
The LEGO and "Story Table" Workshops use the same principle to engage and teach: students construct to retell the Bible story using props (figurines, LEGO, etc). Sometimes we have even called them "Construction" Workshops to differentiate them from Dram and Puppets. In truth, all are types of STORYTELLING with props.

A LEGO "Workshop" in Rotation parlance is a classroom set up to make LEGOS the main learning activity for the lesson plan. It can be as simple as a classroom with a bucket of LEGOs, or a special LEGO area with lots of LEGO and prop construction supplies. Projects can be individual, pairs, groups. LEGOs can be used as an opening or main or reflection activity. And it's popular to retell the story using LEGOS and a cellphone video camera to record it for posterity! (Recording has the effect of helping students focus on getting it right.)

Any Bible story you can tell with puppets or drama can be retold with LEGOs. As a fun "hands-on" medium, LEGOS create excitement and focus, and they promote storytelling and memory. They are also reusable and infinitely configurable.

Ten Reasons Why We Like "LEGO" Workshops:

  1. Kids and adults love to build with Legos.
  2. Many church members have Legos to donate!  They can also be purchased in bulk online.
  3. Lego projects naturally adapt to the creator's skill and imagination.
  4. Construction focuses their mind's attention. It's the fine-motor skills that do it!
  5. Construction can foster cooperative behavior.
  6. Legos have a cool factor.
  7. Creating the scene of a story helps students imagine and better remember the story, and consider details they may not have noticed by simply reading or hearing the story.
  8. Lego characters are POSABLE. In addition to conveying action and reaction in the story.
  9. Lego story creations create a record or display of the story that can be displayed and shared with others.
  10. LEGOs can be used to spell words, verses, and reflections.

Whether you're constructing one Bible story scene, or splitting into groups and creating several different scenes in a story, LEGO creations are personal ("I made that") and they are shareable ("let me tell you the part of the story I constructed").

Here are some photos from State Street UMC's Elijah rotation

Different groups took different parts of the Elijah story, which they had been studying that month, recreated and then retold the story in Legos.


Do you recognize Elijah's story above?
Hint: Notice the fallen characters and blue border.
Answer at the end of this post.



Elijah calls Elisha to service. Elijah eats dinner with Elisha and his family.


Answer to the first photo:
1 Kings 18:  Elijah and the Prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel.
Elijah had them pour water on his bull and God sent down fire.


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  • Lego-Co-op-StateStUMC
  • Lego-ElijahCallsElisha-StateStUMC
  • Lego-Elijah-Choosing-StateStUMC
  • Lego-Elijah-MtCarmel-StateStUMC
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Wonderful idea!

And if you don't have families donating outgrown Lego (or the bigger Duplo blocks for preschool classes), search for Lego Education products. There are large quantity classroom packages.  For example, has this one with 1,000 pieces for $59.95.




Images (1)
  • legoEducation
Last edited by Neil MacQueen


Please add yours too!

Bible Lego pieces, kits

Legos are expensive, but there are many "compatible" "brick" building sets available at retailers like Amazon. Check out "Big Bag of Bricks" from SCS Direct. 1000 pieces for $30, and a stack of building "plates" for under $20. Fit well with any original Legos you may have.


"Trinity Toyz" makes several Bible themed "Lego compatible" brick sets. They aren't cheap, but their pieces can be used for many different stories. (For example, the Moses posable character can be used as a Prophet or God in another story.)  

Trinity Toyz building brick set can be found on Amazon, and at retailers like Wal-Mart. They can also be found on Trinity's parent site "Imex Models,"

nativity-trinitytoyzTrinity Toyz The Last Supper Toy Block Set, an LDS toy company, makes lego-compatible Bible figures and sets.

Lego company website:

Generic "Lego Compatible" "brick" building sets can also be found online and are usually less expensive than buying original Legos.

For the serious Lego-er, you can actually build your own posable "Minifigs" (mini-figures in Lego vocabulary). Select hair, face, torso, clothing, even print a message on them.  It's a UK company but shipping isn't expensive.

Online Images for Building Ideas:  

The was the original Lego Bible stories webpage. It's okay for adults to preview for ideas, but not for children (this caution is included on the webpage). Lots of Old and New Testament stories told with Legos. The author of the site has since launched "The Brick Bible" site with better photos of the story projects, and improved captions. Still, this is for teachers to gather ideas and not for children.


Videos of Lego "Brick" Bible stories

...created by churches/individuals

YouTube has quite a lot of them -but they are of varying quality. Search YouTube for "Lego Bible stories for children." Here's a quick list.  Many are suitable for showing to your kids to get their creative juices flowing.


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  • brick-call
  • nativity-trinitytoyz
  • brickbible
  • compatiblebricks
  • Trinity Toyz The Last Supper Toy Block Set
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Where to buy hard to find individual Lego or Duplo pieces

To purchase individual Lego pieces I don't have in my Lego bucket, like the Chef's hats I wanted to make Lego Priests, as shown below, I ordered them from

The site is made up of individual sellers of new and used Lego, you can search for the individual piece you need and it will state how many each seller has on hand, should you require more than one.

Example of cost - I placed an order for 51 pieces, which included the Cook's Toque/Hat (29 cents each), heads & hair (for both male & female). My total order came to $30.11 U.S., which included the $2 shipping.  I was lucky and found all the items I was looking for from one specific seller.

Once on the website here's how to find a piece(s) and order.

For this example I'll go through the steps of finding/ordering the Cook's Toque (Part #3898):

  1. In Search box enter either -  item name or Item # - example Cook's Toque.
  2. Three items came up - I clicked on the one shown below.
    Minifig, Headgear Hat, Cook's [Toque)Minifig, Headgear Hat, Cook's (Toque)
    Minifig, Headgear : 3898
  3. A list of sellers will come up, if not click on the tab that says "Items for Sale".
  4. Scroll down to bottom of page where it says 25/page - change to 200/page (nothing will happen yet).
  5. Scroll up to Sort - lowest price and change to -Highest Qty.
    It will now list sellers with their stock on hand.
  6. Scroll down until you find someone located near you, with the Qty in stock you need, and the best price (I figure the closer they are to you, the cheaper the shipping.)
    Note: some sellers have a minimum buy $ amount, some none (all prices in U.S. funds).
  7. Click view item this takes you to that suppliers store (inside bricklink).
  8. To order -  under add to cart - click up arrow until you get the qty you want, then click the green "Add Items to Cart". (On the left are listed other items this particular supplier has available, broken into categories, so you can search to see if they have anything else you may be looking for.)
  9. Once you've finished adding your item(s) to your cart.  Click on cart and place your order.
  10. Payment is through PayPal.
  11. You will get an email from bricklink confirming your order and one from the seller when they've shipped your order.

How to find any specific Lego piece item #:

  • First find a Lego set that contains the piece you require. Do this by looking at pictures of Lego Sets, try Lego's official website or any site that sells Lego.  Once you find a set that contains the piece you need write that set's item # down.
  • Now go back to and in the search field enter the set # you just wrote down.
  • Click on it - then click on the tab "Set Inventory" - this will list all the pieces in that set with their corresponding item #'s.
  • Look for the piece you need and write down it's specific item #.
  • Now follow steps #1 through 11 above to find and order.

Making Lego Priests

Lego Priest 3

Here's how I made the priests:

  • Chef hat  (item # 3898 - Cook's Toque)
  • Head Yellow
  • Torso White
  • Arms White
  • Hands Yellow
  • lower body (two choices)
    a) 2 - 1 x 2 White bricks1 x 2 White Lego Brick
    b) White Hip and White LegsLego Hip & Leg Piece
  • "Breastplate (12 Stones) for a High Priest.
    Simply attach small jewel stickers to Torso (chest).
    Stickers pictured above purchased at Michaels and are called "Bling Stickers by Recollections, UPC 886946298097.  They were great as they were already 3 across, so I just cut a piece of jewels 3 by 4, removed the backing and stuck directly to center of chest. Voila!

A lot of bible stories have priests or high priests in them, such as:

  • Moses - Aaron (Tabernacle)
  • Joshua (Carrying Ark Across the Jordan/Fall of Jericho)
  • Zechariah
  • Simeon-Jesus presented at the Temple
  • several Easter stories
  • to name a few....

This post was moved here from the Story Table forum.

Man Let Down Through the Roof - Lego Stretchers

- info to purchase from see this post.

I found a supplier with "Green Utensil Stretchers" for .. $0.67 U.S. each

Through the Roof using Lego Stretcher


Images (4)
  • 1 x 2 White Lego Brick
  • Lego Hip & Leg Piece
  • Lego Priest 3
  • Through the Roof using Lego Stretcher
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our church is moving to a new building that our GREAT, AMAZING, GOD has blessed us with soon... and I plan to add this workshop as one of our new classrooms!  I can not tell you all enough what a blessing this site is for me!  You rejuvenate my fire for teaching every time I read something from rotation!!  I love you all and don't even know you personally!  I am so grateful, for you and just wanted to tell you!! 

Thank you, and I am praying for Gods blessing on your life!!!

Ashlee Haines/ Celebration Community Church Colby Kansas <><

The Word Origin of "LEGO"

The guy who invented Legos says it was a play on the Danish word for "play good" (leyt godt). I doubt he realized that his Danish "leyt godt" comes from the Greek "LEYGO" -- which is a really common word in the New Testament.

According to Strong's Concordance, "LEYGO" is a Greek word that means to "lay forth, call, say, speak." https://www.blueletterbible.or...ongs=G3004&t=NIV   In various tenses it can also be translated as "fulfill, affirm, exhort, point out." It's a very versatile word.

"Ley" is an ancient Indo-European language root word meaning "putting forth, extending," and it's where we get the word "LEG" from too! ...a leg being something that "extends" or is "put forth." 

The Danish "GODT" in "leyt-godt" which means "well or good" comes from the Proto-Indo-European language word "ghut" --which means "to call or invoke." In Old English, "ghut" and "godt" were transformed into the word: "GOD" and later "good."  So in a very literal way, "God IS Good."

What this means is that LEGO ("LEYT GODT") can also mean "to call or put forth God"


Lego-ing doesn't have to be just a 'scene building" exercise. It could be a memory verse or message sharing activity or game.


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  • mceclip0
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Some Photos of the

Writing Team's "Elijah Super Set" Lego Workshop lesson plan!

(Writing Team lesson plans only open to Supporting Members.)

These scenes were made with Duplos. Check Ebay and Amazon for some of these older style figures. Lots out there to be collected.



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  • Elijah-closeup
  • Elijah-ascends
  • Elijah-Elishapickingup
  • Elijah-Elishawater
  • Elijah-Chariot1
  • Elijah-mantle-all
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Check out this Easter Lego Workshop that covers the overall story of Easter.


After setting up their scenes the students took photos, which were later used in that same rotation's Computer Workshop.



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  • Jesus%20Arrest%20in%20the%20Garden
  • Easter%20Scene%201%20Photograph
Last edited by Luanne Payne

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