
Welcome to our public forum of lessons, ideas, and resources for teaching kids the story of Jesus' Temptation in the Wilderness, Matthew 4:1–11, Mark 1:12–13,  and Luke 4:1–13. In addition to this public forum of lessons and ideas, supporting members can view the Writing Team's seven different creative lessons about The Temptation of Jesus. Its lesson summaries and Bible background are open to all.

This thread is for posting your Video, A-V, and Music Workshop Lessons and Ideas for teaching about the Temptation of Jesus.

Please format your posts so that they are easy to read.

Please include full titles and publisher details for resources.

Some Video Suggestions moved here from older posts...

We used the “Jesus, the Son of God” video from the Nest Entertainment animated Bible series of videos. It includes about 10 minutes of Temptation in the Wilderness. Starts with Jesus' Baptism. Finishes with Jesus healing (and a nice song). --Neil

It's too vivid for young kids but I like the "Jesus" video (Trimark Pictures, 2000). There's about 8 minutes of Jesus in the wilderness and the temptation. The "Devil" is portrayed as both a man and a woman. Probably would only show it to 4th grade and up (if your 4th graders are on the mature side). --Carol

"Finding Nemo" has two scenes that are good to use: One is of the shark 12 step support group where the sharks are trying to give up eating fish. It is neat because when the one shark loses his resolve and begins to give into temptation, it is his friends who hold him back (community??). There is also a scene where Marlin and Dory go the wrong way and end up stung by jelly fish, which can lead to a discussion of listening and making choices. -Lisa M.

We taught the temptations of Christ as a lesson this year. We used the movie "Jesus" (trimark pictures 2000) and the "Finding Nemo" (Pixar) clip.

We felt that to teach this lesson properly, we needed to teach both the character of Jesus, but also the example for us in His actions. We talked about how we react to temptation and what can be done to avoid giving into them. We used an idea we found that had socks representing temptation that we threw at a victim. Then we gave the victim a shield to represent God's protection, and had the kids throw socks again. This was a great visual and I think the kids identified with how we, like Jesus, can rely on the power of God to protect us from temptation. My Mom said once, in reference to temptation, that you may have a bird fly into your head, but you don't let it nest there. --Andy

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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Temptation of Jesus

Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:
Children will watch scenes 5-10 of the DVD “Jesus Son of God” from Nest Videos. Afterwards they will use the Additional Features option for an Adventure Quiz that covers the content learned in the movie.

Outcome Objectives

  1. Children can locate the Temptation Story in Both Matthew and Luke.
  2. Children can name the three temptations.
  3. Children understand that different gospels tell the story differently.
  4. Children are able to answer most of the questions about the story correctly.


Movie Summary:
Navigating the DVD
You will have to select the English Version to get to the main menu page.

To watch the Video, from the Main Menu select:
Chapter Access
5. The Light from Heaven

To get to the interactive quiz, from the main menu select:
Additional Features
Adventure Quiz
Select Quiz Level 1 (first) and 3 later (Quiz 2 deals with scenes 1-4 of the movie)
Select New International Version of the Bible
During the Quiz, a student can ask you to select either Review Scripture or Review Video to give a hint for the answer. Looking things up affects your score, but less than a wrong answer does. The optional final question is self-promotion of other NEST videos – skip it unless you have lots of time.

Time Management
You are only running about 15 minutes of a 30 minute DVD. However, with discussion before and after each section, the time needed to go through the main lesson is close to 30 minutes.

This video covers the Temptation story from the Gospel of Matthew. We are focusing in the other lessons on the Gospel of Luke version of the story. This is an opportunity to look at some differences between the gospels.

I generally really like this series of videos. They do a good job at researching the historical situation surrounding the story, and educating kids to the background behind the story. I really like the first part (which we’re not watching in this lesson) but am less than thrilled with the temptation narrative. Here’s why:

  • I don’t like the 40 days in the wilderness section. It shows Jesus walking all over the place and getting weaker. Very little praying and meditating. From what we know of wilderness communities such as Quumran, people going on a long term fast would find an isolated cave or overhang and stay in that one place for prayer and meditation. Jesus at the end of 40 days also doesn’t look much the worse for wear.
  • I don’t like how the devil is portrayed as utterly evil, scary, and unappealing – something between the Emperor in the Star Wars series and the Ghost of Christmas Future. You don’t have to be the Messiah to know you don’t want anything to do with this guy – any normal person wouldn’t trust him at all. The devil disguised as someone you could trust, and whose arguments make logical sense, and who you might go along with, makes a lot bigger impact. Jesus not being fooled; a Jesus who knows what a likeable tempter is up to, would make a much stronger statement about the power of Jesus.
  • The temptation of gaining all the kingdoms of the world includes an exchange not in scripture (it is not yours to give) that detracts rather than adds to the significance of the temptation. The devil shows wealth, military power, etc. to try and tempt Jesus. I would not think that any of those things would tempt any honest person. If I were writing the movie script I would say something like “think of how much better things could be run with you in charge.” That would be a temptation that would be hard for Jesus to resist.

On the other hand, the temptation for Jesus to throw himself off the pinnacle of the temple explains things well. (These are the people you are coming to save, but first they must believe… I have a plan) These words are not in scripture, but it explains the significance of this temptation; this would be a bit of showmanship in a very public place. It would get Jesus noticed.

When you preview this video, read the scripture and Bible background first and form an opinion for yourself what this story is about. Then critique the movie for yourself.

Supplies List:

  • Bibles
  • Two colors of paper cut into scripts for bookmarks – I said white and blue for the lesson, but you can substitute any color you want.
  • DVD
  • Popcorn supplies
  • Ice water and cups

Advance Preparation:

  • Read the scripture and Bible Background notes.
  • Preview the DVD, noticing where to stop and start.
  • Take quizzes 1-3 yourself and make sure you know the answers.




Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Play a quick game of “telephone.” Have children line up. If there is a large group, ask about six children to volunteer for this activity. Whisper a silly saying such as “My very elegant mother just sat upon nine porcupines” to the first person. They are to whisper the saying to the next person and so on down the line. One repeat is allowed, but then the story must be passed on. Have the last child repeat what was said. Then tell them the original saying.

Ask: What happened?

Explain that in the days of Jesus things were not often written down. Not many people could read and even fewer could write. Stories were passed by word of mouth.
Ask: If I told you a story, could you tell the story to someone else later? (Probably if it was a good story)

  • Do you think you could remember every word exactly as I told it? (Probably not)
  • Do you think I would even tell it exactly the same way? (Probably not)

Explain that this is what happened in the gospels.

Have children find Matthew 4 in their Bibles and mark it with the white bookmark
And Luke 4 and mark it with the blue.


Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Discussion Before Scene 5
[NOTE: If you are concerned about time – i.e. opening time ran long – you can skip Scene 5 completely]
Say: We know Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph. We know about shepherds and the magi and some other things that happened when he was a baby. We have one story about Jesus when he was a boy of 12 and went with his parents to the temple. Other than that, we don’t know anything about what his life was like when he was growing up or what he did before he was 30 years old and baptized by John.

  • Ask: I wonder, what do you think Jesus was like as a boy? I wonder what Jesus was like as a young man?

Explain that this first section shows imagined scenes of what Jesus was like.

Play Scene 5 “Light from Heaven”
STOP when dove descends after Jesus’ baptism and the light from heaven reappears
Discussion about what your just viewed in Scene 5

  • What was happening in that last scene? (Jesus baptized by John in the Jordan River)

Discussion Before Scene 6
Explain fasting. It consisted of eating no food for the period of the fast. Water is allowed during fasting. Some fasts allow for one simple meal after sundown (it was a very small amount and you would still be hungry, but are less likely to have serious medical problems.) Some are complete fasts with no food.

Compare the scriptures: Have half the children look at the first verse in each color. What does it say about Jesus’ fast? [White (Matthew) Jesus fasted 40 days and nights (that meant no food) Blue (Luke) 40 days. (it could mean no food, or it could mean he ate a small amount at sundown – we don’t know)]

Explain that this time without food was a time to pray and meditate about God, usually asking God for guidance for some decision that needed to be made.
Play Scene 6 “Jesus Fasts for 40 Days”
STOP when Jesus sits down by some rocks (just before devil’s hand appears)
Discussion about what your just viewed in Scene 6

  • Ask: How do you think Jesus was feeling after 40 of fasting?
  • Ask: After 40 days of praying, do you think he felt closer to God?
  • Ask: Do you think you would want to spend 40 days fasting and praying?

Explain that the season of Lent is a time that Christians set aside to fast and pray. We don’t usually stop eating all food, but we might stop eating sweets, or coffee, or fast food. When we feel a craving for those things, we are supposed to use it as a cue to turn toward God and pray. What do you think, would that work?

Discussion Before Scene 7

  • Ask: If you hadn’t eaten anything for 40 days, what is the first thing you would want to do when your fast was over?

Play Scene 7 “Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone”
STOP when Jesus is on the ground beside a tree
Discussion about what your just viewed in Scene 7

  • What was the first temptation? (turn stones into bread)
  • Why would Jesus want this? (he was hungry)
  • What did Jesus say to the tempter? (Man does not live by bread alone)
  • What does that mean? (physical things, like food, are not as important as spiritual things)

Discussion Before Scene 8

  • Ask: Do you remember any miracles or healing stories that Jesus performed?
  • Was Jesus against doing miracles? (No)

Explain that this next temptation is about a miracle. Ask the children to think about how this miracle would be different than the other miracles Jesus performed.

Play Scene 8 “Thou Shalt Not Tempt the Lord Your God”
STOP when Jesus sits on the stone blocks and the blocks begin to fade
Discussion about what your just viewed in Scene 8

  • How would this miracle have been different from the other miracles Jesus performed? (One difference is that other miracles were done to help other people – this would have been to “show off” and make himself look good)

Discussion Before Scene 9
Have half the children look up the white (Matthew) bookmark and half look up the blue (Luke) bookmark.

  • In Matthew, what is the second temptation? (pinnacle of the temple)
  • In Luke, what is the second temptation? (worship Satan, kingdoms of the world)
  • In Matthew (white) what is the third temptation? (worship Satan, kingdoms of the world)
  • In Luke (blue) what is the third temptation? (pinnacle of the temple)
  • Why do you think they got their stories in different orders? (remember telephone game)

Play Scene 9 “Worship Only the Lord”
STOP when the devil departs and Jesus puts his head in his hand
Discussion about what your just viewed in Scene 9

  • What did the devil offer Jesus in this temptation?
  • What would you do if you were king or queen of all the world?
  • What kind of king or queen would you be?
  • What kind of king do you think Jesus would have been if he’d said “yes” to this temptation?
  • Why did he say “no?” (he is a different kind of king – it’s not about power or riches; he wouldn’t worship Satan to get power – his power comes from God.)

Discussion Before Scene 10
[NOTE: If time is running short, you can skip this section entirely or simply play scene 10 without discussion]
Compare the ending of the temptation story in Matthew and Luke
Matthew has the angels waiting on Jesus. Luke does not.

Play Scene 10
STOP when Closing Credits begin



Life Application:
More detailed instructions are above under the Movie Summary.
From the Main Menu, go to the Quiz on the Features Menu.
Answer questions first from Quiz 1, then Quiz 3 (skip quiz 2 as it is about the first part of the video) Use helps as needed.

To take home/If you have extra time
A companion book came with this DVD and has reproducible games and handouts. Make copies of a couple of these pages to be used after class to reinforce the story. (Most of these are more fun than content based.)

Look up Mark’s version of the temptation (it is only a sentence!) John says nothing about this story.



A lesson originally posted by member Lisa Martin from:Trinity UCC

Pottstown, PA 


A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Jesus’ Temptation – Alone in the Desert

Video Workshop


Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the videos “Temptations In The Desert.” (Jesus: A Kingdom without Frontiers video series), “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” (Wolper Pictures, 1971) and scenes from the CBS television mini-series “Jesus” (tape one).


Scripture Reference:

Matthew 4:1-11


Memory Verse:

“It is written: Worship the Lord your God. He is the only one you should serve.” Luke 4:8

Preparation and Room Set Up:

  • Review the background information sheets and lesson materials.
  • Preview the video clips for each age group.
  • Grades 1-2 and 3-4 will first view the temptation scenes from the video “Temptations In The Desert.” (Jesus: A Kingdom without Frontiers video series). After discussion of this video, they will watch a short clip from “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” (Wolper Pictures, 1971) and discuss modern day temptations.
  • Grades 5-6 will view the temptation scenes from the CBS television mini-series “Jesus” (tape one).
  • Prepare popcorn before children arrive and have it bagged and ready to distribute so your attention can be given to the children.

Start on time!



Opening-Welcome and Introductions:

Gather the children together at the tables with their Bibles. Make sure you are wearing your nametag and the children have picked up their nametags. Welcome the children and introduce yourself. Begin the class with introductions. Remember that workshop leaders rotate often and the children may not know you.

Tell the children, today, we will learn that Jesus also faced temptations. Jesus decided to obey God rather than take the easy way out. We will also discuss ways for us to resist temptation.

Opening Prayer: Pray something like this: “Dear Father in heaven, thank you for all the people who are here to hear about Jesus. Guide us when we have temptations in our lives to be obedient to you, to make the right decisions and resist the temptations as Jesus would have. AMEN”


Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Bible Passage: Each workshop begins with the Bible passage! One of our primary is to improve the children’s Bible literacy!

Always tell the children where in the Bible the story is found. Have them locate the story in their Bibles. (refer to the teaching handout on How to Help Children Learn to Use Their Bibles) Shepherds can help with this. If children do not have their own Bibles, use the extras in the room. Encourage the children to bring their Bibles each week!

For Younger children: Read the story “Jesus is Tempted in the Desert,” on pages 295-296 of The Little Kids’ Adventure Bible. Be sure to read the Did You Know and Let’s Live It notes on those pages and discuss with the children. Make sure children understand the meaning of the words: fast and temptation.

For Older children: Tell the children that this Bible story is found in three places (Matthew, Mark and Luke). Choose either the Matthew or Luke version to read, but older children can practice locating both stories. Have the children locate the scripture and follow along as you read, or let the children take turns reading aloud. After reading the text, find the Let’s Live It note in Matthew 4:1-11 and the Did You Know note in Luke 4:4. Read these together and discuss briefly.

NOTE: Teacher, as the rotation progresses, and the children become more familiar with the Bible story, modify the way you lead this part of the lesson (allow the children to tell the story, fill in with details, add more details, and in-depth discussion depending on age group).

Discussion: Use the Background information and suggested questions for discussion to briefly discuss the Bible reading with the children. Make sure children understand the meaning of the words: fast and temptation.

Memory Verse: Have children locate the memory verse in their Bibles. (p. 296 in Little Kids’ Adventure Bible) Review the memory verse with the children. Our goal is for the children to memorize one memory verse each rotation.

“It is written: Worship the Lord your God. He is the only one you should serve.” Luke 4:8

Video – Grades 1-2, 3-4

Jesus: Kingdom without Frontiers video —Temptations In The Desert clip is about 13 minutes long.
Begin with the roaring lion and stop when Jesus says, “It is time to return to Galilee.”

Feel free to pause the video and discuss what they are watching. After the video discuss some of the following with the children:

  • How much time did Jesus spend in the desert? (40 days)
  • What happened to Jesus there? (fasted, prayed, tempted by devil)
  • What were the three temptations told in this story? (food/physical desires, power/bowing down to Satan, miracles/testing God)
  • Why did Satan tempt Jesus to turn stones into bread? (he was hungry from the fast)
  • What did Jesus mean when he said, “man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God?” (physical things are not as important as spiritual, we need to depend on God, not try to do everything on our own)
  • What did Satan show Jesus he could be in charge of? (all the kingdoms of the world)
  • What would Jesus have had to do to have that power? (worship Satan)
  • Jesus knew that only God should be worshiped and put first in his life. What types of things do we “worship” today by giving them priority in our lives and making them more important than God? (toys, TVs, money, game boys, video games, computers, etc.)
  • What are you most tempted to worship?

Say: Now we’re going to watch another short video clip about temptation that may be more familiar to us.

The Willy Wonka clip is just under 3 minutes. Five children have won the much coveted prize of a personally guided tour of the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory. But here’s the catch-- before entering, they must sign a contract agreeing not to eat anything. Talk about temptation! They are surrounded with candy on all sides! Will they be able to resist the mouth-watering temptations? One by one, each child succumbs. Augustus gives in first, but as he kneels to drink from the milk chocolate river, he falls in! Willy Wonka seems more concerned about contamination of the river than about Augustus’ safety. Being a large boy, Augustus gets stuck in a pipe, but enough pressure builds to send him rocketing into the fudge room.

Start at 1:10:02 with “This stuff is terrific.” Stop at 1:12:54 with “Like the Oompah-Lumpah doopidie do. Doopidie do.

(source: Videos that Teach by Doug Fields and Eddie James, Zondervan Publishing)

After this clip discuss some of the following with the children:

  • How much time did Jesus spend in the desert? (40 days)
  • What happened to Jesus there? (fasted, prayed, tempted by devil)
  • What were temptations told in this story?
  • What did Jesus mean when he said, “man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God?” (physical things are not as important as spiritual, we need to depend on God, not try to do everything on our own)
  • In the first video, what did Satan show Jesus he could be in charge of? (all the kingdoms of the world)
  • What would Jesus have had to do to have that power? (worship Satan)
  • In the second video what did the children put first?
  • Jesus knew that only God should be worshiped and put first in his life. What types of things do we “worship” today by giving them priority in our lives and making them more important than God? (toys, TVs, money, gameboys, video games, computers, etc.)
  • What are you most tempted to worship? What makes it so hard to resist?
  • Do you see any similarities between Willy Wonka and Satan – the way they work, how they tempt, their attitudes?
  • What happens when we are greedy and selfish?
  • Why do you think so many people are not content with what they have?
  • Sometimes too much of a good thing can be bad. Give examples.
  • Think about the first video and our Bible reading. How did Jesus respond to the temptations? (resisted them, quoted scripture, let the Holy Spirit strengthen him)
  • Who strengthened Jesus in the desert? (Holy Spirit within Jesus)
  • What else helped Jesus resist temptation? (his knowledge of the scriptures)
  • Why do you think God allowed Satan to tempt Jesus? (to test his human nature, to strengthen him and prepare him for his ministry, to give us an example to follow)
  • How can temptation be a positive or good thing? (strengthens our faith, helps us lean on God, shows us where we need to grow, helps us become better disciples)
  • What can you do to resist temptation?
  • Jesus decided to obey God rather than take the easy way out. Why do you think even Jesus had to obey God? (to fulfill his plan, to prepare for his ministry, to live a sinless life)
  • Whom should you obey? (parents, teachers, Bible, God) 

Grades 5-6 - Video

The “Jesus” (CBS mini-series) video clip is about 10 minutes long.

Begin with John the Baptist baptizing Jesus and end after the temptations with Jesus on his knees in the desert.

Discuss some of the following questions with the children:

  • (from last rotation) Who came down to Jesus when he was baptized? (Holy Spirit like a dove)
  • Who is the Holy Spirit? (God’s presence with us)
  • Where did Jesus go after being baptized by John in the River Jordan? (wilderness, desert)
  • Describe the wilderness where Jesus went. (hot, desolate, barren, rocky, hilly, located east of Jerusalem)
  • How much time did Jesus spend in the desert? (40days)
  • What happened to Jesus there? (fasted, prayed, tempted by devil)
  • What were the three temptations told in this story? (food/physical desires, power/bowing down to Satan, miracles/testing God)
  • Why did Satan tempt Jesus to turn stones into bread? (he was hungry from the fast)
  • What did Jesus mean when he said, “man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God?” (physical things are not as important as spiritual, we need to depend on God, not try to do everything on our own)
  • What did Satan show Jesus he could be in charge of? (all the kingdoms of the world)
  • What would Jesus have had to do to have that power? (worship Satan)
  • Jesus knew that only God should be worshiped and put first in his life. What types of things do we “worship” today by giving them priority in our lives and making them more important than God? (toys, TVs, money, game boys, video games, computers, etc.)
  • What are you most tempted to worship?
  • What did Satan do to try to get Jesus to jump off the pinnacle of the Temple? (quoted scripture to tell him he wouldn’t be harmed)
  • Does Satan know the Bible? (Yes, he quoted scripture, but twisted its meaning)
  • Why did Satan tempt Jesus? (tried to stop God’s plan for Jesus’ ministry)
  • How did Jesus respond to the temptations? (resisted them, quoted scripture, let the Holy Spirit strengthen him)
  • Which Old Testament book did Jesus quote scripture from when resisting the devil? (Deuteronomy)
  • Which temptation do you think was the most difficult for Jesus to resist? (no right answer, just explore their answers)
  • Who strengthened Jesus in the desert? (Holy Spirit within Jesus)
  • What else helped Jesus resist temptation? (his knowledge of the scriptures)
  • Why do you think God allowed Satan to tempt Jesus? (to test his human nature, to strengthen him and prepare him for his ministry, to give us an example to follow)
  • How can temptation be a positive or good thing? (strengthens our faith, helps us lean on God, shows us where we need to grow, helps us become better disciples)
  • What kind of temptations do you face?
  • What can you do to resist temptation?
  • Jesus decided to obey God rather than take the easy way out. Why do you think even Jesus had to obey God? (to fulfill his plan, to prepare for his ministry, to live a sinless life)
  • Whom should you obey? (parents, teachers, Bible, God)
  • Activities: Temptations of Today Scrapbook – Grades 5-6

Grades 5 and 6 will put together a “Temptations of Today” scrapbook, focusing on temptations we face today. Each child will illustrate one page for the scrapbook. This scrapbook will be on display in the Holy Word Theatre for the younger children to view. Each page should contain a temptation we face today and what one might do to resist that temptation.

Materials: Most or all materials can be found be in the supply closet or Raiders of the Lost Art Room (scissors, pens, markers, glue, paper, etc.). You can use a three ring binder or pronged portfolio to secure the scrapbook pages. Some children may want to use illustrations from old magazines. Please supply some magazines to recycle for our scrapbook. Each individual will have his/her own ideas to give each page a special uniqueness.

Reflection and Journal Time: The last 10 minutes should be reserved for Journal Reflection time. This is an opportunity for processing and reflection about what the children have learned. Ask the shepherds to pass out the journals and pencils/pens and the journal question sticker for the day. Workshop leaders and shepherds should sit down with children in small groups to facilitate discussion and writing in Faith Journals. Adults should write in journals as well. Memory verse stickers are also included for each lesson. Children may also copy the memory verse and illustrate.

Journal Questions:
Grades 1-2: Draw a picture of Jesus being tempted.
Grades 3-6: Which temptation do you think was the hardest for Jesus to resist? Why?

Memory Verse Review Sheets: If you have extra time, use the attached activities to review the rotation memory verse.


Encourage the children to come back next week for another workshop, and to invite their friends. Remind them to bring their Bibles. Ask for prayer requests and pray together.

Clean-up: Have children throw away their popcorn bags and cups. Clean out popcorn machine and sweep up any stray kernels. Put away Bibles, paper, pencils, videos, etc.

Release children only to parents, older siblings, or by prior permission of parents. Make sure children are signed out on the classroom clipboards.

A lesson posted by Jaymie Derden from: State Street UMC


A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.



Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

The Temptation of Jesus

Holywood & Vine – "Movie" Workshop
Grades K-4*

Editor: The lesson was originally K-2, but with some language adjustments it can easily stretch to 4th or 5th grade. The videos work for all.

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Watch the verses as portrayed in Matthew ("The Visual Bible”) and watch “Temptations in the Desert”

Lesson Objectives: - children will:

  1. Children will describe the account of Jesus’ temptation in the desert.
  2. Children will recognize that Jesus was tempted.
  3. Children will recognize that the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ knowledge of scripture helped him resist temptation.
  4. Children will understand that we must be obedient to God and authorities in our lives.
  5. Children will describe temptations in their lives.
  6. Children will discuss ways to resist temptation.
  7. Children will memorize Hebrews 2:18

Life Application:

To learn that Jesus was tempted like us, and even more --he was tempted to be some sort of super-hero "messiah," but instead, chose to be obedient to God's will for him.

Supply List:

  • Pastor Greg’s Bible Background
  • “Matthew – The Visual Bible” DVD ISBN 0-9674397-28. This video can be purchased on DVD or streamed via Amazon.
  • “Jesus, A Kingdom Without Frontiers” “Temptations in the Desert”    This video is now available for free on YouTube. See the video preview below.
  • TV, DVD player, Video player
  • TEV Bibles
  • Journals, colors or markers
  • Crossword puzzle sheets available if the lesson runs short and Children’s bulletins for the Sunday of the common lectionary

The video is available for free viewing at


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Please remember to introduce yourself to the students. These children interact with different theme room leaders every week so the possibly don’t know you or know your name.

  • Some of the children may be very familiar with the computer where there may be others who need extra help.
  • Please feel free to use your own ideas. This is only a guide – you are the teacher and know the students far better than I do.

Say: Before we begin, let’s say this month’s Bible verse together:
“Because Jesus himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” Hebrews 2:18 NIV

Prepare to Show the Videos

SAY: There are a couple words that we’re going to be hearing a lot today. Let’s just make sure we understand what the meaning is in scripture because one is different than the way that we are use to understanding the words:

fast - to go without food in order to devote time to prayer
tempt - to try to get someone to do something wrong, an attraction to do the
wrong thing


  • What does it mean to be tempted?
  • What kind of things are you tempted by?

SAY: Jesus has been baptized in obedience to God’s will. At his baptism the Holy Spirit descended from heaven and rested on Jesus. The Spirit did not land and gently flutter away. The Holy Spirit lingered and strengthened Jesus. And now, led by the Holy Spirit, Jesus heads to the wilderness. In Mark’s gospel, the wording is even stronger, ”the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness” (Mark 1:12). This describes not just a gentle leading, Jesus was being led by the Holy Spirit. In obedience to His Father, Jesus had been baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. Now he MUST go. Like so many of the great prophets before him, including Moses, Elijah and John the Baptist, Jesus heads to the wilderness desert to encounter the Lord.

Read or have the students take turns reading Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13 from the Bible (emphasize “angels came and helped him in Mark).

THEN watch Matthew 4:1-11 from “The Visual Bible”

Repeat verse 11 a couple times so the kids recognize what’s missing in the next video.

SAY: Now we’re going to watch an ANIMATED video about Jesus’ experience in the wilderness. There is one very important thing about Jesus experience that is not shown in this movie. See if you can pick out something from the Bible verses that is missing in the movie.

Jesus: Kingdom without Frontiers video —Temptations In The Desert clip is about 20 minutes long. Cue to right after the credits and stop at 20 (+/-) minutes after the temptation.

Feel free to pause the video and discuss what they are watching. After the video discuss some of the following with the children:

  • How much time did Jesus spend in the desert? (40 days)
  • What happened to Jesus there? (fasted, prayed, tempted by devil)
  • What were the three temptations told in this story? (food/physical desires, power/bowing down to Satan, miracles/testing God)
  • Why did Satan tempt Jesus to turn stones into bread? (he was hungry from the fast)
  • What did Jesus mean when he said, “man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God?” (physical things are not as important as spiritual, we need to depend on God, not try to do everything on our own)
  • What did Satan show Jesus he could be in charge of? (all the kingdoms of the world)
  • What would Jesus have had to do to have that power? (worship Satan)
  • Jesus knew that only God should be worshiped and put first in his life. What types of things do we “worship” today by giving them priority in our lives and making them more important than God? (toys, TVs, money, game boys, video games, computers, etc.)
  • What things are you most tempted to worship?

Final Comments:

  1. Is it a sin to be tempted? (no, this lesson is all about the fact that Jesus himself was tempted) What is a sin is when we give into our temptation to do something that we know is against what God wants us to do.
  2. Is it God who tempts us to sin? In the Bible, read James 1:12-16.

Journal Time:

  • Write or have someone help you write this month’s Bible verse in your journal.
  • Jesus spent a lot of time all by himself praying. Draw a picture of how you think Jesus looked when he was praying just before the devil began to tempt him.

A lesson plan prepared by Diane from: Augustana Lutheran Church
A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.
Adapted from another lesson at

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Christ’s Temptation

Video / Drama Workshop

Note:  This was originally posted in the drama forum, but as it begins with watching a short video clip, we've moved it to the video forum.  It's a good example of how to combine two different workshops into one when you only have a short video clip available to you.

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Instead of reading the scripture children will watch a 4 minute video clip/DVD: “The visual Bible – Matthew” –, then using attached script act out the story.

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 4: 1-11

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Preview the video.

Supplies List:

  • DVD
  • Popcorn
  • devil horns
  • 2 step ladders
  • 2 chairs
  • angel outfits
  • symbol of a dove/origami
  • rocks


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:
You will not need to read from the Bible because this video is taken directly from the Bible.

  • You will watch chapters 6 & 7
  • It will be about 4 minutes long.
  • Go to the ‘Main Menu’
  • Search by event
  • Choose chapter 6 – Baptism of Jesus
  • Before starting the movie, explain:
    • John the Baptist was sent by God to baptize people
    • He was ‘wild’ looking – had camel hair clothing, ate locusts
    • John was baptizing people in the Jordan River
    • Jesus came to him to be baptized
  • Chapter 6 starts with John washing his hands in the River (Matthew 3:13)
  • Go through chapter 7 – Temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4:12)
  • Stop the video when they say: “And angels came & attended him”
  • (If you see a man lighting a candle stick and saying: “When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison…” that is too far.)
  • This should include Matthew 3:13- 4:12. The chapter/verse notations flash on the bottom right side of your screen.

Practice: The Memory Verse

Christ’s Temptation (Matthew 4: 1-11)

Gather children together and decide who is playing what character.  Hand out copies of script and have children who require to get into a costume get ready.

Temptation of Jesus Script

Props: devil horns, 2 step ladders, 2 chairs, angel outfits, symbol of a dove/origami, rocks,

Characters: Narrator 1, 2, & 3, John, Person 1, God, Jesus, devil, 2 angels (Will be moving chairs & step stools), group (The group should be kneeling/sitting & surrounding Jesus in a large/loose circle. Each time they say ‘Do it!’ they should throw their hands towards Jesus, then bring their hands back to their bodies.)


Narrator 1: John the Baptist was baptizing people in the river.

John: Turn from your sins…turn to God.

Person 1: I confess my sins.

John: (‘Dunk’ under water & bring up) Be baptized – and be saved.

Narrator 2: John baptized Jesus also. (Jesus is ‘dunked) As soon as Jesus came out of the water, the heavens opened. The Spirit of God came down to Jesus in the form of a dove. (Dove comes to Jesus)

God: (Heard – not seen) This is my Son. I am pleased with him.

Narrator 3: After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit led him into the desert. (2 angels lead Jesus by the hand) There the devil tempted Jesus.

Narrator 1: For 40 days and 40 nights Jesus ate nothing. (Jesus crawls on the ground looking hungry/thristy)

Jesus: I am very hungry.

Devil: You want something to eat? Look at these rocks. (Point to the rocks)

Jesus: I see the rocks.

Devil: Change these rocks into loaves of bread. Then you will have food to eat. Then you can prove you are the Son of God.

Group: (Chanting) Do it! Do it! Do it!

Jesus: No! God says that bread will not feed men’s souls. God’s Word is what we need!

Narrator 2: Then, the devil took Jesus to the roof of the Temple to tempt him a second time. (Angels bring in chairs and hold them – Jesus & Devil climb up - each on a chair)

Devil: Jump off! (Devil pretends to do a ‘dive) Be free!

Jesus: From the top of this building? Are you crazy?

Group: (Chanting) Do it! Do it! Do it!

Devil: Jump! God won’t let you get hurt! His angels will keep you safe!

Jesus: No! I won’t do it! (Jesus turns & shakes his finger at the group) God says not to test Him.

Narrator 3: (Jesus & devil get off the chairs) Next, the devil took Jesus to the peak of a high mountain to tempt him a third time. (Angels bring 2 step ladders – Jesus & devil climb on)

Devil: (Move arm in an arc, to show ‘everything) Look at the world – how wonderful it is.

Jesus: Yes, God’s world is beautiful.

Devil: I will give it all to you!

Jesus: What? You will give this to me? (Move arm in an arc)

Devil: Yes! I will give it to you. Just bow down and worship me.

Group: (Chanting) Do it! Do it! Do it!

Jesus: No! Get out of here, Satan! God says to worship only God! Obey only God.

Narrator 1: Then the devil went away. (Devil leaves) God sent His angels to Jesus. They cared for him. (Angels come to Jesus and lead him off stage)

Narrator 2: The devil is sly. He tries to tempt us where we are weakest. Make us believe it is ‘OK’ to sin.

Narrator 3: But instead, we should say, ‘Get behind me Satan!’ ‘Go away!’ For we know in our hearts what God wants us to do. God wants us to follow Him in every thought, word, and deed. That is our focus. That is our goal. Amen.


Moderator notes it would be good to take a moment and reflect on the scriptures message and how it could be applied to their own lives/temptations.


End with a prayer.

A lesson written by: Rachel Haugland

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Choices, Choices (Cherub Wings) DVDChoices, Choices

Vision Video, ages 4-7, approximately 25 minutes.

Publisher Description: "You dare me to what?"-"I'm not sure I should watch this!"-"I don't think that's a good idea!" Every day we are faced with choices, new experiences, dares, and even temptation. How can I make the right choice? Join Cherub, Chubby, and new friend Cheery as they discover that God's guidance through the Bible is the safest and best way to go! 

This episode is broken down into the following segments:

  • "The Temptation in the Wilderness": an animated presentation of Jesus' triumph over Satan.
  • "God Knows Best" and "Help Me Be Careful": two visualized kid-music videos.
  • "Lester's Choice": a comical lesson on the importance of obedience.
  • "Whatever's True": a lively memory song.


Last edited by Luanne Payne

Hi Cathy,

We don't typically give out vendor info as that would make us look like we were siding with a particular source. (Equal opportunity for all vendors!) Try using your favorite web search engine  -- Notice how I'm being careful not to name any one particular search engine...

-- Carol


"Jesus, The Son of God" from Nest Videos

Only the second half - covers the story of Jesus' Temptation.  (If you include chapter 5 as your intro, you'll run 13:15 mins, if you start at chapter 6 you'll run 11:06 mins.)
The first half (4 chapters)  covers the Boy Jesus in the Temple.

Outline: Jesus, Son of God (Nest) DVD:
The following are the DVD's chapters pertaining to the Temptation story.

5 - The Light of Heaven (Optional)  [Starts at 11:07]
Song: The Light of Heaven plays and during the song you see Jesus growing from a child to an adult, ending after a glimpse of his baptism. Could use as your intro.

6 - Jesus Fasts 40 Days  [Starts at 13:46]
Jesus goes off by himself and during this time he does not speak, you see him walking about, praying (fasting as you never see him eat), and getting slowly weaker.

7 - Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone
The beginning of the temptations and the conversations between Jesus and Satan.  Here Satan tempts Jesus to turn stone to bread.

8 - Thou Shalt Not Tempt the Lord
Jesus now finds himself in Jerusalem atop the temple and Satan tempts Jesus to jump off.

9 - Worship Only The Lord
Jesus now finds himself high upon a mountain.  Satan throws up a cyclone and shows Jesus all the things he can be lord over: vineyards, thrones, Kings, power. All Jesus has to do is to fall down and worship Satan.

10 - Angels Minister to Jesus
Angels descend and surround Jesus, the bring him baskets of food, a tear escapes Jesus.  Ends saying Jesus returns to Galilee with the power of the spirit.

11 - Closing Credits  [Starts at 24:22]

There is a 64-page activity book for this DVD, free download at Nest's website. It's divided into two levels.  Level 1 for younger children (Jesus as a Child) and Level 2 for older children covers the Temptation story.

Quizzes on DVD (suggest skip Clip questions, last question in each quiz). I have a large remote that we pass around so everyone can take turns using it during the quiz time.

Quiz 1  – Temptation Story (Samuel Child Clip).
Quiz 2  – some temptation questions, mostly Jesus Child (Other Joseph Clip).
Quiz 3  – Temptation Story
(Greatest is The Least Video Clip).

Last edited by Luanne Payne

DVD - “Jesus in the Wilderness” (New Superbook Series)

When Chris is tempted to play a violent video game that his parents have prohibited, Superbook takes him, Joy and Gizmo back in time to meet Jesus at age twelve, in the Jerusalem Temple, and then as an adult, as Satan tempted Him in the wilderness. Chris watches as Jesus fights Satan's temptations with God's Word and Chris takes a deeper interest in reading the Bible upon returning home.

Lesson: When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure. (Animated - approx. 28 mins)

See reviews of the "New Superbook" DVD Series for more details on this series link.

Illustrations of the Temptation of Jesus from the Annie Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection


In Matthew 4:1-11, the devil tempts Jesus in the wilderness: "Turn these stones into bread."


Jesus responds to the temptation in the wilderness by telling Satan to go away.

Link to a larger and higher resolution version of these illustrations and a color background option in our Vallotton Bible Images Forum (Supporting Membership required,  get one today). Copyright and usage information here.


Images (2)
  • Temptation-Wilderness-Matt4-Vallotton
  • Temptation-Wilderness-Vallotton-1
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