
This thread has ideas and lessons for TWO different workshops:  Video and Computer.


Your ideas are welcome!


A Word About the Amount of Material in the Job Forum:


We don't have a lot about Job (yet) at because of the way we schedule our Bible stories for children. We teach a story for four to five weeks in a row, which means that we can cover about 40 to 50 stories in a five year period. With some stories being repeated, such as, Advent, Holy Week, and Prodigal Son, that means we have to PRIORITIZE which other stories we can cover with our elementary age kids. Such prioritizing often means good scriptures, like Job, are left to OLDER classes, or OTHER times of teaching (such as children's sermons). 


What to prioritize is up to you, but as you can see by this topic, many Rotation churches have not covered Job.

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Computer Workshop Idea

...could also be used in a Bible Skills & Game Workshop



One of my favorite teaching techniques for LONG passages of scripture is to play the game

"How Low Can You Go?"

  ...aka  "How Few Can You Do?"


It's a simple but fun technique that can easily be turned into a fun little competitive game. Here's the basic idea:


After introducing the lesson, give each student a copy of today's scripture reading copied from the Bible. (Tip: enlarge the text to about 15 pts).  For JOB, you may want to create a summary reading of about 30 verses. Check your children's Bibles for such.


Give each student a red highlighter and AS YOU READ the passage (or take turns reading), tell them to highlight "key words and phrases" that they think are really important in the passage.


Now the game begins....


Round 1: Split them into teams of 2 or 3 students each and tell them to turn on the "Talk Now" module in the Let's Talk CD** (Sunday Software).  Tell them that they are to work together to DECIDE AND TYPE onto the screen the 20* keywords/phrases that sufficiently summarize the passage. Give them 5 minutes. They'll have to compare what words they highlighted and make some decisions.


*Depending on your passage, you may have them just include words, or completely sentences. Depending on the length of the passage, you might 'allow' them up to 30 words. The idea is to force them to make choices.


Once every team has done this first task, have the class move to each computer and play* each team's list of keywords/phrases.  The teacher compares and contrasts, and suggest why certain keywords might be important to the passage. 


*In Let's Talk CD, your students create an animated talking character who will speak aloud anything your students type.


Round 2:  Now tell them they have to REDUCE the number of their chosen keywords BY HALF.


Round 3:  Now how them REDUCE their list AGAIN by HALF.


Round 4: Eventually, you can even ask them to delete all their keywords but TWO, and then BUT ONE.


Of course, each time you have them reduce their list, you are asking them WHY they chose what they chose, and comparing it to what the OTHER teams have chosen.


Teacher Tip: When each team gets down to 10 or so keywords, write them down on a pad as you browse each screen and hear them played back. You'll quickly see which teams chose the SAME keywords, and those which chose different, and this is another great point of discussion.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

"What's in the Bible"


DVD #8 "The Writings" in the What's in the Bible? video series by Phil Vischer (he of Veggie Tales) has about 12 minutes of material that teaches the story of Job to kids.  It is very good.


The following outline comes from my own detailed outlines of the What's in the Bible DVD series.



DVD #8 "The Writings"


Chapter 3: Job's Story

  • Church lady explains about Job -the first book of the Writings.
  • Pastor Paul explains that the word "Satan" means an "adversary." "Sometimes the Bible is clear, and sometimes not."
  • Church lady continues to explain the story of Job


Chapter 4: The Lesson of Job

  • Chuck Wagon sings a song summarizing Job's story. "Even though your heart is hurtin, it isn't time to be desertin."
  • Phil and characters explain how you figure out what kind of writing Job is. "Job is a dramatic poem."
Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

From member Randlut..

A JOB Bible Baseball QUIZ

Pasted below and also attached to this post are a set of Bible Baseball questions that Randy originally wrote for the now out-of-print "Bible Grand Slam" software CD.  The attached file is in the software's QBK file format, but you can change the extension to TXT to read it if you want. The pasted copy below is the same as the file.

Ignore "C18" in the first column. It is a marker for the old software.

The second column tells you whether the question is a single, double, trip or homerun (1,2,3,4).

The third column is the correct answer.

The fourth column is the Bible reference.

Game Variation: If a question is too hard, allow kids to "bunt."  A bunt means the teacher takes away two of the wrong answers, reducing the choice down to one right, one wrong. Limit the # of bunts per player.

The text below looks cut off on the right, but it's all there if you copy it all with your mouse. Then you can paste it into your own quiz doc.


"C18","1","C","Job Job 2:1","Job's friends are named","Shadrach, Mesach and Obindigo","Matthew, Mark and Luke","Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar","Isaiah, Obediah and Ezra"

"C18","1","A","Job Job","The book of Job is found in the Bible between","Esther and Psalms","Jude and Revelation","Genesis and Exodus","Titus and Philemon"
"C18","2","B","Job Job","Job's friends want","Job to deny God","to tell Job why he suffers","to hear their own voice","to punish Job"
"C18","3","A","Job Job","The book of Job is one of the few books in the Bible to refer to ice","True","False","xx","xx"
"C18","2","D","Job Job 2:1","When Job's friends first come to him they sit with him for","They don't sit with him","One month","One hour","7 days and nights"
"C18","4","D","Job 38","The following can be learned from the book of Job except","God is God and we are not","One can go to God with ???s","How should righteous suffer",
"Upright people always win"
"C18","3","B","Job Job","All of the character names in Job are Hebrew","True","False","xx","xx"
"C18","1","C","Job Job","The book of Job is in the part of the Bible called","The Pentetauch","The Gospels","Wisdom Literature","Pauline letters"
"C18","2","C","Job Job","Job wishes there could be ------------- between him and God","his wife","a friend","an umpire","a priest"
"C18","1","B","Job Job","Uz was an identifiable country south of present day Egypt","True","False","xx","xx"
"C18","3","D","Job Job","The prose portion of the book of Job is","a fable","difficult to understand","Babylonian","all of the above"
"C18","3","B","Job Job","Job's friends arguments","are meant to hurt Job","reflect their understanding","are the voice of God","make Job feel better"
"C18","2","C","Job Job","Job is a role model because","was rich","was submissive","remained faithful to God","was a good Jew"
"C18","2","D","Job Job","Job is caused to suffer because he","cared for things over God","called his wife names","cared for family over God","was being tested"
"C18","3","D","Job Job","Elihu argues that","Job's friends are right","With age comes wisdom","Job is blameless","Job is prideful"
"C18","1","B","Job Job","Elihu waits to speak because he","thinks the friends are correct","respects his elders","wants the last word","has been asleep"
"C18","4","D","Job Job","According to the book of Job, where is wisdom found?","all around us","in other people","within ourselves","in God alone"
"C18","1","A","Job Job","God spoke to Job out of a whirlwind","True","False","xx","xx"
"C18","4","B","Job 38","God's speeches to Job make many references to the book of","Revelation","Genesis","James","Isaiah"
"C18","1","A","Job 38","God comes to Job out of the ","whirlwind","spaceship","leviathan","ocean"
"C18","4","B","Job 7","In Job chapter seven, Job parodies what","Genesis 1","Psalm 8","Isaiah 40","Psalm 100"


Files (1)
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

DVD - “Job” (New Superbook Series)

During the worst week of his life, Chris loses his Grandpa. He feels as if he cannot go on. He wants to give up on doing what is right. Suddenly, Superbook sends Chris, Joy, and Gzmo to a time when Job is tested by Satan.  Lesson: Don't give up. Don't ever give up. Unconditional loyalty to God is eventually rewarded. (Animated - approx. 28 mins)

See reviews of the "New Superbook" DVD Series for more details on this series link.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

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