Video Ideas:
God's Trombones by Billy Budd Films, Inc., 1994, Vision Video, 1996,
(Moderator adds on 9/17/21- see this link for details on where to find this.).
Summary: Discover why the human voice is the grandest musical instrument of all in this moving presentation of three African-American poems. Captivating watercolor-like animation accompanies James Earl Jones' recital of "The Creation" and Dorian Harewood's narration of "Go Down Death." Harewood lends his voice again to "The Prodigal Son," which comes to life through amazing claymation. For teens to adults. Approximately 17 minutes, from Vision Video.
Review: A video done in claymation called "Creation" does a fantastic job of illustrating a poem by James Weldon Johnson. Is execllent - Young children through adults love this video!
Member WendyB
God's Trombones for 2nd - 6th. First graders probably would have been okay with the God's Trombones creation story, too.
Note: 3 stories - Creation runs 1:04 - 8:55 (total 7:51 mins)
See a lesson using this video by Jan Marshall from Brookhaven Church.
See another lesson using this video by Jamie Senyard from River Community Church.
The Creation: Greatest Adventure Video Series, Emi Cmg Distribution, 1995,
NOTE: OUT OF PRINT. Can watch it on YouTube
Summary: While poking around the sites of ancient ruins, three young visitors from the 20th century are transported back in time---to biblical times! Animated. 30 Minutes. Covers Creation & Adam/Eve.
Review: [By Member Laura C] The group I used it for ranged in age from 4years old through 4th grade. The kids really liked it, it was very memorable!
The Story of Creation DVD (Beginners Bible Series), Warner/elektra/atlantic Corp, 1995.
Update 2015: DVD was re-released - in a collection called "Beginner's Bible Vol. 2. It includes 3 of the original videos: Creation, Noah's Ark, and David & Goliath, 610583501797.
Also, in 2015, Beginner's Bible have posted full episodes on YouTube, The Story of Creation can be found at .
Summary: In this animated video, journey back to the beginning of the world as God brings forth the Earth, fills its waters and lands with plants and animals and, finally, crown His creation with the first man and woman. Then join Adam and Eve as they explore the Earth paradise and discover what happens when they accept a serpent's offer of forbidden fruit. Color 30 minutes
Review - we used the Beginner's Bible video for preschool thru 1st Grade. We stopped after the naming of the animals (approx 10 mins.), because after that it is about Adam and Eve, the apple, etc., and we wanted to only focus on the creation part of the story.
Moderator adds:
Creation (0:00 – 10:14 – approx 10 minutes)
Garden of Eden (10:14 – 25:40 approx. 15:36 minutes)
Note: it says that on the sixth day God created Adam, but Genesis 1:27 actual says, God created them "male and female."
Below are questions which help indicate what is covered on this video.
- What did God create on Day 1? Darkness & Light
- What did God create on Day 2? Sky & Clouds
- What did God create first on day 3? Separated Water from dry land – rocks, mountains, valleys, deserts, beaches
- What did God create next on day 3? Plants, Trees, bushes, Ferns, Leaves, Flowers
- What did God create on day 4? Sun,Moon, Stars
- What did God create on day 5? Creatures, birds filled the sky, fish filled the sea
- What did God create on day 6? Animals – Zebras, Elephant, Rabbit, Giraffs, Elk, Lion, Bee
- Who did God breath life into on the 6th day? Adam
Note: it says that on the sixth day God created Adam, but Genesis 1:27 actual says, God created them "male and female." - What does God give Adam to use & protect? The land and all it’s creatures
- What did God do on Day 7? He rested
Garden of Eden
- What did God create next? The Garden
- What was Adam’s first job? to name all the animals
- Who id God make for company for Adam? EVE
- Were Adam & Eve happy in the Garden? Yes
- God asked Adam and Eve to do just ONE thing for Him – what was it?
(not eat from the one tree – the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good & evil) - Why do you think God gave them a choice to obey or disobey?
- Who did Eve meet in the Garden? A Serpent
- Discuss who the serpent represents.
- What did the serpent want Eve to eat? Fruit from the tree of Knowledge
- What did the serpent tell Eve would happen to her if she ate from the tree of knowledge? She’d be as smart as God
- Does Eve eat it? Yes
- Does Adam eat it? Yes
- What happens to Adam & Eve when they eat the fruit? They realize they’re naked
- Discuss sin here and how Adam & Eve have lost their innocents
- When god comes to the garden what do Adam & Eve do? They hide from God
- Did they tell God what happened? Yes
- What happens to the serpent? God turns him into a snake
- What happens to Adam & Eve? They must leave the Garden
- What protects the gates to the garden? An angel with a flaming sword
- Why did god make Adam & Eve leave the garden? Because they disobeyed him
- How do we get back into the garden? Accepting Jesus as our Saviour and asking with truth and remorse for forgiveness each time we sin and someday we will join Jesus in heaven upon our death.

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