
Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Parable of Specks and Logs (do not judge)

Post your Sunday School lesson, ideas, activities, and resources for the Parable of Specks and Logs (do not judge) here.

Please include a scripture reference, supply lists, sources, suggested age range. age modification, etc.

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Matthew 7:1-5 and Luke 6:41-42

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Brainstorms that come to mind:

This is a great passage, but one I've not done in Rotation. Rather, I've done it in children's sermons and fellowship groups.  It's short and sweet.

1. Game -- "Judging" ...create a game where kids try to figure out what's in a paperbag by feeling it. Try to guess what it is, what it's worth, etc. Kids write down their answers and move to the next subject. Point: your own judgement isn't always the best. We look at God's judgment to determine a person's worth.  (I did this in a children's sermon.)

2. Art project - Make a take home display plaque showing a speck and a log and an eye. Jesus created a VERY vivid image to remind us of the folly of judging others before dealing with our own faults. Make a vivid display item with the scripture on it to go home.  You can make the "log" by cutting carpet tube and having the kids glue crumpled paper bags "bark" to it.   The speck should be extremely small so that it requires an arrow to point it out!

3. Drama/ Video - Have kids/teachers create a bunch of large LABELS that hang around the neck. These get worn by actors as they create on video a number of 20 second vignettes.

Vignette example: "Kid Who Lies to Parents about Drugs" is seen getting angry at a friend who lied to them about who they were hanging out with over the weekend.  

Vignette example: "Teacher Who is Nasty to Own Kids" berates a student for not being nice to a fellow student.

...And so on....

4. Computer Lab
This is the perfect verse for learning as a Memory Verse using Cal & Marty's Scripture Memory Game CD.

Cal & Marty's Scripture Memory Game software program is now available FREE OF CHARGE to download here at to the supporting members of Learn more!

The Project I Always Wanted to Do:

Create a Log that attached to a headband which the kids could wear out of the class. The verse gets printed on the side of the log.

Theological Point:

Notice in the Bible story that Jesus doesn't say to IGNORE the speck in your friends eye, you need to help them with it he says. But you do it not thinking you are perfect, but rather, humbly admitting you have your own issues.  Everyone has logs and specks.

<>< Neil

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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Jaymie looking for a video

We're getting ready to teach this lesson on specks and logs (do not judge) in our Wednesday night program as part of a unit on Jesus' teachings.

Years ago I was in a continuing education class and we used a short video that was sooo good. It was called "Log Eye" (I think) and had these two characters -- one was wearing glasses with a big stuffed log coming out of one lens. Of course he was focused on the speck in the other character's eye. And they used the song from the old TV show Rawhide to have a song called Log Eye. I have tried and tried to find this video to no avail! Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Or have an alternate short video that could be used?


Luanne's reply

Jesus Stories

Haven't seen this video, but I'm wondering if it's "The Log & The Speck"
on the DVD - "Jesus Stories".

You can download it in MP4 format for $2.99 at Vision Video.  

"Through an ingenious combination of masks, mine, and the creative use of props storyteller Doug Berky breathes new life into the gospels."

Update: When I first posted it there was a free Guide you could download under "Resources" for the video, it is apparently now included on the MP4 download. For preview purposes I've attached the PDF guide.

Publisher Description: Using humor and emotion, these video shorts provide a fresh approach to Bible study. For ages 6-12.

Stories covered on video are:

"Jesus Teaches" contains three parables told by Jesus in the Gospels (17 minutes):
• The Lost Coin
• The Good Samaritan
• The Log and the Speck

"Jesus Cares" contains two stories showing how Jesus cared for other people (13 minutes):
• Feeding the Five Thousand
• The Woman Forgiven

"Jesus Heals" contains two stories from the Gospels on Jesus' healing (17 minutes):
• Blind Bartimaeus
• Zacchaeus


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  • Jesus Stories
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Last edited by Luanne Payne

This sounds like the sort of thing the Fish eyes guys (Ted and Lee) would do, but I don't see it listed. 

However, I ordered the DVDs last week for another story, so I will double check when it arrives. 

Yes Amy it really does sound like them. I have a bunch of old Fish Eyes VHS tapes, but this story isn't on there. It was sooo great... I really wish I could find it.

I found this short cartoon video that we might to use in our large group setting where we tell the story. I also ordered the video Luanne mentioned above...

We have very limited time on Wednesday nights, so everything needs to be short.

I also found this cooking object lesson where the kids make "eyes" using vanilla wafers with sprinkles for specks and add a pretzel stick for the log. Remove the pretzel before eating!

Might be fun...

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Illustration for log in eye from the Annie Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection


In Mathew 7 Jesus told his listeners not to judge others but instead to worry about the log in their own eye.

  Link to larger and higher resolution versions of the Vallotton illustrations and color background options as well in our Vallotton Bible Images Forum (Supporting Membership required, become one today). Copyright and usage information here.


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  • Jesus-Judge-Others-Log-Matthew7-Vallotton: parable of specks and logs (do not judge)

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