
Bedbug Bible Gang Series

I really like these, even though the animation is older style very simple, but cute with - interactive games, singalongs have words on screen and tune is always to a simple song the kid's will likely know. 23 minutes. Ages 3-7.

Below I've listed the titles and stories covered in each video to help you.

Amazing Animals - Daniel for Dinner, the Lost Sheep, and the Furriest Float!

Bible Builders - The Triplets Tower (Babel), House on a Rock, and the Man Through the Roof.

Big Boats of the Bible - Noah, Jonah, and Jesus Calms the Sea

Christmas Show - Mary's Surprise, The Wise Men, and The Shepherds of Bethlehem

Creation Celebration - Creation, Dancing Clay and the Garden of Eden

Dandy Dreams - Little Joey Jacobson, Joseph and the Pharaoah, and Eleven Hungry Brothers

Easter Party - Palm Parade, the Garden Surprise, and Doubting Thomas

Family Funny - Miriam and Moses, Ruth and Naomi, and Mary and Martha

Friendly Friends - The Fiery Furnace, Jesus and the Children, and Three Friends??? and the Fisher of Men (suspect three friends should not be in description, haven't seen this one)

God’s Little Heroes - David and Goliath, The Itty-Bitty Marching Band (Jericho?), and Zacchaeus

Jumbled Journey - Ten Commandments, Wilderness Wandering, and Jesus' Temptation

Just John - Zechariah's Surprise, Weird John, and Jesus Takes a Bath (Baptism)

Lost & Found - Lost in the Temple, The Lost Coin, and The Forgiving Father Farmer (Prodigal Son?)

Miracle Meals - Bottomless Jar, Jesus' Special Supper, and the Lunch That Grew and Grew (Feeding 5,000)

Parable Parade - parables of the Sower, the Lost Sheep, and the Good Samaritan

Passover Potluck - Moses and the Pharaoh, The Passover Meal, and Crossing the Sea

Pentecost Party - First Pentecost, The Fruit of the Spirit, and Philip and the Ethiopian

Wonderful Weddings - Wedding That Nobody Went To (Great Feast), Jacob and Rachel, and The Ten Bridesmaids

Available in U.S. Vision Video
Available in Canada - through your local christian bookstore (if they say they don't know this series tell them you heard there supplied by Sperling Church Supply).

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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Cherub Wings Series

These are wonderful. The animation is great and Cherub and his friends are adorable. Each video is done in several segments. Go to website below to see a full description of each video. Below I've just listed each video and possible stories you could use each with - but check full description before ordering. 25 minutes. Ages 3-7.

Little Things - The Lord’s Prayer & The Loaves and Fishes.

Gratitude Attitude - Beatitudes, Grateful Leper.

The Angel Song - Christmas Story

Follow the Leader God calls Samuel, The Fishermen’s Call.

Heaven's Troopers - Parable of the Sower, Armour of God.

Never Outta Sight - Walking on Water

Moldy Gold - Temptation, parable rich man who was a poor steward.

Ooops! Sorry! - Forgiveness, No-Mercy Man - an illustrated Bible story about a man who was shown mercy and then failed to show the same to others. How Many Times Shall I Forgive? - a musical conversation between Jesus and the apostle Peter.

Out of Bounds - Rules (Following the Commandments), Two Men, Two Houses and a Great Big Storm!

And It Was So!- Easter (Resurrection) Creation

Shine Your Light - Sharing God with others, missionaries, woman at the well.

The King’s Castle - Jesus cleansed the temple.

Bold and Brave! - David & Goliath
The Courageous King - a story about the bravery of Jesus as He lived and died for our benefit. What would it have been like, had Jesus been fearful and shy?

Cherub Wings Website - see full descriptions of each video here. Cherub Wings

To order U.S. Vision Video
Canada try ordering through your local Christian Bookstore, but not all titles may be available through them.
Last edited by Luanne Payne
Auto Be Good Series

Publisher Description: The Emmy Award winning animated series from the City of Auto takes the high road as our cars head out on adventures of life. Following their owner's manual, the Bible, these friends are ready to handle potholes and mishaps. Stories filled with more fun per gallon to keep your family captivated. So hop in and enjoy the ride! Recommended ages 2+ (I'd say 3-7).

If you have little boys they will love these. All the characters are cars (vehicles), great computer animation. Now, these are not bible stories, but I have recommended them when there isn't an appropriate video and the story values connects.

Each video is 60 minutes long and is made up of 6 stories - 10 minutes each. So you can also tie them in with a video of the bible story that may only be 5 to 10 mins. long - find the corresponding value associated with that story.

On The Road Again, by Wet Cement , 2004, 0680943750042.
Values: Obedience, self-control, politeness, truthfulness, honesty and kindness.

Where The Rubber Meets The Road, 0698368119290
Values: Tolerance, consideration, uniqueness, patriotism, citizenship, and loyalty.

Hitting the Road, 0680943750035.
Values: Punctuality, promptness, readiness, responsibility, respectfulness, and dependability.

Taking the High Road (40 mins), 0680943750059.
Values: Morality (Cheating), Dignity, Integrity. Also includes a 3 lesson bible study guide from the "Operators Manual".

To order and also see a full description of each check out

I recommended one of these to a church and got a call later to tell me the kids loved the video, the message was wonderful and they were captivated from start to finish.
Hermie and Friends Series, by Max Lucado
Ages 3-7. Out in the Garden, Hermie & His Friends are learning lesson's from God.

Check out for full descriptions of each or to order. Can also purchase at any christian bookstore.

#1: Hermie, A Common Caterpillar - each of us Created Special by God

#2: Flo the Lyin' Fly - Lying & Forgiveness

#3: Webster, the Scary Spider - Fear (God is always with us)

#4: Buzby, the Misbehaving Bee - God's Rules are made to keep us safe.

#5: A Fruitcake Christmas - Christmas is not about Fruitcake, but God's gift of Jesus, his son.

#6, Stanley the Stinkbug - God loves each of us, regardless of our differences.

#7: To Share or Nut to Share - Sharing.

#8: Milo, The Mantis Who Wouldn't Pray - Prayer (this can also be purchased in a set - boardbook & DVD).

#9: Buzby and the Grumble Bees - bad manners, being messy and cranky - then decide to "Bee" have themselves - due out Aug. 2007 (may work with the Beatitudes theme for this younger group?)
A favorite of mine: Kingsley's Meadow

" ... presents a unique opportunity to expose children, pre-school and older, to the Bible and help them to understand how God's Word is relevant to their lives. The Bible stories are brought to life through re-enactment by real kids" ... and puppets and songs.

"The narrator is Kingsley, a master storyteller (a lifesize lion "puppet") who tells his friends the stories his father told him as a child. The stories are from the Bible, and teach the importance of having good character qualities."

One of Kingsley's friends have a "problem" or "situation" and Kingsley uses the stories from Bible characters' lives to help them understand God's way to respond.

Each video is approximately 30 minutes long and consists of two 15 episodes:

Kingsley encourages goodness and perseverance through 2 separate stories: Ruth and Elisha.

The importance of attentiveness and self-control through the stories of Solomon and Naaman.

Lessons about thankfulness and patience, through the stories of Hannah and Moses.

The benefits of contentment and obedience. Daniel and Jonah's lives.

The importance of Forgiveness and Responsibility. Joseph and Abraham.

You can purchase at Amazon, Christian Book Distributors, Family Christian Stores, etc.

"GraceLink" an international Sunday School ministry, has produced over a hundred short animated video Bible stories for Preschoolers through Grade 3. They are available for FREE on YouTube. Ecumenical content.

See their entire menu at:

This one is pretty representative of all their videos. Some are more animated and longer than others.

They all have age-appropriate language, concepts and questions.

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