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About our Help Desk

softwarehelpdeskbuttonRon, Luanne, and Neil have been teaching Sunday School kids with software and using tech in their various congregations for over two decades

  • Ron is the pastor of Immanuel Evangelical in Needville Texas. He's a techie pastor who's set up and taught with computer labs in several of his congregations.
  • Luanne is the children's coordinator and computer workshop teacher at Hampton United in Hampton, Ontario. She's also a computer workshop lesson writer here at
  • Neil is a Presbyterian minister in Ohio. He started teaching with software in Sunday School in 1991 and created 18 software programs through his former Sunday Software ministry (programs which are now part of our free download library). Neil has written many of the tech-related lessons here at

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The "How to" Computer Workshop" Resource Forum features discussion about "why and how-to," plus teaching resources, software and Bible app recommendations for both PC and tablets/smartphones.

Our Software Download Forum features the 24 Bible software programs given to us by Sunday Software and EPC for use by our Supporting Members and their congregations. That forum includes written tech help, printable GUIDES, and links to lesson plans for the downloadable software.

The Computer Workshop Lesson Topics in our Bible story lesson forums.  Pick a Bible story and go to its "Computer Workshop" listing to see what software, app, or tech people are recommending for that story, plus see lesson plans and ideas.

Go to our discussion and list of Bible apps for tablets and smartphones for in-class and at-home use. Our "teaching with tech" crowd stays on top of what's out there and what's best. This discussion also mentions creativity apps than can be used for learning.


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Having an issue with Galilee Flyer, after starting the program, getting to the Choose Destination menu and selecting a destination, the graphic gets stuck on the “Blessed are the patient..” page. I can tell that the application is running behind the page because I can press the “Home” button to start the propeller and fly blind till I crash because the music and crash noises are heard. This is a new installation on a Windows 11 laptop. Same issue encountered when using an elevated or standard user accounts. I think I had this same issue years ago and Neil had the simple change I needed to make. Could not find that response in my email archives.


John MacKay

Hi John! Sorry you're having trouble. I just opened Galilee Flyer on my Windows 11 laptop and it ran fine.

I scanned my notes and emails and didn't see a mention of an issue with the "Blessed are the patient" screen sticking while the game continues to play underneath it. It's not an issue that I recall ever being reported, but as with all things computer, doesn't mean it can't happen!

Three things:

  1. Are you sure you've installed the latest version of Galilee Flyer from's download page? If you've installed it from the original CD, please use the downloadable version to make sure you have the latest-greatest.

  2. Sometimes the issue with computer games is a video driver that is mismatched to version of Windows you have installed on your computer. Or the driver needs updated. I can help you determine if that's an issue if you follow the instructions below and send me a report.

  3. Sometimes the issue is security software running on a computer. They can be overprotective and thwart certain processes, especially those being used by older processes designed for older programs and older versions of Windows. If you have some special security software, such as Norton, try temporarily turning it off and seeing if that corrects the problem.   This can also apply to other software programs you may have running at the same time as a game software. Shut off other applications.

  4. Is your copy of Windows 11 native to that computer? Or was it an upgrade from Windows 10 or an earlier version of Windows?

To generate a thorough report about your computer that can help me identify whether or not you have a video driver issue, do the following.

1. Type DXDIAG in your Windows search feature and "RUN" the tool. This will open "Direct X Diagnostics" which is a very nice reporting tool.

2. Select "Save All Information" and email the saved text file to me at

Here are some screenshots for reference:



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  • dxdiag-screenshot

Thanks for the quick response. Attached is the Direct X Diagnostics report.

1. Yes, I downloaded the latest zip file for Galilee Flyer yesterday.

2. Video driver seems okay. I have all of the other applications installed and they appear to be working correctly. I didn’t think this was an issue since the previous screens displayed properly. Maybe the report will show something.

3. Running Windows Defender as the security software. My memory is coming back a little on the past problem. It did have to do with Microsoft “protection” during the installation process where a permission wasn’t granted on one of the files. I did a quick check on the permissions granted on some of the files in the Galilee Flyer directory, comparing the new laptop files to one of our Windows 10 computers, and did not see any discrepancies.

4. Windows 11 is native to the computer. Brand new laptop, Windows 11 installed at the factory.

Thanks again for your help.

John MacKay

> On Jun 7, 2024, at 10:45 AM, <> wrote:

Nothing attached, John.   Please email me at and we'll carry on this conversation there. If we solve anything, I'll put it in our tech notes.

Galilee Flyer is a 3D style "first person" game, so it's a different beast than some other software. That your Windows 11 is factory installed is helpful. When people change their OS they don't always update the video drivers    I too only run Windows Defender. Were there other applications running in the background?


Current status: The issue is definitely related to the graphic driver. Intel and Dell have released two updates over the last two weeks. The issue is not resolved yet and it is affecting more than just Galilee Flyer. I think my count is five or six applications affected; Bongo Loves the Bible, Exodus Adventures, Five Loaves 2 Fish, Through the Roof, and pieces of Jesus in Space.

I’ll have to wait till this gets sorted out between Intel and Dell.

Thanks for your help on this matter.

John MacKay

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