
This forum is part of's Palm Sunday to Easter Morning forum of resources. In addition to the public lessons and ideas posted below, be sure to see our Writing Team's extra special lessons: Last Supper ~ Lord's Supper Lesson Set.

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Science Lessons, Ideas, Activities, "Demonstrations," and Resources for Teaching the story of The Last Supper, Communion, Seder.

Bible lessons for the Last Supper, Communion, and Seder -with science experiments, demonstrations, object lessons, magic tricks, presentations, etc.

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Included: Last Supper, Upper room, Judas, Bowl, Feet, This is my body, broken, cup, Do this in remembrance of me, Lord's Supper, Passover, Seder, Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-23; John 13:1-17, 21-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32; Exodus 11:4-8, 12:3-13, 37-39, etc.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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The following "Foot Washing Science Idea" began as a question posted by member Valerie:

Does anyone know of any science lessons or experiment ideas that would "fit" the story of the Lord's Supper?  I'm particularly thinking of the story of Jesus Washes the Disciple's Feet.

Thanks bunches!  ~ Val

Foot Washing Science Experiment

Whenever I think of "science" or cooking demonstrations, I like to think of actions and materials that might show or demonstrate or be a good metaphor for the meaning of the story or its life application -- rather than just take the easy way out and "make bread because there's bread in the story," or simply "wash kids' feet."

Jesus makes a big point on his last night that his followers are meant to serve others, not be in charge or see to their own position in his Kingdom. And he does it by bowing to wash their feet -- which for obvious reasons both then and now is very memorable, and a bit uncomfortable ("You'll never wash MY feet," Peter insists.)

Plaque Revealing Chewables or Liquid

There's a cool product that's quite inexpensive that many of us have probably used as a child. It's those red chewables that you chew up AFTER you've brushed your teeth. They show you what you DID NOT get clean, what you "missed" or didn't do a good enough job.

Amazon sells it in the familiar pill form, but also in a liquid form (a liquid form you can put on toes (or hands if that's all you want to wash) to see how good of a job your servant foot washing was!

Yeah, it's kind of gross to see the plaque we DID NOT brush away, but isn't that part of learning how to become a servant? To examine your intentions and attitude toward others. To see what you are unwilling to do or give up?


This product was designed to show how germs spread between people and objects. It's a non-toxic hand cream that glows under ultra violet light. It too is available on Amazon, and some of the versions even come with a small ultra violet light. (Also a great way to demonstrate "passing the peace," "sharing the love," "spreading the message.")

Point: Jesus doesn't just want us to "do the minimum" or "fake it." He really wants us to serve others will all our heart, soul, strength, and mind.

To finish and drive home, after the foot-washing red-dye test, I'm making a list with the kids of 10 Servant Things You Can Do (as a kid) --> and in the right column we're adding "going the extra servant mile" as a way of saying, SERVE WELL, not just half hearted.

Examples of Ten Servant Things You Can Do (and how to do them well)

Help a Sibling with their homework --> Do it joyfully without thinking of your own schedule.

Help a Friend do a chore at their home --> Do it without being asked.

Bringing in food for the food pantry --> Stay and help reorganize a shelf in the pantry.

<>< Neil


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Experimenting With Your Power of Memory

The Importance of Remembering Jesus' Story and Words

Play a number of memory games to demonstrate why we continue to celebrate the Last Supper as "The Lord's Supper" month after month, year after year, century after century -- and the importance of studying Jesus' story and message.

Card matching (concentration)

Create a deck of cards that only have two 2's, two 4's, two 6's, and two 8's, and two 10's. Shuffly and deal them face down. Turn one card over and then try to find its match by turning a second card over. If they don't match, place them both face down again.

Does your memory get better with time? How can you improve your memory of where the matches are?

Based on what you just learned, how can you get better at remembering Jesus' story and words?

What just happened?

Invite two people to enter the room talking about a football game they went to, while they look for some supplies. After a minute they leave the room. Students must write down what they just saw and heard. Compare notes.  the first time you can have something distracting happening, like a teacher trying to talk while the two visitors come in. You can play this several times letting two students go out of the room and come back in (have them come up with a plan about what to talk about when they walk out). 

What were they talking about? What were their names? What were they looking for? What were they wearing? Where were they going?

Based on what you just learned, how can you get better at remembering Jesus' story and words?

Can You Remember These Words?

Write this list on the board, then give students 1 minute to remember it, then cover it up and see how many they can remember by writing them on a sheet of paper.  Do this a second time and let students work together.

List: New Covenant, Jesus, Cup, Table, Bread, Blood, Disciples, Sealed, Judas, Peter, Remember, Forgiveness, Promise, Believe

Based on what you just learned, how can you get better at remembering Jesus' story and words?

Two soapy ideas...

Make Heart Shaped "Servant Soap"

Kids mix food coloring with chunks of glycerin soap that they have been temporarily liquified in the microwave, then they pour their soap into heart molds.  The hardening takes about 30 minutes in a cold refrigerator (which is a great time for Bible study and follow up).  Watch video for how-to details.

This type of colored glycerin soap is also called "bath crayons" in the soap and craft world because some parents buy/make them for kids to draw on themselves or the tub (to encourage bathing).

"Color Changing Soap" from Color Clean

The story is that a dad invented this soap that starts out blue but turns clear the more you wash with it. At the date of this post, their website says, "sold out," but let's keep an eye on it.

You could use it to demonstrate "taking the time" to help people, not being in a hurry to help. In this respect, "washing feet" is a metaphor for all the ways we can serve and love each other, including going the extra mile. (Matthew 5:41), doing the unheralded, messy work. Taking care of the sick, the poor, the lonely. Taking the time to listen, to sit with someone. To put aside your own plans. To humble yourself.


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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