
Video, A-V Lessons, Ideas, and Activities for Teaching the Story of Joseph in Sunday School

Post your videos suggestions, lessons, and ideas for teaching the story of Joseph.

Joseph, Egypt, Pharaoh, Joseph's Brothers, Coat of Many Colors, Well, Potiphar, Dreams, etc.
Bible lessons and ideas about Joseph -with video, audio-visual, movie, video, animated Bible.

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Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Nest-Joseph-DVDThe children will learn the story of Joseph from his colored coat to being appointed Ruler in Egypt by watching the excellent "Joseph in Egypt" video from Nest Entertainment followed by questions/discussion.

Note: Nest sells two Joseph DVDs:  Joseph in Egypt (how he got there) and Joseph's Reunion (with his brothers). This lesson uses Joseph in Egypt.

See a preview of this DVD on YouTube.

Scripture Reference:

Genesis 37:36, Genesis 39:1-23, Genesis 40:1-22, & Genesis 41:1-45

Post the two Bible memory verses (Psalm 46:1 and Psalm 9:10); the children should already have their own copies. Repeat these two verses with the class before beginning to teach the lesson.

Preparation and Supplies:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Have the video ready to go.
  • Pop the popcorn
  • "Joseph in Egypt" by Nest Family
  • Popcorn


Opening and Story

Welcome the children and their guide(s) to the workshop, introduce yourself, and open in prayer.

Give a brief review, asking for children to volunteer what they remember of the various parts of the story before you show the video.

WRITE on the Board several "Questions to Answer" and "Things to Look for" in the video. (get your questions from the discussion questions below).

Watch the Video

Show the video Animated Stories: Joseph in Egypt by Nest Entertainment (1990).

Discussion possibilities:

  1. Did the video differ from the Biblical story of Joseph, and if so, tell how.
  2. In what ways did you see that God was present with Joseph both as a youth in Jacob’s household and as a young man in Egypt.
  3. How did the events of Joseph’s life help prepare him to be a ruler in Egypt?
  4. How did Joseph “give God the glory” in Egypt?
  5. How was Joseph humble in his attitudes and actions, and what was the consequence of this humility?
  6. What does “pride” mean to you?
  7. What does “humility” mean to you?
  8. Why do you think God values humility?


End with a large circle of prayer. Remind children that next week we start a new rotation, and during that time we will be continuing the story of Joseph when we watch the video "Joseph's Reunion.

NOTE:  We do our video workshop all together on the last Sunday of rotation, serving popcorn with the video. Sometimes we add a “games” section at this time; we also precede and follow the video with a brief discussion. We have a drawing for “attendance prizes”. Each week of rotation the children put their names on tickets that are saved for the fourth Sunday, when there is a drawing for prizes. Sometimes we also add a missionary story feature to the video Sunday to teach about the places that our Sunday school offering is used (it’s all used in missions).

A Sunday School lesson written by member "lerner" from: Silverdale UMC
Silverdale, WA

Additional Resources:

DVD Chapter Index  & Timings  - Joseph in Egypt

  1. The Pharaoh's Dream  (0:00)
  2. Wise Men and Magicians  (3:32)
  3. the Hebrew Interpreter  (4:57)
  4. Joseph is Sold as a Slave  (6:34)
  5. "Look at Me"  (9:30)
  6. Betrayed by Potiphar's Wife  (11:30)
  7. Joseph is Favored by Prison Keeper  (14:16)
  8. Butler and Baker's Dreams Interpreted  (16:50)
  9. Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dream  (18:53)
    Song (21:32)
  10. Joseph is Appointed Ruler Over All the Land of Egypt  (22:26)
  11. Credits


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Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Joseph in Canaan

Video WorkshopJoseph-Technicolor-Dreamcoat-DVD

Summary of Lesson Activities:

The children will learn the beginning story of Joseph, from his colored coat to being sold to slave traders. We will watch and discuss a portion of the video "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"  based on the story and discuss differences with the account in the Bible.  They will discuss how God was with Joseph, just as He is with us today.

Scripture Reference:

Genesis 37:1-36; 39:1-6b

Memory Verse: Romans 8:28a

Key Concepts and Life Application

The children will:

  1. Identify Genesis as the first book in the Old Testament; locating the story in Genesis
  2. Retell the story in their own words – identifying story characters and their feelings.
  3. Explain how jealousy erupted in Joseph’s family. Learn how feelings can separate us from family and friends.
  4. Learn that each of us is a favorite in the eyes of God.
  5. Understand that God loves us and is never separated from us, no matter what happens.

Preparation and Supplies:

  • Whiteboard marker and eraser
  • Bibles – minimally one for every two children.
  • DVD: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Universal, 2000
  • Popcorn (extra bag if doing filler, see Adaptations)

Advanced Preparation Requirements:

  • Prepare the popcorn and fill pitcher of water.
  • Cue the DVD to Ch 4 “Joseph and Sons” song.
  • You need at least one Bible for every two children.



Greet the children and introduce yourself. Tell them what they will be learning today.
We are learning (continuing to learn) about the story of Joseph and about how he was the only one in his family to receive a fancy coat from his father. We’ll also look at how his brothers reacted. Today we’re going to watch a video about this story.
First, let’s begin with prayer.
A suggestion: “Dear God, Thank you for this day. Thank you for sending Jesus to always be with us. We feel comforted when we remember you always love us. (End with the Lord’s Prayer) Amen.”

DO:    Show the box the video came in.
ASK:   Has anyone ever seen this video, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat?
SAY:   This video tells a Bible story.
ASK:   What can you tell me about the story of Joseph?

See how much of the story your group knows.
DO:    On the white board easel, draw words and symbols to represent the different parts of the story as they are offered. At this time, don’t fill in any left out portions of the story.

Scripture: Where in the Bible?

ASK:   Do you know where in the Bible would we find this story? In the Old Testament; in Genesis.
SAY:   The Old Testament includes stories that happened before Jesus was born. In fact, Jesus would have learned this story when he was your age.
ASK:   We find our story in the first book of the Old Testament. Does anyone know what the first book of the Old Testament is? Genesis

DO:   Distribute Bibles. One to every two children is fine.
SAY:  We say that the book of Genesis is part of a collection of Bible books called “Law.” Law books include the first five books of the Bible. They are called the books of Law because they include the commandments or laws that God revealed to his people.
When we watch our video we’re going to be checking to see how well it tells the story from the Bible. So let’s find our story in Genesis.

DO:   Have them find Genesis, chapter 37.
SAY:  This is a long story. In order to have enough time to watch our video, we are just going to read parts from the Bible. I encourage all of you to read this story at home this week. It covers all of chapter 37 and the first part of chapter 39.
Based on how much of the story the students knew, read only the portions that were missed, interspersed with reiterating what the students have told you (referring to what was written on the white board). Just going over the highlights may be sufficient.

Collect bibles when done.

Highlights If needed, read referenced scripture.

  • In our story, Jacob is the father. He has 12 sons and one daughter.
  • Jacob (who was also called Israel) lived in the land of Canaan.
  • Jacob’s favorite son was Joseph. Jacob gave Joseph a beautiful coat. (Genesis 37:3-4)
  • Joseph had a dream that made his brother’s angry with him.(Genesis 37:6-8)
  • Joseph had another dream that made his father wonder what it meant(Genesis 37:9-11)
  • One day Jacob asked Joseph to check on his brothers who were grazing the sheep some distance away. So, Joseph went to find his brothers. His brothers saw him coming – it must have been because of the colorful coat. (Genesis 37:19-20)
  • Reuben, the oldest brother, suggested throwing Joseph into a pit. Reuben was thinking what he would secretly rescue Joseph.
  • So the brothers took Joseph’s coat and threw him into a pit.
  • Then the brothers calmly had some supper! And they saw some traders coming who were on their way to Egypt.
  • The brothers sold Joseph to the traders. (Genesis 37:28)
  • Joseph’s brothers killed a goat and dipped Joseph’s fancy coat in its blood. They took the coat to their father who recognized it as Joseph’s coat. Jacob was very sad for a long time.
  • Meanwhile, Joseph was sold in Egypt. (Genesis 37:36)

Watch the Video

SAY:   There is a bit more to our story but let’s watch the video. Note that this video pretends that the story is a play – actually an opera because everything is sung – that is being performed for a school program. There is a Narrator that helps tell the story; this is a woman with blond hair.

START  at Ch 4 (Previously cued) Point out Narrator and Jacob without stopping video. The women with the funny hats are all of his wives.
PAUSE  at 13.24 Song ends with “…and blue!” and the screen turns blue.


  • What can you tell about Jacob and his sons?
  • Which son does Jacob love the most? (Joseph)
  • What does jealousy mean? Feeling unhappy because of another person’s possessions or advantage
  • Tell me about a time when you felt jealous?
  • What did you do about your feelings of jealousy?
  • Why do you suppose Jacob (the father) played favorites and gave only Joseph a special coat?
    (Allow all responses)

SAY:  Jacob had four wives but the Bible tells us that Rachel was his favorite.
One of the things we learn about Joseph is that he has interesting dreams.

  • Does anyone remember from the Bible story, what Joseph’s first dream is about?
    (His brothers’ wheat bowing down to him- if necessary refer to Genesis 37:6-7)

PLAY  Ch 5 Jacob tosses one of his son’s a shepherd’s staff.
PAUSE  16.22 “Dreamer has to go.” Next scene shows Narrator walking in sand dunes.


  • What are the two dreams? Brother’s sheaths of wheat bow to Joseph’s; brother’s stars bow to Joseph’s.
  • How did Joseph share his dreams? What was his attitude? He was bragging about his dreams. He thought they meant big things were coming for him.

In the Bible, is doesn’t say that Joseph bragged. Most movies show it that way because that’s what we imagine happened. But we really don’t know.

  • How did the brothers react? Accept answers.
  • How would you have felt? Accept answers.

PLAY Ch 6 Narrator is walking in sand dunes.
STOP   24:31 End of song. “die”


  • What do the brothers do when Joseph shows up? (Plan to kill Joseph.)
  • What causes them to change their mind? (They see Ishmaelite traders and sell him to them.)
  • What do they do to Joseph’s coat?   (Rip it and dip it in blood.)

So the lies begin. They sell Joseph as a slave and then plot to tell their father Jacob that he died

  • Based on the movie, do you think they were sad?
  • Based on the Bible, do you think they were sad?
  • How do you think Joseph is feeling right now?
  • How do you think Jacob is feeling?

You may never have felt like you didn’t know what was going to happen to you, but no matter what, know that God is with you. God was with Joseph. Listen to this…
Refer to the key Bible verse on the bulletin board. Have students say it with you:
"We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him." Romans 8:28a (NIV)

That little “a” after the 28 means that we stop reading after the first sentence in that is in verse 28.  Have students say the verse again.

Things don’t look very good for Joseph right now – his brothers have sold him as a slave and his father thinks that he’s dead. All his life Joseph has been told that he is special, that God has a plan for him.

  • Do you suppose that Joseph is wondering what God’s plan is at this point?
  • Have you ever felt like you were in a desperate situation? (Allow any replies)
  • Who can tell us about a time when you wondered what God’s plan was for you?
  • Do you suppose Joseph is feeling pretty desperate?

All his life Joseph has been told that he is special, that God has a plan for him.
Read to them Genesis 39:2a. "The Lord was with Joseph. He gave him great success." (NIRV)


SAY: Because I know the ending of this story, I can tell you that this story of Joseph teaches us how to deal with difficulty in our lives. Always remember that God loves you and is always with you no matter what.

May close in prayer.


Filler Time (if needed):
Pass the Popcorn, Please
Review the Bible Verse, Romans 8:28, with the children. Say a phrase, have them repeat it. Do this a few times. Then have children stand in a circle. Give the bag of popcorn to one child. That child says the first word of the verse, takes one piece of popcorn and passes the box to the next child. Second child says second word, and so on until the verse is completed. The child who is next in the circle gets to say the entire verse. Children continue passing popcorn and saying the verse.


  • The “Overview” and “1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade DVD” portion of this lesson were obtained from:
    Hulbert, Carol. "Joseph’s Coat: Video Workshop." Jan. 2010. Copyright 2010, First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • The remaining portion of this lesson was written by Ann L. Wright, Children’s Ministry Director, Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC,

  • MacQueen, Neil. "A Brief Introduction to Teaching with Video.” 1) Use the PAUSE button at key places. It's your most powerful "video" teaching tool, not only to make sure they get it, but to give their brains time to process what they've just seen before they move on. Some kid’s videos are breathless in pace. 2) Don't be afraid to view an important scene a second time. Kids (and adults) watch movies over and over all the time. Point out facial expressions, reactions, things happening in the background, etc.

    A lesson written by Ann Wright from Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church
    Raleigh, NC

    A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


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  • Joseph-Technicolor-Dreamcoat-DVD
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Joseph in Egypt

Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

The children will learn the story of Joseph, from his imprisonment to reunion with his father. We will watch and discuss a portion of the video "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"  based on the story with questions/discussion.


Genesis 37:19-23; 40-46

Lesson Objective(s):

In this workshop, the learners will finish watching the video of Joseph’s story.

Preparation and Supplies:

  • Watch the video ahead of time.
  • Become familiar with the lesson and where to stop, pause, and fast forward the video.
  • “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” video from Universal
  • Popcorn

Before Class Starts

  • Have the video ready to go when the children arrive. [Cue to where Joseph is in the cage. There are white and black circles on the floor and he begins singing.]



Greet the children and introduce yourself. Remember that you are interacting with a different group of students each week—some may not know you.

Explain that they are going to see a musical about the Bible story of Joseph.


Prior to showing the video, share key concepts and ideas. Write out on the board several questions the children will be asked to answer at the end of the video.

Watch the Video:

The part of the video to be watched takes about 45 minutes.

  1. Start the video where Joseph is in the cage. There are white and black circles on the floor and he begins singing.
  2. As they are watching asks how he feels? Accept any answer but lead them to understanding he feels he is not important and due to the fact that he is an Israelite, he knows he is not alone. He (as an Israelite) has been promised a land of his own.
  3. When the baker and the butler come in tell them to watch for the humor and ask if Joseph still seems to feel superior.
  4. Point out the go-go music, psychedelic lights, and hippie dress, the music of the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s; Elvis-like King (Pharaoh), tennis shoes. Remind them that these are the way the writer tries to show that the story is relevant in modern times.
  5. Because of time, fast forward after he puts the crown on Joseph until the brothers decide to go to Egypt. Tell them that during this time Egypt fared well in spite of the famine.
  6. Start again when the brothers are marching to Egypt.
  7. Stop after the brother tell the father Joseph is alive.
  8. Fast forward through the celebrating until Joseph meets his father.


There probably won’t be time for closure, but if there is you can ask: We see that God was with Joseph through his life. How did a bad thing turn out good?

Say a prayer of your own to close the workshop, or use the following:
Loving God, thank you for your faithfulness and for showing it in the story of Joseph. Amen.

A lesson written by Jan Marshall from:  Brenthaven Cumberland Presbyterian
Brentwood, TN

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Joseph in Egypt

Movie Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:VeggieTales-Ballad-of-Little-Joe

The children will watch the VeggieTales video, "The Ballad of Little Joe" and will consider how to turn to God in the hard times.

Scripture Reference: Genesis 40:1 - 47:12

Memory Verse: Romans 8:28

Additional objectives for the Movie Workshop
At the end of the session, the students will

  • see that while God made things work together for good for Joseph, it took quite a few years.
  • see how God chooses a person to be the instrument of redemption for His people and how He used that person’s own special gifts and talents.

Bible Background is found here.

Preparation and Materials:

  • Read the scripture passages and lesson plan.
  • Preview the video. Be familiar with the places where the video should be stopped for discussion.
  • Video: The Ballad of Little Joe. Big Idea Productions (VeggieTales), 2003. (35 minutes long)
  • Globe or world map
  • Popcorn; lemonade or water and cups; hand wipes
  • Whiteboard or flipchart and appropriate markers
  • Memento (optional): just for fun — something Western or Veggie Tales stickers
  • Extra time material: Learn the memory verse and learn the sign language to go with it (see end of this lesson).

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and explain what they will be learning today.

“Today we are going to have some fun seeing the rest of the story of Joseph and his brothers. What do you remember about Joseph from our last rotation?” [Prompt if necessary to review the story of Jacob’s 12 sons, the jealousy over the coat, Joseph being thrown into a pit and sold to slave traders, and Joseph ending up in jail after the incident with Potiphar’s wife.]

Scripture/Bible Story

Read a portion of the scripture: “This rotation’s story is too long to read the whole story, so we will read this section and then see the whole story in the video. (Remember, we left Joseph in jail last rotation, which is where this Bible passage begins.)”:

Genesis 41: 14-40 (younger: Genesis 41: 14-16, 25-38).

[Help the children to use their Bibles in looking up verses. Remind them that ‘Genesis’ means ‘beginning’ and it is the first book in the Bible and includes the story of Creation, Noah’s Ark, Abraham, his son Isaac, his grandson Jacob and his great-grandson Joseph, about whom we are studying this rotation. It is in the Old Testament.]

Does anyone know what a Western movie is? [Accept responses. If necessary, talk about Westerns in the western part of the U.S. with cowboys and saloons and sheriffs and tumbleweeds and whatnot.]

Well, today you are NOT going to see a Western movie. But you are going to see a Western-Bible story. Did the stories in the Bible take place in the wild, wild West? [Show on the globe or map where the western U.S. is and where the Egypt and Canaan are.] Not close, is it? But the Veggie Tales people had some fun with the story of Joseph and that’s what we are going to watch today.

While you’re watching the video:

  • notice changes made to the story when it was moved from the Bible to the Wild West.
  • think about the question sent in to Bob and Larry: “If God loves me, why do bad things happen?”

Pass out wipes, popcorn and drinks.

Watch the Video

START the video at the beginning.

STOP the video after Little Joe is arrested and put in jail, even as he is protesting his innocence — “Tell it to the Judge.” (Right before the Silly Song 15:08.)

Say: Little Joe did the right thing when Miss Kitty encouraged him to steal the money. And he still ended up in jail.

Q How do you think he felt then? Do you think he was still happy he obeyed God and did not steal the money?

Q Little Joe has been hurt intentionally by both his brothers and Miss Kitty. How does it feel when someone hurts you on purpose?

Q I wonder why Little Joe is in jail? Did he do anything wrong? Do you think he told the truth? I wonder why no one believed him?

Q Any questions so far?

Say: “I am going to restart the video. First we will see something really silly. (If short on time skip the "Silly Song", jump to 19:21.)

STOP When the Sheriff says, “You’ve got the best attitude of any prisoner I’ve ever had. . . If God is really good, why is all this happening to you?” Notice how Little Joe answers.

START the video again.
STOP the video after Little Joe finishes praying: “..... Goodnight, God.”

Q Does Little Joe still have faith in God? I wonder why?

Say: It’s hard sometimes to have faith, isn’t it?

START the video again.
STOP the video after Little Joe gets all choked up talking to his brothers: “See the Sheriff .... Whatever you say.”

Q Did Little Joe recognize his brothers? (Remember, a number of years have passed and they think he is dead, so it is not surprising that they do not recognize him.)

Q I wonder why he doesn’t want them to know who he is? What do you think he is going to do?

START the video again.

STOP when credits roll (34:40).

Say: At the end of the video, Bob the Tomato said to Pete McGinnis, the boy who wrote the letter, “We learned God can use the good stuff and the bad stuff and put it all together to make something great!”

Joseph’s brothers did an evil thing: they sold him into slavery and lied to their father. God used this evil deed to bring about something good. Joseph was able to use his gifts to save the lives of his father and brothers and preserve God’s original covenant with Abraham. God always keeps his promises.

Q. I wonder, could something good come out of something bad in your life?

Say: Remember, those good things don’t always happen right away. Joseph was 17 years old when his brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt and he was 30 when the Pharaoh made him in charge — that was 13 years! And is was more than 7 more years before the famine reunited his family.

Let’s talk about the things that were changed in this video from the Bible story. [Help the children list as many as they can think of. Clarify ones that they are not clear about.] Here are some of the differences:


Say: In today's video Little Joe was really organized (remember, you could tell by looking in his sock drawer!) and did you notice how God used that gift for organizing, as He used Little Joe, to help His people.

What special gifts do you have?
[Make suggestions if the children seem to be slow coming up with ideas. You may want to list them on a whiteboard or flipchart. Some possibilities—good listener, organized, good artist, caring, considerate, hard worker, good helper, patient, good with animals, good cook, green thumb, good with little kids, creative, ...]

How can God use your special gift(s) to help someone through a hard time? (How can your gifts be used to help someone — maybe yourself, maybe a friend of family member.)
[Examples, using some of the above ideas:
good listener - letting others share when they are hurt or sad
organized - helping tidy up for someone who is ill
good artist - creating get well cards and sending to someone who is ill
good with animals - feeding your neighbors cat while they are in hospital]

Closing Prayer:

I am going to read a prayer that has time for you to think quietly and pray to God about what I just said. Let’s bow our heads and talk to God.
Gracious Father,
We praise You for using what others intended for evil to accomplish great good.
We thank You for Your blessings that never end.
We rejoice in the gifts You have given us that we can use in Your service.
We confess that sometimes we doubt You because hard things happen to us and life is sometimes difficult.
Please help us to have faith always, just as Joseph did, to know that all things work together for good for us because we love You.

Optional: You may wish to give the children a sticker to wear home as a reminder of the movie — maybe something silly like Veggie Tale stickers or Western/cowboy stickers.

Additional Suggestions

Younger Students: instead of reading the story from the bible use a bible picture story book.

Short on time: Skip over Silly Songs with Larry (Timing: 15:08-19:21=4:13). Skip the comparison between the Bible and Little Joe discussion.

Extra time:

Game: Found on the DVD menu under FUN - Family Time - Minefield Game. Block off an area with tape or cones and fill with minefield objects, examples: Bean Bags, Pieces of Paper. One person wears a blindfold and the others all call out directions to get them safely across, without stepping on a minefield. Afterwards sit down and discuss about Joseph being in Jail and how hard it must have been for him to trust God had a plan for his life.

Bible Memory Verse:  Teach the children the memory verse using American Sign language (see below instructions).

Journal Activity: "God used “Little Joe’s” special gifts and talents for His purposes and I know God can use my special gifts and talents, too!" to think about how God uses people like Little Joe and Joseph and you for His purposes:

Older children: Write about ways your gifts can be used to do God’s work.
Younger children: Draw a picture of yourself using your gifts to help someone through a hard time. (Or dictate/write about using your gifts.)


  • American Sign Language Browser:
  • MacQueen, Neil. "A Manual for the Video - A/V Workshop.
  • Spangler, Ann and Robert Wolgemuth. Men of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2002. (Closing prayer adapted from “Joseph: His Legacy of Prayer")
  • Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

Joseph in Egypt

Memory Verse Sign Language

Romans 8:28 (NLT) And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

WE The index finger moves from one shoulder to the other shoulder.

KNOW The fingertips touch the forehead to indicate that knowledge is in the brain (hand flat, palm down).

GOD The open right hand is raised to the heavens and then downward in a sign of respect.

CAUSES Both S handshapes are thrown out from the front of the body (start with fists, palm side to chest, end with open hands extended, palm up).

EVERYTHING The signs EACH and THING are combined. EACH: one A handshape moves down the other A handshape; THING: the palm is facing upward and the hand bounces to the side to indicate different items (things).

WORK One S handshape taps the back of the other S handshape to represent the hands doing something (working).

TOGETHER The sign WITH is moved in a circle to represent many people are with one another (together). WITH: the A handshapes come together.

GOOD The hand moves forth from the mouth to the other hand. Something has been tasted and judged as being good; it is therefore offered to others.

LOVE The hands hug something over the heart to indicate the concept of love.

GOD The open right hand is raised to the heavens and then downward in a sign of respect.

CALLED One hand taps a single time on the other hand to get the attention of someone.


HIS The open hand is associated with the concept of possession. When it is done in the same location as the sign HE it becomes HIS. (HE: the pronouns he, she, and it are indicated in signs by pointing to the side or pointing directly to the person or object being referred to.)

PURPOSE The signs THINK and MEAN are combined. THINK: the index finger touches the forehead which is the location of the mind. MEAN: V handshape presses down on the palm, moves up and twists, then presses down again.

From the American Sign Language Browser: You can see the signs demonstrated there.

A lesson written by Amy Crane from: River Community Church
Prairieville, LA
Updated by a member of the Content Team.

Review -- Posted by Nanci H

We used the Veggie Tales movie "Ballad of Little Joe"  for our video workshop.

The kids really got a good handle on this very long story and remembered the sequence and events very well during discussions the next week.


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  • VeggieTales-Ballad-of-Little-Joe
  • Joseph-Bible-Story--Veggie-Story-Differences
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Joseph-TNT-MovieAttached to this post is my full and free outline to Joseph, ~the full length movie starring Ben Kingsley as Potiphar and Paul Mercurio as Joseph.

This is the Joseph movie that's part of the 'TNT' Turner Bible Classic Movie series. It's widely available.  While too lengthy for the average class, it is a wonderful movie to split into 3 or 4 classes, especially for Jr. and Sr. Highs.

My outline breaks the movie into logical teaching sections and suggests sections you could skip if short on time. Hope the outline helps you teach with the movie, it's one of my favorites in that series.



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  • Joseph-TNT-Movie
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Last edited by Luanne Payne

DVD - “Joseph and Pharaoh's Dreams” (New Superbook Series)

Superbook transports Chris back to ancient Egypt. Chris, Gizmo, and Joy travel with Joseph through several trials and triumphs. in all of their journeys, Joseph continues to trust in God. After witnessing God take Joseph from the pit to the palace, Chris realizes the value of trusting in God's plans.  Lesson:  Trust God. He has a plan for you, even if you don't see that plan!  (Animated - approx. 28 mins)

Note: It does give some background story bits throughout, but it's main focus is the Pharaoh's Dreams, their meaning, and the story of Joseph's Reconciling with his Brothers.  Here is a clip:

See reviews of the "New Superbook" DVD Series for more details on this series link.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

DVD - "Joseph & His Brothers" (Beginner's Bible)

Was re-released Sept. 22, 2015 in a collection called "Beginner's Bible Vol. 4".  Great for your younger children. It includes 3 of the original titles:  Joseph & His Brothers, Daniel & the Lion's Den, and The Battle  of Jericho.

Update: Looks like they took this out of print as Beginner's Bible are now posting full episodes on YouTube, Joseph & His Brothers can be found here .

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Four free, short, animated Joseph Videos

Saddleback Kids has produced a number of free animated videos covering the Joseph story and posted them to YouTube. Suitable as intros to Bible study or in worship. Each is around 3 minutes long.

  1. Joseph and his Coat (Genesis 37) ~
  2. Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 39-41, Potiphar, Pharaoh) -
  3. Joseph Forgives (Genesis 42-45) -
  4. Joseph and the Promised Land (Genesis 50) -
    The part of the story after he and his brothers reconcile.

Here are two more short videos (less than four minutes) that nicely summarize Joseph's story in two parts (colorful coat and the full Egypt story). These would be great summaries of the full story to use in conjunction with reading parts of the scripture in any workshop.  They are from

This song has a good summary of Joseph's story and life application points too.

You can read the lyrics here.

Last edited by Amy Crane

God's Story: Joseph by Crossroad Kids' Club (approx. 4 min)

This does a good job of condensing the entire story of Joseph. It's entertaining and we like its last minute of summary which is great for memory retention.

Joseph VIDEO LESSONs found in complete lessons sets here in the Joseph forum.

These two show how they divided the video "JOSEPH KING OF DREAMS" into two workshops (lessons).

Joseph-King-Of-Dreams-DreamworksCOMPLETE LESSON SET: Joseph's Coat of Many Colors,
from FUMC, Ann Arbor, MI

  • View portions of the video, Joseph King of Dreams..--for 4th-6th grade - link.
    (Viewing time 19 min, 42 sec.)

from FUMC, Ann Arbor, MI

  • Watch a portion of Joseph King of Dreams --for 4th-6th grade.- link.
    (Note: written for a class time of 45 minutes – with no wiggle room!)


Images (1)
  • Joseph-King-Of-Dreams-Dreamworks

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