Video, A-V Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching The Anointing of David in Sunday School.
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Post your Video, A-V lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for teaching the Anointing of David in Sunday School.
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Anointing of David
Video Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
We'll be viewing the anointing section in first half of "David and Goliath" from the Nest Series.
Memory Verse:
1 Samuel 16:7
Leader Preparation:
Supplies List:
Advanced Preparation Requirements:
Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Welcome the children and their guide to the workshop, introduce yourself, and begin in prayer. Please try to start on time and end on time, and focus your attention on the children.
Guides do the attendance, and they can help with the workshop activities and the discussion questions. They should help students with journaling and with the closing prayer circle.
Review the memory verse, I Samuel 16:7, “…Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” Also review the bonus verse, Psalm 139:1,3, “LORD, you have searched me and you know me…you are familiar with all my ways.”
Dig-Main Content and Reflection:
Before showing the video about Samuel anointing David, prepare the children for a different kind of snack today. Prepare two containers, one a fancy wrapped box and the other wrinkled, battered paper bag. Ask a volunteer to choose which one has the snack. Inside the fancy wrapped box there should be some odds and ends of small toys, clothes, spools, clothes pins, etc. Inside the scruffy paper bag there should be chocolate candy gold coins; all these items will be part of a game that takes place after the video. Teach the lesson that goes with the memory verse: that we look at the fancy, pretty outside of a person, but God looks on what is inside of a person.
Prepare the students for the video by describing the characters, Bible timeline, etc. Ask them to look for the reason why God chose David to be the next king/
Show the video, David and Goliath (Animated Stories: Old Testament, by Nest Entertainment, 1993) while the children enjoy their snacks. The video starts with Samuel confronting King Saul over his failure to obey God in destroying the Amalekites and King Agag, and includes a good section on Samuel anointing David in the first part of the video, about the first 15 minutes.
Stop after David is anointed King if you don’t want to include David and Goliath.
After the video, review what they think they've seen and ask questions.
1. Why did God choose David? How did he choose David?
2. Do you think God knows what we do best? (ANS: Yes; God made us. And our BONUS verse says that God searches us and knows us and is familiar with all our ways.)
2. What special purpose did God design each of us for? (God has a plan for each of us in His Kingdom. Read I Corinthians 12:27, “…you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” and explain that just like the parts of a body have different functions and uses, so God has given us difference gifts to use in His Kingdom.)
3. What are some of the special jobs God needs done in his Kingdom? Note: God has already called each of us, generally speaking. A specific call is also issued. It can come when we're young, like David. God calls us to be his ambassadors wherever we are, at whatever situation and age we find ourselves.
4. How do you prepare yourself to accept God's choosing of you? (ANS: First, it’s important to believe God’s Word, the Bible, and to know that Jesus, God’s Son, has forgiven your sins. Then it’s important to pray and obey God as you learn His will and ways.)
Play Game:
Have the children number off, “1,2,3” so that all the 1s will be on one team, all the 2s on another team, and all the 3s on another team. Find a space for each team to gather. One person on each team must volunteer to wear a blindfold. Then, after dividing the “odds and ends” equally among the three teams, arrange the items on a line for each team, with the items about 3 feet apart and a bag of gold coins at the end of each line. Tell the teams they must try to tell the blindfolded person how to walk this blind obstacle course without stepping on any of the items in order to reach the bag of gold at the end of the line. The blindfolded person must listen very carefully, just like Samuel had to listen to God carefully. If the blindfolded person steps on an item, he/she must give up their turn to another child.
When each team completes its obstacle course and obtains the bag of gold candy coins, the children get to enjoy their candy reward.
Close with a circle of prayer, and invite children to return next week with their Bible and a friend for the next rotation lesson.
A lesson posted by member "Learner".
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Below is a video containing a brief object lesson and an animated version of the story from 1 Samuel 16:1-13. There is also a short video based guessing game. Enjoy!
Bible images copyright Kirsty McAllister from Lamp Bible Pictures used with permission:
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• IndependentSave
“’ . . . for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’”
Lesson Objective(s):
Supplies List:
Teacher preparation:
Back in the 80's Paramount produced King David with Richard Gere in the lead role. It is, surprisingly, one of the best Bible movies ever made. It sticks extremely close to the script and has extremely few Hollywood sub-plots. It has some violence in it (as does the biblical story).
You will want to skip a section of Samuel confronting King Saul about the Ammonites (there's a beheading as in Scripture) and when David marries Saul's daughter, her breasts are briefly shown.
Be sure the video is ready to start after the beheading.
Opening- Welcome and introductions:
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Remember that you are interacting with a different group of students each week—some may not know you. Wear your nametag and make sure that the children are wearing theirs.
Lesson Plan:
Animal horn or picture of one (held the oil for anointing)
Baby doll or small child figure (indicating that David was the youngest)
Binoculars (Samuel's search for the new king)
Crown (Kings wear crowns - David was anointed king)
Dirty sock (David didn't have time to clean up before coming inside)
Family picture with lots of children (Eight would be perfect - for brothers)
Heart (God looks on the heart)
Index card with "Holy Spirit" written on it (Holy Spirit came upon David when he was anointed)
Index card with “Old Testament” written on it (where this story is found), or index card with Scripture reference (where story is found - for older children)
Picture of a shepherd or small shepherd's crook (David was a shepherd)
Small bottle of oil (Samuel anointed David with oil)
Small stuffed sheep (David cared for his father's sheep)
Praying hands (Samuel prayed to God)
Other objects that have no obvious relation to the story, so there will be some with no connection.
Remind the class that God chose David to be king of Israel. His anointing was an outward sign that he was to be king, but it also meant he would need to prepare himself for the job ahead. The anointing was just the beginning of David’s adventures. You will learn more about him in the next two months.
Closing prayer:
Close the class with a prayer of your own, or use the following:
Loving God, thank you for always being there when we need you. Help us to rely on you to help us with whatever we are facing and may we never forget that even though things may not always be the way we expect, you are always there for us and we can count on that. Amen.
Journal Time:
Help the shepherd pass out the journals. Have them answer the following:
What is one way David could have prepared to be King of Israel. (Share their answers if there is time.)
Have the children help you tidy up the workshop space. Dismiss them with instructions about where they are to go. If you complete the lesson with quite a bit of time left, you may allow the children to visit the Ewing McGee Children’s Library, being quiet so as not to disturb classes still in session.