Books of the Bible Flannelboard Idea
How we converted a long bulletin board (8' W x 2' H) into a Flannelboard to showcase removable "paper" Books of the Bible Cards, see further details below.
We covered the old bulletin board in brown flannel (purchased at local fabric store) and attached it by stapling it along the back of the wood frame. We hung it using metal brackets screwed into the back of the board frame and then to the wall.

Here it is shown above, I later added a bible timeline (hung with removable Velcro strips). I plan to eventually add bible maps above the timeline.
How I made the Paper Flannelgraph Bible Books:
I created the graphic in a Word document to fill a page.
I added a text box on the spine with the text direction running down, top to bottom.
I printed the books on 8 1/2" x 11" colored Cardstock Paper (65 lb), a different color for each division, example: Law--Purple, History--Red.
Hmmm, some of the books in top photo show white inside pages, I think I did those in a paint program, but the easiest way is to simply print on colored cardstock, like the Daniel book pictured.
I've attached two PDF files I created:
1) 66 Books of the Bible Book Cards.
2) Directions for Printing Cards: page numbers to print per your color choices, etc.
How to Hang Books on Flannelboard:
flip over each Bible Book Card and place two small square pieces of "Sticky Back Velcro" strips on back, as indicated in photo to the right.
Over the years we've added picture stickers depicting who wrote the book and stories found inside (when I could find them).
Example below: Galatians we added a Paul and Fruit of the Spirit stickers.

A few sources for stickers:
- "People of the Old Testament" and "People of the New Testament" -- Sticker Books, by Daniel Vium, Scandinavia Publishing House / both 2013.
- "Faith That Sticks" Sticker Series by Tyndal House (example: Armor of God Stickers.)
How we use the Books of the Bible Flannelboard
- When we are doing a story the kids are asked which bible book today's bible story is found in.
- Then someone is sent to wall to find that book.
- We count to see what number it is and what division/group it belongs to (History, etc.). We review if they don't remember.
- They then pull the book off the wall and bring it to the group and we check to see if there is any information provided on it (stickers) or if not we add stickers, if I have them.
- When we are done with the Bible Book study it's placed back in it's spot on the flannelboard.
Note: You could also write details on each bible book card (back & front) if you wished.
Thoughts on using it for games: I've never used it for sorting or learning the book of the bible order games. If I was making one for that purpose I would want to make sure to glue the flannel directly to the entire bulletin board, ours is not. I would also want to laminate the bible book cards, before I put the Velcro pieces on the back of each.