Bedbug Bible Gang Series
I really like these, even though the animation is older style very simple, but cute with - interactive games, singalongs have words on screen and tune is always to a simple song the kid's will likely know. 23 minutes. Ages 3-7.
Below I've listed the titles and stories covered in each video to help you.
Amazing Animals - Daniel for Dinner, the Lost Sheep, and the Furriest Float!
Bible Builders - The Triplets Tower (Babel), House on a Rock, and the Man Through the Roof.
Big Boats of the Bible - Noah, Jonah, and Jesus Calms the Sea
Christmas Show - Mary's Surprise, The Wise Men, and The Shepherds of Bethlehem
Creation Celebration - Creation, Dancing Clay and the Garden of Eden
Dandy Dreams - Little Joey Jacobson, Joseph and the Pharaoah, and Eleven Hungry Brothers
Easter Party - Palm Parade, the Garden Surprise, and Doubting Thomas
Family Funny - Miriam and Moses, Ruth and Naomi, and Mary and Martha
Friendly Friends - The Fiery Furnace, Jesus and the Children, and Three Friends??? and the Fisher of Men (suspect three friends should not be in description, haven't seen this one)
God’s Little Heroes - David and Goliath, The Itty-Bitty Marching Band (Jericho?), and Zacchaeus
Jumbled Journey - Ten Commandments, Wilderness Wandering, and Jesus' Temptation
Just John - Zechariah's Surprise, Weird John, and Jesus Takes a Bath (Baptism)
Lost & Found - Lost in the Temple, The Lost Coin, and The Forgiving Father Farmer (Prodigal Son?)
Miracle Meals - Bottomless Jar, Jesus' Special Supper, and the Lunch That Grew and Grew (Feeding 5,000)
Parable Parade - parables of the Sower, the Lost Sheep, and the Good Samaritan
Passover Potluck - Moses and the Pharaoh, The Passover Meal, and Crossing the Sea
Pentecost Party - First Pentecost, The Fruit of the Spirit, and Philip and the Ethiopian
Wonderful Weddings - Wedding That Nobody Went To (Great Feast), Jacob and Rachel, and The Ten Bridesmaids
Available in U.S. Vision Video
Available in Canada - through your local christian bookstore (if they say they don't know this series tell them you heard there supplied by Sperling Church Supply).
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