
Video and Science Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Jesus Calms the Storm

Post your Sunday School video and science lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for Jesus Calms the Storm. Jesus Calms the Storm - Boat, Disciples, Sea of Galilee. Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25.

Bible lessons and ideas about Jesus Calms the Storm -with video, audio-visual, movie, video tape, animated Bible, science experiments, demonstrations, object lessons, magic tricks, presentations, etc.

The following posts reference a number of suitable Bible videos depicting "Jesus Calms the Storm." Most don't last very long as the story is short.

Here's a recent one by Minno that ends with some good observations:

Here's another clip from the Jesus Film:

Here's one from Crossroad Kids that has a good live-actor reflection ending about "storms" we face and how Jesus helps us through them.

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Jesus Calms the Storm

Science/Demonstration Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Through science experiments children will discover more about storms on the Sea of Galilee and storms in their own lives.

Lesson Objectives: Throughout the four-week unit, children will be helped to

  • Retell the story of Jesus calming the storm
  • Explore why the disciples were afraid
  • Identify with the disciples in the “storms” of their own lives
  • Recall the qualities of God and God’s faithfulness to us in all situations
  • Discuss and choose ways they will call on Jesus when they need help


  • Eight verse cards from the story, made in advance
  • Eight scene photos from the group’s Drama/Video Making workshop (note: first group of the rotation will not have these photos)
  • Large mixing bowl filled ¾ of the way with water, or a baby pool for more impressive effect!
  • Small toy boat
  • Large spoon
  • Office swivel chair, 2 heavy but soft objects, such as a bag of 5 baking potatos. (Why? Because if the kids let go of the bag it won't kill somebody!)

Note about science experiments:
Practice, practice, practice … the experiments at home before Sunday morning! While a flopped experiment is not the desired effect, always remember you can bring it back around to reminding the children that life often doesn’t go the way we hope or expect, but through it all, Jesus is with us!


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Welcome the children warmly to the Science and Game Cove. Introduce yourself. Ask if there are any budding scientists among you this morning! Very briefly tell how you use science in your career.

In advance, the story will be divided up and printed on eight note cards for you. You will also have available the eight photos of the scenes the group created in the drama/video making workshop. Have the kids work together and match the text with the photos and then put the story in the correct order. Read together the Scripture passage in Mark to determine if they have it correct.

Point out the large map in the workshop and ask the children to locate the Sea of Galilee. Mention these facts about it: 13 miles long, 7 miles wide, and 150 feet deep. Let kids do some comparing of what else might be that long, wide and deep.

13 miles – from your hometown to ____
150 feet deep/high – Statue of Liberty

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Experiment #1: Waves on the Sea of Galilee

Have kids sit in a large circle and bring out the large but bowl of water. Place the toy boat in the water. (You may want to scale this up by using a kiddie pool for more dramatic effect.

Let kids know that the Sea of Galilee is shaped like a large mixing bowl with mountains around the edges. The winds that come in over the mountains hit the water and can cause large waves to come up quickly on the sea even in clear weather when it’s least expected. Waves bounced back and forth from shore to shore until the water is whipped into turmoil.

Demonstrate by using a spoon to gently stir the water next to one edge of the bowl. (Or by having students place their hands in ONE end of the pool and slowly moving their hands back and forth). 

Tell them that this is much like the effect the winds have on the Sea of Galilee. Ramp up the wave action until the boat is being tossed to and fro. Talk about being disciples on that bouncing boat.  Discuss why the disciples would be afraid and why they might not have trusted Jesus.

Experiment #2: Paper Clip Float

  1. Drop a paper clip in a cup of water. What happens?
  2. Tear off a piece of paper towel that is slightly larger than the paper clip.
  3. Place the piece of paper towel on top of the water.
  4. Gently place another paper clip on the piece of paper towel. Wait a few seconds. Now what happens?

Explanation: If you drop a paper clip in water, the paper clip sinks. But if you put the paper clip on a piece of paper towel after about 30-45 seconds the paper towel sinks and the paper clip floats. This is because water particles are attracted to each other in all directions, making them "stick" together. However, because there are no water particles above them, the water particles at the surface "stick" only to particles next to and below them. This makes the surface act as if it had a thin "skin". This is called surface tension. The paper towel helps you to lower the paper clip onto the surface gently without breaking the surface tension.
Do you ever feel like the first paper clip – “sunk” when there’s trouble or a problem?
If you’re the second paper clip and the paper towel is Jesus, how does Jesus keep you “afloat”?

Experiment #3: Momentum Machine (Be careful!!)

Put the office chair in the center of the room. Have the adult “shepherd” demonstrate momentum by sitting in the chair with their feet up off the floor. Place a brick in each of their hands with their arms outstretched to each side. Slowly start rotating the person in the chair, then let go and move away. Have the shepherd quickly pull their arms in toward them and they should rotate much faster. If they extend their arms back out they will go slower.


Invite the kids who would like to one at a time to sit in the chair. At these stages ask them the following questions that they can answer aloud or silently:

  1. Sit in the chair: Think about the disciples in the boat in the storm
  2. Put a Heavy but Soft object in each of their outstretched hands: Think of a problem or storm you face right now in your life, small or big
  3. Slowly spin them and tell them to pull their arms in: On our own we get spun around, knocked around by the storm, and can feel helpless and afraid.
  4. Tell them to put their arms out to slow down: Application: Reaching out to Jesus will help slow you down and calm you, like Jesus calmed the storm
  5. Stop them, tell them to close their eyes and get “undizzy” and ask Jesus to help calm their own personal storm.


Why we can trust Jesus:


End with a discussion of why we can trust Jesus in all situations. Draw on the qualities of Jesus as God such as …

God is eternal, all knowing, does not change, is holy, truthful, faithful, compassionate, patient … and more!


A lesson posted by Jan Hanson from: First Presbyterian Church
Napa, CA

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Last edited by Luanne Payne

Jesus Calms the Storm

Science Workshop

 Summary of Lesson Activities: Three science demonstrations intend to spark discussion.

  1. Use Alka-seltzer in water and in oil to demonstrate how being filled with chaos leads to chaotic reactions but being filled with God's peace leads to no chaotic reactions. (Lesson included below.)
  2. Use Alka-seltzer tablets to pop the tops off of film canisters, to show how a build-up of chaos causes us to “lose” it. (Lesson included below.)
  3. Build a dam using clay and popsicle sticks to show how the dam has to be filled with God's Holy Spirit, instead of being empty, in order to keep the water/chaos out. (Lesson not included.)


For the full lesson (including supply lists, pictures, and "background") download the attached Word .doc at the bottom of this post. 


Scripture Reference: 

Luke 8:22-25 


More detailed "Summary": This Science lesson starts with the reading of the scripture story of Jesus sleeping through and then calming the storm. The three science demonstrations focus on helping the students think more about chaos and the two different reactions that we see exhibited by the disciples and Jesus.


First activity consists of guessing which type of liquid (water or vegetable oil) will react to the storm (AKA the Alka-seltzer tablet). Taking this idea further, the second activity illustrates why having a reaction to the storm is not desirable by putting water and oil in 35 mm film canisters and guessing what will happen (the top will blow off the water one). 3rd demonstration is of a constructed dam that isn't solid and seeps water until it is filled with something solid (best material for this being kitty litter) to demonstrate how being filled with the Holy Spirit is what determines why Jesus is not reactive to/filled with fear towards the storm/chaos. 


(Note: Though I like the idea behind the dam demonstration, it's a LOT of prep time. I also am not sold on the idea of equating kitty litter with the Holy Spirit. That being said, I haven't been able to think of another type of demonstration that clearly shows how being filled with GOds Spirit/love means we can't simultaneously be filled with something else, like chaos or storms or fear. Any thoughts are appreciated.)


For the full lesson, download the attached Word .doc at the bottom of this post. Note that the first three pages of the document are "background" and that the actual lesson starts on page 4 (which is also where you will find the supply list). 

From the attached lesson (which includes an opening and reading the story) here are the 1st and 2nd science activities with some of the teaching comments (in first person) included...



Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.


Open with a prayer.

  • You might remember this from other classes: The people who first heard this story (2000 years ago), understood the “sea” in stories to also be a symbol for chaos.
  • Basically, what that means is that the people who first heard this story heard that the disciples and Jesus were sailing on the sea, but they also hear/understand that Jesus and the disciples in the middle of chaos.
  • We may not know what chaos is, so let’s talk about chaos for a moment.
  • Chaos is something that we cannot predict or control. Chaos is when lots of things are happening all at once or when the things that are happening don’t make any sense.
  • For example, when an accident happens, then we often experience chaos.
  • In the story that we read today, though, Jesus and the disciples responded very differently to the chaos. Why might that be? We’re going to look at one reason why right now.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:


Explain and Do Alka-seltzer demonstration with water and oil

  • We’re going to pretend that these two glasses are not glasses, but people.
  • We’re going to pretend that this glass over represents the disciples.
  • And this other glass, we’re going to pretend is Jesus.
  • Do you notice anything different about the two glasses? (the disciples glass has water in it; the Jesus glass has some yellowish/gold stuff [vegetable oil] in it)
  • That’s right! The disciple glass has water in it. And what does water represent in the Bible stories? Chaos, that’s right! But right now, the water in the disciples does not look very chaotic does it? Instead it looks pretty peaceful, right?
  • The reason that the disciples have this water/chaos in them is because if we’re not focused and paying attention to God, then instead of being filled with God’s holy spirit, we get filled with other things. Other things that might look calm at first…but then….Something else happens.
  • So let’s introduce something else.
  • Let’s introduce a storm.
  • The storm is going to be represented by this alka-seltzer tablet.
  • So what happens when we drop the storm into the middle of the disciples?
  • [Accept answers from class then drop the alka-seltzer tablet into the water and watch it fizz. Congratulate those who guessed/hypothesized correctly]
  • The storm really stirred the disciples up, didn’t it?
  • So let’s go over to Jesus now. He’s not filled up with water. He’s filled up (ok, PRETEND he’s filled up if the glass is not full) with the Holy Spirit instead of chaotic water.
  • What do you think will happen once we introduce a storm and drop into the middle of his nap?
  • [accept answers from class and then drop the alka-seltzer tablet into the water and watch it just sit there and NOT fizz. Congratulate those who guessed/hypothesized correctly]
  • As we can see, because Jesus was paying attention to God and was therefore filled with God’s Holy Spirit, the storm did not have any effect on him, did it?
  • So maybe you think the fizzing is kind of cool (and it is in a science class). But let’s do a demonstration about what happens to us when we’re filled with chaos

Explain and Do Alka-Seltzer pop-off demonstration

  • We’re going to take a 35 mm film canister and we’re going to pretend that this film canister is like the disciples.
  • They are slowly filling up with something other than God’s Holy Spirit. They’ve had a long, hard day and are feeling a little grumpy and hungry. And because they are still students, they haven’t got super-good, yet, at remembering to focus on God at all times.
  • So we’re going to put some water in them (fill 1/2 to 2/3rds full with water).
  • And just like last time, we’re going to introduce a storm to the disciples.
  • [Pull out a alka-seltzer tablet, wave it around, then drop it into the film canister with water in it. Then put the top on it. MAKE SURE that you keep the canister pointed at all times toward the ceiling and away from the students. Once the lid flies off, if you quickly put the lid back on, it’ll happen again, only a little less powerfully]
  • While you wait, ask: What do you think will happen?
  • [When lid pops off, then say]: When we are filled with other things besides God’s holy spirit, and then chaos things, like a storm are introduced, we get all stirred up inside and eventually what happens to us is that we panic. What this means is that we say or do things because we’re really afraid. And when we’re acting out of fear, we will not make the best decisions.
  • So again, what happens if we pretend Jesus is this canister and we fill him with the Holy Spirit vegetable oil? What would happen? (Nothing!) Right. Which means that Jesus is able then to know what to do in the moment.


End with a prayer.


A lesson by Nathanael from

If you like this lesson, and are interested in more, visit



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Nathanael ( posted:

Jesus Calms the Storm

Science Workshop

 Summary of Lesson Activities: Three science demonstrations intend to spark discussion.

  1. Use Alka-seltzer in water and in oil to demonstrate how being filled with chaos leads to chaotic reactions but being filled with God's peace leads to no chaotic reactions. (Lesson included 



Came across this "Alka Seltzer Lava Lamp" science experiment which riffs similar to what Nathan was posting above.  In this version seen in the video, the difference is that you add WATER to the oil, plus blue food coloring, and the effect is like a rainstorm.  

Elsewhere in this thread, I described a "boat in a babyjar" project I once did. Next time I would definitely try this Alka Seltzer "Storm" bottle and ADD the boat 

Here's a link to the YouTube "HOW TO" video by the same guy. Really easy. 

I could see our kids making their own storm mix and boat to put in a mason jar (with lid to go home) and sending them home with tablets to demonstrate to family.

If the link ever goes dead, just google "alka seltzer lava lamp."

Ryan Stevenson's "In the Eye of the Storm" song and lyric video speaks to the disciples' experience on those stormy seas.  A great contemporary Christian song.

Check out the LYRICS of the song... lots of rich imagery and real life connection.

In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm
When the solid ground is falling out from underneath my feet
Between the black skies, and my red eyes, I can barely see
When I realize I've been sold out by my friends and my family
I can feel the rain reminding me

In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
In the middle of the war, You guard my soul
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm
Mmm, when my hopes and dreams are far from me, and I'm runnin' out of faith
I see the future I picture slowly fade away
And when the tears of pain and heartache are pouring down my face
I find my peace in Jesus' name

The song ends with his recitation of parts of Psalm 23.

Here's Ryan's acoustic version of the same song:

Here's a fan-created video of the same song with images that go with the lyrics.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

After losing our daughter two years ago, we have found certain songs to be a source of strength. "In the Eye of the Storm" (above) is one of them, as is Lauren Daigle's, I Will Trust in You.  

Also, Danny Gokey's, Tell My Heart to Beat Again was a wonderful reminder that there is still much life to live.

We did Paul's story three years ago; it seems to be time to do it again, and I will have to work this song into it! 


Last edited by Neil MacQueen

"Jesus Calms the Storm" -a three-minute animated video from Saddleback Kids, posted on their free YouTube channel.

Suitable for introducing a Bible study or use in worship.
Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25, and Matthew 8:23-27

Nest Entertainment's, "Animated Bible" collection of DVDs has Jesus Calms the Storm in its "Miracles of Jesus" DVD.

Here is the full but very short clip of it posted by LivingScriptures (an affiliate of Nest) on YouTube:


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Lauren Daigle hit the top of the charts with a number of tunes in 2015-18, including this one, "I Am Yours."  In it she sings about the waters and storms. Some might remember her as an American Idol contestant. This song's imagery is also reminiscent of Psalm 46.

This is her official video for the song:


Let the waters rise
I will stand as the oceans roar
Let the earth shake beneath me
Let the mountains fall
You are God over the storm
And I am Yours

Psalm 46:

God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
    and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
    and the mountains quake with their surging.

Illustration for Jesus calms the storm from the Annie Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection


Jesus calms a storm. The disciples are amazed. (Matthew 8:23-27)

  Link to larger and higher resolution versions of the Vallotton illustrations and color background options as well in our Vallotton Bible Images Forum (Supporting Membership required, become one today). Copyright and usage information here.


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PurseGodsKids has a fun portrayal and explanation of the meaning of the miracle for kids.

The video concludes that "Jesus will calm you through the storm."
That's part of the truth. The other part is that we are saved by Jesus
whether we are calm or not!


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