From member Randlut..
A JOB Bible Baseball QUIZ
Pasted below and also attached to this post are a set of Bible Baseball questions that Randy originally wrote for the now out-of-print "Bible Grand Slam" software CD. The attached file is in the software's QBK file format, but you can change the extension to TXT to read it if you want. The pasted copy below is the same as the file.
Ignore "C18" in the first column. It is a marker for the old software.
The second column tells you whether the question is a single, double, trip or homerun (1,2,3,4).
The third column is the correct answer.
The fourth column is the Bible reference.
Game Variation: If a question is too hard, allow kids to "bunt." A bunt means the teacher takes away two of the wrong answers, reducing the choice down to one right, one wrong. Limit the # of bunts per player.
The text below looks cut off on the right, but it's all there if you copy it all with your mouse. Then you can paste it into your own quiz doc.
"C18","1","C","Job Job 2:1","Job's friends are named","Shadrach, Mesach and Obindigo","Matthew, Mark and Luke","Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar","Isaiah, Obediah and Ezra"
"C18","1","A","Job Job","The book of Job is found in the Bible between","Esther and Psalms","Jude and Revelation","Genesis and Exodus","Titus and Philemon"
"C18","2","B","Job Job","Job's friends want","Job to deny God","to tell Job why he suffers","to hear their own voice","to punish Job"
"C18","3","A","Job Job","The book of Job is one of the few books in the Bible to refer to ice","True","False","xx","xx"
"C18","2","D","Job Job 2:1","When Job's friends first come to him they sit with him for","They don't sit with him","One month","One hour","7 days and nights"
"C18","4","D","Job 38","The following can be learned from the book of Job except","God is God and we are not","One can go to God with ???s","How should righteous suffer",
"Upright people always win"
"C18","3","B","Job Job","All of the character names in Job are Hebrew","True","False","xx","xx"
"C18","1","C","Job Job","The book of Job is in the part of the Bible called","The Pentetauch","The Gospels","Wisdom Literature","Pauline letters"
"C18","2","C","Job Job","Job wishes there could be ------------- between him and God","his wife","a friend","an umpire","a priest"
"C18","1","B","Job Job","Uz was an identifiable country south of present day Egypt","True","False","xx","xx"
"C18","3","D","Job Job","The prose portion of the book of Job is","a fable","difficult to understand","Babylonian","all of the above"
"C18","3","B","Job Job","Job's friends arguments","are meant to hurt Job","reflect their understanding","are the voice of God","make Job feel better"
"C18","2","C","Job Job","Job is a role model because","was rich","was submissive","remained faithful to God","was a good Jew"
"C18","2","D","Job Job","Job is caused to suffer because he","cared for things over God","called his wife names","cared for family over God","was being tested"
"C18","3","D","Job Job","Elihu argues that","Job's friends are right","With age comes wisdom","Job is blameless","Job is prideful"
"C18","1","B","Job Job","Elihu waits to speak because he","thinks the friends are correct","respects his elders","wants the last word","has been asleep"
"C18","4","D","Job Job","According to the book of Job, where is wisdom found?","all around us","in other people","within ourselves","in God alone"
"C18","1","A","Job Job","God spoke to Job out of a whirlwind","True","False","xx","xx"
"C18","4","B","Job 38","God's speeches to Job make many references to the book of","Revelation","Genesis","James","Isaiah"
"C18","1","A","Job 38","God comes to Job out of the ","whirlwind","spaceship","leviathan","ocean"
"C18","4","B","Job 7","In Job chapter seven, Job parodies what","Genesis 1","Psalm 8","Isaiah 40","Psalm 100"