The Lord's Prayer
Praying With Sign Language
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Children will learn to prayer The Lord's Prayer in sign language.
Supplies List:
- Moderator notes no information given regarding Sign Language Video they used!
- Sign Language Breakdown of Lord's prayer listed at end of this lesson set.
- Chart or drawings of signs for various words in the Lord’s Prayer, paper with Lord’s Prayer written out, paper to take home with drawings for signs
- Read the passage you are teaching from—be familiar with the Lord’s Prayer
- Watch the Sign Language video and practice the movements along with the video or "cheat sheet"
- Gather materials for class project.
Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Welcome the students and take attendance. Play a game to get to know them and to help them get in the mood to use their bodies to communicate. For the younger kids, ask them to do something with their bodies that represents them. If they like soccer, they will pretend to kick a ball. If they like hugs, have them “sign” a hug. The older kids might want to learn the American Sign Language letter for their first letter of their first name. After each child has chosen their sign, have them introduce themselves. After they do, with name and sign, everyone else copies them.
Dig-Main Content and Reflection:
There is a video available, but it might work best to only show to the oldest kids since it moves very slowly. You could show just the first part to the youngest kids so they understand a little about what sign language is.
Begin by teaching a few of the big words (Father, Heaven, name, Kingdom, come, done, earth, (heaven), give, day, (daily), bread, forgive, sins, we, (forgive), (sin), us, lead, temptation, deliver, evil, (kingdom), power, glory, forever, amen.
You could make it into a game like Simon Says. Teach some of the words to the kids and then see how fast they could make the signs. Allow them to talk to each other.
The younger kids might learn “Father,” “Heaven,” “Earth,” and “Amen.” The older kids could learn more. You will have to be the judge on attention span and amount they can hold in their brains.
At the end of class, you say the prayer, or say it together, and have all of the kids sign the words they know together. Hand out the papers that have the signs on it so they can practice at home.
***There are quite a few songs with motions. You could sing them with the motions to warm up, or for a break as well. You could sign the silly sign version of “Jesus Loves Me.” There is also “Father Abraham” or “Jesus is the Rock of My Salvation” or “I’ve got Peace like a River.”
The Lord’s Prayer in Sign Language
Signing is done primarily with the right hand. All the words are included, but for some of the grade levels, only some of the important words (the ones in CAPITAL LETTERS) might want to be focused on.
OUR A cupped right hand moves from the right shoulder to the left shoulder.
FATHER Both fists are tight closed on the right side of the head. The hands open up as the arms move toward the sky.
who Circle mouth with right hand.
in Left hand makes a fist. Right hand pokes two fingers in.
HEAVEN Palms out, make two big circles starting in the middle and pulling both arms around to the outside.
HALLOWED (holy) Move right hand over left palm.
be Make the letter “B” with the right hand and move it from the lips outward. The letter “B” is made by tucking the thumb in, and extending the other four fingers.
thy Push right hand, palm out, toward heaven.
NAME Extend index and middle finger of both hands. Cross the hands to form an “X.”
thy Push right hand, palm out, toward heaven.
KINGDOM Make a “K” with the right hand. Move it from the left shoulder down toward the right side of the waist and then around the bottom toward the left over the left hand. A “K” is made by extending the index and middle fingers (like the number 2) and putting the thumb up through. The pinky and ring fingers stay close to the palm.
COME Index and middle fingers of each hand out to the right and then pulled in toward body.
thy Push right hand, palm out, toward heaven.
be Make the letter “B” with the right hand and move it from the lips outward. The letter “B” is made by tucking the thumb in, and extending the other four fingers.
DONE Both hands with palms facing down and fingers relaxed move from side to side.
on Right hand on top of left hand.
EARTH Left hand makes a fist. Right hand puts middle finger and thumb on the fist and then rocks back and forth.
is Right hand makes a fist with pinky extended up. Bring the hand from the chin outward.
in Left hand makes a fist. Right hand pokes two fingers in.
HEAVEN. Palms out, make two big circles starting in the middle and pulling both arms around to the outside.
GIVE Cup hands and pull them in to the body.
us Index finger of right hand circles from right shoulder to left shoulder.
DAY Left arm is bent and across the waist. Right arm points index finger, rests elbow on left hand, and then moves hand down to left elbow as if signaling the setting of the sun.
our A cupped right hand moves from the right shoulder to the left shoulder.
daily Make a fist with right hand and rub the right side of face.
BREAD Left hand makes a fist and right hand slices it twice.
and Begin with right hand open across the body at a right angle. Bring it across the body at the same time as it is being closed so all fingers meet.
FORGIVE Right hand strokes the left hand two times.
us Index finger of right hand circles from right shoulder to left shoulder.
our A cupped right hand moves from the right shoulder to the left shoulder.
TRESSPASSES Point both index fingers. Draw a heart in the air in front of the body.
we Index finger of right hand circles from right shoulder to left shoulder.
FORGIVE Right hand strokes the left hand two times.
those Point to audience three times.
who Circle mouth with right hand.
TRESSPASS Point both index fingers. Draw a heart in the air in front of the body.
against Extend left hand so it is like a wall. Run right hand into it.
us Index finger of right hand circles from right shoulder to left shoulder.
and Begin with right hand open across the body at a right angle. Bring it across the body at the same time as it is being closed so all fingers meet.
LEAD Left hand pulls right hand.
us Index finger of right hand circles from right shoulder to left shoulder.
not Make a fist with the right hand with the thumb out. Pull the thumb from the chin outward.
into Left hand makes a fist. Right hand pokes two fingers in.
TEMPTATION Point to left elbow with right hand.
but Cross index fingers and then pull apart about 6 inches.
DELIVER Start with arms crossed and index fingers extended. Pull away to shoulders.
us Index finger of right hand circles from right shoulder to left shoulder.
from Hold left index finger up. Curve the right index finger and place it near the left finger. Pull the right hand away toward the body.
EVIL Touch lips with right palm and then put down and away as if sqashing bad words.
for Right index finger moves in an arc from head up to the sky.
thine Raise right hand toward heavens.
is Right hand makes a fist with pinky extended up. Bring the hand from the chin outward.
THE KINGDOM Make a “K” with the right hand. Move it from the left shoulder down toward the right side of the waist and then around the bottom toward the left over the left hand.
THE POWER Make a fist with right hand. Move it from left shoulder to left elbow as if pantomiming a muscle.
and Begin with right hand open across the body at a right angle. Bring it across the body at the same time as it is being closed so all fingers meet.
THE GLORY Hold left hand so palm is facing up. Start with right hand touching left palm, then wiggle fingers while bringing hand upward.
now Curve hands and bring them from shoulder height to waist height.
and Begin with right hand open across the body at a right angle. Bring it across the body at the same time as it is being closed so all fingers meet.
FOREVER With right hand index finger, draw a circle, then make the letter “Y” and push it outward. The letter “Y” is made by extending the thumb and pinky and tucking in the other three fingers.
AMEN. Praying hands
A lesson originally posted by member Janet Chisolm, Bedford Presbyterian Church
A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.