
This thread is for posting Video and A-V Workshop lessons, ideas, and resources for teaching "About" the Bible.

Please include the full title name, and original publisher.

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We used "God's Story -- From Creation to Eternity" which I found from a missionary group on the internet. It's theme is that the Bible is one continuous story about God's love. It's on VCD which does not play on all DVD players, so you need to check yours first. It is beautifully animated and is appropriate for preschool through adult. I no longer have the name of the missionary group but you can probably find the movie using google.


Moderator adds: video is 80 minutes, DVD can be ordered. Link to The God's Story Project website

Last edited by Luanne Payne


Another suggestion for a video would be the Torchlighters Series: William Tyndale. As we do a "how the Bible came to be" Rotation, our video center will focus on heroes of the past who risked their lives to translate the Bible into English! This seems to be a good animated video and also includes an "adult" video on the DVD for adult Sunday School Classes.

Linda Stoker, Lenexa United Methodist Church

Moderator adds: site has a free downloadable leader guide and matching student guide (workbook), for the video. Click on curriculum - all the different video are listed student guides first, then below them are the leader guides.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

"Long Story Short",

a stage presentation recorded on dvd and sold through Willow Creek (link removed no longer active) is an excellent telling of God's whole story. It's suitable for all ages but is long and may be best kept for a special occasion or broken into two classes or more.

Centerpoint Kids (15 mins each)

Youtube Long Story Short - Old Testament Rewind Part 1

Youtube Long Story Short - Old Testament Rewind Part 2

Liquid Kids (27 mins)

Youtube Long Story Short - New Testament Rewind

Last edited by Luanne Payne

What's in the Bible? DVD #1 Genesis

  • Begins with an overview of the importance of the Bible
  • Describes the "One Big Story" of God and what he's done for us.
  • Introduces the Books of the Bible
  • What's a Testament?
  • Who wrote it?

and then introduces the kids to the first 11 stories in the Bible.

Supporting members see here for Neil's downloadable guide of this video. Moderator fixed link.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

For Older Children & Teens

Free online videos from the Australian Bible Society

An Aussie Teen talks about being a Christian and reading the Bible.

The Bible helps me live my life and deal with the stuff I'm going through.

Titled: "What's a Samaritan?"...but not really about the parable.

Look for the videos in the Biblesociety/ website. Moderator update: it no longer appears to be on the website.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Video Workshop

Story: The Bible

Summary:  uses the DVD "The Amazing Book".

Materials List:

  • Bibles
  • Pencils, crayons, markers, paper, scissors
  • DVD of “The Amazing Bible Series: The Amazing Book” (Bridgestone Multimedia Group)--approximately 25 minute animated video (095163916831 -3 disk set).
  • DVD Player
  • Worksheet (see next post)
  • Pencils

Advance Preparation:

  • Refer to schedule and decide how you will make adjustments for the different ages.
  • Print out copies of the worksheet from end of lesson—one per student
  • Have the DVD set up and ready to go before class starts. You don’t want to discover in the middle of class that you don’t know how to get the DVD going!!
  • Review Bible Background notes.
  • Pray for the children and for your teaching of the lesson.

Lesson Plan


  1. Introduce yourself to the students.
  2. Introduce the day’s story/station and the main learning purpose: Our rotation is about the Bible—how it came to be and what is in it. We will be watching a DVD about the Bible in the Video Station.
  3. Open with a prayer.


Introduction & Bible Story:
Please make sure that the students hear and “get” the Bible story as well as the application of that story to their lives. The Bible story is the MOST important part of the lesson—it is much more important than the activity associated with this station!

SAY: We’ll be watching a video about an amazing book—the Bible. (Hold up a copy of the Bible). There are a few hings that I wanted to tell you that are NOT mentioned in the video.

  • Who wrote the Bible? A number of different men wrote parts of the Bible—Moses, David, Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, etc. But they aren’t REALLY the authors of the Bible. The author of the Bible is GOD. He guided these men to write exactly what He wanted them to.
  • Because God is the author of the Bible, there are no errors--everything in the Bible is true.
  • God helped the church to know exactly which books to include in the Bible.
  • God the Holy Spirit helps us to understand the Bible when we read and hear it.


Hand out worksheets and pencils to the class. Say: While you are watching the video, I want you to look for the answers to these questions and write them down. Quickly read the questions before starting the video. For non-readers, you could either pair them up with an older student or guide OR you could assign each one a different thing to look for in the video.

Show the video—it is 25 minutes long, so there won’t be a lot of time afterwards for discussion.


Go over the worksheet after the video. Here are some answers/discussion points to cover:

  • Numerous stories that could be listed
  • There are 66 books in the Bible
  • There are 39 books in the Old Testament.
  • There are 27 books in the New Testament
  • Webster: all necessary rules----------the Bible shows us what God wants us to do
  • Lincoln: best gift------------God gave us this book so that we would know about Him
  • HIS STORY---------the entire Bible is about Jesus. The Old Testament shows how much we need a Savior and has many promises about the coming Savior. The New Testament shows us how God kept His promise of a Savior when Jesus came to earth and died on the cross for us.
  • Letter of love--------------the Bible is all about how much God loves us and what He has done for us.
  • Any answer

Closing Prayer:

Age Adaptations

  • Older students (Grades 3-6): None
  • Younger students (PreK - Grade 2): see lesson for comments about non-readers
  • PreSchool students: We do not have a separate class for them—they are a part of the younger class (PreK – 2nd grade). Following are a few suggestions IF you have a PreK student in your class:
    • You might want to assign one of the older students (2nd graders) to be the PreK child’s “buddy” and help them with the various activities.
    • They may also need more assistance from you or the guide, even if they have a “buddy”.

St. John Lutheran Church 2012

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

“The Amazing Book” Worksheet

1. List several Bible stories mentioned in the video?

2. How many books are in the entire Bible? _____________

3. How many books are in the Old Testament? _____________

4. How many books are in the New Testament? _____________

5. Webster (the man who wrote the dictionary) said that

the Bible contains “all necessary ________________”

6. Abraham Lincoln said that the Bible was “the best ______________ God has given to men”

7. The Bible isn’t just His-tory, it is HIS STORY.

Who is the Bible about? _______________

8. The song says that the Bible “Is more than ink and paper. It’s more

than something to read. It’s a letter of ______________ from up above.”

9. What do you like most about the Bible?

Chapters 1 and 2 in Episode 1 of the Exodus DVD (#2) from the “What’s in the Bible?” Series have a bunch of kid-friendly content about “Who picked/decided on the books of the Bible.”

Supporting members can read’s outline of the entire DVD here: Exodus-Guide.pdf

Last edited by Luanne Payne

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