Welcome to Rotation.org's Christian Education Software and Teaching Tech Help Desk. This is the place to ask questions and get personal teaching and tech help with the software and apps, computers, and devices that we're talking about here at Rotation.org (and maybe a few we aren't).
- get help choosing the right software and apps for teaching kids
- get help with your lesson plan
- get help downloading and installing the software we have here at Rotation.org
- get tech support for the software we have for download and apps we recommend (and any others you want to ask about)
- get help with your setup, devices, and related hardware questions
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Responses are posted below usually within 6 to 10 hours
and usally deleted or moved elsewhere after 7 days.
About our Help Desk
Ron, Luanne, and Neil have been teaching Sunday School kids with software and using tech in their various congregations for over two decades
- Ron is the pastor of Immanuel Evangelical in Needville Texas. He's a techie pastor who's set up and taught with computer labs in several of his congregations.
- Luanne is the children's coordinator and computer workshop teacher at Hampton United in Hampton, Ontario. She's also a computer workshop lesson writer here at Rotation.org.
- Neil is a Presbyterian minister in Ohio. He started teaching with software in Sunday School in 1991 and created 18 software programs through his former Sunday Software ministry (programs which are now part of our free download library). Neil has written many of the tech-related lessons here at Rotation.org.
Quick Links:
The "How to" Computer Workshop" Resource Forum features discussion about "why and how-to," plus teaching resources, software and Bible app recommendations for both PC and tablets/smartphones.
Our Software Download Forum features the 24 Bible software programs given to us by Sunday Software and EPC for use by our Supporting Members and their congregations. That forum includes written tech help, printable GUIDES, and links to lesson plans for the downloadable software.
The Computer Workshop Lesson Topics in our Bible story lesson forums. Pick a Bible story and go to its "Computer Workshop" listing to see what software, app, or tech people are recommending for that story, plus see lesson plans and ideas.
Go to our discussion and list of Bible apps for tablets and smartphones for in-class and at-home use. Our "teaching with tech" crowd stays on top of what's out there and what's best. This discussion also mentions creativity apps than can be used for learning.