be there waiting for you, just like he was there for Nicodemus.
Story/Clue Sheet: The words in CAPS are the clues we hid. Clues were blanked out on the clue sheets. There is a key at the bottom of the story as to what the object was.
Nic At Night:
Nicodemus was a Pharisee. He tried with all his HEART to keep God’s laws and to obey all the many RULES that had been added to them over the centuries. He was also a member of the ruling Jewish Council.
Nicodemus had HEARD all about Jesus, but he was not angry or jealous about what Jesus was doing, like many of the other Pharisees were.
“Jesus must be a good man,” Nicodemus thought, “or he could not do such MIRACLES.”
Nicodemus wanted to talk to Jesus, so he decided to visit him at NIGHT, when no onlookers would tell his friends on the Council. (Because they wouldn’t approve.)
Jesus knew all about Nicodemus, long before he came out of the dark shadows of the night to talk to him.
“There is something important that I must tell you,” Jesus said. You will never enter God’s kingdom by trying to keep the laws. You need to be born again.”
“How can I be born at my age?” Nicodemus asked. “I can’t become a BABY all over again!”
“There is more than one kind of birth”, Jesus explained. “You are born into this world through natural parents. But you are born into God’s kingdom through his Holy Spirit.”
Even though Nicodemus was a trained teacher in the laws, he had no IDEA what Jesus meant.
“God’s Holy Spirit is like the wind,” Jesus said. “You cannot see the Holy Spirit any more than you can see the wind. But just as you know when the wind is blowing by what it does and how it affects things, so you will know the Holy Spirit is at work in your life. The Holy Spirit is the ONE who can give you God’s life.
“For God so LOVED the WORLD that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to SAVE it.”
Nicodemus walked away slowly into the dark night. How different was Jesus’ way from the teachings he knew? One day he would make up his mind which to follow.
(Adapted from “Children’s Bible in 365 Stories” by Batchelor.)
Heart - heart shaped cookie pan, or cookie cutter
Rules - rules from a board game
Heard - a plastic ear from a Mr. Potato Head (or a picture of an ear)
Miracles - the word "miracles" on a piece of paper
Night - a picture of the moon
Baby - a doll
Idea - lightbulb
One - "we're number one" finger
Loved - another heart
World - small globe
Save - life preserver
Creative Carol added the following note and questions to the lesson:
Just wondering if I understand what the Bible story sheet looks like. (We did Nic a couple months ago but I’m thinking this would be fun to do next time.) Was it just the story that you posted but with blanks instead of the caps? As in...
Nicodemus was a Pharisee. He tried with all his _____ to keep God’s laws and to obey all the many _____ that had been added to them over the centuries...
And then at the bottom:
Who: _________
What: ________
Also wondering:
How did this work out for kids visiting this workshop at the beginning of the Rotation? Did you have a situation where this would be their first hearing of the story?
Other thoughts:
Clue for "save" could also be a pack of lifesavers. Might be fun to have the clue for miracles be a cell phone with a star on it and then have someone outside the room call that cell phone to give the clue!
Thanks for sharing your lesson,
Jan in Napa responded with this clarification...
We had our oldest group of kids go first, which was their first time hearing the story. After gathering all the clues, by writing down the name of the object, they were able to work it like a puzzle (example: ear = hear, "Nicodemus had ____ all about Jesus" --> "heard". They did this part as a group so between all of them, and getting extra help/clues, they got it. We even did this with our preschoolers (their last workshop in this Rotation) and they remembered the story and had a blast with finding the clues!
Luanne added Word Docs:
Nic at Night Teacher Sheet
Nic at Night Student Sheet
A lesson written by Jan Napa from: First Presbyterian Church
Napa, CA
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