Video's about Solomon and/or Solomon's Temple
Solomon's Temple (New Superbook Series)
Chris realizes that he won't be able to attend the National Competition Finals with his Rampaging-Robots team and the robot he designed! Superbook appears and whisks the kids away to Ancient Israel where they meet King David's son, Solomon, who will build the Temple of the Lord his father designed. Chris is amazed and a little confused how King David could design and prepare such an amazing structure, only to have someone else build it. Chris learns that it is the Lord’s plan that succeeds, and that being a part of His plan is the best plan of all. After returning home, Chris accepts that while he can't attend the competition, he can still give his team the game winning plan and strategy, which they use to win the championship trophy.
- King David tells Solomon about the Temple
- Adonijah wants to be King
- Bathsheba approaches King David
- Solomon Anointed King
- The Temple Dedicated
King Solomon (New Superbook Series) 
Chris faces a challenge he never imagined when his father leaves him in charge of an important project. When he is unsure of what to do, Superbook takes the kids back to ancient Jerusalem where they meet King Solomon. There, Solomon encourages Chris to share his burdens with the Lord and to pray for wisdom. Lesson: Ask God to give you wisdom and guide you in your decisions. (Animated - approx. 28 mins)
- King David advises Solomon
- King Solomon asks for wisdom
- King Solomon listens to dispute
- King Solomon settles dispute
See reviews of the "New Superbook" DVD Series link.
Solomon (Nest)
Covers his brother, wisdom (two mothers and one baby story), and the end touches on building of the temple, approx. 30 minutes. Nest Website
DVD Chapter Index:
- King David’s Wisdom
- Adonijah Devises a Plan to Become King
- Solomon Anointed King
- Asa Perishes at War
- Asa’s Widow Receives Room and Board
- Solomon Receives Royal Training
- Two Babies are Born
- Solomon Asks the Lord for Wisdom
- Live Baby Stolen
- Solomon Judges
- Solomon Hears and Judges Women
- Two Women Present Their Case
- Solomon Tries the Case with Wisdom from the Lord
- "The Wisdom of Solomon"
- Credits
Solomon's Temple (Vision Video)
3D Animated. Running time is 30 minutes. Takes you on a visual tour of the temple.
Overview: Starts of with words on screen of God’s disappointment in us (story of Noah) with storm clouds gathering and lightening. Then goes into story of Abraham and the almost sacrifice of Issac – during the song sung by Michael Card. Then goes into Solomon retelling his son Rahabom the story of the building of the temple and while he talks it takes you through a 3D animation of the temple.
Say: As you watch the video you will see a picture of a lamb and an image will appear over it each time, see if you can see what that image is? (Jesus being crucified).
You will need to have a sheet with details of the different items to pause and discuss as you view the video, as the video does not go into details.
Pause after to discuss/explain:
Where did riches come from?
What are true riches and wealth?
Furniture – lampstands, table
After last image at end of song you could pause video and ask:
So what was the image that always appeared over the lamb? (Jesus)
Say: I wonder what the connection is between Jesus and the lamb? Pause for responses
The people use to sacrifice animals but Jesus sacrificed himself for all our sins – so now we no longer have to make animal sacrifices to God.