The Good Samaritan & The Greatest Commandment
Lesson Set
Editor's Note:
This lesson set was originally posted in the "Greatest Commandment" forum, but was moved to the Good Sam forum for a better fit.
Jesus' story of the Good Samaritan is the "story version" of the 2nd half of the Great Commandment, to "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself."
Though the memory verse is still the Great Commandment, it's not a bad memory verse for teaching the Good Samaritan!
Overview of all workshops in this Rotation:
- Video: Show VeggieTales Video “Are You My Neighbor?”
- Art: put together ”Gift of the Heart School Kits”
- Drama: enact the story
- Storytelling & Hands On: Use ”Choose That Gift! from Gospel Light’s Big Book of Kid Sermons and Object Talks (this story lesson is not included here due to copyrights)
Scripture Reference & Teacher Overview:
The Great Commandment appears in some form in all four Gospels. Jesus tells us in Matthew 22 that on it “hang all the law and the prophets”. We will be focusing only on Matthew 22:37 for this unit. We will, at times, be touching on the Second Greatest Commandment, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”. (The Second Greatest Commandment will be further explored when we teach the Good Samaritan later in the year.)
Memory Verse:
Luke 10:27 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."
At the end of this Rotation, the children will:
- The children will learn the memory verse.
- The children will be able to find all three scripture references in their bibles.
- The children will learn that we love because He first loved us.
- The children will learn that His love is unconditional.
- The children will understand what the Great Commandment means for them in terms of how they should treat other people.
Video Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Uses the Veggie Tales "Are You My Neighbor?" video.
Objective of this Workshop:
At the end of the session, the children will learn that:
- To love only God, and not your neighbor, is to not love God.
- Likewise, to love your neighbor and not God, is to not love your neighbor.
- The only way we can show our love for Him is to show love to others.
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture ahead of time.
- Gather the materials.
- Preview the video.
Supplies List:
- Veggie Tales "Are You My Neighbor?"
- Popcorn
Opening - Welcome and Introductions:
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Pass out and wear name tags.
Have a short prayer to ask God to be with us as we learn more about his word and how we can follow him.
Dig - Main Content and Reflection:
Teacher A:
Read Matthew 22: 34-40 Jesus, in answer to a lawyer’s question, says that the greatest commandment is to love God and your neighbor as yourself.
Teacher B:
Read Luke 10:25-37 In answer to the question, “Who is our neighbor?” Jesus tells the story of The Good Samaritan to show that everybody is our neighbor. Use the Bible version appropriate to the age group.
Pass out popcorn and water.
Show VeggieTales Video “Are You My Neighbor?”
- Ask children to make comparisons between this and the Biblical story of The Good Samaritan.
- Discuss ways students can help their neighbors—both close and far away.
[The Good Samaritan is Jesus' story "about" the Great Commandment. In it, 2 people who allegedly love God do not choose to love/help a neighbor.]
Art Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
In this workshop, our students will make ”Gift of the Heart School Kits” for disadvantaged children. Perhaps your community has a project like this already. If you are doing this rotation later in the school year, contact a local school that has many needy children and ask "what supplies" your kids could assemble for them.
Objective of this Workshop:
At the end of the session, the children will learn that:
- There are people in this world who are less fortunate than we.
- By giving to those people, we are showing our love for God.
- It is always better to give than to receive.
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture ahead of time.
- Gather the materials.
Supplies List:
- Cloth bags
- blunt scissors
- Pads or notebooks of ruled paper 8-1/2" X 11" containing 150-200 sheets of paper
- 30-centimeter ruler (12")
- pencil sharpeners
- new pencils with erasers
- large erasers
- colored construction paper
- boxes of 24 crayons
- Paint brushes/cups & water
- Paper towels
- Cardboard boxes
Opening - Welcome and Introductions:
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Pass out and wear name tags.
Have a short prayer to ask God to be with us as we learn more about his word and how we can follow him.
Dig - Main Content and Reflection:
Read Luke 10:25-28 (Use the Bible version appropriate to the age group.): Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.”
”Gift of the Heart School Kits”
- Ask children to view the products you have laying on the tables. Do they know what each item is? Do they have these items at home/school?
- Discuss the possibilities of NOT having these items for school. Do they think they could do still do things, or do they think it would be harder to do without?
- Give each child a cloth bag to decorate.
- Help each child pack the following items in the cloth bag and secure contents with the closure:
- One pair of blunt scissors
- Pads or notebooks of ruled paper 8-1/2" X 11" containing 150-200 sheets of paper
- one 30-centimeter ruler (12")
- One pencil sharpener
- Six new pencils with erasers
- One large eraser
- Twelve sheets colored construction paper
- One box of 24 crayons
Memory Verse: Luke 10:27 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."
Our Heavenly Father, help us to remember you have touched us and changed us into people who care for our neighbors. Help us to be understanding, and to care for God’s people, our neighbors next door and around the world. In the name of Jesus who taught us about love. Amen.
Notice to teachers: On the last Sunday of this rotation, please pack all canvas bags in supplied cardboard box(s). We will be showing these boxes during the worship service.
- ”Gift of the Heart School Kits,” © 2003 CWS (Church World Service)
Drama Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Children will perform the "Spilt Millk" script.
Objective of this Workshop:
At the end of the session, the children will learn that:
- Helping others in need is being a true Christian.
- By giving to those people, we are showing our love for God.
- It is always better to give than to receive.
Advance Preparation:
- Become familiar with lesson plan and the scripture & memory verses.
- Visit your classroom before your first Sunday rotation so that you know where everything is located.
- Have costumes ready to go.
Materials List:
- Bible
- Script “Spilt Milk”
- Costumes: Jesus, Hippy Teen
- Props: Bag of Groceries [eggs & milk], Skateboard
Notice to teachers: There is a STRONG possibility we will have the young people act this short drama during church on the final Sunday of the rotation. See if you can find strong, willing “actors” to play these roles. See Liz when you have them in place.
Opening - Welcome and Introductions:
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Pass out and wear name tags.
Have a short prayer to ask God to be with us as we learn more about his word and how we can follow him.
Dig - Main Content and Reflection:
Read Luke 10:25-28 (Use the Bible version appropriate to the age group.): Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.”
Prepare and perform the ”Spilt Milk” script (below)
- Ask for volunteers to be: The Lawyer, Jesus, Passerby 1, Passerby 2, Passerby 3 & Older Person. Tell them they will all get a turn to act out the script.
“Spilt Milk”
By Jenny Mitchell
Passerby 1 and Passerby 2 (can be any gender).
Passerby 3 and old person (should be the same gender).
(The setting is simply an empty stage. All 6 characters are on the stage. The lawyer and Jesus sit near each other. The other 4 characters sit in another group on one side of the stage.)
[The lawyer and Jesus stand.]
Lawyer: Teacher, what should I do in order to go to heaven?
Jesus: (dressed in Bible clothes): What do you read in God’s Word?
Lawyer: I should love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and I should love my neighbor just as I love myself.
Jesus: That’s right. Do this and you will live. [Jesus turns away as though speaking to someone else.]
Lawyer: [Tugging at Jesus’ sleeve]. But, teacher, who is my neighbor?
Jesus: [Jesus turns back to face him] Let me tell you a story.
[They sit, and the old woman stands. She is carrying a bag of groceries. As he/she walks slowly, she trips/falls and lays on the ground moaning. The groceries spill everywhere.]
Olderperson: moans throughout…
Passerby 1: [This person is dressed in going to church clothes, on his way to evening service. He carries a large Bible and wears a big cross. He stands and walks with purpose over towards the older person]. Oh, my. I wonder what’s the matter. Is she hurt? [Pause] I hope not. I mean, I can’t stop. I’ve just barely got time to get to church! It’s time to worship God. God always has to come first, you know. Oh, well, I guess it isn’t God’s will that I do anything to help this person. I’ll just pray. Father, please send someone to help this person. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. [Passerby 1 rushes by and then sits down.]
Passerby 2: [This person is wearing an apron and jeans. She also walks purposely in the direction of the older person. While speaking, Passerby 2 moves slowly past] What’s that? What is she doing? [Pause] Has she been drinking? Drinking is bad for you, you know. I hope she’ll be all right. (calling out) Sorry, I can’t stop. I’m on my way to the rescue mission to cook a meal for all those poor, homeless men and women. They need me, so I must hurry, hurry, hurry. (more quietly) Jesus, this person needs help. Please send some. Amen. [Passerby 2 rushes by and then sits down.]
Passerby 3: [Hippy-looking teen. She carries a skateboard. She saunters in.] Hey, man. What’s this? I better go see. Hey lady, are you okay? Are you hurt? Can you sit up?
Olderperson: Oh…I…I think so…I think I sprained my ankle! [Tenderly, Passerby 3 helps older sit up]. And oh, no, look at my groceries! My eggs are broken and the milk is spilt. What am I going to do? I don’t get any more money from social security until next month!
Passerby 3: Hey, don’t worry about it. Let’s not cry over spilt milk. Here, let me help you gather your food. [Passerby 3 quickly gathers up all the food that has spilled and hands it to olderperson. It’s clearly too much to carry]. Can you hold this a minute? I’ll be right back with something to carry all this. [Olderperson nods, Passerby 3 runs off, returning with a bag. In the bag is a new container of milk, an egg carton, and an ankle wrap]. Now, here you go. Let’s wrap this around your ankle. [Passerby 3 wraps up the ankle. While Passerby 3 works, olderperson speaks].
Olderperson: You’re such a nice young lady/man! Thank you so much! But I can’t pay you back for buying these eggs and milk for me. I don’t even have a dollar.
Passerby 3: Hey, man, don’t worry about it. You don’t owe me anything. I’ll just play fewer video games this week. It’ll be okay. How’s that feel?
Olderperson: Much, much better,
Passerby 3: We need to get you home. Now where do you live?
Olderperson: Just a block that way (pointing offstage, in direction everyone has gone).
Passerby 3: Okay, do you think you can stand if I help you? Just put your weight on me. And don’t worry about the stuff. I’ll carry it.
Olderperson: Oh, thank you. [Passerby 3 helps older stand, and they walk off the stage, with person 3 carrying the bag of groceries.] You’re such a nice young lady/man. Your mama must be very proud of you. [They walk off and sit down.] [Pause.]
[Jesus and the lawyer stand.]
Jesus: Now which one of these was a neighbor to the hurt person?
Lawyer: The one who helped.
Jesus: Go and do likewise. [Pause. All walk off the stage].
Our Heavenly Father, help us to remember you have touched us and changed us into people who care for our neighbors. Help us to be understanding, and to care for God’s people, our neighbors next door and around the world. In the name of Jesus who taught us about love. Amen.
Have children help tidy up the room. Clean up all decorations that are on the floor.
- ”Spilt Milk,” © 2003 Copyright Jenny Mitchell, all rights reserved.
This script may be used for free, provided no charge is made for entrance to the performance. In return, the author would like to be told of any performance. She may be contacted at
(Exchange Volunteer Carol Notes: I have contacted Dramatix, the web site where this script came from. They have given their permission for this script to be included here at this site. Please do contact the author if you use this script. It helps authors to get feedback; it helps them to keep on writing.)
A lesson set written by Liz Weingart from: Canfield Presbyterian Church
A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.