
The first post here lists a number of BOOKS featuring science experiments for Sunday School.  There are also many good online resources listed in subsequent posts.

Most Science Workshop teachers and lesson writers borrow freely from such resources.  They have found that one experiment can often be adapted for many different Bible stories.

A listing of "Science" Resources that "demonstrate Christian ideas"

**I do not vouch for the theology in these books. This listing is merely an effort to provide some starting points for those who wish to find and examine books with science experiments that purport to demonstrate Christian ideas/values/scriptures. Amazon Books.

Amazing Science Devotions for Children's Ministry. Sheila Halasz (Editor), Group Publishing, 1999. 94 pages. ISBN: 0764421050. Use kids' natural curiosity to involve them in 10- to 15-minute devotions. Help them discover the powerful God who created all of nature. 41 devotions. Group & One Way Street & Amazon Books.

77 Fairly Safe Science Activities for Illustrating Bible Lesson by Donald B. DeYoung, Baker Books, 2013, 9780801015373. 77 science activities that reveal the order and grandeur of creation and encourage an appreciation of all God has made. Each activity includes a key verse from Scripture, a Bible lesson, an activity, and a science explanation. 

God's Great Power (Interactive Object Lessons). Joette Whims & Melody Hunskor.Standard Publishing, 1996, 64 pages. ISBN: 0784704783. Twelve active learning experiences for ages 4 to 12; includes reproducible take-home sheets. Helps you present biblical principles through objects your students can touch, see, smell, hear, and taste. Amazon Books & Barnes & Noble

God's Love for Us: Simple Science Object Talks. Heno Head. Standard Publishing, 2000. 48 pages. ISBN: 0784712034. CBD & Amazon Books

It Only Takes a Spark: 40 Active Faith-Building Talks. Kim Marxhausen. Concordia Publishing. 1998. 64 pages. Kindergarten - 4. ISBN: 0570053293. Fascinate children and hold their attention with this collection of 40 children's talks that use simple science experiments to illustrate faith concepts. Concordia Publ. & Amazon Books.

More Simple Science Object Talks (Heno Head Does It Again). Heno Head. Standard, 1997. Reading level: Ages 9-12. ISBN: 0784706506 CBD & One Way Street & Amazon Books

Our Love for God: Simple Science Object Talks. Heno Head. Standard Publishing, 2000, 48 pages. ISBN: 0784712042. Amazon Books

Science and the Bible : 30 Scientific Demonstrations Illustrating Scriptural Truths.
Donald B. Deyoung. Baker Book House, 1994, 110 pages. ISBN: 0801030234
Dr. Donald DeYoung integrates principles from the natural world with the truths found in Scripture using simple yet exciting science demonstrations. Using common household items and containing clear illustrations, these dynamic demos are easy to perform. Each has a surprising or stunning result, making the Bible truth learned by the audience unforgettable. Included are tips for performing the experiments successfully so that the Scripture lesson will not be lost in the excitement of the presentation. Diagrams and pictures aid in preparation. Amazon Books.

Science and the Bible : 30 Scientific Demonstrations Illustrating Scriptural Truths,
Volume 2.
ISBN: 0801057736 Donald B. Deyoung. Baker Book House, 1997. Dr. Donald DeYoung integrates principles from the natural world with the truths found in Scripture using simple yet exciting science demonstrations. This second volume of "Science and the Bible" introduces thirty new demonstrations. Using common household items and containing clear illustrations, these dynamic demonstrations are easy to perform. Each has a surprising or stunning result, making the Bible truth learned by the audience unforgettable. Included are tips for performing the experiments successfully so that the Scripture lesson will not be lost in the excitement of the presentation. Diagrams and pictures aid in preparation. Amazon Books.

Sensational Object Talks. Bonnie Bruno. Standard Publ., 1997, 48 pages. Reading level: Ages 4-8 ISBN: 0784706166. Amazon Books.

Show Me: Devotions for Children. by Susan L. Lingo. Group Publishing, 1997. ISBN: 0764420224. These eye-catching devotions for children use science tricks, sleight-of-hand stunts, and illusions to drive home memorable Bible truths. The devotions are simple enough for an all-thumbs first grader, but slick enough to intrigue a playground of 5th graders to stop for the show. Amazon Books

Simple Science Family Nights Tool Chest. Heritage Builders Series. Jim Weidman and Mark DeNooy with Kurt Bruner. Chariot Victor Publishing/Cook Communications, 1999, 105 pages. ISBN: 1-56476-739-6. Hands-on learning begins with fun for the whole family science
experiment designed to help children apply biblical principles as they learn important truths about Christian living. Amazon Books & Heritage Builders.

Simple Science Object Talks. Heno Head. Standard Publishing, 1997. Reading level: Ages 9-12. ISBN: 0784706174. CBD & One Way Street & Amazon Books

W*O*W! Exploring God's World of Wonders With Preschoolers. Group Publishing, 1998. ISBN 0764421077. Preschoolers love to explore--and with this kid-friendly guide you'll help them discover God's natural world. Lessons help preschoolers explore the seasons, the weather, the earth, the air, the ocean, and more. You'll connect kids with their Creator through memorable Bible verses, amazing science tricks, motion games, tasty cooking, fun music, stories, and other great activities. Group Publishers


Unfortunately, sometimes the COOL 'science' experiment seems to get FORCED into service for certain ideas and stories.

You also have to be aware of how YOUNG students interpret the science experiment. According to developmental theory, younger children have trouble understanding metaphors.

To younger kids, saying "Jesus is like a rock," can me he is hard and round!

Demonstrating the washing away of sin in baptism by making red dye disappear looks like a magic trick to a first grader. Older children can make the leap of understanding, but you need to be careful with younger.

Some metaphors don't work or are too forced.

EXAMPLE: Showing how pepper floats on water due to water tension and it is repelled by soap, does not belong in a lesson about Jesus walking on the water and Peter sinking. His miracle was not science in the least.  But, it would make a good illustration about evangelism, don't you think?

Spend time on crafting your EXPLANATION.

<>< Neil

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Exploratorium is a wonderful hands-on kid's science museum in San Francisco, California.
Their web site has lots of science experiments. All you need to do is figure out how to apply an experiment to whatever Chritian concept you are trying to teach.

Note: these aren't food experiments, as they explain it
These pages are full of Snacks...but they're not the kind you eat. They're the kind you can learn from and have fun with. Exploratorium Science Snacks are miniature versions of some of the most popular exhibits at the Exploratorium.

There are a lot of websites out there with kids science projects -- you just have to add the theology.

ZOOM (PBS TV show) --
Kid Science
Science Made Simple
Santa Barbara Science Center
Museum of Science

You can also find other sites by typing "science kids projects" into your internet search engine.

I like to browse stuff like this and think of how different projects might fit with lessons in the scope and sequence.


Last edited by Luanne Payne
Science, Kids, and Christian Education, by Debbie Trafton O'Neal, Augsburg Fortress, 2002, ISBN: 0806664290.
Description: Discover how to make science work in a Christian education setting. Experience the awesomeness of God and his creation through science experiments.
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Lynn C Wood - posted August 24, 2003

Wood Lake Publishers (they do Seasons of the Spirit) has two videos called:
Parables From Science - OUT OF PRINT
More Parables From Science - OUT OR PRINT

Description: These videos come to us from our Whole People of God friends in Australia! The videos feature Australian children's television personality, Dr. Deane Hutton of The Curiosity Show. Dr. Hutton uses sometimes amazing, sometimes surprising science experiments to illustrate Bible truths. In each video clip, he performs the experiment on camera and then offers instructions for doing the experiment yourself.

Review: These are great. They are compilations of a tv show that was originally broadcast in Australia. The host scientist demonstates a scientific principle using simple everyday objects (usually simple everyday). Then he draws a biblical principle. Following the actual demo there is also an explanation where the science guy describes the supplies and how the demo is set up. There is also a more indepth explanation of the science if necessary.
These are not videos to show to the kids but to watch and learn how to set up your own demonstration. Some things an entire class could recreate others you would 'do' the demonstration for the class.

I based a lesson I posted on the call of the disciples on the demonstration from the video on magnets. We had a great time talking about what 'attracted' people to Jesus.

Lynn C Wood
Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church
Charleston, WV

Videos were available in 2012 at Logos Productions, a partner of Wood Lake Books. 

2019 - Unfortunately it appears Logos Productions filed for bankruptcy in 2016.

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Here are a list of science books recommended on the “Help” Exchange.
CindyT - posted October 31, 200

You might find some help at These lesson plans are geared to the regular school system, but I've found some wonderful ideas that I have adapted to Christian education.

Lisa Som - posted March 06, 2003

The Glad Scientist Discovers the Creator, by Karol Ladd, Broadman & Holman, 1998, ISBN: 0805402640
Description: Make learning fun with The Glad Scientist Series! Parents, teachers, and homeschoolers can share each of the 16 experiments that reveal God's handiwork in nature. Accompanying worksheets for each experiment allow junior scientists to record their hypothesis, the execution and conclusion for each experiment, along with a profile of a famous scientist and how faith impacted his or her life. Also included are Scripture references using the New International Version of the Bible. Reproducible. Ages 5-10.

Super Science Concoctions: 50 Mysterious Mixtures for Fabulous Fun, by Jill Frankel Hauser, Ideals Publications, 1996, ISBN: 1-885593-02-3.
Description: Kids explore a world of amazing science—from capillary action to density to emulsions to plastics—all while making magical mixtures they concoct themselves! More than 50 safe science mixtures, using household ingredients! Ages 6-12 (Note: no bible connection.)

RhondaN2 - posted July 29, 2003

Fifty Nifty Super Science Fair Experiments, by Carol Amato, Ladizinsky, Kerry Manwaring (Illustrator), Lowell House, 1995, ISBN: 1565653637.
Description: Information on choosing and planning a science fair project precedes descriptions of the materials, procedures, and analysis involved in fifty individual experiments. Ages 9-12. (Note: no bible connection)
There has GOT to be a science workshop birthed from this ... "The Science of Knots". I see sin and forgiveness wrapped up in this info! (tee hee)

Exchange Volunteer corrected broken link.
Last edited by CreativeCarol
Not sure if this fits here.. But I found the most awesome site to obtain science supplies!! Big Grin It's

Not only can you get supplies but they also have experiment ideas etc.. AWESOME (can you tell I'm excited! We just love our science class!) Wink

I can comment about two of the books on the books listed above.

  • Simple Science Object Talks. by Heno Head, Jr.

    1) was it worth buying - At $5.99 it is a bargin. There are 25 "experiments". Disadvantage: no index of Biblical verses used.
    2) does it give you a talk to give around the science experiement that relates directly to the bible story - yes. But the "stories" referenced are sort of obscure. I guess the experiments relate more to a Bible verse than to a story.
    3) have you used it often - No.

  • Amazing Science Devotions for Children's Ministry. Sheila Halasz (Editor),

    1) was it worth buying - yes. There are 41 experiments. Advantage: has an index of scripture referenced and a subject index.
    2) does it give you a talk to give around the science experiement that relates directly to the bible story - Yes.
    3) have you used it often - No.

    I can't say that I've used either book "often". Probably because we don't often do a science workshop. Problem with science workshops is that they are hard to write. There is the need to do more than one experiment. (The experiments in these books don't take much time.) It can be hard to find a bunch of experiements that relate to one theme. (I find it hard anyway.)

Last edited by Luanne Payne

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