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Posting this here for now since we took elements of several different types of activities to create these lessons. Lesson details can be found in the attached scripts—Daniel 1 (origin stories) and Daniel 5 (writing on the wall).

General Outline -

Daniel 1 - Origin stories

In this lesson, we look at the types of decisions to be obedient to God that Daniel and his friends made early on, which allowed them to make BIG decisions later on.

Link to video listed in the lesson PDF 1:

Game - Two Truths and a Lie - Introduces the idea of an "origin story" by allowing the kids to give out part of their own

Activity - Fruit and vegetable trays to experience the food that Daniel and his friends ate while we do a story recap

Daniel 5 - Writing on the Wall

In this lesson, we wanted to allow the kids to dive into part of Daniel's story that we don't always cover much in children's ministry: the importance of being obedient to God and putting Him first in our lives.

Game - Reading the words on the wall using a mirror. Makes it hard to decipher the words and the kids get to race to see which group can get them first.

Activity - An adaptation of an art project posted by @Luanne Payne in this forum. Revealing the writing on the cards. Used as an art activity and a story recap activity.

I have posted the full scripts that we give to our hosts in each room along with small group discussion questions!

We do use videos in each, but I would always encourage you to search for some videos that are from organizations you feel you can trust and agree with.

Moderator notes: Ian shared that "the video used for the first lesson was Daniel and His Friends | Old Testament Stories for Kids from Gospel for Kids (on YouTube, from the LDS church, which doesn't fully line up with our church, but the video is really well done and it stays true to the narrative we find in our scriptures)."


Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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@Ian Grimm
What Daniel video did you use in the first t was

"Daniel and His Friends | Old Testament Stories for Kids" from Gospel for Kids on YouTube.

It is from the LDS church, which obviously doesn't fully line up with our church, but the video is really well done and the video stays true to the narrative we find in our scriptures as well.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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