
Post your Sunday School Video, A-V lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for for the story of Jesus' presentation in the Temple; Simeon and Anna.

Scripture reference: Luke 2:21-40

Post your lessons and ideas below.

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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Videos which include stories of Simeon & Anna

Simeon & Anna (includes both)

1) DVD - "The King is Born" by Nest Entertainment (animated)

Chapter 2: Waiting for the Messiah
2:06--2:59 Opens with Simeon's vigil at the temple and women with him is Anna.

Chapter 10 - Joseph & Mary Go to the Temple.  
16:38--18:04: Where they meet both Simeon & Anna

Activity Book that comes with DVD  
       Pg. 25 - Coloring Page of Simeon & Anna (Anna's holding baby Jesus)

2) YOU TUBE - "Rock Children's Ministry" - Kid's Sermon "Waiting on Baby Jesus".

All about Simeon and Anna - excellent! (8:37 mins).
You'll need internet access in your movie room, as it's not downloadable.

3) "
Free Youth Sunday School Lessons with Movie Clips" for middle/high school students.

From member

Found on his website at

Once there look down for Session 4, as shown below.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

DVD "The Promise - Birth of the Messiah"

an animated musical, 2013, Glorious Films, 45 minutes. [602537531837 or 602547008695]

Does a good job on Simeon, please note Anna is not included in the DVD.

Trailer from "The Promise" ( that starts with Simeon in the temple.

Attention Supporting Members - A The Promise Video Guide can be found here in our Bible Video Resource Forum (for Supporting Members).

Below are Chapter Breakdown & Questions, created by Luanne Payne, relating to Simeon in "The Promise - Birth of the Messiah DVD to assist you with lesson planning.

Bible Background information written by Rev. Lon Vining (Glorious Films - "The Promise" Movie) used with permission is found here.


Chapter 1 -  How Long O'Lord (0:00 - 1:50)

Opens with Simeon in the tabernacle offering incense and singing to the Lord that he is waiting for the Lord's promise.  Good view looking down inside of tabernacle - altar of incense, show bread table, and golden candlestick(s).

Chapter 2 - Cry of the People (1:51 - 5:20)

(1:51 - 4:10) Pans through city as you hear, in song, the different perspectives on the promise of a messiah via priests, an Israelite prisoner, towns people, and a Roman guard.
(4:10 - 5:20) Simeon preaching in a home reading from a scroll - Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign:  The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel."  Then he sings that the Lord has promised him that he will not die before he behold's Lord's salvation.

Chapter 11 - Simeon's Blessing (38:21 - 40:10)

Simeon is standing outside the temple and takes Jesus from Joseph.  Simeon's song covers the scripture Luke 2:28 - 35.



Simeon - In The Temple

START (00:00)           (Ref:  Chapter 1 -  How Long O'Lord - 0:00 - 1:50)
Have one of the children read it out loud.
PAUSE (01:40) after Simeon opens the temple doors

  1. What was the man carrying in the bowl?
  2. What does he do with the bowl of incense and why?
    He places it on the altar as an offering to God.
  3. Who is this man?
    A Priest named Simeon.
  4. What building is Simeon in and what city is it found in?
    Simeon is in the temple in the city of Jerusalem
  5. Jerusalem is found in Judea and the King of Judea was who?
    King Herod
  6. Simeon is praying to God to free his people, the Israelites, from the cruelty of the Roman Empire and their puppet King, Herod, by sending “The Promised One” to Simeon before he dies.  Who is the “Promised One” Simeon’s waiting for?

Note:  if you’re focusing your story of Simeon I would pause inside the temple  (at 1:24 ) and go over all the items the children can spot in the temple and what their names and uses are: Curtain (Veil); Altar of Incense; Table of Shew bread; & Golden Candles.  Then you can pause again in Chapter 10 (Simeon’s Blessing) for the Bronze Basin, and Altar of Sacrifice.

The People – When Will The Messiah Come?

PLAY          (Ref:  Chapter 2 - Cry of the People - 1:51 - 5:20)
PAUSE (04:10)  When the song “When will the Messiah Come” is finished

  1. How are the Israelites treated by the Romans?
  2. Does everyone believe that God will send a saviour?

Simeon - Preaching

PAUSE (05:20)  after Simeon finishes singing
Have children look up Isaiah 7:14 in their bibles.  Select one child to read it.
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (NIV)

Jesus Presented at the Temple (Simeon)

PLAY                      (Ref:  Chapter 11– Simeon’s Blessing - 38:21 – 40:10)
PAUSE (40:10)  as family goes down temple steps and when screen blanks for a moment

  1. How do you think Simeon, the priest, knew that the baby was Jesus, the one he’d been waiting for?
    the Holy Spirit would have shown him
  2. Simeon told Mary some amazing things about Jesus, some good, some bad?  Let’s listen to Simon’s words again.  (Back up to Mary & Joseph meeting Simeon).  Play it again.  Luke 2:28-35

    My dear, I fear a sword will pierce right through your soul so that the hearts of men will be exposed.

  3. What do we know happens to Jesus that full-fills Simeon's prophecy?
    When Mary sees Jesus on the Cross, and a soldier stabs Jesus’ in the side, Mary would feel like the sword pierced her very soul.  That man would show their true hearts towards Jesus, those that would love him and those that would hate him.
Last edited by Luanne Payne

This video contains a short, cookie based object lesson and an animated version of the story of Anna and Simeon. Enjoy!

Bible images copyright Kirsty McAllister from Lamp Bible Pictures used with permission:

Music is licensed by Digital Juice.

Last edited by Meghantoo

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