HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY Rotation.org!!!
I’m the Junior Sabbath School Leader (for ages 10-12) at the Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church in Apison Tennessee. I first discovered Rotation.org last April when I was an assistant leader in the Junior room. They were using a 3-year cycle of Bible story lessons for the kids at that time, which covered multiple stories every week. Whenever it was my turn to teach, I’d pick just one story to focus on, and I’d go to the internet searching for ideas to make the story more interesting. One day in April of 2016, I happened across the Rotation.org website while I was searching for ideas, and I was blown away by all the awesome ideas on this website! I loved the idea of the rotation model. I immediately signed up as a Supporting Member so I’d have access to everything on the website, and even though we weren’t actually doing the rotation model, your website became the place I always went to for great ideas to supplement my lessons.
In January of 2017 I became the Junior Sabbath School Leader, and I decided to stop using the 3-year cycle of Bible lessons and just go with a modified version of the Rotation Model, since I loved the rotation concept so much. The Juniors are the only ones doing this right now, so they don’t rotate to different rooms and teachers, but I’m hoping someday the Primaries and Kindergarten kids might get involved in this also. I figured for now we’d experiment with it in the Junior room. We study one Bible story for four weeks, using different workshops each week. The hardest part is only being able to pick
four of the workshops, because they ALL look awesome! The kids are really enjoying it, and I’ve had several parents tell me how much they appreciate what we are doing with the Juniors. One girl told me that when we were using the old lessons, she used to really want to move up to Earli-teens because she thought the Junior Sabbath School was boring. But now that we are using Rotation.org lessons, she doesn’t want to leave because she’s having so much fun. And
I’m having a lot of fun teaching these lessons too! I only wish I had found
Rotation.org 20 years ago when my own children were still young, so they could have benefited from these lessons as well.

I invested in some nice Adventure Bibles for our class so we could all be reading from the same version, and I love that the kids now read the Bible story each week straight from the Bible! The $30 yearly membership fee to be a Supporting Member is money well spent, and is far cheaper than the money our church was spending on teacher’s helps for the 3-year cycle of Bible lessons, not to mention lesson papers for each of the kids. It was always challenging trying to decide how many lessons to buy, because some of the kids wouldn’t come very regularly. I felt that a lot of money was wasted every quarter on lessons and teacher helps that hardly got used, but now I don’t have to worry about that. The money saved on lessons and teacher helps gets put back into the class for supplies for the workshops.

I especially appreciate the fantastic Writing Team lessons! Special thanks to Neil, Louanne, Anne, Carol, Jaymie, Cathy, Amy, and Heidi for the countless hours and the careful thought you have put into writing these lessons, and then going back and updating and improving them! I love these lessons, because they make my job so much easier. It’s all spelled out for me, what to say, what to do, what materials I need to get. Yes, I still have to spend time preparing, and sometimes I tweak things a little to make them fit our particular class; but having all this information at my fingertips is wonderful! I believe that God led me to this website, and I wish I could meet each one of you in person and give you a big thank-you HUG for letting God use you in this way, and for sharing this information with all of us. I really appreciate being able to comment and share ideas on lessons I’ve done, and reading comments from others as well. And I also appreciate the way that you respond to those comments.
Thanks again for this awesome website.
Betsy Burgdorff