
Video, A-V Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching Palm Sunday in Sunday School.

Post your Sunday School video, A-V lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for Palm Sunday here.

  • Please include a scripture reference, supply lists, sources, suggested age range. age modification, etc. 
  • Photos are much appreciated!  Click "attachments" and upload to your post.
  • Please be careful not to post copyrighted materials. Excerpting and paraphrasing is okay. Include attribution.


Including: Palms, Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Bethany, Parade, Caiaphas, Annas, donkey, rocks and stones, and related. Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, John 12:12-19, Zechariah 9:9, etc., etc.
Bible lessons for Palm Sunday -with video, audio-visual, movie, video-tape, animated Bible, etc.

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Jesus Christ Superstar

Jesus Christ Superstar has an awesome Palm Sunday scene.
-Hosanna Hey
-Tell the Rabble to be quiet.

Supporting members can see my "updated guide" to the movie, with discussion questions, at:

<>< Neil

Last edited by Luanne Payne

"Palm Sunday Comparisons"
A Video Workshop Lesson Plan for Older Children

Summary:  Students will do a Bible Study comparing the Gospels. Then watch three different video clips from: “The Easter Story” (Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible),  “Jesus Christ Superstar” and “The Visual Bible: Matthew”. You can adapt to one or two as needed.

NOTE: Many if not all of these can be found online either for free on YouTube or downloaded/streamed from services like Amazon.

Introduce the Lesson:
Say: This month we are learning about one of the first events of Holy Week, which is the week before Jesus died on the cross then rose from his tomb. This month we are talking about Palm Sunday, the day that Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. Holy Week is the week before Easter; Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week and Easter Sunday is the last day.

Background to Share:

  • Jesus had been teaching and healing people for three years. It was nearing the time of Passover, the celebration of Moses leading the Hebrew people out of Egypt. Jesus and his disciples were going to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration there.
  • Passover was an annual Jewish holiday celebrating how God had freed the people from slavery in Egypt. What is kind of ironic is that the people in Jesus’ days were celebrating freedom from Egypt but they lived under the oppressive rule of the Romans.

Study Activity: Compare the Gospels
Tell the kids that you are going to read the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in all four Gospels to see how the four versions of the same story differ. Then you are going to watch the “Palm Sunday” scene from three different movies about Jesus to see which, if any, of the Bible stories they match.

  • Have the children take out their Bibles. Beginning with Matthew 21:1-11, read all four passages about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
  • For each passage, write the keys elements of the story, and how it is the same or different from the other versions, on the prepared chart (large paper on easel).

Refer to the Matthew list here for points to include on your chart; add other differences and/or similarities in the passages that you and the kids identify.

Matthew 21:1-11

  • Jesus sent two Disciples to get a donkey and her colt (v. 2)
  • Quotes the prophecy from Zechariah that Jesus would arrive on a donkey
  • Seems to say Jesus rode on both the donkey and the colt ( v. 7)
  • The crowd spread cloaks on the road and also branches from trees (v. 8)
  • Crowd shouts “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” (v. 9)

Mark 11:1-10

  • Jesus sent two Disciples to get a colt (v. 2)
  • The crowd spread cloaks on the road and leafy branches they cut in the fields (v. 8)
  • No mention of the prophecy that Jesus would arrive on a donkey
  • Crowd shouts “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” (v. 9)

Luke 19:28-44

  • Jesus sent two Disciples to get a colt (v. 30)
  • Crowd spread cloaks on the road (v. 36) but no mention of palms or other branches
  • Describes the Disciples shouting, praising God, but not the crowd (v. 37)
  • No mention of crowd shouting “Hosanna!” – crowd calls Jesus “King” (v.38)
  • No mention of the prophecy that Jesus would arrive on a donkey
  • Pharisees told Jesus to order his Disciples to be quiet; Jesus replied that then the “stones would shout out.”

John 12:12-19

  • Jesus found the donkey (he didn’t send the Disciples to get it; v. 14)
  • Only passage that specifically states the crowd waved palm tree branches (v. 13)
  • Crowd shouts “Hosanna!” and calls Jesus “King of Israel” (v. 13)
  • Refers to prophecy that Jesus would arrive on a donkey

Show the Videos:

Watch the Videos listed below and compare the three different video clips as described below. Pass out popcorn and napkins.

  • Talk briefly about each scene after you watch it.
  • What did the kids notice? Is there anything they didn’t understand?
  • Is the scene similar or different from the Bible passages (refer to the chart from your discussion)? See specific scene notes, below.

Video Clip 1: “The Easter Story, Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible”

  • Told through the eyes of the Apostle Mark, so look for similarities and differences to the passage from Mark 11.
  • This DVD has no scene selection. From Main Menu, select “Play Story” and then manually advance until you see the scene panning across Jerusalem. (If you can’t get to the right scene, you can play the DVD from the beginning; it’ll just take a few minutes longer.)
  • Stop the DVD when the two Pharisee priests leave to go tell Caiaphas (when one of them says, “Somebody had better keep an eye on him."

Video Clip 2: “Jesus Christ Superstar”

  • Jesus Christ Superstar was first staged as a play on Broadway in 1971. This play was made into a movie in 1973. In both the play and the movie, the characters sing most of their lines. This format is called an opera. Because the format of the music was rock and roll, it was called a rock opera.
  • From the Menu, select Scenes, then select Scene 4 Everything’s Alright. When the scene begins, advance manually until you see a scene with birds flying in blue sky.
  • Point out Caiaphas in the early part of the scene (wearing black robes and big, round black hat). Caiaphas was the chief religious official for the Jewish people.
  • Stop the video when the scene shifts to arid desert (after Jesus walks to the top of the rock to speak to the people).
  • Ask: Why did the Pharisees (guys in black robes on scaffolding) say Jesus was “dangerous” and “a problem”? (If the Romans thought Jesus was taking power from the Pharisees, the Romans would boot out the Pharisees and take direct control of Jerusalem.)
  • Ask: Why did Caiaphas want Jesus to quiet the crowds? (Caiaphas wanted Jesus to stop the crowds. Caiaphas and the Pharisees considered their acknowledgment of Jesus as king would be going against Herod, who was the Roman ruler. They were afraid of the Romans.)

Video Clip 3: "The Visual Bible: Matthew"

  • This movie is based on the NIV of Matthew.
  • Insert disc 2 into DVD player. Select Search by Event, and then select Scenes 61-66. Select The Triumphal Entry to play.
  • Stop the video when the priest (guy in black robe and striped head cloth) is walking down the columned passageway. (If you get to the scene where Jesus enters the temple you’ve gone too far.)



  • What does “Hosanna” mean? (“Save us")
  • Why did the people shouted “Hosanna”? (They wanted to be saved from the Romans, who ruled over the Jewish people and Jerusalem at that time.)
  • “Did Jesus come to save them from the Romans?” (No)
  • Did Jesus turn out to be the kind of king that the people expected? (No)
  • The people were expecting a warrior type of king. Jesus saved the people in a way that they didn’t expect – by dying on the cross Jesus saves all of us from our sins.
  • What kind of king was Jesus? (Allow all answers – looking for words like humble, peaceful)
  • What sort of mistaken beliefs do people have about Jesus today?

Close with a prayer.

Pass out some smooth stones and finepoint permanent markers. ("River" stones can be purchased in many plant stores). On the bottom of each stone, have students write THEIR NAME and the word SHOUT IT OUT LOUD! or similar.
Pile the stones and place hands on them during a prayer that each of us would learn to show others we follow Jesus Christ with our words and actions. Ask God to turn us from stones to disciples

More Life Application:
(added by Wormy)

How do YOU "shout Hosanna" in the way you act towards others in church, in class, at school, to strangers?

Where are people probably "too quiet about" or "too embarrassed to show" your faith? and why?

What could you ask Jesus to do for you that would turn you from a STONE about your faith to a faithful disciple?

A lesson written by member Bravo5 and updated by the Content Team

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Psalm Sunday 4 min.

Trinity Cheltenham Church in the UK used the figures and scenery from "Bible Paper Toys" created by Didier Martin to create a really fun short video on Palm Sunday.  The intro starts with four hands (palms) talking about Palm Sunday - very funny!

Palm Weekend from Trinity Cheltenham on YouTube

You will find more information on how others have used a Diorama Workshop here (which includes a post with info on Didier Martin's - "Bible Paper Toys").

Last edited by Luanne Payne

"The Story of Easter ~ Triumphal Entry"

--a three-minute "video short" from Saddleback Kids on YouTube would be good as an introduction to a Bible study or children's sermon. Nicely done but without any explanation of significance or "so what."  they also have one for Last SupperCross and Resurrection.

Good for younger children.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

In 2021, Crossroads Kids Club released a longer version of the God's Story: Palm Sunday video seen in the post above this one. This extended version was also edited for "at home" use during the pandemic, but works for in-church use too.

This longer version says it's for "younger" kids but it works for up to 4th or 5th.

The following short YouTube clip comes from the Son of God (2014) movie. What makes it special is how it shows through Peter's eyes the "danger" present at Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

The following is an excerpt from's Detailed Outline to the Son of God movie (available to Supporting Members of Join today!).

This excerpt from the outline lists the scenes immediately before and after the one shown in the video above. Those scenes deal with similar subject matter:  who is Jesus, what kind of messiah is he going to be, what people think about him, what the dangers are, and who opposes him.

Scene 14: (approx. 3 minutes)
1. Jesus visits Nazareth, comes home to his mother Mary (remind kids who this is and where)
2. Jesus reads from Isaiah in his hometown synagogue, “today, this scripture is fulfilled”
3. Pharisee confronts Jesus and accuse him or healing by demons
4. Jesus says to Peter, “Turn the other cheek” Question: Jesus declares that he fulfills the prophecy of the One who would come to save. Why did the Pharisee argue with Jesus? Why can’t they see that Jesus is the One? What is Jesus’ response to those who hate him?

Scene 15: (approx. 1 minute)
1. Jesus and the disciples remember John the Baptist (who has been killed) Question: What does Jesus say about John the Baptist?

Scene 16: (approx. 3 minutes)
1. Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem (Remind kids that this is the “Palm Sunday” scene)
2. Barabbas the zealot appeals to Jesus to “save us” Question: Jesus is riding a donkey, which is the sign of a King (from Zechariah). What question does Barabbas ask Jesus? And what answer is he given? (“we come in peace”) (Note: this encounter is not in scripture.)

Scene 17: (approx. 1 minute)
1. Nicodemus and Caiaphas speak again about Jesus.
2. Pilate hears about Jesus 3. Judas visits a Roman soldier. He’s worried things are getting out of control. Question: What do you think Nicodemus meant when he said, “There is something unusual about him”?

Scene 18: (approx. 4 minutes)
1. Jesus cleanses the Temple
2. Jesus is challenged by Nicodemus, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s”
3. Caiaphas sends Malchus to speak to Judas Question: What in the Temple was Jesus upset about

Here are two music videos from DG Bible Songs with song and animation.

The first is "Hosanna" sung in a contemporary kids' style that retells the story of Palm Sunday and includes life applying lyrics.

Let us be thankful, rejoice and bow down,
Jesus Messiah is back in the town!

Come now! Chant and shout out „Hosanna!”
To the One Who’s coming,
Praise Him with the soul and the heart beat,
Grateful and happy!
And lay our lives before Him forevermore!

This second video, Jesus Superhero  is a another catchy animated song by DG Bible Songs sung by George Horga Jr. (American Idol, rising star) in a 2020's pop style.

The song lyrics and animation are a good fit for the celebration theme of Palm Sunday.

The full lyrics are found on its YouTube page in the descriptions, as are links to the DG website where you can buy the music/instrumental and graphics. You can also find a listing of all their videos and related resources at  Varying styles of music. Some of their videos are for very young children.

Jesus has calmed the stormy waves
And stepped on water
He is the One who saves
Let's shout it louder
My Lord, with You we will start this road, yeah!

Great were His miracles and fame
And everybody has heard about His name
Let's sing together again
That nobody's greater than Him (Yeah!)
Jesus, I will follow you

Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

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