
Video, A-V Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Jesus Walks on Water, Peter Sinks

Post your Sunday School video, A-V lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Jesus Walks on Water, Peter Sinks.

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Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, John 6:16-21. Matthew 14:22-33
Take courage! It is I! Don’t be afraid! Matthew 14:27. 
Lord save me! Matthew 14:30.
“You of little faith, why did you doubt? Matthew 14:31.

Bible lessons and ideas about Jesus Walks on Water, Peter Sinks -with video, audio-visual, movie, video-tape, animated Bible, etc.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
Original Post

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Some movie selections:

  • Son of God (the 2014 movie) has a very good dramatic 5 minute scene of this story -including Peter attempting to walk out to Jesus.
  • Miracles of Jesus (Nest Entertainment)
  • Matthew (Visual Bible) of course, has this scene, as does "Jesus" (the ubiquitous film), and other Jesus films.
  • Life of Christ (the free mini series produced by the LDS church), has this scene.
  • Scene from "The Chosen" (2022- series)

Note: some of the videos have poor production quality which doesn't serve the story well to today's movie goers. Son of God has the best dramatic portrayal. At the end of it, Peter seems to come startlingly to life. At first, I thought it meant he dreamed it, but then I realized it was him coming back to life on the boat, with the double meaning of him realizing who Christ was (this time for sure!).

Scene from The Chosen (the excellent tv series)

Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Jesus Walks on Water

A Video lesson (outline) from member Julie Burton

The following is a suggested lesson plan that needs some adaptation and fill-ins.

In this workshop we will look at different videos and compare how Jesus responded to Peter's attempt to walk on the water, Peter's faith and fear, and how Jesus responded to that fear. Participants in this workshop will insert themselves into the story, and imagine what their responses might have been, and also ways we can strengthen our faith.

This lesson takes aim at the subject of "fear" and Jesus' response, "do not be afraid."

Videos to be used are:

Monsters, Inc (Pixar)  (the opening)
The Miracles of Jesus
(Nest Entertainment) (a short section)
Matthew (Visual Bible) (a short section)

Story: Matthew 14:22-33

Lesson Objectives:

  • to compare different videos and decide if Peter is being scolded for his lack of faith
  • to identify things that are scary
  • to explore ways our faith can diminish our fears.

Materials List

  • The Miracles of Jesus (Nest Entertainment) -  Ch. 10, 2 minutes.
  • Nest Entertainment Activity book, Maze - Page 22, Level 1
  • Matthew (Visual Bible) - Chapter/Event 42, 3 minutes
  • Monsters, Inc (Pixar)  Optional video for the opening.    
  • Television
  • DVD player
  • Bibles
  • Flashlight
  • Index cards
  • Paper for writing down responses to questions
  • Pencils/pens
  • Copies of the activity book maze, one per child.

Preview videos so you are familiar with the location of the scenes, content, and timing.  Also, familiarize yourself with how the equipment works.

Select some of the reflection questions from the Bible Background and write them on index cards.


Show the opening "scary" scene from Monsters Inc.

Ask the students "what makes them afraid?"

Turn off the lights in the classroom, pull out a flashlight, and begin the Bible study.

Ask them if they have ever told scary stories in the dark.
Ask them if they have ever heard a scary story from the Bible. 

SAY:  Our story today is found in the book of Matthew, chapter 14, starting at verse 22. 

Read the story, very dramatically, holding the flashlight under your chin.  When you come to the part of Jesus walking on the water, point to them and have them say, "It's a ghost!"  and act scared. When Peter climbs over the boat, have them act shocked. As Peter and Jesus get into the boat, have them act relieved. Turn off flashlight.

View Videos

 Show Nest Entertainment's The Miracles of Jesus first (the scene in it that covers today's story). Tell children to pay attention to Jesus' words to Peter.

Show the video. (Chapter 10 - Walking on Water.  Approximately 2 minutes.)


  • What did Jesus say to Peter? 
  • How did Jesus sound? (Invite their responses). Sad? Disappointed? Angry?
  • What might Peter be feeling?  Scared? Embarrassed? Relieved?
  • Do you feel like your faith is strong or are you afraid it's weak? Not acceptable to God?
  • What is Jesus' response to weak faith? Rescue!!  Does that surprise you? Did you think Jesus only saved the FAITH-FILLED??

Show the Visual Bible: Matthew video.  (Chapter/Event 42.  The scripture is shown in the bottom right-hand corner, so it's easy to fast-forward to the selection.  Clip lasts about 3 minutes)

ASK the same questions as the first video; also:

  • Why did Jesus laugh? 
  • I wonder why Peter thought he could walk on the water?

Questions for Kids today:

What do kids your age worry about?
What scares you?
What kinds of scary things can happen to kids?
What does the church worry about?
What are people in your community or around the world worried about right now?

Do you worry in church that you don't believe enough? Know enough? Act good enough?

What would Jesus say to each situation/fear?

What do people do to comfort themselves and others? (good and bad)
What does Jesus/the church/you DO to COMFORT others?

For younger children, distribute the maze from the Nest Entertainment Activity Book (if available), page 22, Level 1.

For older children,  write the Reflection questions on index cards.  Have each child select a card, and answer the question. Have them work in pairs to answer questions.  Invite them to share their responses if they wish.


...of your own choosing. Suggestion: Draw your hand on a piece of paper as if it is Jesus' hand reaching down to rescue you. Include the words, "You of little faith, do not be afraid."  Draw the boat and storm and label them with things that bring safety and things that trouble us.

(This closing needs fleshed out.)

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Music: Voice of Truth

Casting Crown's mega-hit "Voice of Truth" references the story of walking out onto the waves. Truly one of the great Christian contemporary rock songs of the past twenty years.
The video could be used as a devotional-discussion, worship piece, reflection. The kids could use it with the "Over Projection" technique we've pioneered here at Learn more here.
Winner of Dove's 2005 Inspirational Christian Song of the Year

Peter walking on the water to Jesus (Matthew 14:22-34) and also David defeating Goliath (I Samuel 17).
Lyric Excerpt:

Oh what I would do to have
The kind of faith it takes 
To climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone
Into the realm of the unknown where Jesus is
And He's holding out His hand
But the waves are calling out my name 
And they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times 
I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
Time and time again. "Boy, you'll never win!"
"You'll never win!"
But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says, "Do not be afraid!"
The voice of truth says, "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

The group "NeedtoBreathe" has a great song titled "Walking on Water." Their lyrics correctly capture the essence of the story --that faith doesn't empower us to walk on water, but rather, Jesus is teaching us that he saves when we falter and sink in the storms. 

Supporting Members: I've linked to the "Walking on Water" video clip and discussed the lyrics over here in the post below the "Peter Sinks~Jesus Saves" Writing Team lesson --which also includes a lesson plan for showing and dramatizing the video in a creative way.

Illustrations for Jesus and Peter walk on water from the Annie Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection


The disciples were terrified when they thought they saw a ghost. It was Jesus walking on water in a storm. (Matthew 14)


(The colored background is Annie's original. In addition to the full-size colored versions, our collection includes grayscale versions so that they don't kill your ink jet or toner cartridge )


Peter wanted to walk on water, too. But he started to sink. Jesus grabbed him.


The disciples in the boat with Jesus worshipped him.

  Link to larger and higher resolution versions of the Vallotton illustrations as well as color background options that are in our Vallotton Bible Images Forum (Supporting Membership required, become one today). Copyright and usage information here.


Images (4)
  • Jesus-Boat-Disciples-Vallotton
  • Jesus-Peter-Sinks-Vallotton
  • Jesus-Walks-Water-Vallotton
  • Jesus-Walks-on-Water-Vallotton
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

This video contains an object lesson and a short animated version of the story. Enjoy!

Bible images copyright Kirsty McAllister from Lamp Bible Pictures used with permission: Music is licensed by Digital Juice.

Last edited by CreativeCarol

Love this video using the First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament, and told by indigenous storytellers.

An editor notes: This video is from Matthew 14:13-33, and also includes the story of the Feeding of the 5000, followed by the walking on water story.

For more info on animated films based on the First Nations Version, visit

Last edited by CreativeCarol

Short free videos about Jesus and Peter Walking on Water

Crossroads Kids’ Club: Storytellers: Jesus and Peter Walk on Water – 3:52 long; an excellent creative retelling of the story, with a clear life application point: Just like Peter, we have a chance to step out in faith and focus on Jesus, no matter what is going on around us.

Crossroad Kids’ Club: God's Story: Peter Walks on Water – 2:45 long; a good retelling with a life application focus on trust

DG Bible Songs: Jesus Superhero (feat. George Horga Jr.) – 4:15 long; a montage of miracles (including walking on water) and other Jesus stories, praising Jesus; chorus: “You are the strongest, Almighty Father, Never changing, everlasting. Always there when I need You. Jesus, You are my only Superhero.”  

Saddleback Kids: Jesus Walks on Water – 2:30 long; animated retelling, puts the story in context of Jesus' ministry.

Saddleback Kids: Peter Walks on Water – 2:20 long; animated retelling similar to the one above but focusing on Peter as well as Jesus

Jesus Walks on the Water

Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Using the Son of God DVD (2014)

Chapter 10:  Jesus feeds the 5000  …beginning to reveal who he is. He’s more than just a teacher!  (this miracle is very much related to the central question in chapter 11.)  (If you're using the streaming version without chapters, you can still start the video with this miracle because it helps teach that part of Jesus' ministry of miracles was to REVEAL who he was to others.

Chapter 11: Who is Jesus? Jesus Calms the Storm, we can trust him.

Update: I had written a free teacher's outline to the movie Son of God (2014).  I updated it in 2020 and gave it to's Supporting Member Resources here (along with many of my other Bible movie guides). Neil

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Preview the video.

Supplies List:

  • Video

Lesson Plan

Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Begin the lesson by writing out on the board and having the kids help you answer the following questions:

  • Who is Jesus to you? (A friend?  A God?  A hero? A good teacher? A bore? A legend?)
  • Who is Jesus to people who don’t know him?
  • How do you KNOW Jesus is who he says he is?
  • What does it mean when you say Jesus is your Messiah?

Show the Video:

Start at Chapter 10. (If using a non-chaptered streaming version, start at the scene where Jesus comes ashore.)

We see Jesus coming ashore to teach, and then perform the miracle of the Loaves and Fishes.  No, it's not part of the "Calm the Storm" story, but they are connected to the same question: Who is Jesus? Is he the one? How will we know?

Then in Chapter 11 we see Jesus at a campfire, and the disciples are coming to grips with who Jesus is.

The disciples ask him, Who are you? Some people think you’re the Messiah. 

PAUSE the video right at this point and write down that question: Who do you think I am?  It's the most important question anyone can answer.

Jesus confirms that he is the Messiah, and interestingly, that only GOD can reveal that to a person. (What does that say about faith? ...that it is a gift, and not something you can attain on your own, you can only prepare for it and nurture it.)

Then we see Jesus come walking during the storm and calling Peter out of the boat.  

End use of the video at the ending of the scene where Jesus has calmed the sea and comforted the disciples.

After the Video

ASK: Why did Peter get out of the boat?

ASK: What does the story teach us?

(Peter is us. Life is the storm. Who will help us through it? We should do what Jesus asks us, not fearing for our life. Faith means going through difficult scary things knowing that Jesus is right there with you and will save your life. Faith in this story = "confidence.")

Now ask:  What Important Things do we see Jesus doing in this miracle?

(1) He walks on water in the storm showing who he is.
(2) He calls Peter to walk through the storm with him.
(3) He rescues Peter from the stormy waters.
(4) He calms the storm and the disciples’ fear.

Say:  He does not let Peter sink, and he does not punish Peter for lack of faith or the disciples for being afraid.  He does not let us sink. He does not punish us for having little faith. Jesus understands, he comes to save.

(5)  Notice that Jesus doesn’t get rid of the storm, he just calms it. Storms happen!
The waters are still there, and the wind can come back. But we have this story to remind us that we can count on Jesus to save us. That he has the power. That he truly is the Messiah they were wondering and asking about!

Reflection Activity  -- Walking Across a 2 x 4...  (a great activity focusing on Life App!)

Place a 2 x 4 x 8 piece of lumber on top of two sturdy/stable blocks.

One at a time, with spotters, invite the kids to walk from one end to the other.

At first, your average 4th grader will be able to make it across quickly. But then in each successive 'round' -change the conditions to begin introducing the idea that "obeying Jesus (by walking towards him) is not easy when the board (life) gets scary or you have distractions that are trying to keep you from following Christ." **You'll say several versions of this basic idea many times as each child tries crossing. Watch closely and make your point repeatedly!

Here are a couple of the "make difficult" and "distractions" we had the kids do while someone was walking the board...

  • Waving hands in front of the person crossing.
  • Only looking at your feet and not the name "Jesus" written on the end of the board.
  • Walking backwards.
  • Walking with your eyes closed or looking to the side.
Etc.  (Make them up depending on your kids' ages and abilities, you want everyone to "sink" (fall off) at some point.

After a time, stop walking the board and give each a marker so they can create a "record" on the 2x4 some of the ideas presented in the story, lesson, and teacher/student comments as they crossed the board. For example, we had them write encouragements, such as, "don't be distracted from following Jesus."  "Don't worry, Jesus saves!"  and "key your eyes on Jesus." We had them write down distractions. We also had them name the board, "Walk of Faith," and add verses from the story.

The kids loved this activity and working on the board.

We then watched Chapter 11 again. They were very impressed with the special effects and "got it" that the story was not just a miracle, but a lesson taught by Jesus to Peter, and to THEM.


End with a prayer.

A lesson from Neil MacQueen

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